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09-19 投稿


jigs 发音

英:[d??ɡz]  美:[d??ɡz]

英:  美:

jigs 中文意思翻译



jigs 短语词组

1、skirted jigs for bass ─── 低音用裙板夹具

2、re-jigs (re-jig ─── 的复数) vt. 重新装备 n. 重新安排;调整

3、mangrove snapper jigs ─── 红树林鲷

4、resolute jigs ─── 果断的夹具

5、whistle jigs to a milestone ─── 对牛弹琴

6、finesse jigs ─── 精细夹具

jigs 词性/词形变化,jigs变形

动词现在分词: jigging |动词第三人称单数: jigs |动词过去式: jigged |动词过去分词: jigged |

jigs 相似词语短语

1、bigs ─── n.大人物;重要组织(big的复数形式)

2、jibs ─── [船]船首三角帆;三角网衣

3、gigs ─── n.轻便两轮马车;(爵士乐、摇滚乐等)演奏会;鱼叉(gig的复数);v.乘坐轻便两轮马车;用鱼叉捕鱼(gig的三单形式)

4、figs ─── n.[园艺]无花果(fig的复数形式);v.给…穿上盛装;刷新修整(fig的第三人称单数)

5、cigs ─── abbr.帝国总参谋长(ChiefofImperialGeneralStaff);铜铟镓硒

6、jig ─── n.吉格舞,吉格舞曲;夹具;带锤子的钓钩;v.(使)上下急动;跳吉格舞;(为工厂或车间)装配夹具;用拟耳手钩钓鱼

7、jags ─── n.缺口;突出端;小量负荷(jag的复数);v.把…切得参差不齐;使成缺口(jag的第三人称单数)

8、Digs ─── n.挖;寓所;住所;嘲讽(dig的复数);v.挖掘;摸索(dig的三单形式)

9、Pigs ─── n.猪样人生(电影名)

jigs 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、For assembly, the parts are placed in jigs which travel along the assemble line and which maintain alignment while welding takes place . ─── 为了便于装配,部件放在沿装配线运行的夹具中,焊接时夹具保持定位。〖汽车〗。

2、Jigs@w Puzzle Promo Creator is a wizard, which will assist in fast and easy creation of your own promotional jigsaw puzzle games, the so-called Jigs@w Puzzle Promos. ─── 夹具钨困惑宣传片造物主是一个向导,这有助于快速,轻松建立自己的宣传拼图游戏,即所谓的夹具钨茂德之谜。

3、Mark the line for the socket hole on the back panel and use the jig saw to cut along the marked line. ─── 吊柜上部我们可以以挂件中点为标准,侧面以吊柜侧板作为标准来测量,并在背板上划好插座孔线,用穿梭机沿线切割。

4、Manufacturing, installing and debugging assembly line of welding jigs of Toyota microbus for Sichuan Traveling Passenger Car Manufacturing Co., Ltd. ─── 上海纽荷兰农业机械有限公司曲轴清洗机制造,各种工装夹具、检具及长期配套维修服务。

5、Place assembled and crimped book into jig. ─── 将书放入夹具中摆好位置。

6、Waltz, nymph, for quick jigs vex Bud. ─── 女神,轻快的华尔兹激怒了巴德。

7、The simplest method for small volume production requires a number of jigs. ─── 对于小规模生产,最简单方法需要几个装配架。

8、Prepare reports on production test jig failures. ─── 出具测试仪维修维护信息报告。

9、With hardener K-6 is a laminating resin system designed mainly for use with glass-fibre for reinforcing foundry patterns foundry patterns, jigs and moulds. ─── 与K-6固化剂组成层压树脂系统,与玻璃纤维一起用于浇铸模具的加强。

10、Two types of drill jigs locating plate and shaft parts with cylindrical locators are introduced. ─── 分别介绍了依据圆柱体母线对板类及轴销类零件进行定位的两种钻模。

11、Ed: No. Pres the round thing a me jig. ─── 外公:你把按钮按一下。

12、The character of SKT99-16 jig and application in Xinxing Coal Preparation Plant are introduced.The practice shows that reform on jig is success. ─── 介绍了SKT99-16型跳汰机的特点及在新兴选煤厂的应用效果。实践证明该选煤厂对跳汰机的改革是成功的。

13、Most Irish jigs are in 6/8 time, and are danced in soft shoes. ─── 大部分爱尔兰快舞有6/8节拍,穿着软鞋。

14、The design optimization of jig construction, jig body, locating mechanism of crank case cores, jacket cores assembling vehicle and jig supporter was discussed. ─── 对夹具结构、夹具本体、轴箱芯定位机构、水套砂芯组芯小车及夹具支架的设计优化进行了讨论。

15、Jig design to fast clip, upper clip, lower hitch preventing from oil can slip. ─── 夹具设计采快速夹取,上夹、勾、止油桶滑落。

16、Ceilidh, a kind of dancing party with folk music. Typical Scottish folk dances include jigs, reels and "the Gay Gordons". ─── “同乐会”是一种以民间音乐为伴奏乐的舞会。典型的苏格兰民间舞蹈包括快步舞、里尔舞和“快乐戈登”舞。

17、This paper presents the improvement and practical experience of jig in Nan Shan coal preparation plant ,and also made a analysis on concrete problem. ─── 介绍了南山选煤厂对跳汰机进行改造的实践经验,对实际工作中具体问题进行了分析说明。

18、A spirited jig it dances bright, banishing all but darkest night. Give it food and it will live, give it water and it will die. ─── 它明亮的舞著灵魂般的摆动,除了最黑的夜之外让一切全部消失。给它食物它便能活下去,给它水它便会死。

19、Our Company is a professional manufacturer in producing precise screw,nut,thread,gasket,nail,hardware accessories,titanium jig of glasses,titanium gemel,ctc. ─── 兴兴达公司是一家专业生产制造精密螺丝、螺母、丝通、垫片、钉子、精密五金配件及眼镜夹口、钛铰链为主的制造商。

20、Hobbling to the middle of the floor she did a merry jig and shouted to the piano player, "Joseph, my Christmas present! ─── 她跌跌绊绊地走到餐厅的中央,欢快地踏起了舞步,冲着钢琴师大声嚷:“约瑟夫,瞧瞧我这份圣诞礼物吧!

21、Our major products are jig head soft fish,soft worm, squid, octopus, wobbler, lead fish, spinner&spoon, rig, guides, and reel seat etc. ─── 主要产品有软饵(含铅软鱼、单尾、双尾、鱿鱼、章鱼等各种软饵),硬塑料饵,金属饵(SPINNER,SPOON,铅鱼及合金鱼),仕挂,导眼,轮座等。

22、The company has already offered several cases of design of car welding jigs, welding steel structure for Shanghai GMShanghai Volkswagen. ─── 目前公司已经为上海通用,上海大众等汽车制造商提供过汽车焊接夹具,焊接钢结构等的设计。

23、The jig's up; the principal knows the boys have been smoking in the basement. ─── 完了!校长已知道那些男孩子在地下室抽烟了。

24、He leaps out, performs a little jig, and lives another ten years before eventually keeling over. ─── 他引人注意地跳了一小段舞,在死之前又活了十年。

25、Once the tubes and cones are welded down their seams, they're positioned (again using jigs) in careful alignment and welded together to form the body. ─── 一旦锥管和被焊接的焊缝下来,他们的位置(再次使用夹具进行了细致的对齐)和焊接在一起,形成身体。

26、Once you have located structure, position the boat directly into the wind and use a 1/8 jig head tipped with a minnow. ─── 一旦您找出结构,安置小船直接地入风并且使用1/8夹具顶头打翻与鲤科小鱼。

27、They watched jig on TV and tried to imitate. ─── 他们看着电视里的快步舞并且试图模仿。

28、A spirited jig it dances bright, banishing all but darkest night. Give it food and it will live, give it water and it will die. ─── 它明亮的舞着灵魂般的摆动,除了最黑的夜之外让一切全部消失。给它食物它便能活下去,给它水它便会死。

29、Assist ME to finish making sample & jigs, fixtures processing, meanwhile should assure the quality. ─── 配合工程完成产品打样加工,夹。治具加工制作,并保证品质之达标。

30、The process of cold rolling forming for outer ring of single freewheel of bicycle and the structure of roller and jig, and the parameters for rolling machine have been introduced. ─── 介绍了自行车单级飞轮飞壳冷滚轧成形工艺过程以及轧辊的结构、夹具形式和轧机参数。

31、Place cover over book in Create-A-Book jig. ─── 将封皮放入夹具中。

32、As soon as the jig was up, he flew of to Cairo. ─── 他见事情已经失败便马上飞往开罗。

33、Possible to add up a heater or hole suction device in the jig dependent on a job type . ─── 可以在增加加热装置或在夹具增加孔吸气装置具体根据工作工艺的需求。

34、They can go it alone,jig for crayfish,and swing from ropes along the bank. ─── 他们可以独自去小溪,在水中活蹦乱跳地捉小虾,在岸边系上绳子荡秋千。

35、Peel off one side of the double stick tape and lay the tape down directly over the cardboard jig's saddle line. ─── 剥离一方的双重坚持磁带和磁带下跌奠定直接在纸板夹具的鞍线。

36、Waltz,nymph,for quick jigs vex Bud. ─── 华尔兹旋律式快速的吉格与巴的变的焦虑。

37、Jigs@w Puzzle Promo Creator is freeware. ─── 夹具钨困惑宣传片造物主是免费。

38、So they came up with dig jigs. ─── 因此他们提出了捷格舞。

39、When the girls saw that performance, Jo began to dance a jig, by way of expressing her satisfaction. ─── 姑娘们把这一幕都看在眼里了,裘撒腿跳起了吉格,以此表达自己得意非凡。

40、In Ankang Gold Mine,full attention on daily work of management of jig bed was paid,so the recovery rates of jig and ... ─── 安康金矿重视跳汰机床层的日常管理工作,有效提高了跳汰机作业回收率和船选回收率。

41、The jig can be used in the machining of eccentric shaft or eccentric muff. ─── 一种利用蜗杆蜗轮传动无级调节偏心的双偏心轮定位夹具。

42、The unit clamp design including bores the jig design, the milling jig design, the drill hole jig design and so on. ─── 专用夹具的设计包括镗孔夹具设计、铣槽夹具设计、钻孔夹具设计等。

43、Founded in 2002,Dongguan Nancheng Xianfeng Mould Factory is specializing in manufacturing and designing of various precision accessories,jigs, moulds, inserts and equipments. ─── 东莞市南城先锋模具厂,创立于2002年,一直从事于各种精密零件、夹治具、模具、镶件及设备等产品的制造和设计工作。

44、GC brand bimetal hacksaw prroducts, bimetal reciprocating saw blades, jig saw blades are made with vacuum heat treatment and surface strengthening treatment technology. ─── 上海“奇熙(GC)”牌双金属手用锯条、曲线锯条、往复锯条采用真空热处理和表面强化处理方法,工艺独特,品质卓越,已被国内外用户认可。

45、Is the double bottom block built on pin jigs? ─── 双层底分段是在胎架上造的吗?

46、Special designed stencil jig for use in cleaning squeegee & PCB, etc. ─── 万能型清洗治具:方便清洗钢网、刮刀、过炉夹具等;

47、This paper introduces the principle of a kind of jig electromagnetic valve,gives out hardware and software. ─── 介绍了一种跳汰机电磁风阀控制器的原理,给出了相应的硬件和软件的组成。

48、The structure, principle, usage and design cruxes of a jig for accurately grinding inside holes in main shaft are presented. ─── 介绍一种磨削高精度主轴内孔夹具结构原理、使用方法及设计要点。

49、When the main Body structure has sufficient stiffness to stand along, the jigs are removed and the remaining structure parts are attached. ─── 当车身的主体结构基本定型,就可以移走夹具,把余下的结构件安装上去。

50、Makes and repairs press tools, cutting tools, gauges, jigs and fixtures. ─── 制造及维修冲压模具、切削工具、量规及夹具。

51、Waltz, nymph, for quick jigs vex Bud. ─── 女神,轻快的华尔兹激怒了巴德。

52、Our business ranges from Design &Development of auto body, Master Modle, Auto Dies, C/F, GU, Welding Jigs to adjustment& assembly, then delivery to auto plant. ─── 公司主要业务范围包括从汽车主模型设计制作到模、夹、检具工装设备设计、制作、安装直至调试移交汽车厂投产等一系列环节。

53、As a result, the price jigs up and down all day like those of pork bellies or wholesale power (see chart). ─── 结果呢,价格就像是猪肉或者是大规模电力一样上下浮动(见图)。

54、The jig is up. ─── 一切都完了。

55、Dyadic adjustable postposition level three dowelling jigs , Shan bright metal , drill bright metal gear much school assignment way , operation are simple and convenient. ─── 后置可调式水平三孔钻、单铣、钻铣联动多作业方式、操作简便。

56、The double pulsating airpowered digitcontrolled jig valve controller is developed using the singlechip microcomputer as its CPU. ─── 利用单片机作CPU研制跳汰机双脉动气动数控风阀控制器。

57、Home again, home again, jiggedig jig. ─── 回家啦,回家啦,夸啦啦。

58、Create and install spray jigs and programs for new project requirements taking into consideration costs and efficiency. ─── 为新项目建立和安装喷射夹及其相关程序,并兼顾费用和效率。

59、Provide improvement suggestions for existing jig, and follow up and resolve using issues about the jig. ─── 对现有的工装夹具提出改善建议,跟踪和解决工装夹具在使用中的问题。

60、New jig design, low noise power Jiajin smooth, reliable, Mianweihu. ─── 全新夹具设计,噪音低夹紧力平稳、可靠,免维护。

61、Take lead in jigs and other tools creation for production. Create Work Instruction and submit for release. Define production routing time for new products. ─── 主导生产工装夹具的制作。为生产制作作业指导书并提交发行。设定产品生产单件平均时间。


63、Our main products areas follows;Lead Sinker.Lead Fish.Lead Jig, Flying Hooks, Spinner,Sadiki,Octopus. ─── 主要产品有铅坠,铅鱼,铅头钩,司兵乐,仕挂,章鱼,渔具盒子配装等产品。

64、No force exerted on jigs or on damageable parts.Work can only be done at the set position of the hoisting ring, support and bucket ears. ─── 吊装时,只能在吊环、支脚、罐耳等规定部位进行,不能使卡子、接管等易损部件受力,以免损坏设备。

65、What you do depends on what equipment you have. A fletching jig helps when making ordinary arrows, but you can make them without one. ─── 你做这些依靠什么工具呢。一个装上羽毛的夹子帮助制造平常的箭,但是你没有它也一样。

66、At the same time, we build a series of assembly jigs to make sure that each lens can be put into the OPU basement properly. ─── 同时我们设计了相关的工装卡具,以保证每个光学元件可以安装到位。

67、Jig design for reaming is basically the same as for drilling, which has been discussed throughout the chapter. ─── 为绞刀所做的钻模设计从根本上与为了钻孔而做的相同,对于后者的讨论已贯穿章节各处。

68、The Supplier shall build proper jigs and special tools to support the manufacturing process as required by the Buyer's representative. ─── 卖方应为避免滚筒在运输过程中损坏设计专门的运输工具。

69、A big pig jigs on a hill. ─── 大大的猪在小山上跳起了快步舞。

70、It mainly introduces the technical method by which air jig uses tow conical surface to clamp sleeve parts locatedly. ─── 主要介绍气动夹具利用双锥面来定位夹紧盲孔套类零件的一种新工艺方法。

71、The whistle jigs to a milestone. ─── 对牛弹琴。

72、The jig, working on the principle of magnetism, with a special configuration and sharp, is used for aging discrete SMDs. ─── 利用磁吸原理,并通过特殊的结构形式,设计了一种分立式表面安装元器件夹具。

73、It is possible to postpone the construction of the rodding shop to Phase 2 by rodding the anodes manually using forklift trucks and jigs. ─── 采用叉车和盘车手工制做阳极棒使第二阶段的极棒生产厂存在着延期建设的可能性。

74、A 、Be engaged in assembly fixtures and testing jigs which the customer has custom made design manufacture sale. ─── 从事客户定制的测试治具及工装夹具的设计,制造,销售;

75、Training fitter how to use the jig rightly. ─── 培训操作人员工装夹具正确的操作方法。

76、Support Fab and Backend production tools and jigs fabrication.2.On time deliver the mechanical parts when the work ord...... ... ─── 公司名称:苏州力特奥维斯保险丝有限公司工作地点:江苏省无锡市发布时间:2009-7-31

77、Finally, the sketch of assembling jig that apply prelo-ading in practice is attached. ─── 导出了予加载荷的计算公式,文章最后还附有实际工作中,施加予加载荷的装具示意图。

78、He piped (a jig) so that we could dance. ─── 他用笛子吹奏(吉格舞曲)好让我们跳舞。

79、Overall Job Function : Be sure all facilities,equipment and jigs in Laboratory to operate safely and smoothly, provide t...... ... ─── 公司名称:广州耐普罗模具塑胶制品有限公司工作地点:广东省广州市发布时间:2009-7-15

80、The paper provided the jig control model base wide collection theory after the study of jig control process. ─── 在分析研究跳汰机控制过程的基础上,提出了基于粗集理论的跳汰机控制模型。

81、Assist to fix the tooling during the production. Assist to design and make the jigs for production. ─── 协助生产部对模具在生产中出现的问题进行修理及修改,协助进行生产用工装夹具的设计和制作;

82、Find out the latest frame and function of handset, design and plan the tester or jig in advance. ─── 了解最新的手机机构和功能,提前设计仪器。

83、Discuss with QE to make checking jig for critical dimensions. ─── 与QE讨论做检测检具对于重要尺寸.

84、Communicate and cooperate with relative departments (e. G. Manufacturing and sourcing )and the suppliers to ensure new jig using effectively. ─── 和相关部门(例如生产、采购等部门)以及供应商沟通和合作,以确保新工装夹具有效地投入使用。

85、For enhancing the fastness to light of cotton dwonproof jig dyed,direct dyes were selected and methods such as fixation and graft adopted. ─── 对棉防羽绒布卷染时,为提高日晒牢度,对各种直接染料进行筛选,并通过多种方法如固色、接枝等谋求提高日晒牢度。

86、Working knowledge of repairing mold, jig, fixture and other tooling equipment in plastic injection mold and assembly of plastic products. ─── 具有维修模具、夹具及其它注塑模具的专业知识,并能装配塑料产品。

87、The complex jigs and fixtures ,built-up dies, precision sine chucks, precision flat pliers, mulit-jaw, machining vise and universal meter holder are also produced by the factory. ─── 二、量具类:陶瓷量块、硬质合金量块、钢量块、各种特殊规格的量块;四用不锈钢带表卡尺、数显卡尺、游标卡尺;针规、百分表、直尺、角尺、千分尺、光滑量规、螺纹量规等。

88、HoBBling to the middle of the floor he did a merry jig. ─── 他蹒跚地走到屋子中间欢快地迈步起舞。

89、Use hub removal jig or fingerstalls. ─── 使用集线器的移动钓钩或指套

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