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09-19 投稿


Loki 发音

英:  美:

Loki 中文意思翻译



Loki 短语词组

1、book loki ─── 簿记日志

2、Loki's Wager ─── 洛基的赌注

3、evil god loki ─── 邪恶的上帝洛基

4、lady loki ─── 女士蝴蝶结

Loki 词性/词形变化,Loki变形

原型:loki 名词复数形式:loki

Loki 相似词语短语

1、enoki ─── n.冬菇,金针菇

2、lo-fi ─── 低保真

3、moki ─── n.莫奇鱼,新西兰的海鱼,蓝拟鲈或黄鸡鱼;(毛利人的)木筏;n.(Moki)(美、乌克兰、肯尼亚)莫基(人名)

4、Loki ─── n.洛基(北欧神话里的火神)

5、hoki ─── 长尾鳕

6、lobi ─── 叶

7、loke ─── n.死胡同(等于cloak);n.(Loke)人名;(英、塞)洛克

8、loci ─── n.确切地点;抽象事物的中心;位点;轨迹(locus的复数)

9、loti ─── n.洛蒂(Loti,Pierre1850-1923,法国名小说家)

Loki 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Information about the Loki cluster can be found at ─── 关于Loki群集的信息可以在

2、Loki:No...none of you,I assure you,can konw in the smallest degree what I feel. ─── 不...你们不能,我可以肯定你们根本无法体会我现在的心情.

3、I am Loki, from Asgard, and I am burdened with glorious purpose. ─── 我是从阿斯加德神域来的洛基,我肩负光荣的使命。

4、Loki pleaded for mercy, promising to visit the dark elves of the underworld and get new hair, lovelier even than the hair he had cut. ─── 洛基求饶,答应说会去探访地狱的黑妖精,拿到新头发,还会比那他剪掉的头发更好看。

5、Loki:But who ever speak of loki and mercy in one breath,women?you stake your hopes on what your lord possesses not. ─── 但是你听到过洛基与宽恕同时出现过么?你将你的希望寄托在了你的主人所没有的东西上面.

6、In Norse mythology, earthquakes were explained as the violent struggling of the god Loki. ─── 在挪威的神话中,地震被解释为洛基神的猛烈的斗争。

7、If Loki as Mephisto makes such a reproach to Freya, it tells rather against Wagner. ─── 要是作为靡菲斯特斐勒司的洛基在这里对弗莱雅作了这样的指责,那么这倒是反驳了瓦格纳。

8、The Norse goddess of death and the underworld; the daughter of Loki. ─── 赫尔北欧神话中的死亡女神和冥界女王;洛基的女儿

9、According to one of the stories in Norse mythology, Loki (the god of destruction and spirit of evil) broke into a banquet and sat at the table together with Balder (the god of light) and the other gods. ─── 据挪威一个神话故事说,洛基(主管破坏和妖魔鬼怪之神)闯入一个宴会,宴会桌旁坐着博尔德(光明之神)等诸神。

10、from the days before the gods bound Loki Skywalker and all his foul children . ─── 从前天神约束洛基天行者及他的所有犯规儿童在某个远古时期的罪恶。

11、from the days before the gods bound Loki Skywalker and all his foul children . ─── 从前天神约束洛基天行者及他的所有犯规儿童在某个远古时期的罪恶。

12、Loki:Kneel as all asgard must,before her new and rightful lord. ─── 如同诸神国度在她公正的新主人面前所必须做的一样,跪下.

13、Recognising the sandal, he sought out Loki and began to beat him. ─── 认出了那拖鞋,他找到了洛基,然后开始打他。

14、Loki challenged them to make treasures equal to the three he had, not being willing to risk his personal safety. ─── 不愿意牺牲自己个人安全的情况下,洛基挑战他们,做出的宝物是跟他的三项宝物相同的。

15、Loki knew he had to escape, or be locked into servitude and so offered to deliver the spear to Odin. ─── 洛基知道他得逃走,要不然就得一生断送在奴役身上,因此就自愿要求要把那茅送到奥丁那儿。

16、Loki pleaded for mercy, promising to visit the dark elves of the underworld and get new hair, lovelier even than the hair he had cut. ─── 洛基求饶,答应说会去探访地狱的黑妖精,拿到新头发,还会比那他剪掉的头发更好看。

17、>And of course you would never dream of posting here using the name of>an "imaginary character", right Loki?>BTW how are Odin and Thor doing? ─── 出于验证的需要,请键入您在下图中看到的字符或点击辅助功能图标后所听到的数字。

18、justin quayle: oh, thank you arnold. i... i can manage that. but i still dont see why you couldnt wait a couple of weeks. why go all the way up to loki? ─── 哦,谢谢你arnold,我...我可以做到。但是我还是不明白为什么你不能再等几个星期。为什么要如此竭尽全力去loki呢?

19、Saiva:Loki, I need to talk to you. There is something I must tell you about me. ─── 塞娃:洛基,我想和你谈谈。有些关于我的事,我一定得告诉你。

20、The Scandinavian belief that the number13 signified bad luck sprang from their mythological12 demigods, who were joined by a13 th demigod, Loki, an evil cruel one, who brought upon humans great misfortune. ─── 从宗教的角度看,穆斯林把星期五作为他们的真主安拉创造亚当的一天而大加颂扬。

21、One evening, while Thor was away hunting, Loki the trickster god entered Thor's home and cut off all of Thor's wife's hair while she was sleeping. ─── 一天傍晚正当托尔离开去打猎时,洛基,骗子之神,进来了托尔的家中,趁着托尔妻子在睡觉的时候,把她的头发全剪掉了。

22、Loki, Io: New ground-based observations and a model describing the change from periodic overturn ─── 新地基观测和一个描述周期反转变化的模式

23、Loki challenged them to make treasures equal to the three he had, not being willing to risk his personal safety. ─── 洛基,在不愿意牺牲自己个人安全的情况下,挑战他们,做出的宝物是跟他的三项宝物相同价值的。

24、The Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok ─── 魔侦探洛基

25、Melia: Sure, my great grandfather, his father, and my great aunt Loki... ─── 米丽亚:是的,我的曾祖父,和曾祖父的爹,我姑奶奶劳克。

26、“Hel”:The Norse goddess of death and the underworld;the daughter of Loki. ─── 赫尔:北欧神话中的死亡女神和冥界女王;洛基的女儿。

27、Loki approached the skilful dwarves and negotiated for a fine head of golden hair in exchange for a life of servitude to the dwarfs. ─── 洛基找上了有技术的小矮人,而且商量以他替奥丁,最高级的神,一生的奴役来交换一头纯金黄的头发。

28、Loki based on the template technology and object-oriented technology as the basis for the c library. ─── loki库的源代码。loki库是以模板技术和面向对象技术为基础的c++类库。-loki the source code.

29、In The Avengers, the all-star ensemble must thwart a possible world-ending scheme devised by Thor's villainous brother Loki. ─── 在《复仇者联盟》中,众星云集,必须要阻止雷神的邪恶兄弟洛基设计的可能毁灭世界的计划。

30、We have seen that only Loki the trickster manages to escape the fee. ─── 我们看到了只有洛基这骗子有本事逃脱代价。

31、When Loki, god of mischief and strife, murdered Baldr, god of beauty and light, he was punished by being bound in a cave with a poisonous serpent placed above his head dripping venom. ─── 当伤害与斗争之神,洛基谋杀了美与光之神巴德尔,他被惩罚,关在一个山洞里,一条毒蛇盘在他的头上滴下毒液。

32、loki, I have read several paragraphs. To be honst, I think the article is good for that you have your own view. ─── 但是,关于父母对上大学就是成功地论述太多了(用了几段,而且是很多重复性的看法就显得有些啰嗦),如果能简洁些也许会更好!

33、Loki:I didn't think. ─── 洛基:我没想那么多。

34、Why go all the way up to Loki? ─── 为什么要如此竭尽全力去Loki呢?

35、This legend tells of Balder, the god of peace, who was killed by the evil god Loki with an arrow made of mistletoe - mistletoe was the only thing that could hurt Balder. ─── 传说和平之神伯德,被邪恶之神罗其以世上唯一可致其死地的武器,也就是檞寄生所制的箭刺死。

36、Melia: Sure, my great grandfather, his father, and my great aunt Loki . . . ─── 米丽亚:是的,我的曾祖父,和曾祖父的爹,我姑奶奶劳克。

37、In fact, Loki's intrusion was part of his artful scheme that caused Balder's death. ─── 实际上,洛基闯宴是害死光明之神博尔德阴谋的一部分。

38、Loki returns to Asgard, so the myth goes, and tells Freyja to put on her wedding attire for she is (alas!) to wed the king of the giants. ─── 据说,洛奇回到阿斯加德后,就叫芙瑞雅穿上她的新娘礼服,准备嫁给巨人之王.(呜呼哀哉!)

39、Loki challenged them to make treasures equal to the three he had, not being willing to risk his personal safety. ─── 洛基,在不愿意牺牲自己个人安全的情况下,挑战他们,做出的宝物是跟他的三项宝物相同价值的。

40、Loki:I have not forgotten you.and it is true,I owe you thanks and more than thanks.thus you com in all haste to claim your reward,eh? ─── 我没有忘记你,而且的确,我欠你的不只是一句谢谢而已.于是你就如此迫切地来索要你的回报么?

41、Loki [god of evil] ─── 洛奇[邪神]

42、In Norse mythology, earthquakes were explained as the violent struggling of the god Loki . ─── 在挪威的神话中,地震被解释为洛基神的猛烈的斗争。

43、Loki:For thr first time,I enter this palace as its master. ─── 这是我第一次作为这宫殿的主人来到这儿.

44、There were 13 gods sitting around the table, including Loki. ─── 包括洛基在内,宴会桌周围坐着13个神。

45、According to one of the stories in Norse mythology,Loki (the god of destruction and spirit of evil) broke into a banquet and sat at the table together with Balder (the god of light) and the other gods. ─── 据挪威一个神话故事说,洛基(主管破坏和妖魔鬼怪之神)闯入一个宴会,宴会桌旁坐着博尔德(光明之神)等诸神。

46、Holder was blind and Loki held onto his hand and shot Balder in the heart with the mistletoe arrow. ─── 浩德是个盲人,邪神洛基抓着浩德的手让浩德一箭射中了保德的心脏。

47、After one of the worst days of his life he finds a mask that depicts Loki the Norse night god of mischief. ─── 这路不仅远而且曲折,有时候是绕回起点的不远处。至于这个目的,并非邪恶之辈。只是心中迷宫的其中的某一扇门。

48、Loki sealed the deal by promising to bring Thor a very special present too. ─── 洛基达成了协议,答应他也会带一份很特别的礼物给托尔。

49、Loki:"But a child."you say?and,as such,deserving of loki's mercy? ─── 你说"他只是个孩子"?于是他就应该得到洛基的宽恕?

50、Gaia becomes increasingly confused about the truths being divulged about her family, but seems most perplexed over the role Loki plays in her life. ─── 图书性质:全价/非现货图书(想了解什么是非现货图书,请点击这里)

51、Help little Loki escape hell while avoiding other devils and the rising, red hot lava.Go on - raise a little hell! ─── 你要帮助loki逃脱地狱,同时避免地狱的火焰上涨,炽热熔岩会让loki死亡.走一会地狱的火焰就会提高一点!

52、The mistletoe did not fit into any of these categories, so an evil spirit by the name of Loki created an arrow out of mistletoe and gave it to Balder's brother, Holder. ─── 但是槲寄生却不属于土,火,水,气中的任何一种,所以一个叫洛基的邪神用槲寄生树枝做了一枝箭,还把这支箭交给保德的弟弟浩德。

53、Bodhi and Loki on the chaise. Usually live 9-5 EST. ─── 马车上的菩提和洛基。通常直播在东部时间9-5点。

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