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09-19 投稿


stripling 发音


英:  美:

stripling 中文意思翻译



stripling 网络释义

n. 年轻人,小伙子n. (Stripling)人名;(英)斯特里普林

stripling 短语词组

1、stripling cocking ─── 带状翘曲

stripling 词性/词形变化,stripling变形


stripling 相似词语短语

1、strayling ─── 箭头

2、strickling ─── n.平刮;v.刮去;刮平(strickle的现在分词);n.(Strickling)人名;(德)施特里克林

3、striating ─── adj.有条纹的;vt.加条纹,加条痕

4、striplings ─── n.年轻人,小伙子;n.(Stripling)人名;(英)斯特里普林

5、tripling ─── v.(使)增至三倍;(某数)乘以三(triple的现在分词);n.三倍增长

6、striping ─── n.拆开;去膜;加条纹;条纹图案;v.给…加条纹(strip的ing形式)

7、stripping ─── n.脱衣;汽液分离;v.剥去;脱掉;拆除(strip的现在分词)

8、striding ─── v.跨步(stride的现在分词);大步行走

9、stridling ─── 字符串

stripling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On Wednesday, it was a sampler. She says the stripling's fun. ─── 星期三,要做样本拼布.她说弯曲压线技巧很有趣.

2、COMPARED with IBM, Microsoft is a mere stripling. ─── 与IBM相比,微软纯属一后生。

3、The stripling helped the old man across the road. ─── 年轻的男子帮助那老人过马路。

4、1. He is a young man, hardly more than a stripling. ─── 他是个小伙子,尚不及而立之年。

5、He went again to the doorway and looked out, feeling embarrassed that an old soldier like himself should be playing such stripling 's games. ─── 他又来到门口向外看看,觉得局促不安,因为象他这么个老军人竟然要玩这种年轻人的游戏。

6、Tall, athletic, and well-featured for his age, he was a typical stripling of the town. ─── 人家给他改的巴斯这个名字跟他十分相称。

7、Then suddenly the eldest son, a stripling , spat on his hands and said wistfully. ─── 大儿子是长大成人了,他忽然往手上吐了口唾沫,若有所思地说。

8、Its leaders have not forgotten the father, and the stripling 71-year-old son will get a warm welcome on a first official trip to Beijing in late December or early January. ─── 由于“老”福田与中国的良好关系,71岁的“小”福田在他定于12月末或1月初的对北京的首次官方访问会受到热情的欢迎。

9、But he came before the people as candidate for the priesthood, although he was not yet much more than a stripling. ─── 尽管他只不过是个二十多岁的小伙子,但他却比别人更有机会作为教士的候选人。

10、He is a young man, hardly more than a stripling. ─── 他是个小伙子,尚不及而立之年。

11、A stripling lad when I left home, an old man I return. ─── 我从小离开了家乡,到了年纪老大的时候方才回来。

12、A callow stripling of 60 or so may then conceivably be allowed to steer the kingdom faster towards modernity and perhaps even greater justice, equality and choice; ─── 令人想像的是,这个60岁左右的稚嫩年轻人可能获准,执掌该王国,使它朝现代化,或者可能更多的公正、平等和选择前进。

13、The other potential giant, India, is still a relative stripling. ─── 另一个潜在的巨人——印度相对来说仍是一个年轻人。

14、And the king said, Enquire thou whose son the stripling is. ─── 56王说,你可以问问那幼年人是谁的儿子。

15、yes , the stripling answered . south frederick street . - come , mr bloom said. ─── “是的,”年轻人回答说,“南弗雷德里克大街。”

16、He went again to the doorway and looked out, feeling embarrassed that an old soldier like himself should be playing such stripling's games. ─── 他又来到门口向外看看,觉得局促不安,因为象他这么个老军人竟然要玩这种年轻人的游戏。

17、On Wednesday, it was a sampler. She says the stripling's fun. ─── 星期三,要做样本拼布,她说弯曲压线技巧很有趣。

18、Nothing was heard in the room but the hurrying pen of the stripling, ─── 屋子里悄然无声,只听得见年轻人的笔匆忙划过纸页,

19、And the king said, Inquire thou whose son the stripling is. ─── 撒上17:56王说、你可以问问那幼年人是谁的儿子。

20、A young man,hardly more than stripling ─── 一个小伙子,尚不及而立之年.

21、a blind stripling stood tapping the curbstone with his slender cane . no tram in sight. ─── 一个年轻的盲人站在那儿用根细杖敲着人行道的边石。

22、Then suddenly the eldest son, a stripling, spat on his hands and said wistfully: ─── 大儿子是长大成人了,他忽然往手上吐了口唾沫,若有所思地说:

23、The stripling helped the old man across the road. ─── 的男子帮助那老人过马路。

24、Tad Allagash, a stripling adman and Manhattan party animal with inexhaustible supplies of Bolivian Marching Powder (coy for cocaine). ─── “Party Animal”因为有“动物”二字而显得格外神秘,兽性。

25、And the king said, Enquire thou whose son the stripling [is]. Kemudian raja berkata: ""Tanyakanlah, anak siapakah orang muda itu."" ─── 王说,你可以问问这幼年人是谁的儿子。

26、Continual Display of Stripling Birds-eye Map Images Using Algorithm for Normalizing NE Grid ─── 用NE网格规整法实现线路平面图连续显示

27、“I remember another stripling who was given command of Storm's End. He could not have been much more than twenty.” ─── 这句话直接翻译的话,是“当时他也不可能超过20岁多少”,因为这样翻译出来很难听

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