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09-19 投稿


lucidness 中文意思翻译



lucidness 相似词语短语

1、fluidness ─── n.流动性;流质;不固定性,易变性

2、acidness ─── n.[化学]酸度,酸性;不悦的样子

3、humidness ─── [气象]湿度;湿气

4、mucidness ─── 粘液性

5、luridness ─── 恐怖

6、tumidness ─── n.肿胀;突出

7、placidness ─── n.平静

8、lividness ─── 活血

9、luckiness ─── n.幸运

lucidness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Neither was his whole time devoted to riotous extravagances of youth. He enjoyed many lucid intervals. ─── 他的年青时代也并非完全沉溺于花天酒地之中,他也曾多次过着平静正常的生活。

2、In 2001 Mr Gorlov won the Edison patent award for his invention, and his turbines have now been commercialised by Lucid Energy Technologies, an American company. ─── 2001年,佐罗夫因这个发明而获得了爱迪生专利奖,他设计的涡轮机已经由美国的鲁西德能源公司进行商业生产了。

3、If can delete these accessions, everything be able to become more lucid. ─── 如果能去除这些添加,一切就会变得比较清晰。

4、His style is very lucid. ─── 他的文风简单明了。

5、Lucid and willful, Eau Sauvage is the perfume of the cult of elegance, refinement, and good humor. ─── 出众清新,这款永恒的典型是心思细密,而又值得纪念的。

6、In conversation, Mr.Jermyn speaks softly and mixes short, lucid sentences with longer, less coherent remarks. ─── 在跟杰米恩交谈时,他语调柔和,表达简短清晰,其间也穿插着较长的、不那么连贯的评论。

7、If you miss the conscious exit from your body you are technically having a lucid dream, not an astral projection as you have become aware after separation. ─── 如果你错过了有意识地离开你的身体,从技术上讲,你正在做一个清醒的梦,而不是分离后的有意识的星体投射。

8、This will not, however, stop you using them in a very basic way; to enhance your OOBE's and lucid dreams, at a very early stage in your development. ─── 但这并不会妨碍你以一种非常基本的方式运用它们;在你开发的开始阶段,可以促使你的脱体经验和清醒的梦。

9、In the astral dimension, during any conscious projection or lucid dream, where the conscious mind is aware, this difference can cause great confusion. ─── 在星体层中,在任何有意识的投射或清醒的梦中,意识头脑具有知觉,这种差异可以引起巨大的混乱。

10、Her" philosophy of love" has become the common theme of many women writers in Taiwan since1950' s, and her elegant, lucid and tender style is also imitated and inherited. ─── 其“爱的哲学”是50年代以降台湾众多女作家创作的共同主题;其典雅清丽、婉温柔的艺术风格,台湾女作家也多有继承和借鉴。

11、He seemed to recover himself, for a lucid gleam came into his eyes. ─── 他好象清醒了过来,眼睛露出了明洁的光芒。

12、To obviate misunderstanding, state directions in the most lucid way possible. ─── 为了避免误解,尽可能明白地说明。

13、The author's trademark clarity produces numerous lucid, moving scenes, and the gathering weight of the struggles endured by the Wus seizes the reader's attention. ─── 在个人情感上,他对初恋女友始终不能忘怀,但妻子萍萍默默忍受他的淡漠,任劳任怨和他一起拼打,最后终于在实现美国梦的同时也获得了他的爱。

14、Some artists and athletes use lucid dreaming to improve their abilities. ─── 一些美术家和运动员利用清醒做梦来提高他们的技能。

15、Another thing you can try is to convert it into a lucid dream. ─── 你还可以尝试将此转变为一个清醒的梦。

16、If you're able to pick up on those cues - LaBerge says that with the right training, anyone can do it - you'll experience a lucid dream. ─── LaBerge表示,如果你能领悟那些暗示,只需适当的训练,任何人都可以经历一场清醒梦。

17、A year ago Lucid announced the Hydra 100: a physical chip that could enable hardware multi-GPU without any pesky SLI/Crossfire software, game profiles or anything like that. ─── 一年前,露西德宣布九头蛇100:一个物理芯片,能够使硬件的多GPU SLI技术没有任何讨厌/交火软件,游戏设定文件或类似的事情。

18、 双语使用场景

19、During those lucid intervals, she would call Buddy and say, Oren, how could you leave me in this place after fifty-six years of marriage? ─── 在那些清醒的间隙,她就会打电话给巴迪,说:“奥伦,我们结婚56年了,你怎么能把我丢在这里?

20、His succinct and lucid prose style exerted a powerful influence on American and British fiction in the 20th century. ─── 他简洁明白的文字风格对20世纪的英美小说影响极深。

21、The title is intimidating, but chapter 3 is easy to read and contains a lucid introduction to positive definite functions. ─── 不要被书名吓到了,其实书里的第3章非常容易阅读而且对正定函数也有很明确的解释。

22、And in that moment his mind was lucid, drained of all violence, as if the hidden fear finally real and present had purified him. ─── 在弧的残暴性彻底耗尽了,好像最后的、实实在在地出现在他眼前的危险,使他受到了净化。

23、Efficacies: The natural whitening ingredients together with the nourishing ingredients of lucid ganoderma can permeate through the skin rapidly to help to recuperate the natural whiteness of the skin. ─── 功效:所蕴含的自然美白成份,融合于独有的滋润成份中,迅速渗入肌肤,帮助肌肤恢复自然美白。

24、His prose is everywhere a demonstration of a lucid style. ─── 他的散文处处显示出一种明晰的风格。

25、Tears dropped on the paper and formed lucid patterns, like crystal. ─── 女孩泪滴在纸上形成晶莹的花朵。

26、His explanation was lucid and to the point. ─── 他的解释扼要易懂。

27、As we wade through the lucid pool, small fish dart among mangrove roots that spider in all directions, and crabs skitter into hiding. ─── 当我们淌过这片透明的湖泊时,小鱼们像箭一样在红树林的根系之间快速穿梭。

28、For the vast majority of people, everything experienced in a dream, lucid or not, is going to contain a subset of what the dreamer already knows or believes. ─── 对大多数人而言,梦中经历的一切都是梦者已经知道或信服的部分。

29、Personal potential, loyalty, the family, trusting your instincts, developing clairvoyance, lucid dreams. ─── 一个人的潜在可能性,忠诚,家庭,相信你的直觉,发展洞察力,清晰的理想。

30、The matter in your composition is quite good, but the writing is not lucid enough. ─── 你的作文内容很好,但文字不够清楚。

31、"Flying is the most classic example," said Gringas, a Web designer and videographer from Canada."When you realize you're having a lucid dream, you just take off and fly! ─── " "飞翔是最典型的例子,"来自加拿大的网页设计者兼电视录像制作人Gringas说,"当你意识到正做一个清晰的梦时,便开始起飞翱翔。"

32、Under the clearness and calmness, without self-will, space and time, experiences life at peace and lucidness. ─── 因没有自我中心的执著,从寂静中,朗朗观照现代红尘。

33、She does not have lucid moments. ─── 她没有清醒的时候。

34、Brezhnev began with a long speech extolling the virtue of his version of the nuclear treaty, a "clear-cut and lucid agreement". ─── 勃列日涅夫首先作了长篇发言,吹捧他的核协定草案是一份“明确而清晰的协定”。

35、Rosa McGee is one of the healthy women in the study who managed to avoid chronic disease. Now 104, the retired cook and seamstress is also strikingly lucid. ─── 学习能使女人免去很多慢性病,下厨和缝纫能使女人的头脑更灵活。

36、Its characteristic style - combining incisive guidance with wit, a lucid style, and memorable epigrams - has been popular with generations of medical students and junior doctors the world over. ─── 它的特有的风格 - 把才智与锐利的指导结合起来,一种清楚的风格和值得纪念的警句 - 受医学院学生的代和全世界的年轻的医生欢迎。

37、In lucid stillness, I felt myself and Tom and sky and earth and God as one. ─── 在一片肃穆中,我感到自己、汤姆、天空、大地及上帝溶为一体。

38、After I realized he was lucid, I said, Hugh, the speech wasn't good enough to give anyone a heart attack! ─── 当发现他的神志是清醒的时候,我说:“休,我的演讲还不够好,没有让所有的人都犯心脏病!”

39、During one lucid dream, he squeezed his left hand four times. ─── 在一次清醒做梦时,他的左手握了四下。

40、Provides the nutrition for lash with containing vitamin E and jojoba oil. Special-made integrants to prevent creeping out and remove with easy. Lucid, gently and colorful. ─── 彩色睫毛膏,内含霍霍巴油和维他命E,为睫毛提供营养,特殊的制作成分,使睫毛膏不轻易晕开并且卸妆方便,色彩清晰,性质温和不刺激,让您的眼妆更出彩。

41、Unfortunately she is unable to give a lucid response when asked for an address and thus ends up in Joe's one room abode. ─── 不幸的是,神志不清的她不能够告知乔明确的地址,最终只好归宿于乔的住所。

42、But if you’re lucid, and can raise your vibration, and break out of the dreamscape, you can communicate and have interactions with real energetic beings that are not a product of your own mind. ─── 如果你到了另外一个国家的话,你看见的是你认为的样子。

43、If this separation is done consciously, or if you become aware after it, you can take some control over it. It then becomes an OOBE, astral projection or lucid dream. ─── 如果这种分离是有意识地进行的,或如果你在其后知道,你就能对它进行某种控制。它就成为一种脱体经验、星体投射或清醒的梦。

44、She has a lucid brain. ─── 他有数学头脑。

45、What is arcane to them is lucid to me. ─── 对他们来说深奥难解的东西对我却一清二楚。

46、Key words: Adherence, Accordance, Lucidness, Slant, Cover. ─── 关键词:粘随、贴切、通透、偏离、掩盖。

47、If you read the case histories in books on astral projection, lucid dreaming, OOBE's and near death experience; you will find many accounts illustrating the splitting effect. ─── 如果你读过有关星体投射、醒的梦、体经验和濒死经验案例的书籍,你将发现许多陈述都描述了这种分裂效应。

49、But everything in the lucid dream is still a subset of your own mind. ─── 但清醒的梦中的一切仍然是你自己意识的一部分。

50、The plotting method not only exhibits information about the cations and anions explicitly, but also provides a more lucid hydrochemical classification. ─── 图解结果不但可以清楚地显示地下水中阴、阳离子含量的信息,而且也提供了更明晰、易懂的水化学类型的信息。

51、His voice rose above all the others, blending with that of the lucid horn. ─── 他的歌声腾越于所有其他人的歌声之上,和清澈的铜号声糅合在一起。

52、"The Prof's" lucid explanations of science give him the essential facts he needs. ─── 但“这位教授”深入浅出的讲解使他获得了必要的科学知识。

53、His answer was lucid and convincing. ─── 他的答复明确而有说服力。

54、He was finicky.His mind had begun to wander again, and to be perplexed by hallucinations, while his lucid intervals grew rarer and shorter. ─── 他脑子里又开始胡思乱想,被幻觉弄得神志不清,头脑清醒的时间变得越来越短,越来越少了。

55、If this separation is done consciously, or if you become aware after it, you can take some control over it. It then becomes an OOBE, astral projection or lucid dream. ─── 如果这种分离是有意识地进行的,或如果你在其后知道,你就能对它进行某种控制。它就成为一种脱体经验、星体投射或清醒的梦。

56、In the lucid and elegant style, his emotions were well expressed and his poems had particular significance in the late Tang poetry. ─── 他以清词丽句来表达自己的情感,并形成一种特殊的美感境界,在唐末诗坛上具有重要意义。

57、Her lucid eyes catch yours for a fleeting moment that seems to have lasted forever. ─── 她清澈的眼睛吸引你视线的一瞬间似乎是永恒的。

58、If you become a lucid dreamer, this does not mean that all of your dreams are of this type. Dreams vary as with all things your consciousness experiences. ─── 如果你成为一位清晰做梦者,这并不意味着你所有的梦是这种类型。梦随着你意识体验的一切事情发生变化。

59、If you become aware during sleep projection you can take some control over it as in a lucid dream, and move amongst the levels. ─── 在睡眠投射期间,如果你能像在清醒的梦中一样感知,你就可以对它进行某种控制,并在各个层中移动。

60、Lucid sentences and elegant words ─── 丽句清词

61、Ingredient: Almond and Lucid Ganoderma extracted liquid etc. ─── 主要成份:杏仁、灵芝萃取液、活性酵母精华、木瓜酵素。

62、Asked if he supported the idea, the ever lucid Allingham once quipped: "I don't mind - as long as it's not me. ─── 在去世之前曾被问及此事,向来头脑清醒的亨利如是回答:“无所谓--反正不关我事。”

63、An organization in Canada called the Dreams Foundation believes you can train yourself to have lucid dreams by paying very close attention to your dreams and writing them down. ─── 加拿大一个叫做梦基金的组织相信,你可以通过密切关注自己的梦,将做过的梦写下来以训练自己拥有清晰的梦境。

64、"Just being in a lucid dream is a turn-on for people. ─── “做一个清晰之梦对人们非常的有好处。”

65、The lucid colour of aquamarine makes it easy to see inclusions. For this reason, aquamarine should always be of the greatest possible transparency. ─── 因为,海蓝宝石清晰又明亮的颜色使它的内含物极为容易被看见,为此优质的海蓝宝石应该要有最佳的透明度。

66、She's delirious, but has lucid intervals. ─── 她神志昏乱,但时而清醒。

67、Yet he chronicles his travels with a wearying feather-light jocularity, prizing one-liners over lucid analysis. ─── 但他记录旅行的笔法却是乏味的、轻佻的滑稽,过多的俏皮话替代了清晰的分析。

68、Her story was wholly lucid and my impression perfectly wanton, but it passed through my mind that the gentleman would never come back. ─── 她讲的很清楚,我的印象很缭乱,但我以为这位绅士永远也不会回来了。

69、She does have occasional lucid moments. ─── 她只是偶尔清醒一会儿。

70、Not all of Brentano‘s students found this lucid or satisfactory, and the problem continued to disturb both them and Brentano. ─── 并非布伦塔诺所有的学生都发现了这种清晰性或满意度,并且这个问题继续困扰他们和布伦塔诺。

71、Most visitors were lucid enough to decline politely. ─── 大多数来客都能保持头脑清醒,并礼貌地拒绝。

72、He may be lucid when he begins and if well trained he will automatically plan his offense. ─── 刚开始时他可能仍然头脑清楚,如果他训练有素的话,会自动计划他的攻击。

73、During sleep, or in a lucid dream, the subconscious mind usually creates one especially for you, your own personal dream theatre. ─── 在睡眠期间,或处于清醒的梦中,这些潜意识通常为你特别创造一个你自己的个人的梦剧场。

74、To become Lucid in dream you need to program yourself with a trigger to make you realise when you are dreaming, in order to take control over it, i.e., become lucid. ─── 在梦中变得清醒,你就必须为自己设计一个扳机,当你在做梦时以使你能够感知,以对梦境进行控制,即:变得清醒。

75、If You love her, you should treasure her heart, your lover is so pure. just like the lucid spring water winding form the mountains with forest. ─── 如果你爱她,就要保护她的心,你的爱是那样纯洁,宛如苍翠山中清澈的泉水。

76、Dream To Dream --- it has to be one of those lucid dreams. ─── 今晚有好梦做了。

77、He had great powers of lucid exposition. ─── 他具有清晰的表述能力。

78、SUITCASE ART PROJECTS invites you to honor, with all your affective presence, the lucid and positive advent of a certain reign of the sensitive. ─── SUITCASE SUITCASE艺术项目“邀请您以令人感动的光临向一种让敏感的,完全占据的,明晰而积极的感受降临致敬。

79、They doubted his lucidness. ─── 他们怀疑他是否神志清醒。

80、He gave a more lucid exposition of the party's strategy than Bush has managed in months of obfuscation. ─── 他对该党的策略提出一个比布希几个月来的模糊焦点更能清楚易懂的解释。

81、In a lucid moment Winston found that he was shouting with the others and kicking his heel violently against the rung of his chair. ─── 在头脑清醒的瞬间里,温斯顿觉出他正跟旁人一样大喊大叫,用脚后跟暴烈地踢着椅子的横挡。

82、The mind is stretched and dazzled by Calvino's fantastic application of scientific concepts to modern life and letters, tossed off airily in impeccably lucid prose. ─── 卡尔维诺将科学概念幻想似的运用到现代生活和文学中,用一种轻盈的明晰无暇的散文体,轻松的将人的思维拓展,令人着迷。

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