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09-17 投稿


stilted 发音

英:['st?lt?d]  美:['st?lt?d]

英:  美:

stilted 中文意思翻译



stilted 反义词

moving | no longer | sparkling

stilted 词性/词形变化,stilted变形

副词: stiltedly |名词: stiltedness |

stilted 短语词组

1、stilted buildings ─── 高跷建筑物

2、stilted dome ─── 高跷穹顶

3、stilted arch ─── 有座子的圆拱

4、stilted vault ─── 上心穹顶,高矢拱

stilted 同义词

tranquillize | nevertheless | far | soundless | ease | withal | smooth | however | notwithstanding | silence | even so | even | allay | distillery | hush | lull | silent |quiet | all the same | stillness | tranquillise | untroubled | until now | peaceful | motionless | while | shut up | whereas | hush up | yet | static | so far | inactive | noiseless | tranquil | quieten | relieve | serene | calm | stock-still | nonetheless | unruffled | calm down | but | placid | tranquilize | so | immobile | noneffervescent

stilted 相似词语短语

1、stilter ─── 静像

2、stilters ─── 高跷

3、stinted ─── n.节约;定额,定量;从事某项工作的时间;有限供给,有限的努力;滨鹬;一段时间;v.节省;限制;节约,吝啬;限量给;紧缩,节省

4、untilted ─── untilted

5、stiltier ─── 静像

6、tilted ─── adj.倾斜的,翘起的;v.使倾斜(tilt的过去分词)

7、silted ─── v.淤塞;充塞(silt的过去式和过去分词)

8、stiltedly ─── 迟钝地

9、stilled ─── adv.仍然;更;静止地;adj.静止的,不动的;寂静的,平静的;不起泡的;n.寂静;剧照;蒸馏室;conj.仍然;但是;尽管如此;vt.蒸馏;使……静止;使……平静下来;vi.静止;平静;蒸馏;n.(Still)(英、芬、瑞典)斯蒂尔;(德)施蒂尔(人名)

stilted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Stilted Building of Tujia Nationality is a gem of Chinese residence and its timberwork system is further wonderful. ─── 土家族吊脚楼是我国民居的一块瑰宝,它的木结构体系更是巧夺天工。

2、Zhangzhuang the stilt dance, in Changzhi City, is very famous. ─── 张庄的高跷舞,在长治市是很出名的。

3、Avoid questions that encourage "yes" or "no" answers, because this will lead to stilted conversation. ─── 另外,避免在谈话中出现需要对方回答“是”或“不是”的问题,因为这可能会造成谈话紧张。

4、Having proved his point, Dr Wittlinger returned both stumped and stilted ants to the nest and gave them a few days to recover. ─── 威特林格博士证实其猜想后,又把“截肢”蚂蚁和踩高跷蚂蚁都放回蚁巢,给它们几天时间来康复。

5、Trunk basally buttressed, often with a cone of stilt roots at base. ─── 基部板根的树干,通常在基部具锥形支柱根。

6、If you are excited, gesture more vigorously.But remember that predeceased gestures that do not naturally arise from what you are trying to say are likely to appear awkward and stilted. ─── 如果你很兴奋,手势要做得更有力一些,但要记住如果不根据你话语的意思而过早地做手势会让你看起来尴尬和僵硬。

7、Be in the United States, have namely in procession wear bull-puncher to take the clown that steps on stilt, also have lively and lovely cartoon character mickey mouse. ─── 在美国,游行队伍中即有身穿牛仔服踩高跷的小丑,也有活泼可爱的卡通人物米老鼠。

8、Black-tailed Stilt ─── n. 南美长脚鹬

9、Diaojiaolou house ,is also called stilted house for it is suspended in mid-air, and supported by pillars. ─── 吊脚楼也叫“吊楼”,这种房屋悬于半空,下面只有几根木桩支撑,因而得名。

10、The frivolity, frenzy and laughter soon turned into stilted postures and silence as the members of the audience tried to come to terms with what just took place. ─── 当观众还不知道要如何对应之下,原来的虚浮、欣狂及笑声很快地就变僵了、静默无语。

11、He was too stilted, too self-opinionated. He did not talk of anything that lifted her above the common run of clothes and material success. ─── 她发现自己在挑这个男人的毛玻他太做作,太固执己见了。他和她的谈话从未超出一般的服饰和物质成就的话题。

12、5.A Laotian family rests in the shade of their stilted, thatched roof hut in the fertile lowlands of the Mekong River valley. ─── 富庶的湄公河谷地,一个老挝家庭正在他们用高杆撑起的茅草屋的阴影下休息。

13、Move beyond the marketing-speak of the brochure site and the stilted language of the press release. ─── 应该摒弃宣传性站点的销售告白和媒体通稿的虚假言辞了。

14、We made polite, stilted conversation. ─── 我们说了些客气呆板的套话。

15、She will speak stilted , heavily accented English, and she will reveal nothing about who owns the company or where it is located. ─── 她说的英语不太自然,口音很重,一般不会透露公司的主人是谁或者公司在哪里等信息。

16、stilted house (Diaojiaolou) ─── 吊脚楼

17、There is a starched, stilted feeling in the tepid evening air as, almost strangers, they stand, “strangely together, on a new pinnacle of existence”. ─── 在微热的空气中有一种僵硬、凝固的感觉,他们几乎陌生人般的站着,“奇怪的一起站在一个新的生活顶点上”。

18、stilt of the southwest Pacific including Australia and New Zealand having mostly white plumage but with black wings and nape of neck. ─── 太平洋西南部包括澳大利亚和新西兰地区的长脚鹬,身体大部分羽毛为白色,但翅膀和颈背为黑色。

19、stilted arch ─── n. 有座子的圆拱

20、“To me, adult appearance was very unattractive, alarming and terrifying, stilted, confined and ugly. It was something I knew I didn't want to grow into .” ─── 对我来说,成人的穿着是毫无吸引力和震撼力,做作,拘束和丑陋.我知道我一直不愿意长大.

21、Formal, stilted, sometimes even farcical are his village elections. ─── 农村的选举办法形形色色,有时简直很滑稽。

22、Stilted Building of Tujia Nationality is a gem of Chinese residence and its timberwork system is further wonderful. ─── 土家族吊脚楼是我国民居的一块瑰宝,它的木结构体系更是巧夺天工。

23、talk on stilt ─── 夸夸其谈, 趾高气扬地谈论

24、In rural areas, thin woven straw sandals called chipshins were worn, and for wet weather, stilted wooden clogs called namakshins helped lift the wearer away from puddles and mud. ─── 与日本相同,韩国人进室内也脱鞋只穿白袜子.在户外习惯穿一款平底浅口以丝,绒,棉布或皮制成的满帮鞋.成年人的穿着是传统的白色或黑色,混杂着中性色系;

25、1.that artificial humility that her husband hated; contrived coyness; a stilted letter of acknowledgment; when people try to correct their speech they develop a stilted pronunciation. ─── 她丈夫憎恨的那种虚假的谦恭;做作的羞怯;一封假装表示感谢的信;人们在试图纠正自己的言语时,总是表现出一种做作的发音。

26、Their stilt cities echo their former land colonies, but are built to withstand the ceaseless storms that buffet the world. ─── 他们由巨大支柱支撑的城市是仿效早期的殖民地,但是其实是为了抵抗不断地冲击这个世界的暴风雨而建立的。

27、Zhangzhuang the stilt dance so unique because it has absorbed some of the field performance skills. ─── 张庄的高跷舞所以与众不同,是因为它吸收了外地的一些表演技巧。

28、stilt house ─── 干栏建筑

29、When viewed from the side, the reach in front and rear is free-flowing, not stilted or hackneyed. ─── 从侧面观察,前躯的伸展和后躯的动作舒展而流畅,不虚饰,也不平淡。

30、Black Stilt ─── n. 黑长脚鹬

31、A stilted heron labored up into the air and pounded down river. ─── 一只长脚鹭费劲地飞起来,又重重地掉到水里了。

32、The Kaminoans inhabit the stilt cities of their planet, with the largest concentration residing in Tipoca City. ─── 卡米诺人居住在他们星球上由巨大支柱支撑的城市中,而提波卡市的居住密度最大。

33、She will speak stilted, heavily accented English, and she will reveal nothing about who owns the company or where it is located. ─── 她说的英语不太自然,口音很重,一般不会透露公司的主人是谁或者公司在哪里等信息。

34、Attempts to understand or imagine her inner life tend to be a bit stilted, perhaps because the author is a historian, not a novelist.But this is a small cavil. ─── 可能因为作者是名历史学家而非小说家,所以在尝试理解或想像她的内在生活时有点呆板,但是这是吹毛求疵。

35、What is more, China's all-powerful state television, which built itself this monument, often enough faces criticism for being a stilted propaganda organ providing only homespun content. ─── 况且,中国强大的国家电视台要建成一座经典建筑,往往要面对说它是呆板的宣传机器,只会提供平淡无奇内容之类的批评。

36、He fashioned no stilted epigram. ─── 他不追求夸张的警句。

37、Stilt Style Architecture ─── 干栏式建筑

38、Nowadays, when we enter Sipsongchutai region, we will see wooden Tai houses built on stilt different from the houses of the Vietnamese and other ethnic people. ─── 今天,当我们走进锡朴乌台地区,可以看到和越南人或其他民族有所不同的泰人高脚木屋。

39、a stilted style ─── 夸张的文体

40、Should not move in a stilted gait or in any gait that is not completely efficient and tireless. ─── 不能是踩高跷似的步伐或者其他完全没有效率和容易疲劳的步伐。

41、Stiff, stilted or too wide movement. ─── 单层毛或毛发太短。

42、Learn an English Word: [ stilted // adj. ─── (文章,谈话)不自然的;

43、Your choice of options for those that designed this achievement are somewhat stilted. ─── 你所选择要完成的这个成就,是儿童周系列成就的支柱。

44、Most of my memories were of stilted meetings and uncomfortable times together. ─── 我大多数的回忆只是拘谨的会面和不舒服的相处。

45、The center section of face was narrower and outside stilt was wider both in men and women.As to the whole face, it was well symmetric. ─── 女性下部最长,男女性中央部较窄,外侧较宽,但面部整体左右对称较好;

46、You may enjoy Ricky's romantic style of writing but I do not quite appreciate his stilted poems. ─── 你可能很喜欢力奇浪漫的写作风格,但我却不甚欣赏他造作的诗词。

47、Nim and Ardythe had exchanged a few stilted words, but that was all. ─── 尼姆和阿黛丝拘谨地交谈了几句,没有别的。

48、and the single stilt is held by the performer so that he can go up and down freely. ─── 单跷则以双手持木跷的顶端,便于上下,动态风趣。

49、stilt of the southwest Pacific including Australia and New Zealand having mostly white plumage but with black wings and nape of neck ─── 太平洋西南部包括澳大利亚和新西兰地区的长脚鹬,身体大部分羽毛为白色,但翅膀和颈背为黑色

50、4.A stilted gait, or any gait that is not completely efficient and tireless, is to be penalized. ─── 一棚屋步态,或任何步态这不完全是高效率和不知疲倦的,是要受到惩罚。

51、Stilted Building of Tujia Nationality ─── 土家族吊脚楼

52、The rear leg moves up and forward from the hip in a straight, stilted pendulum-like line with a slight bounce in the rump, the legs extend neither far forward nor far backward. ─── 后腿向上和向前运动,保持一条笔直的,象钟摆一样的线路,臀部轻微反弹,腿既不过于向后伸,也不过于向前伸。

53、6. that artificial humility that her husband hated; contrived coyness; a stilted letter of acknowledgment; when people try to correct their speech they develop a stilted pronunciation. ─── 她丈夫憎恨的那种虚假的谦恭;做作的羞怯;一封假装表示感谢的信;人们在试图纠正自己的言语时,总是表现出一种做作的发音。收藏指正

54、Black-winged stilt ─── n. 黑翅长脚鹬

55、Characters from the Andersen's stories and the Stilt Walker Butterflies will fill every corner of the site. ─── 安徒生笔下的童话人物及高跷蝴蝶将会穿梭会场与大家共度除夕夜。

56、characteristic of stilted house ─── 吊脚楼特点

57、As it turns out, Bryant scored more points in high school than a certain other Pennsylvania schoolboy called “The Stilt” anyway. ─── 在科比的高中篮球生涯期间,他的得分比另一个被人称作“大高跷(张伯伦的外号)”的宾夕法尼亚男生要多。

58、Avoid stilted or confusing language. ─── 避免夸张或者有歧义的语言。

59、Curl the handles to mimic the top of the stilt. ─── 弯曲手柄与支撑足保持一致。

60、Stilt Sandpiper ─── n. 高跷鹬

61、Having proved his point, Dr Wittlinger returned both stumped and stilted ants to the nest and gave them a few days to recover. ─── 威特林格博士证实其猜想后,又把“截肢”蚂蚁和踩高跷蚂蚁都放回蚁巢,给它们几天时间来康复。

62、Banded Stilt ─── n. 斑长脚鹬

63、Under this arrangement, the cost of rebuilding individual stilt houses would be fully shouldered by the licensees concerned. ─── 在这安排下,重建棚屋的费用必须由有关持牌人全部负担。

64、You may enjoy Ricky's romantic style of writing but I do not quite appreciate his stilted poems . ─── 你可能很喜欢力奇浪漫的写作风格,但我却不甚欣赏他造作的诗词。

65、It is from the side that the unique stilted action is most easily assessed. ─── 从侧面可以很容易看到这种独特的不自然的步法。

66、No matter what he talked about, he spoke in the clichs and hoary, stilted phrases of an old Party manual ─── 他无论讲什么,总是那些陈词滥调,唱着从陈旧的党内手册中搬来的老掉牙的高调。

67、The dialogue is stilted, terse and bare, like the syncopated sparks of sharpening knives. ─── 对白直硬、简洁、不事雕琢,就像打磨尖刀迸出的火花。

68、stilted language ─── 夸张做作的言语

69、At the Temple Fair, the stilt walker threceived a lot of applause after his performance. ─── 庙会上踩高跷的演员赢得了阵阵喝彩声。

70、Some palms, mangroves and other tropical trees form woody prop roots, often called stilt roots. ─── 一些棕榈、红树和其他热带树木形成木质支柱根,通常称为升高根。

71、A stilted or artificial dramatic performance. ─── 不自然或机械刻板的戏剧表演

72、4.All kinds of activities are organized, such as lantern riddles, Yangko dances, lion dances, stilt walking and firework cracking. ─── 人们组织各种各样的活动,例如:猜灯谜、扭秧歌、舞狮子、踩高跷、放鞭炮等。

73、Cut a curve in the base of each stilt,but pay attention to the relationship of these curves to the established composite form. ─── 在每个足底切出弧形,注意和其他已经确定的部分的结构之间的(比例)关系。

74、Study on the Application of SD Tank Bottom Valve in Stilt Pipe Settling Tank of Brine ─── SD池底阀在卤水斜管沉淀池中的应用研究

75、Faults --Lack of reach in front, and/or drive behind.Stiff, stilted or too wide movement. ─── 在头部周围留有大量被毛,形成了典型的西部高地白梗的表情。

76、A stilt walker is recorded on video during the parade on the final day of the Oguaa Fetu Afehye, a weeklong festival that is held in Cape Coast in early September. ─── 一个踩高跷表演者在阿非耶节日游行队伍里。在凯普柯斯特九月上旬举办的这个节日要持续一个星期。

77、stilted dome ─── 上心拱形圆屋顶

78、At night, there will be lantern shows, yangko (a popular rural folk dance), stilt walkers, lion dances and dragon dances performed; ─── 在一些大城市,比如上海将会举办灯展,各式各样形状、大小、颜色的灯笼汇抢你的眼球。

79、Compared with my campaign speeches, it seemed stilted. ─── 与我参加竞选时的演说相比,这一稿显得有些做作。

80、The wood or bamboo stilted houses in Guangxi ─── 广西的杆栏式

81、"Formal writing" does not imply the use of pretentious language, which can be characterized as stilted or pompous or stiff. ─── 并不意味著使用矫揉造作的用词,因为这样会让文章显得生硬、浮夸且僵化。

82、SV: Regarding that stilt incident, do you think that had any effect in the final judging? ─── 关于那次事件,你觉得对你的评判方面影响到了吗?

83、When they do speak, which isn't often, it is in long stilted phrases about the wisdom of the ancients. ─── 他们很少说话,一开口就是有关古人智慧的冗长的陈腔滥调。

84、Perhaps for this reason, his language was somewhat stilted. ─── 也许,正是由于这个缘故,他说的语言有一点矫揉造作。

85、He was too stilted , too self-opinionated. He did not talk of anything that lifted her above the common run of clothes and material success. ─── 她发现自己在挑这个男人的毛玻他太做作,太固执己见了。他和她的谈话从未超出一般的服饰和物质成就的话题。

86、a stilted dramatic performance (as if by puppets). ─── 不自然或机械刻板的戏剧表演。

87、People can also buy paintings featuring Vietnamese fruits, Vietnamese paddy fields, green bamboo and stilt houses. ─── 也可以买得到其他越南特色的画,如越南水果、越南稻田、青竹与高架屋等的画。

88、Black-necked Stilt ─── n. 高鹬(反嘴鸻科)

89、A stilted letter of acknowledgment. ─── 一封假装表示感谢的信。

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