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09-18 投稿


lienal 发音


英:  美:

lienal 中文意思翻译



lienal 短语词组

1、lienal recess ─── 脾隐窝

2、hepato-lienal fibrosis ─── [医] 肝脾纤维化

3、lienal artery ─── [医]脾动脉

lienal 相似词语短语

1、lumenal ─── 内腔的

2、cliental ─── 客户端

3、lienable ─── adj.可留置的

4、binal ─── 双重的;两倍的

5、clinal ─── adj.渐变群的

6、genal ─── adj.(解剖学)(与)脸颊(有关)的;n.(Genal)(美、塞、匈)盖纳尔(人名)

7、alienable ─── adj.可让与的,可转让的

8、final ─── adj.最终的;决定性的;不可更改的;n.决赛;期末考试;当日报纸的末版

9、lienee ─── 留置权人

lienal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、lienal artery ─── 脾动脉

2、Red blood cell lives time is normal, terminal when disease of redness of skin accompanies splenomegaly and lienal function hyperfunction, can shorten. ─── 红细胞生存时间正常,晚期有血色病伴脾肿大及脾机能亢进时,可以缩短。

3、(9) lotus seed is hypnotic: Lotus seed faint scent is goluptious, have filling heart profit lienal, raise bloodCalm the nervesWait for effect. ─── (9)莲子催眠:莲子清香可口,具有补心益脾、养血安神等功效。

4、(3) hopes the lip ages: Lienal have one's ideas straightened out at the mouth, its China in the lip; ─── (3)望唇齿:脾开窍于口,其华在唇;

5、(1) yam congee: Filling kidneyEssence of life, solid intestines and stomach, can fill lung, lienal, kidney 3 dirty. ─── (1)山药粥:补肾精,固肠胃,能补肺、脾、肾三脏。

6、This is lienal empty stomach be reached infirmly, appropriate slowly take good care of sb, without the good method with swift what. ─── 胃肠不好吃饭不吸收长不胖口腔气味不好最快速治疗方法有那些?

7、Hot weather eats some of acrid food appropriately, not only can clear heart is divided irritated, wake the head is life-giving, and but stomachic, be good at lienal benefit stomach. ─── 热天适当吃些苦味食品,不仅能清心除烦、醒脑提神,且可增进食欲、健脾利胃。

8、This just suits at lienal empty listless, limb is lack of power, inappetence , medium deficiency of vital energy is weak wait for disease. ─── 此方适应于脾虚倦怠、四肢乏力、食欲不振、中气虚弱等症。

9、Tuckahoe has be good at lienal in filling, benefit waterlogging is wet, action of Ning Xinan god. ─── 茯苓有健脾补中,利水渗湿,宁心安神作用。

10、Beneficial lienal raise a stomach, be good at the effect of difficult choice of kidney of lienal benefit water, solid. ─── 有益脾养胃、健脾利水、固肾涩精的功效。

11、Some gastroptosis patients, amalgamative still if kidney, liver, lienal, transverse colon is flagging,have other internal organs of the body, say for completely splanchnic prolapse. ─── 有的胃下垂病人,还合并有其他脏器如肾、肝、脾、横结肠下垂,称之为全内脏下垂。

12、My boy friend always makes gut, he says is him lienal bad! What should the person that I consider to know taste is bad notice on the life and food? ─── 我男朋友总是闹肚子,他说是他脾不好!我想知道脾胃不好的人在生活和饮食上应该注意些什么呢?

13、Suitable scope: This Shang Youjian is lienal the result of strong waist of kidney of beneficial gas, grow. ─── 适用范围:此汤有健脾益气、滋肾强腰之功。

14、"Liver division lienal division " what is aching symptom? ─── “肝区脾区”疼痛的症状是什么?

15、The person that the illness is weighed, can increase tortoise plastron glue to waitFilling kidneyShade and celestial being spirit are lienal waitFilling kidneyIn relief medicine. ─── 病情重者,可增加龟板胶等补肾阴及仙灵脾等补肾阳药。

16、It is heart classics no matter from disease, disease of lienal perhaps disease, nephrosis, liver and stomach trouble are affected at the heart, all can bring about insomnia. ─── 不论是心经自病,或者脾病、肾病、肝病及胃病影响于心,均可导致失眠。

17、Indissoluble as a result of consider carefully among them, fatigue tired is excessive, scathing heart is lienal and those who come on is more. ─── 其中由于思虑不解,劳倦过度,损伤心脾而发病的较多。

18、The Investigation of Treating Complications of Cirrhosis of Advanced Stage With Ligaturing Embolism of Lienal Artery Combined With Injection of Binder ─── 脾动脉栓塞联合套扎组织粘合剂注射对肝硬化晚期并发症治疗探讨

19、(5) enrages anaemia caustic: Lienal empty stomach is weak, gas blood changes unripe inadequacy; ─── (5)气血亏损:脾虚胃弱,气血化生不足;

20、The person that pathological changes is in in colon lienal music is more. ─── 病变在结肠脾曲处者较多。

21、The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine thinks, it is had be good at lienal, with the stomach, sleep peacefully wait for effect. ─── 中医认为,它具有健脾、和胃、安眠等功效。

22、External cause and wet evil concern are the biggest, internal cause criterion and lienal empty relation are attached most importance to especially should. ─── 外因与湿邪关系最大,内因则与脾虚关系尤为重要。

23、My boy friend always makes gut, he says is him lienal bad! ─── 我男朋友总是闹肚子,他说是他脾不好!

24、lienal recess ─── 脾隐窝

25、Hope the lip ages card of lienal to examine, nephrosis has certain help. ─── 望唇齿对于诊察脾、肾病证有一定帮助。

26、Huang Qineng fills the gas of lienal lung, to fill gas wants drug; The research that modern medicine learns thinks, enhance body immunity force head turns yellow over sixty years of age. ─── 黄耆能补脾肺之气,为补气要药;现代药学的研究认为,增强身体免疫力首推黄耆。

27、Liver is lienal see occasionally intumescent. ─── 肝脾偶见肿大。

28、Suitable scope: This Shang Youjian is lienal the result of benefit wet detumescence. ─── 适用范围:此汤有健脾利湿消肿之功。

29、lienal plexus ─── 脾丛

30、Hope the lip ages card of lienal to examine, nephrosis has certain help. ─── 望唇齿对于诊察脾、肾病证有一定帮助。

31、Latter is much because of flourishing of fire of deficiency of yin with irritability, lienal empty is wet tired, lienal kidney deficiency of yang. ─── 后者则多因阴虚火旺,脾虚湿困,脾肾阳虚。

32、Pick acupuncture point: Dot of heart, liver, kidney, lienal, stomach, bravery, head, coriaceous below, divine door. ─── 选穴:心、肝、肾、脾、胃、胆、脑点、皮质下、神门。

33、Long-term indigestion person, add Yu of the Wan below thorn, stomach, lienal Yu. ─── 长期消化不良者,加刺下脘、胃俞、脾俞。

34、The person that be like have loose bowels of Xu Han bellyacke, yike gives of drink of weak ginger soup, with Wen Zhen lienal this world, harmonic stomach is angry. ─── 若虚寒腹痛泄泻者,亦可予以淡姜汤饮之,以温振脾阳,调和胃气。

35、(2) heart is lienal two empty: Heart advocate blood, lienal all blood. ─── (2)心脾两虚:心主血,脾统血。

36、Exsanguine namely much but drag in heart, liver, lienal, kidney, cause kind of happening that card awaits. ─── 失血即多又可累及心、肝、脾、肾,引起本类证候的发生。

37、If Qing Dynasty is lienal,Tonga of stomach of dehumidify drink, beneficial decreases to be taken orally. ─── 如清脾除湿饮、益胃汤加减内服。

38、Bismuth of tannic acid albumen, second carbonic acid, Chinese traditional medicine be good at lienal lukewarm kidney stops evacuant. ─── 鞣酸蛋白、次碳酸铋、中药健脾温肾止泻剂。

39、Long-term indigestion person, add Yu of the Wan below thorn, stomach, lienal Yu. ─── 长期消化不良者,加刺下脘、胃俞、脾俞。

40、This just suits at hidebound sex oedema, have be good at lienal, Filling gas, the effect of disappear oedema. ─── 此方适应于营养不良性水肿,有健脾、补气、消水肿的功效。

41、Litchi fills lienal beneficial liver, relieve a cough repose and stop action of thirsty recover from fatigue. ─── 荔枝补脾益肝、止咳养神和止渴解乏作用。

42、Heighten of the leucocyte when infection, when having lienal function hyperfunction, plaque, leucocyte all can be reduced. ─── 感染时白细胞增高,有脾功能亢进时,血小板、白细胞均可降低。

43、Taste empty weak notices, on a few big jujubes are put when make tea, add able-bodied lienal effect. ─── 脾胃虚弱者注重,在泡茶时放上几枚大枣,加强健脾作用。

44、The insomnia that place of chronic to alvine path inflammation causes, but the limits with lienal maladjusted function of reduce traditional Chinese medical science. ─── 对于肠道慢性炎症所引起的失眠,可归纳为中医脾功能失调的范围。

45、(2) is lienal with the stomach: Lienal with the stomach one dirty one organs, each other is exterior and interior, supplement each other. ─── (2)脾与胃:脾与胃一脏一腑,互为表里,相辅相成。

46、Around card awaits menopause to have a deficit with kidney empty essence more, heart lienal inadequacy, liver is maladjusted and give priority to. ─── 绝经前后证候多以肾虚精亏,心脾不足,肝失调和为主。

47、If have splenomegaly and lienal function hyperfunction, can appear complete blood cell decreases. ─── 如果有脾肿大及脾机能亢进,则可出现全血细胞减少。

48、Exsanguine namely much but drag in heart, liver, lienal, kidney, cause kind of happening that card awaits. ─── 失血即多又可累及心、肝、脾、肾,引起本类证候的发生。

49、If do not have lienal function hyperfunction, the life of red blood cell is normal. ─── 如无脾机能亢进,红细胞的生命正常。

50、Liver is lienal can have spend gently intumescent. ─── 肝脾可有轻度肿大。

51、TasteDisaccord, the Yu that add a stomach, lienal Yu, medium Wan, sufficient 3 lis. ─── 脾胃不和,加胃俞、脾俞、中脘、足三里。

52、Compound and traumatic, lienal repture excision, pancreas rear contuses, the right hand fracture of the 5th metacarpal, on the right side of lumbar is horizontal dash forward much hair fracture. ─── 复合外伤,脾破裂切除,胰尾部挫伤,右手第五掌骨骨折,右侧腰椎横突多发骨折。

53、Why does the stomach often ache? Take what drug, eating thing should notice those, do this matter with lienal Tibet? ─── 为什么胃老疼呢?吃什么药,吃的东西要注意那些,这跟脾藏有关系吗?

54、Have be good at effect of lienal lukewarm kidney, apply to the premature ejaculation of be caused by of lienal kidney deficiency of yang. ─── 有健脾温肾功效,适用于脾肾阳虚所致的早泄。

55、Empty of lienal kidney all, break its to shut Tibetan all to photograph, reason sees pregnancy bleeds. ─── 脾肾俱虚,则失其闭藏统摄,故见孕期出血。

56、(Congee of 3) big jujube: Filling gasBlood, be good atTaste, use at gastric empty to feed little, lienal empty jalf congealed, gas blood is insufficient, thin thin feeble wait for disease. ─── (3)大枣粥:补气血,健脾胃,用于胃虚食少,脾虚便溏,气血不足,羸瘦衰弱等症。

57、The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine thinks, sex of sealwort flavour pleasant is smooth, enter classics of lienal, lung, kidney. ─── 中医认为,黄精味甘性平,入脾、肺、肾经。

58、This just suits at lienal empty listless, limb is lack of power, inappetence, medium deficiency of vital energy is weak wait for disease. ─── 此方适应于脾虚倦怠、四肢乏力、食欲不振、中气虚弱等症。

59、Comfortable at lienal empty essence little do not ejaculate disease. ─── 适于脾虚精少之不射精症。

60、Cerebella, lung reachs a heart, thyroid, move blood pressure point, lienal, stomach, bowel, pancreatic, stare at, bravery, kidney, germen, arm rank etc.. ─── 小脑,肺及心脏,甲状腺,调血压点,脾,胃,肠,胰腺,盯,胆,肾,生殖腺,膀阶等等...

61、This tasting but lukewarm stomach be good at lienal, apply to a stomach cold model gastric ulcer, chronic gastritis, gastral cavity painful, vomiting, can take at daily time. ─── 可补虚损,健脾胃,润五脏。适用于虚弱劳损、气血不足、病后虚赢、年老体弱、营养不良等症。

62、Empty of lienal kidney all, break its to shut Tibetan all to photograph, reason sees pregnancy bleeds. ─── 脾肾俱虚,则失其闭藏统摄,故见孕期出血。

63、Yam, lotus seed, lily, red jujube can be good at lienal raise a stomach, stop dischargeCalm the nerves, safeguard skin moist thereby strong and handsome. ─── 山药、莲子、百合、红枣等能健脾养胃,止泄安神,从而维护肌肤润泽健美。

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