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09-19 投稿


tenoning 发音


英:  美:

tenoning 中文意思翻译




tenoning 短语词组

1、double tenoning machine ─── 双开榫机

2、tenoning machine ─── [机] 凿榫机

tenoning 词性/词形变化,tenoning变形

动词第三人称单数: tenons |动词现在分词: tenoning |动词过去式: tenoned |动词过去分词: tenoned |

tenoning 相似词语短语

1、reponing ─── (苏格兰法律用语)使恢复原来身份(或官职)

2、deboning ─── n.去骨;剔骨;vt.将鸡鸭肉等去骨(debone的现在分词)

3、enzoning ─── 酶

4、tensing ─── v.拉紧,绷紧;(使)(肌肉)拉紧(tense的现在分词);n.(Tensing)(印)登辛(人名)

5、stenning ─── 速记

6、deponing ─── vt.发誓作证;宣誓证实;vi.宣誓作证

7、tending ─── v.照顾(tend的现在分词形式);维护保养

8、rezoning ─── v.再分区规划;重新区划(rezone的ing形式)

9、tenanting ─── n.承租人;房客;佃户;居住者;vt.租借(常用于被动语态);n.(Tenant)人名;(法)特南

tenoning 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Mortise - and - tenon bevel joint ─── 斜角榫接合

2、Safety of woodworking machines - Tenoning machines - Hand fed tenoning machines with sliding table for cutting structural timbers ─── 木工机械的安全.开榫机.切割原木用带移动工作台的手工送料开榫机

3、Safety of woodworking machines - Tenoning machines - Single end tenoning machines with sliding table ─── 木工机械的安全.制榫机.带滑动工作台的单端制榫机

4、The main equipment is:large size gig saw,eleberate wood saw,equipment machine,abrasive machine,multiline line maching,tenon machine,cold press machine,seal linemachine and so on.Thecompany uses assembly line. ─── 公司的主要设备有:大型带锯机、精密裁板锯,砂光机,安装机,多排锁,开榫机,冷压机,封边机,真空覆膜机等等,采用流水线作业。

5、fit the tenon into the mortise; devetail ─── 斗榫

6、Repair of wound of Tenon's capsule ─── Tenon囊创伤修复术

7、Woodworking machines. Acceptance conditions and nomenclature for double-end tenoning and profiling machines. Precision testing. ─── 木材加工机械.加工成型和开榫双重作用机床.验收条件和术语.精确度检验

8、"Tenon hairstyle" bone petal ─── “榫头式”髂骨瓣

9、Round Tenon Joint ─── 圆榫接合


11、At about the same time Tenon started to build Xtools, using XFree86 4.0 As the foundation. ─── 在差不多相同的时候,Tenon开始使用XFree86 4.0为基础建造Xtools。

12、Tenon' s fibroblast ─── Tenon’s囊成纤维细胞

13、Tenon' s capsule fibroblasts ─── 成纤维细胞

14、Modular units for machine tool construction--Tenon drive and flanges for mounting multi-spindle heads--Dimensions ─── GB/T3668.13-1983组合机床通用部件安装多轴箱用的法兰盘和端面传动键尺寸

15、joining with swelled tenon ─── 扩榫结合

16、tenon connection ─── 卯榫连接

17、single-end tenoning machine ─── 单头燕尾榫开榫机

18、blind tenon ─── 不贯通榫

19、stump tenon ─── 宽脚榫

20、single-end straight tenoning machine ─── 单头直榫开榫机

21、human subconjunctlval Tenon's capsule flbroblast ─── 人Tenon囊成纤维细胞

22、tenon's fasia ─── Tenon’s膜

23、common tenon ─── 平榫

24、bevelled tenon ─── 斜榫

25、The thesis analyzed the action of the tenon on the resistance of the slippage of the retaining wall,and the reinforced scheme aiming at the slippage of the retaining wall was proposed roughtly. ─── 推导挡土墙浸水情况下的滑动稳定系数的变化公式,分析凸榫对挡土墙抗滑移的作用。

26、tenon dowel joint ─── 嵌销接合

27、The contacting trace, microstructure and stress state of fractured gas turbine tenon were analyzed. ─── 对某烟气轮机的动叶片榫齿接触痕迹特征、组织和受力进行综合分析。

28、forked tenon ─── 叉形榫

29、What require material and tool: Pen of a timber, plot, electric drill and accessory, tenon curiums, drawstring, adhesive plaster, sand paper (thick, fine) , rope. ─── 所需材料及工具:一块木料、绘图笔、电钻及附件、榫锯、细绳、胶布、砂纸(粗、细)、粗绳。

30、Tenon's membranes ─── [医] 特农氏膜, 特农氏囊, 眼球筋膜

31、Introduced a measure method to crosswise deformation amount of tenon and mortise place in the high-quality laminate flooring products by means of dynamic signal and analysis apparatus. ─── 摘要介绍一种用动态信号分析仪测定强化木地板榫接部位横向变形量大小的方法。

32、Dr.Jacques Cadranel of Tenon Hospital, Paris and colleagues note that there is no recognized medical treatment for chronic pulmonary aspergillosis, and een the definition of the condition is ague. ─── 巴黎Tenon医院的JacquesCadranel博士及其同事特别提到,慢性肺曲霉病缺乏一种公认的治疗方法,甚至对这一疾病的定义也很模糊。

33、The historic timber structural buildings are composed of beams, columns, dougongs and roof, which are linked by mortise and tenon joints. ─── 中国建筑中的梁、柱、斗棋和屋顶结构是通过榫卯结合在一起的。

34、inner circle of the tenon ─── 内圆榫头

35、My foothold is tenon'd and mortised on granite, ─── 我的立足与花岗岩相连接

36、My foothold is tenon'd and mortis'd in graneite , ─── 我的立足点与花岗岩相连接,

37、Tenon around, a full tank. ─── 周边榫、槽完整。

38、Use four the hard mass alloy milling cutter , once to be milled on the section bar outing the correct tenon mouth. ─── 使用四把硬质量合金铣刀,一次在型材上铣出正确榫口。

39、Keywords Blade with a tenon;Precision forging;Forming laws;Thermal-mechanical coupling;FEM (finite element method) simulation; ─── 叶片;精锻;成形规律;热力耦合;有限元模拟;

40、circular-arc tenon tooth blade ─── 圆弧榫齿动叶

41、Keywords double rotor continuous mixer;tenon type rotor with multi-rhombus;technological characteristic;mixer power; ─── 双转子连续混炼机;多棱榫状转子;工艺特性;混炼功率;

42、tenon structure ─── 卯榫结构

43、The dougong is in the Chinese generation of building nuclear structure, selects tenon's and mortise's build method to guarantee building's rigidity coordination. ─── 斗拱是中国代建筑中的核心结构,采用榫卯的搭建方式保证着建筑物的刚度协调。

44、fascia of Tenon ─── [医] 特农氏囊, 眼球筋膜

45、Woodworking machines; double-end tenoning machines; nomenclature and acceptance conditions ─── 木工机械.双端开榫机.术语和验收条件

46、Furniture's drawer, must use the tenon to use the structural approach manufacture which again alternately the caking agent agglutinates. ─── 家具的抽屉,必须用榫交叉再用粘接剂粘合的结构方法制作。

47、joggle tenon ─── 凸凹相咬榫中的凸榫

48、SUb - tenon' s anesthesia ─── 巩膜上腔麻醉

49、Anti-proliferative effect of herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase gene system on human Tenon capsule fibroblasts in vitro ─── 单纯疱疹病毒胸腺激酶基因系统抑制体外培养的人眼球筋膜囊成纤维细胞增殖的研究

50、However, on Thursday, Tenon took the decision to make 50 members of the 78-strong staff redundant. ─── 但是,星期四,榫决定让50名成员的78强的工作人员是多余的。

51、tusk tenon ─── 加劲凸榫

52、The method of least square is adopted to deal with the test data, rendering the rule of the influence by sizes of the tenon and mortise. ─── 利用最小二乘法对试验数据进行处理,得出榫头尺寸及卯孔对刚度影响的规律。

53、Shell end mills with tenon and parallel key drive; dimensions ─── 带横槽和竖槽的空心端铣刀。尺寸

54、tenon process ─── 开榫

55、Tenon s fibroblasts ─── Tenon囊成纤维细胞

56、tenon saw ─── n. 手锯

57、If be of timberwork cloth art sofa, part of main body frame uses structure of mortise and tenon commonly, if discover those who assemble to in-house frame is nail completely, cannot buy absolutely. ─── 假如是木结构的布艺沙发,主体框架部分一般采用卯榫结构,若是发现内部框架全是钉子组装成的,绝不能购买。

58、tenon type rotor with multi-rhombus ─── 多棱榫状转子

59、New Technique for Eliminating Fault of Tenon of Fan Blade with Mid-Span Shroud ─── 一种排除带凸肩风扇叶片榫头故障的新方法

60、In addition, the combination of solid wood furniture, components and adhesives commonly used tenon structure, finished in general can not be demolished, is very inconvenient when you move. ─── 另外,实木家具的部件结合通常采用榫结构和胶粘剂,成品一般不能拆卸,搬家时就很不方便。

61、human Tenon's conjunctival capsular fibroblast ─── 人结膜下Tenon’s囊成纤维细胞

62、tenoning machine ─── 制榫机

63、double tenon ─── 双榫头

64、forked mortise and tenon joint ─── 叉形榫接头

65、Keywords Numerical control;Tenoning machine;Interface;Control card; ─── 数控;开榫机;接口;控制卡;

66、Except the advantages of “outstanding materials and processes ” ,the actual soul of “Full Wooden” Series is scientific and proper, beautiful as well as various complex mortise and tenon structure. ─── “全木坊”系列家具除具有“材优工巧”优势之外,真正成为“全木坊”家具灵魂的正是科学合理、美观含蓄、复杂多变的榫卯结构。

67、Basilica皆以Dougong tenon mao support, stout ancient DougongBlock after containing the Buddha, "made Shifo Block in mind. ─── 大殿皆以斗栱榫卯承托,斗栱粗壮古朴。

68、Keywords composite glassfibre plate;composite glassfibre air duct;outer (inner) surface layer for protection of composite glassfibre air duct;connecting slot;tenon joint; ─── 复合玻纤板;复合玻纤风管;复合玻纤风管外扩(内护)层;结合槽;榫接;

69、Suture of Tenon's capsule ─── Tenon囊缝术

70、small tenon ─── 小标

71、1.What rusting metal furniture, foam must cleanse clean water after each run, cards tenon and mortise and size can ignore and use rustproof agents being polished, can extend the useful life. ─── 1.金属家具最怕生锈,泡了水后一定要擦拭干净,每一个接缝、卡榫等大小面积都不能忽略,并用防锈剂擦拭,才能延长使用寿命。

72、double tenoning machine ─── 双轴制榫机

73、joining with weelled tenon ─── 扩榫接合

74、Safety of woodworking machines - Tenoning machines - Part 3 : hand fed tenoning machines with sliding table for cutting structural timbers. ─── 木工机械安全。开榫机。第3部分:用于切割大块木材的带滑动台的人工加料开榫机。

75、Work "Right" principal use of the bones fit (mortise and tenon structure) between the things of the form of a state of interdependence, "and different. ─── 作品“对了”主要运用骨头契合(卯榫结构)的形式表现事物之间一种相互依存的状态,“和而不同”。

76、An autogenous lamellar scleral graft harvested from the superotemporal quadrant and an advancement of the nasal tenon was used. ─── 患者拒绝接受任何供体组织覆盖溶解区。

77、Keywords Blade with a tenon Precision forging Forming laws Numerical simulation; ─── 单榫头叶片;精锻;成形规律;数值模拟;

78、Keywords laser welding tenon hole framework junction parts; ─── 关键词激光焊接;榫孔;框架结构件;

79、Tenon's space ─── [医] 特农氏间隙(眼球筋膜隙)

80、plug tenon ─── 插榫

81、Woodworking machines; Single-end tenoning machines with several spindles; nomenclature ─── 木工机械.单端多轴凿榫机.命名法

82、Measure Crosswise Deformation Amount of Tenon and Mortise Place on the High-quality Laminate Flooring Products by Means of Dynamic Signal Technology ─── 利用动态信号技术检测强化木地板榫接部位横向变形量

83、Capsule of Tenon ─── Tenon囊

84、blade, for tenon saws ─── 开榫锯锯条

85、Shell end cylindrical milling cutters with tenon drive, with carbide tips ─── 带硬质合金刀片的榫传动空心端铣刀

86、Human Tenon' s capsule fibroblast cells ─── Tenong囊成纤维细胞

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