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09-17 投稿


jura 发音

英:['d?u?r?]  美:['d?u?r?]

英:  美:

jura 中文意思翻译



jura 短语词组

1、jura personarum ─── [法] 人权, 人身权利

2、jura regalia ─── [法] 王权

3、jura quaestia ─── [经] 法律上的既得权利

4、swabian jura ─── 德国南部施瓦本侏罗山

jura 相似词语短语

1、Jura ─── n.侏罗纪;侏罗省(法国东部省份);侏罗山脉(位于法国和意大利之间);(拉)法律(jus的复数)

2、jural ─── adj.法律上的;法制的;权利义务相关的

3、Aura ─── n.光环;气氛;(中风等的)预兆;气味;n.(Aura)人名;(芬、罗、阿拉伯、意、西、法、以)奥拉

4、juga ─── n.轭;隆突

5、juba ─── n.朱巴舞(一种美国黑人舞);(美国黑人传说中的)鬼魂;n.(Juba)人名;(匈)尤鲍

6、dura ─── n.硬脑膜;n.(Dura)人名;(德、意、西、罗、捷、土、匈)杜拉

7、bura ─── abbr.备份、恢复、归档

8、Kura ─── n.库那河

9、jurat ─── n.地方法官;宣誓证明书;市政长官;n.(Jurat)人名;(法)朱拉;(英)朱拉特;(塞)尤拉特

jura 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、JUS long-acting antibacterial material ─── “洁悠神”长效抗菌材料

2、It challenges the traditional civil rights theory, particularly the theory on jus ad rem. ─── 它的出现,对传统的民事权利理论尤其是物权理论提出一系列的挑战。

3、For internalization, this chapter discusses its inherent and natural impacts on the development of EU law for the sake of jus gentium, medieval Christianity and European conception. ─── 同时,就欧盟法的内在化与其法律实效的关系进行了初步探讨;

4、At the same,in order to meet the need of the essence of jus ad rem,the legislation of jus ad rem of our country should make some necessary limitation for the retroactivity effect on things. ─── 同时,适应物权本质的需要,我国物权立法应该对物的追及效力进行必要限制。

5、Compared with the modern civil law system that divides property rights between jus in rem and aes suum, the right of“ye”seems more inclusive. ─── 与现代民法将财产权划分为物权和债权的体系相比较,业权似乎具有更大的包容性。

6、Most of Switzerland is composed of mountainous plateaus bordered by the great bulk of the Alps on the south and by the Jura Mountains on the northwest . ─── 在瑞士,大部分的地形都是山地高原,高部耸立着巍峨的阿尔卑斯山脉,西北部则是侏罗山脉。

7、Remove veal rack from pan. Add red wine, honey and veal jus to the remaining sauce in the pan and cook. ─── 取出小牛排放置一边,锅里剩下的汁拌入红酒、蜜糖和小牛上汤调煮红酒汁。

8、Jus very short time and then no more for the rest of our lives. ─── 在我们的余生中只有短暂的时间,然后就结束了。

9、international norm of jus cogens ─── 国际强行法

10、It all began at a small locksmith workshop in Heidenheim at the river Brenz at the outskirts of the Swabian Jura. ─── 福伊特起步于位于斯瓦比亚郊区布伦兹河边海登海姆的一座小锁匠作坊。

11、extension orogen of Jura style ─── 侏罗山式伸展造山带

12、nth,jus wan find someone play with me,my friend havent play now....... ─── 哦!可以阿!你等下啊!我开新的聊天室先!

13、aint duin shit lol jus watchin sum tv. ─── hit me up :) 心情: Crazay 星期三。

14、She ate a big apple jus tnow. ─── 她刚才吃了一个大苹果。

15、Several kinds of misapprehension in our idea about jus and law ─── 关于法和法律在认识上的几个误区

16、Ich studiere Jura. ─── 但是选修德语。。。。

17、Abstract: Our country’s jus rerum should regulate that intangible property and rights may be mortgaged as a whole in enterprise property consortium mortgage; ─── [摘要] 我国物权法关于企业财产集合抵押应明确规定无形财产和权利可以一并抵押;

18、Opinions on Several Problems of Making the Draft of the Civil Code of China?Part of Jus Rerem ─── 关于《民法草案·物权法编》制定若干问题的意见

19、La humulo esin jus tridek yera.Hi pene povin loji tie ci. ─── 他正好三十岁,由于努力,好不容易在这一带安了家。

20、3.The strictest law sometimes becomes the severest injustice.[Lat. Jus summum saepe summa est malitia.](Terence) ─── 不是君主高于法律,而是法律高于君主。(小普林尼)

21、Change of the legal structure of sales contract, acquisition of title by good will and notification of jus in rem put liability incurred by defects of right into an embarrassing position. ─── 买卖契约法律结构的改变、善意取得制度及物权公示原则的确立,造成了权利瑕疵担保责任制度在近现代买卖法体系中的尴尬地位。

22、Angelhood is going to invite the professional trainer from Coffee Queen to conduct a training course for our customers to deepen their understandings about JURA products. ─── "安继行"将邀请来自群韵饮料机械(上海)有限公司公司的专业培训人员开展一场培训活动以加深客户对于JURA产品的认识与了解。

23、Geneva is situated between the Jura range and the Alps on the western end of lake Geneva. ─── 日内瓦位于侏罗山脉和阿尔卑斯山脉之间,日内瓦湖的西端。

24、“many of u jus get 12-17 marks, n tats a huge amount of u (total =50) n I cant understand why.................................................... ” ─── 大家不约而同地笑了,或许是大家都心里有数了。。。一阵笑声在他严肃的表情下停止。。。这回,他不是和我们开玩笑。。。

25、Hotel Of Jura Tulip Inn ─── 住宿:第戎郁金香酒店

26、The Effects of JUS on the Rheological Property of Cement Paste and its Action Mechanisms ─── 减水剂JUS对水泥浆体流变性能的影响及其作用机理

27、On Timely Aquisition System Law Of Jus In Re ─── 善意取得制度浅析

28、It's a day off, suppose to be a good day even though not very productive, jus read one article and completed the assignment for my fr... ─── 个人觉得不是太好睇,不过戏中拍摄几多很有香港特式的景色。不过昨日最特别的是收到一份非一般的礼物。

29、juristic act to jus in personam ─── 债权行为

30、(1) Jus cogens restrictions:The treaty may not set forth rights and obligations which conflict with jus cogens. ─── (1) 绝对法的限制:条约所规范的内容-权利义务,不可牴触绝对法。

31、jus don't be one of them people I'm talkin bout, ya know.... ─── 不要做上面故事里我所提到的那些人,你知道我的意思...

32、The Bona Fide Acquisition of Movable Estate of Jura in Re Aliana ─── 动产他物权的善意取得探析

33、Edox): Maitre Horloger Christian Ruefly sets up his own watchmaking company in the Jura in Switzerland. ─── 1884(伊度表):制表名师Christian Ruefly 在瑞士的侏罗山脉地区创立了自己的手表公司。

34、The property right of corporation aggregate includes right of thing (or jus ad rem), credit rights, intellectual property rights, and securities etc. ─── 公司法人财产权包括物权、债权、知识产权、有价证券等权利,公司法人所有权只是其中一项,而公司产权即是指公司法人财产权。

35、i think she sing well, in tune, jus not touching at all.. sry.. ─── 她的唱法完全莫视了林夕词的原意!!!

36、- jura 2006-09-29 22:11:16 (730 ─── 哪里找来的小娃娃?抢了哪个小孩的吧?嘻嘻,你忘了给系上安全带了。

37、Tulip Inn Dijon Le Jura Hotel ─── 住宿:第戎金色郁金香酒店

38、Jura: Do you think that Turner Prize is over-hyped? ─── 你会不会认为特纳将过分宣传呢?

39、Comments On "The Seminar Of Jus Rerem & Construction Of Socialist Market Economy System Theory" ─── “物权法与构建社会主义市场经济体制理论研讨会”会议综述

40、The above is jus a rough idea..... in order to get the true meaning, you should provide the context..... hope this can be of any help. ─── “你应该看得出这话的语气暗示了。。。需要领着它进步。。。想我们对这一点已有共识。”

41、i enjoy looking raining days...n i lov beach...she make me feel vry relax...n...im jus a simple guy... ─── 喜欢看海看雨天...看着它们就能让我与伤心或烦恼隔离...每天能看见你该有多好...

42、Trennungspringzip is to differentiate the juristic act of right in rem from the juristic act of credit, rather than differentiate between the shifting of jus in rem and its reason. ─── 区分原则,不是物权变动与原因行为的区分,而是引起物权变动的物权行为与原因行为即债权行为的区分。

43、Jus two minutes later, Lita banished his personal jinx when he latched onto Young's neat through-ball and dispatched his shot past Viviano at the keeper's near post, and the relief was understandably etched all over his face. ─── 仅仅2分钟后,幸运女神终于眷顾了利塔,他抓住了扬的一次精妙传球,球被维维亚诺单手一托飞入近角,顿时所有的阴霾在利塔的脸上消失了。

44、Hallo,Ich bin Amy.Ich studiere Jura in Warwick waren.Dann, ich arbeit in a bank. ─── 一位小朋友,对于人生和情感具有玫瑰色的理想主义情怀,相当喜欢浪漫的爱情小电影。

45、The law tentative ideas of the underground on the jus of the real right building of our country ─── 关于我国地下建筑物权法律制度的构想

46、“Ahoy, why? You jus had finished the half, so you put it aside?” ─── “喂,咋哪?你把营生干了一半,就撂下不管啦?”

47、By the jurists who are styled "Classical" (and of excerpts from whose writings the Pandects are mainly composed),jus civile is distinguished from jus gentium,or jus omnium gentium. ─── “古典学派”法学家(以及潘德克顿学派的部分学者)认为:市民法不同于万民法,或者举世万民法。

48、Cette orage rend beaucoup de jus. ─── 之种橙子汁水很多。

49、Responsible for the work and costs associated with the selection, processing and deposit of the materials to be sent to JURA. ─── 聯校圖書館的各館館員均要負責挑選,處理和把書送往聯校大學研究檔案庫儲存。

50、The International jus cogens is the most controversial issue in international law after World War Two. ─── 国际强行法是二战后最有争议的问题之一。

51、JUS does no harm to the strength development. ─── JUS对水泥强度的发展无不利影响。

52、Jura Mountains ─── 侏罗山脉

53、JUS which is composed of polycarboxylic component and other components having water reducing capability is a kind of high performance water reducing agent. ─── JUS是一种由聚羧酸系组分与其它具有减水功能的组分复配而成的高性能减水剂。

54、By now Orwell had left Jura and checked into a TB sanitorium high in the Cotswolds. ─── 奥威尔离开了朱拉岛,住进了位于科茨沃尔德上的肺结核疗所。

55、The Au Jus de Pomme, a busy lunchtime eatery in central Paris, has been losing money for the past two years, says manager Yvon Riou. ─── Au Jus de Pomme是开在巴黎市中心的一家热闹的午餐馆。经理里乌(YvonRiou)说,餐厅已经连续两年亏损了。

56、It must needs undergo some undulations before it returns to a state of rest, like a mountain sinking into the plain.There are no Alps without their Jura, nor Pyrenees without the Asturias. ─── 在回到平静时期之前必须经过一段波折,好象高山慢慢达到平原一样,好比没有汝拉山区就没有阿尔卑斯山脉,没有阿斯图里亚斯,就没有比利牛斯山脉。

57、dont care if nobody reads it, dont care of no one understands it, i jus want to write wutever i want... ─── 就算没人看也好,没有人明白也好,但我就想写出我所想的...

58、Roasted Chicken au jus with potato cocotte ─── 原汁烤全鸡附煎烤马铃薯

59、In translated lolcat: TEH WII IZ WAI 2 POWERFUL. WE JUS DOAN HAS TEH SKILLS SO WERE TRYIN 2 LOOK UNINTERESTD. ─── Wii是太强有力的。我们没有技能因此我们设法看起来不感兴趣。

60、bear with jus a few more weeks and it will be our 2 weeks hols! ─── 今年24岁,未来演艺圈的路还会更加坎坷,你一定要学会坚持。

61、Jus don't be one of them people I'm talkin bout, ya know. ─── 不要做上面故事里我所提到的那些人,你知道我的意思。

62、sometimes u make me think that ..aih is hard to describe..but i jus wanna say... ─── 一面享用晚餐,我们一面聊天 ,聊得很愉快, 谈 了许多最近几年来,各自生命中的一些 事。我们聊得太久了,所以赶不上电 影。

63、Study on Some Provisions and Perfection of Ownership Acquisition in the Proposal of Jus Rerem ─── 刍议物权法草案中所有权取得的若干规定及其完善

64、An animation MV. Jus for fun, schemed and directed by glintx ─── 好玩做的一条MV,策划和导演:王捷

65、Next, Total plans to connect a new discovery called Jura to the platform. ─── 接下来,总的计划是把一个称作Jura的新发明连接到这个平台上。

66、Jura Impressa Professional Auto Coffee Maker ─── 全自动专业型咖啡机

67、If you desire peace, cultivate jus tice. ─── 如果想得到和平,就得匡扶正义。

68、The heat insulation layers are mainly the red sandstone rock, coal layer, mudstone rock of the Xujiahe Group, the Jura Upper Trias System.P... ─── 大气降水通过岩溶槽谷下渗至热储层 ,在深部沿断裂构造线由北向南迳流 ,并在地表减压最大处 ,如河谷地段等 ,排出地表而形成温泉。

69、The damages of the ecological jus ad rem can introduce a special remedial action, such as the action of public interest litigation, the action of subrogation. ─── 对物权生态化损害可引用特殊救济方式,如公益诉讼,代位诉讼。

70、He does not deserve to win any respect from any body jus because he do not know how to respect others. ─── 他不应该从任何人那里得到尊重,就是因为他不懂如何尊重他人。

71、A perfect choice with Roast Duck on Creamed Golden Kumara,with Baby Bok Choy &Jus of Pickled Plums. ─── 佐以烤鸭配奶油甘薯、小白菜及酸梅无以尚之。

72、I have to respect my feelings to my sweetheart now ,cherish the relationship as well .Though I don’t know whether he’d respect the relationship between him and me ,jus like me . ─── 女人都是小气的,尤其像我这种小女人,会记住你对我的不好.可能人都一样,只会记住一些不好的,而淡忘了一些好的.

73、Revenge is the foundation of jus tice. ─── 他喘着气说道,显得悲观而无助,他的贵族气派消失得无影无踪,他的勇气此刻不过是可耻的回应。

74、Meditation on jus ad rem Legislation ─── 宏观三思物权立法

75、A lake on the Swiss-French border between the Alps and the Jura Mountains. It is traversed east to west by the Rhone River. ─── 日内瓦湖,莱蒙湖:瑞士和法国边界上的一个湖泊,位于阿尔卑斯山和侏罗山之间。被罗讷河从东至西横穿。

76、Only knew the law norms of various types, the article of incorporation may realizes autonomy under Jus cogens. ─── 只有认识了不同类型法律规范,公司章程才能在公司法强行性规范下实现自治。

77、The Research on Bona Fide Acquisition of Jura in Re Aliena ─── 他物权善意取得制度探析

78、My pondering over the mortgage limitation stipulated in the certificate for jus alias of real estate mortgage ─── 对在不动产抵押他项权利证书中规定抵押期限的思考

79、AIG is just a symbol of the american vam pire empire.It's jus t one part of the a merican beast life-w ar, religion, race.. . ─── IG只是美国吸血帝国的象徵,这是美国野兽生活的一部份-战争,宗教,种族...

80、If the greatest disaster in life is jus death, what else can be more frightening? ─── 如果人生面对的最大苦难只是死亡,那还有什么可以害怕的呢?

81、If you start to talk about requirements, then we can't jus talk air. ─── 如果要开始谈要求,那么就不要空谈精度要求。

82、None of the accounts of my father's time on Jura recognise how essential she was. ─── 父亲在朱拉岛没有出现任何财务问题,所以说她是多么的重要。

83、Alpine mountains : and the pyrenees and the Jura mountains, etc. FaYi 4810 meters at the border, mont mountain in Europe. ─── 山脉:有阿尔卑斯山脉、比利牛斯山脉、汝拉山脉等。法意边境的勃朗峰海拔4810米,为欧洲最高峰。

84、As regards to jus dispositivum, the two branches of legal science differ vastly in the fact that there are much less norms of jus dispositivum in the field of international economic law than in the field of public international law. ─── 就任意法规范而言,与国际公法富含任意法规范不同,国际经济法中的任意法规范甚少。

85、jus representationis omnimodae ─── [法] 全权代表权

86、ppl jus show her id ma...u id very geng mie?also lasap la..noob ─── 就算我们的帐号很差来说也不要说我们是垃圾!!!我最讨厌就是这些人呢!!!以为自己很了不起!!!!

87、This paper discusses the ground and the importance in both theory and practice of trennungsprinzip of jus in rem, and then proposes that trennungsprinzip be enacted in jus in rem. ─── 区分原则无论在理论或实践上均有极其重要的意义,因而在即将通过的物权法中,应确立区分原则的重要地位。

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