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09-18 投稿


papillose 发音


英:  美:

papillose 中文意思翻译



papillose 短语词组

1、Papillose bat ─── 巴氏杆菌

papillose 相似词语短语

1、papillate ─── adj.(生物)乳头状突起的

2、papillous ─── 乳头状

3、papilloma ─── n.乳头状瘤,乳突淋瘤

4、papillons ─── n.蝶耳狗(一种玩赏小狗);n.(Papillon)人名;(法)帕皮永;(英)帕皮伦

5、papilios ─── n.凤蝶;蝴蝶;n.(Papilio)人名;(法)帕皮利奥

6、papillotes ─── n.用油纸包后烹调的方便食品(如纸包鸡);卷发纸

7、papillote ─── n.用油纸包后烹调的方便食品(如纸包鸡);卷发纸

8、papillae ─── n.papilla的复数形式,乳头状突起

9、papillon ─── n.蝶耳狗(一种玩赏小狗);n.(Papillon)人名;(法)帕皮永;(英)帕皮伦

papillose 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This PAS stain of a renal papilla with a portion of transitional lining epithelium at the lower right demonstrates many budding cells and pseudohyphae of Candida albicans. ─── PAS染色显示在右侧下方肾乳头处有过渡期的内层上皮显示有许多的幼稚细胞和假性白色念珠菌。

2、Petiole 1--1.5 cm, widened toward base, abaxially striate-ridged, sometimes papillose distally, narrowly winged for ca. 1/3 its length; ─── 1-1.5厘米的叶柄,向基部加宽,具条纹使成脊状,上部有时具小乳突,狭翅达约1/3的其长度;

3、Papilla of salivary gland duct ─── 唾液腺管乳头

4、Culture of Human Hair Dermal Papilla Cells by Alginate-polylysine-alginate Microcapsules ─── 人头皮毛乳头细胞的微囊化培养

5、For the early stage, conservative treatment is the main therapy, including the cut of papilla under endoscope and the lavage and drainage. ─── 早期以保守治疗为主,包括内窥镜下乳头切开及腹腔灌洗引流。

6、Analysis of differentially expressed genes in dermal papilla at telogen ─── 休止期毛乳头细胞差异表达基因的分析

7、There were eight pieces of silicon papilla in the two autotetraploid rices, which was twice as that in the diploid rice. ─── 四倍体品种田间表现植株直立、基部通风性好、抗倒伏能力和抗病虫性均较强。

8、The firm's technique exploits the regenerative properties of what are known as dermal papilla cells. ─── 公司的这项技术利用毛乳头细胞的再生能力。

9、Recurrent hypopyon or empyema of anterior chamber angle, and hyperaemia of optic papilla was found in 54 and 41 eyes, respectively. ─── 就诊时前房或房角积脓54只眼,视盘充血41只眼。

10、The patterns of cell proliferation in the chick basilar papilla following severe acoustic trauma ─── 声损伤后鸡基底乳头的细胞增殖活动特点


12、Keywords human dermal papilla cell;HSPC016 gene;fermentation;Escherichia coli; ─── 人毛乳头细胞;HSPC016基因;发酵;大肠杆菌;

13、25 eyes with circular choroid atrophic area around papilla,periphery retina and retinal vascularity remained normal. ─── 其中 2 5只眼有视盘周围环形脉络膜萎缩区 ,周边视网膜及视网膜血管正常。

14、Adapta_ ble scope in clinically therapy: It can assist medicine treatment for trachoma caused by follicle or papilla. ─── 临床上的适用范围:对因滤泡、乳头引起的沙眼病症进行辅助给药治疗。

15、fracture of temporal papilla ─── 寿台骨伤

16、Leaf blade apex caudate; branchlets reddish glandular papillose; petiole 0.3-0.6 cm. ─── 叶片先端尾状;小枝带红色腺具小乳突;叶柄0.3-0.6厘米(29

17、Study on biologic effect of human dermal papilla cells conditioned medium to dermal papilla cells ─── 人毛乳头细胞条件培养基对毛乳头细胞的作用

18、The frequency of effective papilla was up to 35% in Ingrid. In mlo genotypes, the papilla formation are successfully penetrated by the fungus, and the effective papilla in mlo-3, mlo-4 and mlo-5 were just 15%, 12%, and 15%, respectively. ─── 在大麦mlo突变体品系和瘟病菌的互作反应中,接种后12h,病菌侵染点能检测到不同程度的DAB染色,但染色程度小于Ingrid所出现的;

19、Rat dental papilla cell culture with nanometer-HAP in vitro ─── 大鼠牙乳头细胞与纳米羟基磷灰石的体外复合培养

20、of or relating to or resembling papilla. ─── 属于、关于或类似于乳头的。

21、styles partly connate into a column, arms spreading, 2-lobed, papillose. ─── 花柱部分地合生柱状,臂平展的,2裂,具小乳突。

22、Method: Endoscopic resection with snare was performed in 7 patients who were diagnosed of duodenal papilla disease.Some patients were placed bile or pancreatic duct stent in case of stenosis. ─── 方法:内镜下采用圈套器对7例确诊为十二指肠乳头病变患者取病变乳头进行电凝切除,部分患者切除后为防止胰管或胆管狭窄放置内支架,切除后标本送病理检查,定期随访。

23、TCF4 gene can promote the proliferation of the dermal papilla cells. ─── TCF4基因可以促进毛乳头细胞增殖。

24、leaf blade narrowly linear, laterally flattened, striate when dry, margin minutely papillose, apex acuminate. ─── 叶片狭线形,侧面扁平,干燥时具条纹,边缘细小小乳突,先端渐尖。

25、No patients suffered from hypopyon or empyema of anterior chamber angle and hyperemia of optic papilla. ─── 所有患者均无前房或房角积脓,无视盘充血;

26、Mineralization and related differential phenotype of cultured human dental papilla cells ─── 人牙乳头细胞体外矿化特征及其分化表型的表达

27、Methods Of the 4 patients,2 had malignant tumor and 2 innocent tumor.Three patients received subtotal pancreas-sparing duodenectomy and 1 of them underwent it below the duodenal papilla. ─── 方法对2例恶性肿瘤,2例良性肿瘤,行保留胰腺的十二指肠全切除术3例,乳头以下的十二指肠切除术1例。

28、papilla diameter, prism diopter, pupillary distance ─── (视)乳头直径, 棱镜曲光度, 瞳距

29、As an autocrine growth factor of dermal papilla cell, VEGF plays an important role in the growth of hair follicle. ─── 作为毛乳头细胞的一种自分泌生长因子,其对毛囊的生长亦有重要作用。

30、Calyx shallow and saucer-shaped, papillose, teeth inconspicuous. ─── 花萼浅的和茶托状,具小乳突,不明显的齿。

31、PURPOSE: To culture porcine dental papilla cells (pDPCs) and to study the cytobiological characteristics of the cells in vitro. ─── 摘要目的:培养新生猪的牙乳头细胞,探讨其传代细胞的生物学特性。

32、75% of postbulbar ulcers occur proximal to the duodenal papilla ─── 75%的球后溃疡发生在十二指肠乳头近侧。

33、Relationship between papilla injury in puerpera and time of breast milk secretion and suckling ─── 产妇乳头皮肤损伤与乳汁分泌及吸吮时间的相关性

34、At present, the identity of this growth factor is a mystery.However, it is likely that one of Intercytex's methods involves supplying this factor to cultured dermal papilla cells. ─── 当前,这种生长因子的鉴定还是秘密,然而,Intercytex公司有一种技术方法可能要加入这种生长因子来培育人毛发小囊皮肤乳头细胞。

35、endoscopic papilla dilatation ─── 内镜下乳头扩张术

36、The conditioning of the interdental papilla is a simple, direct, predictable, and low-cost alternative. ─── 挤压成型龈乳头是一个简单、直接、理想而经济实惠的可选方法。

37、As a active nidus it can attac h, invade and damage the renal epithelium of collecting ducts and papilla, and t hen form apatite which being the center to induce formation of kidney stones. ─── 在肾结石形成过程中,纳米细菌可以作为结晶的活性中心,黏附、侵入并破坏肾集合管的上皮细胞和肾乳头细胞,形成磷灰石晶核,从而诱发肾结石形成。

38、Effects of periodical vacuum suction on the microcirculation of optic papilla ─── 周期性眼灌注压负荷对视盘微循环的影响

39、Leaves basal and rosulate, or alternate, petiolate, with glandular, papillose hairs. ─── 叶基生和莲座状,或互生,具叶柄,具具腺,具小乳突的毛。

40、The effect of nicotine on BMP secretion of mouse molar germ and dental papilla cells of in vitro ─── 尼古丁对牙胚、牙乳头间充质细胞BMP分泌影响的体外研究

41、stigma turgid, spirally twisted-tortuous or U-shaped, capitate or reniform and setose-papillose. ─── 柱头肿胀,螺旋缠绕扭曲的或U形,头状的或肾形和具刚毛具小乳突。

42、Petals triangular-oval, 1.5-2.5 mm, with sparse papillose hairs, corniculate at apex. ─── 三角形的花瓣卵圆形,稀的1.5-2.5毫米,具毛,具小角状突起在先端。

43、Culture and Characteristics of Human Dental Papilla Cells in vitro ─── 人类牙乳头细胞的体外培养及细胞生物学性状研究


45、pupil, proximum, presbyopia, papilla ─── 乳头, 老视, 近侧, 瞳孔

46、Keywords Incisive papilla;Palatal wrinkle;determines;Opposite reference value; ─── 关键词切牙乳突;腭皱;测量;相对参考值;

47、The shapes of malignant obstruction conclude sudden interruption, dull papilla, bill shape and being narrow gradually with respective percentage of 44.7%, 23.7%, 26.3% and 5.3%. ─── 恶性梗阻胆管末端形态主要有不规则截断状、圆钝乳头状、鸟嘴状、逐渐变窄形等,分别占44.7%、23.7%、26.3%和5.3%。

48、Keywords Androgenetic alopecia (AGA);"yi fa" compound prescription;Papilla cells;Drug serum; ─── 女性型脱发;“益发”复方;毛乳头细胞培养;含药血清;

49、Leaf blade adaxially glabrous; ovary ovoid, apex papillose. ─── 叶片正面无毛;子房卵球形,先端。

50、The fovea has only cones, and the blind spot or papilla has no receptors ─── 中央凹的部分只有锥细胞,而盲点或神经乳头部分无视细胞。

51、Tumors of the duodenal papilla ─── 十二指肠乳头肿瘤

52、Branchlets and inflorescence rachis tawny papillose-tomentose; perianth inconspicuously pellucid punctate, margin long glandular papillose; sepals acuminate. ─── 小枝和花序轴茶色具小乳突被绒毛;难以觉察清澈具点的花被,长腺具小乳突的空白边;萼片渐尖。(9

53、Bractlets rudimentary, membranous, scale-like, hidden by perianth; stigmas papillose or hairy throughout; embryo planospiral. ─── 小苞片不发育,膜质,象鳞片一样,被花被隐藏;柱头具小乳突的或全部有毛的;胚平面螺旋状(3

54、Isolation and in vitro culture of follicular papilla cells from rat vibrissae ─── 大鼠触须毛乳头细胞的分离和培养

55、Diagnosis and treatment in acute ascariasis of duodenal papilla impaction type ─── 急诊十二指肠乳头嵌顿性蛔虫症的诊断和治疗

56、primitive epithelial papilla ─── 原始上皮(视)乳头

57、Abstract: Objective To observe the growth kinetics of dermal papilla cells and dermal sheath cells from human hair follicles in vitro and the effect of epidermal growth factor (EGF) on them. ─── 摘 要: 目的观察人正常头皮毛囊真皮成分的细胞体外培养的生长繁殖曲线及表皮细胞生长因子对它们的影响。

58、Human dental papilla mesenchymal cells ─── 人牙乳头间充质细胞

59、Study of a method to isolate dermal papilla cells of mass human hair follicles efficiently and rapidly ─── 一种适用于大规模高效快速分离培养人头皮毛乳头细胞的方法


61、Keywords external counterpulsation;optic atrophy;visual acuity;optic papilla; ─── 关键词体外反搏;视神经萎缩;视野;视乳头;

62、To explore a safety method of freezing storage of human dermal papilla cells not influencing its biological activity. ─── 寻找一种不影响人毛乳头细胞生物活性的冻存方法。

63、Diagnosis and Treatment on Ulcerous Papilla Inflammation in Dairy Cattle ─── 乳牛溃疡性乳头炎的诊治


65、The protein and mRNA expressions of TCF4 were detected by immunochemistry and RT-PCR method, respectively, in aggregated and non-aggregated human dermal papilla cells. ─── 对凝集性生长和非凝集性生长的人毛乳头细胞分别进行细胞免疫化学检测和用RT-PCR方法从上述两种细胞的总RNA扩增TCF4基因。

66、Study on implanting rat tooth apical and coronal papilla with enamel organ in renal capsule ─── 大鼠牙乳头与成釉器重组肾被膜下种植的研究

67、Induction of hair follicle regeneration in mice ear by microencapsulated human hair dermal papilla cells ─── 微囊化人头皮毛乳头细胞诱导小鼠耳毛囊再生的研究

68、The dermal papilla is implicated in controlling the hair growth cycle, be capable of inducing follicle development from the epidermis and production of hair fiber. ─── 培养早期,毛乳头细胞能诱导毛发体外生长,但进一步培养,该特性消失。毛发生长受到毛囊细胞与间叶上皮细胞间相互作用的调节。

69、human dermal papilla cells conditioned medium ─── 人毛乳头细胞条件培养液

70、From our human skin images, we can clearly distinguish the structures such as stratum corneum, epidermis, papilla, and dermis.The scanning depth of 0.5 mm can be reached. ─── 从我们扫出来的皮肤影像中,可清楚的分辨角质层、表皮、乳突及真皮的四个构造,在深度上,也达到了0.5公厘。

71、The paper proposes a bilevel-segmentation scheme according to the shape feature of the fungiform papilla, and states the whole processing sequence in detail. ─── 文中针对舌菌状 乳头的形体特征提出了所谓的两值化分割方案,并详细叙述了这个方 案的实现过程。

72、stigmas not papillose, curved forward, forming a short beak, with a broad stigma hole at tip of beak. ─── 不具小乳突的柱头,弄弯向前,形成一短喙,具一宽的柱头孔在喙顶部。

73、Keywords human dermal papilla cells conditioned medium;alopecia areata;therapy; ─── 人毛乳头细胞条件培养液;斑秃;治疗;

74、A duodenal filling defect and union of Double duct sign are CT characteristic manifestations of carcinoma of papilla duodeni major and carcinoma in the region of Vater's ampulla. ─── 十二指肠乳头部癌与壶腹癌二者不易区别,十二指肠腔内缺损及合一的双管征则是典型表现。

75、Leaves, bracts, sepals and outside of petals minutely papillose. ─── 叶,苞片,萼片和花瓣均为磨砂质感。

76、Petals oblong-ovate, lateral ones distinctly bearded, stigma papillose. ─── 卵形花瓣长圆形,侧生的明显具髯毛,柱头具小乳突。

77、Ovary coniform, papillose or nearly glabrous; ─── 子房锥状,具小乳突的或近无毛;

78、Compatibility between human fetal hair papilla cells and polyhydroxybutyrate ─── 人胎儿毛乳头细胞和聚羟基丁酯细胞相容性实验

79、Evaluation on the induction of reconstructing human hair dermal papilla with microencapsulation in vitro ─── 微囊法体外重建人头皮毛乳头诱导毛囊再生功能的评价

80、Pancreatic duct anomalies associated with ectopic papilla of vater in choledochal cyst ─── 先天性胆总管囊肿胰管发育与十二指肠乳头异位的关系

81、Ultrastructural change of chicken basilar papilla during a prolonged administration of kanamycin ─── 延长卡那霉素外环境持续存在时间鸡基底乳头的超微形态变化

82、1 Petals oblong-ovate, lateral ones distinctly bearded, stigma papillose. ─── 卵形花瓣长圆形,侧生的明显具髯毛,柱头具小乳突。

83、Rat Dental Papilla Cells in Culture and Mineralized Nodule Formation ─── 大鼠牙乳头细胞体外培养和矿化的实验研究

84、Incisive papilla is a significant anatomical landmark in locating upper anterior teeth position in partial or complete and implant prosthetic denture fabrication procedure. ─── 摘要在全口义齿的制作上,门齿乳突是决定上颚前齿位置的一个重要指标。

85、Keywords dental papilla;in situ hybridization;genes;homeobox; ─── 关键词牙乳头;原位杂交;基因;同源盒;

86、The ability of MRI in depicting duodenal papilla was similar to endoscopy, and the MRI was superior to endoscopy in evaluating the carcinoma of the ampulla. ─── MRI显示十二指肠乳头与内窥镜近似,显示壶腹癌优于内窥镜。

87、Lepocinclis longistriata var. papilla ─── n. 纵纹鳞孔藻乳突变种

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