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09-18 投稿


kayaker 发音


英:  美:

kayaker 中文意思翻译



kayaker 词性/词形变化,kayaker变形

动词现在分词: kayaking |动词过去分词: kayaked |动词过去式: kayaked |名词: kayaker |动词第三人称单数: kayaks |

kayaker 相似词语短语

1、carmaker ─── n.汽车制造商

2、staymaker ─── 束身衣作坊主

3、kayakers ─── n.皮船;爱斯基摩小艇(kayak的变形)

4、haymakers ─── n.干草机;制作干草的人;强力一击;n.(Haymaker)人名;(英)海梅克

5、playmaker ─── n.(集体运动项目中的)负责组织和控制进攻的球员,为队友创造进攻机会的选手

6、kayak ─── n.皮船;爱斯基摩小艇

7、capmaker ─── 帽匠

8、kayaks ─── n.独木舟,单人划子,橡皮船(kayak的复数);v.坐轻便独木舟旅行,使用轻便独木舟(kayak的第三人称单数)

9、haymaker ─── n.干草机;制作干草的人;强力一击;n.(Haymaker)人名;(英)海梅克

kayaker 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、kayak single ─── 单人皮艇

2、I am a programmer by trade, a father of two, and a kayaker of intermediate skill. ─── 我的职业是程序员,还是两个孩子的父亲,也算一个中等技能的橡皮艇漂流爱好者。

3、The cold water does not matter, I kayak all winter in America. ─── 冷水不要紧,我皮艇所有冬季在美国。

4、During the last 16 years since he was engaged in teaching, Liu Huashan supplied 40 outstanding sportsmen or more of swimming, water polo, kayak, motorboat and dragon-boat to superior training units in total. ─── 刘华山从教26年来,总共向上级训练单位输送了游泳、水球、皮划艇、摩托艇、龙舟优秀运动员40余名。

5、Women rs K1 Kayak Single Semifinal ─── 女子单人皮艇半决赛

6、Our company are specialize in manufacturing inflatable products, such as River Boat,Canoe,Kayak,Leisure Boat,PVC Air mattress, PF Air Mattress,Air bag,Air Pillow,various Raincoat. ─── 我公司是专业生产充气类产品的,产品有:急流舟,冲锋舟,独木舟,休闲舟,PVC空气床,植绒空气床,充气袋,充气枕,各类雨衣。

7、And Togo, a West African nation of 6 million people, won its very first Olympic medal, a bronze in the kayak. ─── 多哥,一个人口为6百万的西非国家,第一次获得奥运奖牌---皮划艇的铜牌。

8、woman kayak 9, Germany is five; ─── 女子皮艇9块,德国也是5块;

9、Many people call Halong Bay Vietnam's greatest natural wonder. Tourists take cruises around it every day. In warm weather, tourists also swim, kayak and climbs the cliffs. ─── 很多人称下龙湾为越南最大的自然景观。每天都有很多游客到这里旅游参观。如果在温暖的天气里,游客们还可以在这里游泳,划皮艇或攀爬悬涯。

10、Use an odd form of transport: a kayak, or a unicycle. ─── 使用奇特的交通方式:独木舟或独轮脚踏车。

11、kayaker and cinematographer gordon brown , featured in the film , lowers himself in his kayak to the base of tissisat falls. ─── 随队的独木舟救生员兼摄影师哥顿坐在独木舟内,缒绳而下,降落青尼罗河瀑布底部。

12、After a few days of physical tests suggested she was the perfect fit for a kayaker, she was sent to train with the provincial team. ─── 几天的身体测试表明,她是适合皮划艇运动的完美人选,随后她就被送往省队训练。

13、double kayak ─── 双人皮艇

14、In Sydney, some hours later, a kayaker survived a terrifying ordeal after being knocked from his craft by a great white shark. ─── 几小时后,悉尼一男子被一头大白鲨从皮划艇上撞入海中,经过艰难挣扎后得以生还。

15、Touretski teaches a "kayak principle" where hands are opposite each other similar to the blades at the end of a kayak paddle. ─── 图列斯基教授的是一种"独木舟"式划臂,两手似乎像独木舟的划水浆两端对称的桨叶。

16、Brooke Bennett and Claudia Poll, two of the world's top distance swimmers, utilize the kayak principle. ─── 布鲁克?班尼特和克劳迪娅?波尔是两名世界顶尖级长距离游泳运动员,他们都采用独木舟式划臂。

17、They are in the night of the Mid-autumn Festival, take the advantage of Anacreontic moon, divide 5, waited to finish the job that cross a river smoothly with kayak, little raft. ─── 他们 在中秋节的夜里,趁明朗的月光,分5路,用 皮船、小筏等顺利完成了渡河任务。

18、Physiological and Biochemistry Responses during World Championships of Canon and Kayak Team ─── 国家皮划艇队运动员大赛前后生理和生化指标变化初探

19、Especially, outdoor cooking ( Pizza Baking, Roast with Dutch Oven), Canue, kayak are very fun. ─── 尤其是野炊(烤披萨,用荷式烤法),滑独木舟,搭小艇真的好好玩喔!

20、Two young adventurers completed an epic paddle of more than 3,300 kilometers on Jan. 13 to become the first people to travel from Australia to New Zealand by kayak. ─── 两个年轻的冒险家在1.13完成了他们超过3,300公里的伟大皮划艇航行,成为第一个划船从澳大利亚到新西南的人。

21、Olympic Canoe / Kayak Slalom Centre ─── 奥林匹克皮划艇激流障碍中心

22、The area can be seen by car, bike , canoe, kayak or on foot. ─── 你可以开小车,骑自行车,划独木舟,皮船或者徒步欣赏这里。

23、And former Kayaker Drew Patterson notes that offering exclusive deals is not part of Kayak's traditional DNA. ─── Kayak前员工DrewPatterson则认为,提供独家产品不是Kayak传统基因的一部分。

24、In this frame #4 there is a demonstration of this "kayak principle": the right arm initiating its pull from well in front while the left arm is extracted. ─── 在画面4中有一个对“独木舟原理”的演示:右臂在前面开始划水时,左臂正出水。正是这种“相对”产生了我们期望的结果:提供几乎连续的推进力。

25、International Federation of Camping and Kayak ─── 国际露营和皮艇运动联合会

26、To go, travel, or race in a kayak. ─── 划爱斯基摩划子,坐爱斯基摩划子旅行或比赛

27、Women rs K1 Kayak Single Final ─── 女子单人皮艇决赛

28、canoe / kayak slalom ─── n. 皮划艇激流回旋

29、Yes, he can. He can kayak very well. ─── 不,他能的。他划独木舟很拿手。

30、Then in 2004 a kayaker caught a glimpse of a majestic woodpecker in a wildlife refuge in Arkansas. ─── 后来在2004年,一位划皮艇爱好者在阿肯色州一个野外避难所看见了一只巨大的啄木鸟。

31、woman kayak ─── 女子皮艇

32、The waters are icy cold to the touch as I get in my inflatable red kayak near Myitkyina and shove off into the brisk current, the soft blue waters winding with patient certainty toward distant hills. ─── 当我在密支那附近将充气红色小艇推入轻快的水流中时,河水冰冷刺骨,但蓝色的河水潺潺蜿蜒却坚定的流向远方的青山。

33、To warm themselves, they lit a fire in the kayak. ─── 两个爱斯基摩人坐在他们的皮船里,他们突然感到有点冷。

34、Fight the rapids as you kayak and raft down the vast Mekong River. ─── 当你的皮船和木筏冲进湄公河时和急流的艰险战斗。

35、Unlike a real kayak, though, if you get caught in a whirlpool, all you have to do to get out is waggle your Wiimote. ─── 不过不像真实橡皮艇的是当你遇到漩涡的时候,你只需要做的就是遥控你的Wiimote。

36、’ At longer distances, slow paddling in a normal racing kayak is more efficient than hydrofoil kayaking. ─── 在远一点的距离,使用普通的赛艇缓慢滑行会比水翼皮艇更为有效。

37、Women rs K1 Kayak Single Heats ─── 女子单人皮艇预赛第一次

38、Investigation on Dietary Condition of National Canoe Kayak Slalom Team ─── 国家皮划艇激流回旋集训队膳食状况调查

39、What if the kayak capsizes? ─── 如果独木舟翻过来怎么办?

40、This includes low-hung thwarts in canoes lacking adequate clearance for your feet and kayak footbraces which fail or allow your feet to become wedged under them. ─── 包括船中安装的低挂的横坐板没有足够空间给你的脚,独木舟的支脚也会弄伤你的脚。

41、" Specification of rowing, kayak, canoe and theirs accessories" ─── GB/T13412-1992赛艇、皮艇、划艇及其附件技术条件

42、In fact, up ahead, a kayaker was playing in the hole, and his body slowly slid down, as if he were on an elevator. ─── 事实上,在正前方,有个皮划艇爱好者正在里面,他的身体慢慢地向下滑,就像是一部电梯。

43、International Canoe and Kayak Federation ─── 国际划艇和皮艇运动联合会

44、A sea kayaker navigates the rocks around Flowerpot Island in Ontario's Fathom Five National Marine Park. ─── 在安大略省的五英寻国家海洋公园里,一名海上皮划艇运动员在花盆岛周围的岩石间穿行。

45、four-person kayak ─── 四人皮艇

46、He can kayak very well. ─── 他划独木舟很拿手.

47、The exquisite balance required for paddlers of a racing canoe or kayak means that those first exposed to the sport as young as 10 can have a lasting edge. ─── 划艇或皮艇运动员需要有精密的平衡感,这意味着在10岁时第一次接触这项运动的孩子能拥有持久的优势。

48、Yet in an illustration of the power of China's state-directed sports system, Yang became a world-class kayaker. ─── 如今,杨雅莉已经成为一名世界级的皮艇运动员,成为中国以国家主导的体育运动体制力量的一个例证。

49、This is the jaw-dropping moment a daredevil kayaker paddled down a waterfall almost 100ft high. ─── 这是一个令人惊叹的时刻,一个艺高胆大的皮划艇选手从将近一百英尺高的瀑布上划了下来。

50、Women rs Canoe / Kayak ─── 女子皮划艇

51、Kulcsar said: "I knew it was there, but my first thought was to just get back in the kayak as quick as possible. ─── 卡尔克撒说:“我意识到它就在那儿,但我首先想到的就是尽可能快的回到皮划艇上。”

52、two-seater folding kayak ─── 双座折叠式皮艇

53、The influence of different training intensity on NO and NOS of male kayak athletes ─── 不同负荷训练对男子皮艇运动员血清一氧化氮合酶的影响

54、After a few days of physical tests suggested she was the perfect fit for a kayaker, she was sent to train with the provincial team. ─── 几天的身体测试表明,她是适合皮划艇运动的完美人选,随后她就被送往省队训练。

55、Olympics man kayak races and a woman kayak competition. ─── 奥运会设有男子皮艇赛和女子皮艇赛。

56、This makes the boat easier to paddle and translates more of the kayaker's muscle power into speed. ─── 从而使得划桨更容易,并能将划桨人的力量有效转化为皮划艇的滑行速度。

57、Saltwater Sports is a full sevice, licensed and insured kayak outfitter offering new kayaks, kayak rentals, guided nature tours and guided fishing expeditions. ─── 在这里计划旅行吧?查看我们的尼泊尔,佛罗里达周末行程,可以看到天气预报,酒店和景点推荐。

58、So I set out to experience the Irrawaddy, the historical lifeline of Myanmar, paddling my first 340 miles (550 kilometers) in a kayak. ─── 因此,我启程伊洛瓦底之旅,乘单人小艇开始了最初的340英里(550公里),体验缅甸的历史生命线。

59、Which only goes to prove the old saying that you can't have your kayak and heat it, too. ─── 当然,皮船沉掉了,这证实了古人说的有得必有失。

60、Other sports activities are mountaineering, hiking, canyoning, speleology, mountain-biking, archery, climbing, rappel on rock and on bridge, skiing on stones, kayak and rafting on rivers of the surrounding area. ─── 其他体育运动有在周围地区的登山、远足、峡谷穿越、探洞、山地骑行、射箭、攀岩和速降(在山岩或桥上)、滑石、划艇和漂流。

61、A daredevil kayaker's astonishing 100-mph dive over a waterfall breaks a world record... >> Is he crazy? ─── 一位皮艇爱好者竟然以每小时80公里的速度从瀑布上滑下!创造了世界纪录...>>观看

62、The history of the canoe and kayak has been traced back thousands of years to when natives used these craft to hunt, fish and travel. ─── 划艇和皮艇的历史可以追溯到几千年以前,它们是古代的当地居民用来打猎、捕鱼和旅行的工具。

63、canoe / kayak flatwater ─── n. 皮划艇静水

64、Whitewater kayaking is ravaging through rough waters through a kayak. ─── 在您使用舒心的同时,让您花最少的钱!

65、For twenty years I've been exploring the world in a sea kayak. ─── 二十年来, 我一直乘坐爱斯基摩式独木舟环游世界。

66、A kayaker fought off an 8-foot great white shark with her paddle last month after it knocked her off the craft at one of Australia's most popular beaches. ─── 上个月,在澳大利亚最受欢迎的海滩之一,一个女子皮船手被一只8英尺长的大白鲨袭击并落水,该女子用船桨将大白鲨击退。

67、Well, it's a special technique we use to get the kayak upright when it overturns. ─── 嗯,那是独木舟翻覆时所用的一种使独木舟翻正的特殊技巧。

68、Australia to New Zealand by Kayak ─── 从澳大利亚乘皮划艇到新西兰

69、He single kayak 500 meters title in failure, but also in the single kayak 1,000 meters in defeat. ─── 但匈牙利本次比赛的亮点已经不如以往,很多有夺冠实力的如男子四人皮艇都纷纷失利。

70、Pic.o5 Allson Jacobel: "A misty kayak adventure on Diamond lake in Wisconsin." ─── 威斯康星州,钻石湖,行驶在烟霭中的皮筏。

71、The highly specialized and dangerous technique of harpooning narwhal from a kayak is practiced by only a handful of people in Northern Greenland. ─── 在格陵兰北部,坐在小皮划子里用鱼叉捕捉角鲸是一项十分特别并且危险的技术,只有很少的人能够掌握。

72、1. Our company are specialize in manufacturing inflatable products, such as River Boat,Canoe,Kayak,Leisure Boat,PVC Air mattress, PF Air Mattress,Air bag,Air Pillow,various Raincoat. ─── 我公司是专业生产充气类产品的,产品有:急流舟,冲锋舟,独木舟,休闲舟,PVC空气床,植绒空气床,充气袋,充气枕,各类雨衣。收藏指正

73、Racing boat, kayak, canoe, if you are intreseted in these products, please contact with me ─── 我是做赛艇,皮划艇,冲浪板这方面的产品

74、Woman kayak a total of 11 gold medals, the Soviet Union team claimed seven. ─── 女子皮艇共11块金牌,苏联队夺去7块。

75、TEGUCIGALPA -- What makes a man get into a kayak and paddle it down the Pacific Coast from California to Central America? ─── TEGUCIGALPA文--是什么驱使一个男人开动小船沿着太平洋沿岸从加利福尼亚州航行到中美州?

76、A kayaker carefully maneuvers around jagged icebergs in Glacier Bay, Alaska. ─── 在阿拉斯加的冰川海湾,一只皮船在高低错落的冰山边小心翼翼的前行。

77、In fact, up ahead, a kayaker was playing in the hole, and his body slowly slid down, as if he were on an elevator. ─── 事实上,在正前方,有个皮划艇爱好者正在里面,他的身体慢慢地向下滑,就像是一部电梯。

78、Castrission paid tribute to Andrew McAuley, an Australian kayaker who vanished in February last year while trying to make a solo crossing of the Tasman. ─── Castrission向Andrew McAuley表示了敬意,Andrew McAuley在去年2月只身划独木舟横穿塔斯曼海的时候失踪了。

79、The founder of the Northeast PA Kayak School, Jerry McAward, is an excellent instructor. ─── 我深信如果做对的话,每一项运动看起来都是美不胜收的。

80、As I pull my kayak onto the shore of the tiny village of Myitkangyi, children gather nearby, mouths agape. ─── 从1996年起,缅甸政府发起了鼓励旅游的运动,但西方却对到这个国家旅游存在很大争议。素姬反对这一提议,认为旅游为政府压迫提供了资金;


82、Women rs K1 Kayak Single Medal Ceremony ─── 女子单人皮艇颁奖仪式

83、rubber covered canvas hull of one-man kayak ─── 包橡皮的帆布船壳

84、Hermon in the 19th century German engineers under his flying experience, will create a kayak fish, and increased speed. ─── 19世纪末德国工程师赫曼根据自己的飞行经验,将皮艇制造成鱼形,提高了船速。

85、Like a real kayak, paddling to your left will send you to the right, and vice versa. ─── 就好像控制真实橡皮艇一样,当你划左边船就会向右,当你划右边船就会向左的相反原理。

86、We can make any rotomolded kayaks and kayak mouolds/tooling ,our mateial for mould is Aluminum .If you are looking for such manufacturer ,please contact me ! ─── 您对此产品满意吗?如果此信息不能满足您的需要,请给我们留言!

87、I park my kayak on a sandbar near white steps that rise from the water's edge. ─── 我把小艇停泊在沿水而建的白色台阶附近的船坞。

88、Carry the victim as gently as possible, perhaps in the kayak or canoe, to shelter. ─── 尽可能地在运送病人的过程中保持轻柔,也许可以用皮划艇或独木舟。

89、kayak vertigo ─── [医] 独木舟眩晕(美洲爱斯基摩人的病)

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