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Jacobean 发音

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英:  美:

Jacobean 中文意思翻译




Jacobean 网络释义

n. 詹姆士一世时期的,詹姆斯一世时代的政治家adj. 黑栎木色的,黑橡木色的;詹姆斯一世的

Jacobean 短语词组

1、jacobean lily 【 ─── 植物】龙头花属 ─── 植物;火燕兰(Sprekelia formosissima)[亦作 Aztec lily]

Jacobean 词性/词形变化,Jacobean变形


Jacobean 相似词语短语

1、jack beans ─── 洋刀豆;刀豆子粉末

2、jack bean ─── 洋刀豆;刀豆子粉末

3、Jacobian ─── n.雅可比行列式

4、Jacobean ─── adj.詹姆斯一世时期的;具有詹姆斯一世风格的;(家具)黑栎木色的,黑橡木色的;n.生活在詹姆斯时期的人;詹姆斯一世时代的政治家

5、Jacobians ─── 函数行列式

6、cacao bean ─── 可可豆

7、Maccabean ─── adj.马加比家族的;马加比的(犹太游击队领导人)

8、Jacobethan ─── adj.(尤指建筑)伊丽莎白一世和詹姆斯一世混合风格的

9、Jacobeans ─── 雅各布斯人

Jacobean 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When they were together the Jacobean and the Victorian ages were juxtaposed. ─── 她们俩在一块的时候,仿佛是詹姆士时代和维多利亚时代。

2、In the Old Testament they saw a form of government that, with modifications, could be copied in modern times.That is why they opposed the absolute monarchy of the Jacobean kings in England. ─── 在旧约圣经中他们见到了一种只要稍加更改,就可以适用在当代的政府形态,这也就是为什么他们反对英国詹姆士王朝(1601-1623)的集权统治。

3、With The Spanish Tragedie (1592), he initiated the revenge tragedy, a favorite dramatic form in the Elizabethan and Jacobean eras. ─── 在莎士比亚和雅各宾时代,复仇悲剧是很受欢迎的戏剧形式。

4、an audacious interpretation of two Jacobean dramas. ─── 对两部詹姆斯一世时期戏剧的创造性阐述

5、Driven by an almost Jacobean rhetoric, it had a visionary fervour.Its most eye-catching characteristic was Hughes's ability to get beneath the skins of animals: foxes, otters, pigs. ─── 受詹姆士一世风格的影响,其诗歌呈现出幻觉式的激情,其最显著的特点是休斯可以描述动物外表下面的东西,无论是狐狸、水獭还是猪。

6、1.audacious visions of the total conquest of space; an audacious interpretation of two Jacobean dramas; the most daring of contemporary fiction writers; a venturesome investor; a venturous spirit. ─── 对完全征服太空的大胆幻想;对两部詹姆士一世时期的戏剧的一种大胆的解释;当代最大胆的小说作者;大胆的投资者;大胆的精神。

7、3. audacious visions of the total conquest of space; an audacious interpretation of two Jacobean dramas; the most daring of contemporary fiction writers; a venturesome investor; a venturous spirit. ─── 对完全征服太空的大胆幻想;对两部詹姆士一世时期的戏剧的一种大胆的解释;当代最大胆的小说作者;大胆的投资者;大胆的精神。收藏指正

8、She also sanded down the original oak floors and stained them a dark Jacobean brown. ─── 她还磨光了原来的橡木地板和染了他们一个黑暗杰克本布朗的颜色。

9、When they were together the Jacobean and the Victorian ages were juxtaposed ─── 她们俩在一块的时候,仿佛是詹姆士时代和维多利亚时代,杂凑在一起。

10、9.The flaunting of open immorality convinced them, as it had their Puritan forebears during the reigns of the Jacobean kings, that the English had lost the right to rule. ─── 当他们看到这种公然的不道德行为竟然成为一种夸耀之后,他们相信英国人已经失去统治的权利,情形正如他们的清教徒祖先们在詹姆士王朝时所见所为。

11、Driven by an almost Jacobean rhetoric , it had a visionary fervour .Its most eye-catching characteristic was Hughes's ability to get beneath the skins of animals: foxes, otters, pigs. ─── 受詹姆士一世风格的影响,其诗歌呈现出幻觉式的激情,最显著的特点是休斯可以描述动物外表下面的东西,无论是狐狸、水獭还是猪。

12、Jacobean houses/drama ─── 詹姆斯風格的房子/戏剧

13、Driven by an almost Jacobean rhetoric, it had a visionary fervour. ─── 同杰克比恩式的华丽词藻艺术相比,泰德休斯的诗词具有种狂想主义色彩。

14、Several people looked over the part - Jacobean, part-Georgian building. ─── 几个人查看了那栋半詹姆士一世时期风格、半乔治王朝风格的大楼。

15、Jacobean literature, architecture, furniture, etc ─── 英王詹姆斯一世时期的文学﹑ 建筑﹑ 家具等.

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