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09-18 投稿


lithotrity 发音

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lithotrity 中文意思翻译



lithotrity 词性/词形变化,lithotrity变形

名词复数: lithotrities |

lithotrity 相似词语短语

1、lithotrites ─── [泌尿]碎石钳;[泌尿]碎石器

2、lithotrite ─── [泌尿]碎石钳;[泌尿]碎石器

3、lithotrities ─── n.[泌尿]碎石术

4、lithotritic ─── 碎石术

5、lithotritise ─── 碎石术

6、lithotritor ─── 碎石机

7、lithotriptic ─── adj.碎石的;n.碎石;碎石剂

8、lithotripter ─── 碎石机

9、lithotripsy ─── n.碎石术

lithotrity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Clinical Research on Treatment of Calculus of Kidney by Extrinsic Lithotrity and Urolith Elimination ─── 尿石消配合体外冲击波碎石治疗肾结石的临床研究

2、Trajectory lithotrity of air pressure ─── 气压弹道碎石术

3、External Lithotrity plus Paishi Powder in Emergency of Urinary Lithiasis: A Clinical Observation ─── 体外碎石配合排石散治疗泌尿系结石急症临床观察

4、Peri-operative Nursing Care on Baric Ballistic Lithotrity Care By Ureteroscope ─── 输尿管镜气压弹道碎石术的围手术期护理

5、Shock wave lithotrity of malformed nephrolithiasis ─── 畸形肾结石的冲击波碎石术

6、Objective: to observe clinical effect and complications of treating ureterolith through aerodynamic trajectory lithotrity by ureterorenoscope (URS). ─── 前言:目的:观察经输尿管肾镜行气压弹道碎石治疗输尿管结石的临床疗效及并发症。

7、Methods:128 cases were treated by aerodynamic trajectory lithotrity with the URS including 10 cases of calculus in upper part,46 cases in middle part,and 72 cases in lower part of ureter. ─── 方法:经尿道输尿管肾镜直视下,行气压弹道碎石术治疗输尿管结石128例,其中输尿管上段结石10例,中段结石46例,下段结石72例。

8、Methods By driect entrance method, 520 patients with ureteral calculus were treated with baric ballistic lithotrity, and calculus removed. ─── 方法采用直接进镜法对520例输尿管结石患者进行经输尿管镜气压弹道碎石和取石治疗。

9、Keywords ureter transureteral cavity lithotrity double J tube; ─── 输尿管;腔内碎石术;双J管;

10、Clinical observation of treatment for urinary calculus with air pressure trajectory lithotrity under ureteroscope in 228 cases ─── 输尿管镜下气压弹道碎石治疗尿路结石临床观察228例

11、Objective:To observe clinical effect and complications of treating ureterolith through aerodynamic trajectory lithotrity by ureterorenoscope(URS). ─── 目的 :观察经输尿管肾镜行气压弹道碎石治疗输尿管结石的临床疗效及并发症。

12、Holmium laser lithotrity to remove upper ureteral caculi (a report of 110 cases) ─── 钬激光碎石术治疗输尿管上段结石110例

13、Endoscopic Diagnosis and Treatment of Ureter Remain Stone after Invitro Shock Wave Lithotrity ─── 体外冲击波碎石术后输尿管残留结石的内镜诊治

14、Observation on Effect about Modified Eight Health Restoring Powder Used in Lithotrity of Vitro Seismic Waves ─── 加味八正散在体外震波碎石后的应用观察

15、Objective: To observe the effect of general attack therapy (GAT) combined external lithotrity on urinary stone. ─── 摘要目的:观察体外液电冲击碎石法配合总攻排石法加肾区拍击法治疗泌尿系结石的疗效。

16、Clinical observation of extracorporeal shock wave lithotrity and sitting bath with chinese medicine decoction in treatment of the calculus of bladder ─── 体外冲击波碎石联合中药煎汤坐浴治疗膀胱结石的临床观察

17、Introduced several lithotrity technologies now at use and made comparisons between them in help potential users make decision in selection of these types of products for references. ─── 笔者对目前碎石技术的发展现状进行了客观的评述并对各种技术运用的优缺点进行了比较,为用户在选择产品时提供参考。

18、Keywords renal calculus;endoscope;lithotrity; ─── 肾结石;内窥镜;碎石术;

19、Keywords high energy shock wave;cholelithiasis;lithotrity;dX; ─── 高能震波;胆结石;碎石术;犬;

20、Keywords High Energy Shock Wave;Cholelithiasis;Lithotrity; ─── 高能震波;胆结石;碎石术;

21、holmium laser lithotrity ─── 钬激光碎石

22、Keywords Extracorporeal shock wave lithotrity;Renal calculi;Kidney calices; ─── 体外冲击波碎石术;肾结石;肾盏;

23、Clinical Analysis of Ureteronephroscope Baroballistic Lithotrity treat for Urinary Lithiasis (166 Cases Report) ─── 输尿管肾镜气压弹道碎石术治疗泌尿系结石的临床分析(附166例报告)

24、Ureteroscope recessive lithotrity 106 case, will be URL on mongh the calculus eliminate 81.5%; ─── URL106例,术后1个月结石清除率81.5%;

25、Keywords Colored Doppler;Laser lithotrity with Pi Shenjing holmium;Kidney stones; ─── 彩色多普勒;经皮肾镜钬激光碎石术;肾结石;

26、Conclusion: Under ureter mirror barometric pressure trajectory lithotrity security.Damages slightly.The effect is obvious. ─── 结论输尿管镜下气压弹道碎石术安全,损伤小,效果确切。

27、Objective To evaluate the clinical efficacy and complication with ureteroscopic pneumatic lithotrity on the treatment of ureteral stones in children. ─── 目的探讨输尿管镜气压弹道碎石治疗小儿输尿管结石的效果及并发症。

28、Methods By direct entrance method, 520 patients with ureteral calculus were treated with baric ballistic lithotrity , and calculus removed. ─── 方法采用直接进镜法对520例输尿管结石患者进行经输尿管镜气压弹道碎石和取石治疗。

29、Keywords Lithotrity;Biliary calculi;Cholangioscopy; ─── 碎石术;胆道结石;胆道镜;

30、Clinical Research on Treatment of Calculus of Kidney by Extrinsic Lithotrity and Urolith Elimination ─── 尿石消配合体外冲击波碎石治疗肾结石的临床研究

31、16 patients with acute renal failure of solitary kidney caused by ureteral stone were treated with transurethral ureteroscopic ballast lithotrity, or by pushing back the stone into the renal pelvis. ─── 方法采用输尿管镜直视下气压弹道碎石或将结石推回肾盂等方法治疗输尿管结石梗阻致孤立肾肾功能衰竭16例。

32、Methods From July, to November, 2006.Uses under the ureter mirror the barometric pressure trajectory lithotrity treatment ureterolithiasis 52 examples. ─── 方法自2006年7月至2006年11月,采用输尿管镜下气压弹道碎石术治疗输尿管结石52例。

33、Observation on Effect about Modified Eight Health Restoring Powder Used in Lithotrity of Vitro Seismic Waves ─── 加味八正散在体外震波碎石后的应用观察

34、Management of ureter remain stone after in vitro shock wave lithotrity with holmium laser: 46 cases report ─── 钬激光治疗体外冲击波碎石术后输尿管残留结石46例

35、Objective:To observe the effect of general attack therapy(GAT)combined external lithotrity on urinary stone. ─── 目的:观察体外液电冲击碎石法配合总攻排石法加肾区拍击法治疗泌尿系结石的疗效。

36、A Clinical Observation of the Effect of General Attack Therapy Combining External Lithotrity on Urinary Stone Cases ─── 体外碎石配合总攻排石法治疗泌尿系结石疗效观察

37、Application of air pressure trajectory lithotrity under ureteroscope ─── 输尿管镜下气压弹道碎石术的应用体会

38、electrohydraulic lithotrity ─── 液电碎石

39、Keywords ureterosecope;lithotrity;stress reaction;mental interference; ─── 输尿管镜;碎石术;应激反应;心理干预;

40、Observation on the effect of extracorporeal shock wave lithotrity on renal calyceal stone ─── 体外冲击波碎石治疗肾盏结石的疗效观察

41、Conclusion: Under ureter mirror barometric pressure trajectory lithotrity security. Damages slightly. The effect is obvious. ─── 结论输尿管镜下气压弹道碎石术安全,损伤小,效果确切。

42、The treatment and nursing of the in vitro lithotrity with integrated traditional and western medicine ─── 体外震波碎石术中西医结合治疗与护理方法探讨

43、Keywords Bladder fluid electric lithotrity;Cystocith;Cystoscope; ─── 液电碎石;膀胱结石;膀胱镜;

44、Obstruction of Mononephrous Ureterolith Treated by Paishi Decoction Cooperated with Lithotrity by Vibration Wave in Vitro ─── 体外震波碎石与排石汤联合治疗孤立肾输尿管结石梗阻

45、Keywords Ureteral calculi;Ureteroscope;lithotrity; ─── 输尿管结石;输尿管镜;碎石术;

46、Laser lithotrity with Pi Shenjing holmium ─── 经皮肾镜钬激光碎石术

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