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09-18 投稿


lithogenous 发音

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lithogenous 中文意思翻译



lithogenous 短语词组

1、lithogenous sediment ─── 岩生沉积物

lithogenous 相似词语短语

1、biogenous ─── adj.产生生命的;生命产生的

2、goitrogenous ─── adj.引起甲状腺肿的

3、ectogenous ─── adj.[动]外生的;体外生活的

4、isogenous ─── adj.[生物]同源的

5、pathogenous ─── 致病的

6、lichenous ─── adj.青苔的;地衣的

7、nitrogenous ─── adj.氮的;[化学]含氮的

8、pythogenous ─── 脓性

9、autogenous ─── adj.自生的;自发的

lithogenous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、CONCLUSION The action of gandanning on inhibiting the development of CS in guinea pigs should be contributed to its resisting the produce of pathogenetic lithogenous bile by regulating liver function. ─── 结论 肝胆宁通过对肝脏功能的调节,阻止其产生病理性致石胆汁而达到抑制CS形成。

2、delta deposit characterizing short basin growth time (it's mainly concentrated onto Quaternary), short lithogenous time and low lithogenous level forms an excellent accumulation condition here. ─── 盆地发育时间短(主要集中在第四纪)、成岩时间短、成岩程度低的三角洲沉积形成了这里优越的聚集条件。

3、chronic lithogenous cholecystitis ─── 慢性结石性胆囊炎

4、lithogenous process ─── 造岩作用

5、Keywords geniposide;cholesterol calculus;lipoid substances in bile;gallstone formation rate;lithogenous index (LI);Gardenia jasminoides Ellis; ─── 关键词京尼平苷;胆固醇结石;胆汁脂类成分;成石率;成石指数;栀子;

6、lithogenous component ─── 造岩组分

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