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09-19 投稿


succulence 发音


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succulence 网络释义

n. 青饲料;鲜美多汁;富于趣味

succulence 词性/词形变化,succulence变形

异体字: succuba |名词复数: succubuses |

succulence 相似词语短语

1、succulently ─── adv.多汁地;有兴趣地

2、succulency ─── n.多汁;多液;趣味

3、flocculence ─── n.柔毛状;丛毛状;絮凝性;絮凝

4、feculence ─── n.变浊;污物;渣滓

5、succulents ─── n.[植]肉质植物(succulent的复数)

6、purulence ─── n.脓;化脓;含脓;流脓

7、succorance ─── n.求助心态

8、succubine ─── 肉桂

9、succulent ─── adj.多汁的;多水分的;多汁性的;n.肉质植物;多汁植物

succulence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The simple method to identify cyanide in succulence ─── 简易法鉴定青饲料中的氰化物

2、Formic acid still can be used at succulence and frumentaceous preservation, have the function that be restrained apparently or prevents mould to grow. ─── 甲酸还可用于青饲料与谷物的保藏,有明显抑制或防止霉菌生长的功能。

3、I must determine how much succulence to be stored in accordance with the quantity of the livestock. ─── 我要根据牲畜的数量来决定储青的多少。

4、One, Gao E of goose nutrition value is a kind of large water bird that gives priority to with eating succulence. ─── 一、鹅肉营养价值高鹅是一种以吃青饲料为主的大型水禽。

5、Young lively style , fresh and tender Da Kuai , golden succulence fried chicken, satisfied and dead cert getting the whole nation consumer. ─── 年轻活泼的格调,鲜嫩大块、金黄多汁的炸鸡,得到全国消费者的满意和肯定。

6、Young lively style , fresh and tender Da Kuai , golden succulence fried chicken, satisfied and dead cert getting the whole nation consumer. ─── 年轻活泼的格调,鲜嫩大块、金黄多汁的炸鸡,得到全国消费者的满意和肯定。

7、The scientific utilization of the succulence ─── 科学利用青绿饲料

8、The test demonstration to introduce a fine variety of high yield and high quality special -purpose type succulence corn ─── 高产优质专用型青饲玉米引种试验示范

9、3 it is him succulence is planted, need not chemical fertilizer, pesticide. ─── 三是青饲料自己种,不用化肥、农药。”

10、Only the person that mincing machine causes because of quality problem harms succulence incident lets a person talk with respect to enough " machine " color changes. ─── 仅青饲料切碎机因质量问题引发的人身伤害事件就足以让人谈“机”色变。

11、leaf succulence ─── 叶片肉质化

12、I must determine how much succulence to be stored in accordance with the quantity of the livestock. ─── 我要根据牲畜的数量来决定储青的多少。

13、Effect of Different Salt Treatments on Succulence of Suaeda salsa Seedlings ─── 不同盐处理对盐地碱蓬幼苗肉质化的影响

14、Apalachicola’s fast-growing oysters have a reputation for sweetness and succulence. ─── 阿巴拉契科拉的牡蛎生长迅速,以其甘美和多汁著称。

15、Utilizing the characteristics of high protein, rich amino acids, vitamins, minerals, its stems and leaves can be made into succulence for domestic animals, its tubers are high quality feed for cattle, sheep and pigs. ─── 利用其高蛋白和富含多种氨基酸、维生素、矿物质的特性,茎叶可制成青饲料饲喂家畜,块茎也是牛、羊、猪的优质多汁饲料。

16、Succulence is mincing machine product because the structure is simple, the price is low, when the province that save project, use convenient, welcome by broad farmer masses. ─── 青饲料切碎机产品由于结构简单,价格低廉,省工省时,使用方便,深受广大农民群众欢迎。

17、Divide outside decreasing to use food directly, popularize Sichuan and other places to develop hogwash to raise pig and succulence to raise the way of the pig even. ─── 除减少直接用粮外,还要推广四川等地发展泔水养猪和青饲料养猪的做法。

18、Succulence crop variety ─── 青饲料作物品种

19、The test demonstration to introduce a fine variety of high yield and high quality special -purpose type succulence corn ─── 高产优质专用型青饲玉米引种试验示范

20、The scientific utilization of the succulence ─── 科学利用青绿饲料

21、In terms of the quality of the meat, fresh meat has more mixed succulence , bad and sour smell. ─── 再从肉质上看,鲜肉多杂汁,且腥味、酸味较重。

22、In the process of succulence's alternant supply filtering forage grass breeds for the milch cow in Yunnan from yield and quality ─── 从产量和品质的角度筛选云南奶牛青饲料轮供的饲草品种


24、Keywords Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes);Yellowflag iris (Iris pseudacorus L.);Succulence;Duck farm;Wastewater treatment;Treatment effect;Growth;Egg laying ratio;Egg quality; ─── 水葫芦;黄菖蒲;青饲料;养鸭场;废水处理;去除率;生长;产蛋性能;蛋品质;

25、In terms of the quality of the meat, fresh meat has more mixed succulence, bad and sour smell. ─── 再从肉质上看,鲜肉多杂汁,且腥味、酸味较重。

26、In order to endure salinity, salt-dilution halophyte, the Suaeda salsa took the most important measures of succulence of some organs. ─── 盐盐生植物碱蓬适应盐渍环境的一个重要变化就是部分器官肉质化。

27、At this moment, the captain escorted Madoff to the lobster tank, where the unctuous sharpie analyzed the assorted saltwater candidates for potential succulence and pointed to Moscowitz and Silverman. ─── 这时,精明狡黠的餐馆领班陪着麦道夫来到龙虾池前,他殷勤地为他指点各式各样的海产品,推荐给他即将上桌的多汁美味,他将目标指向了莫斯科维茨和希尔弗曼。

28、In the process of succulence's alternant supply filtering forage grass breeds for the milch cow in Yunnan from yield and quality ─── 从产量和品质的角度筛选云南奶牛青饲料轮供的饲草品种

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