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09-19 投稿


laded 发音

英:[?le?d?d]  美:[?le?d?d]

英:  美:

laded 中文意思翻译




laded 反义词

unload | discharge | unburden

laded 同义词

laden | ladle | load | load up

laded 词性/词形变化,laded变形

动词现在分词: lading |动词过去分词: laden/laded |动词过去式: laded |动词第三人称单数: lades |

laded 相似词语短语

1、ladled ─── n.长柄杓;钢铁水包;v.用长柄勺舀;把……倒入

2、bladed ─── adj.有叶片的;有刀刃的(blade的形容词形式)

3、lade ─── v.装载,装货;装(船);加沉重负担于;(用勺子等)舀(取);n.水道(尤指水车用水流);n.(Lade)(美、英、尼日利亚)拉德(人名)

4、jaded ─── adj.厌倦的;疲倦不堪的;v.厌倦(jade的过去分词);变得疲倦;精疲力竭

5、-aded ─── ADD

6、faded ─── v.渐弱;(使)褪色;(鲜花)枯萎;落后;(无线电信号)逐渐变弱(fade的过去式及过去分词);adj.褪色的;(记忆等)消褪的

7、haded ─── n.偃角(矿脉与垂直面所成的斜角);vi.矿井断层等倾斜

8、-laded ─── v.装载,装货;装(船);加沉重负担于;(用勺子等)舀(取);n.水道(尤指水车用水流);n.(Lade)(美、英、尼日利亚)拉德(人名)

9、laced ─── adj.有花边的;绑带子的;加酒的;v.用带子束紧;交织在一起;润色(书、讲话等)(lace的过去式和过去分词)

laded 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, Say unto thy brethren, This do ye; lade your beasts, and go, get you unto the land of Canaan; ─── 法老对约瑟说,你吩咐你的弟兄们说,你们要这样行,把驮子抬在牲口上,起身往迦南地去。

2、Lade's symptom ─── 拉德(氏)症状:水痘出疹前14天发生特殊的腹泻或极软的便

3、17 Of them that built on the wall and that carried burdens, and that laded: with one of his hands he did the work, and with the other he held a sword. ─── 至于我和我的兄弟,以及我的仆人和跟随我、护卫我的人,没有一人脱过衣服,各人手中常拿着武器。

4、If we see chip company of the foreign country, the software that also can detect to lade repeatedly to them also is to be centered in a few suppliers. ─── 假如咱们看看外国的芯片公司,也会觉察到他们连装载的软件也是集中在几个供给商。

5、The ship in game divides in all it is 3 kinds: Warship deserves to have powerful fire, but cabin is narrow, cannot lade many goods; ─── 游戏中的船只共分为三类:战船配有强大的火力,但船舱狭小,无法装载大量的货物;

6、Stiffening members serve two functions, depending on how they are laded . ─── 加强材料成员的两个作用,取决于他们如何被装载。

7、Sinter company is added in card delay Deaoluo to already had a coal to lade equipment. ─── Sinter公司在卡加延德奥罗已拥有一套煤炭装载设备。

8、The old lade interposed between the couples who are quarrelling . ─── 这个老太太卷入了正在吵架的那对夫妻中间。

9、At that time, goods is laded by Kunming the train, 67 days go to Hong Kong, 9 days go to Shanghai. ─── 当时,货物由昆明装载火车,六七天就到香港、 9天就到上海。

10、The swans glide gracefully on the lade ─── 天鹅穿过树林。

11、The boat arrives in the sea, storm is billowy, boat too heavy, very dangerous, sailor requirement throws laded thing entirely grieve, otherwise the boat turns over a person to die. ─── 船到大海之中,风浪汹涌,船又太重,很危险,船员要求把装载的东西全部扔悼,否则船翻人亡。

12、Gen 42: 26 And they laded their asses with the corn, and departed thence. ─── 创42:26他们就把粮食驮在驴上,离开那里去了。

13、10 Who also honoured us with many honours, and when we were to set sail, they laded us with such things as were necessary. ─── 他们处处表示十分尊敬我们;当我们开船的时候,还给我们放上急需品。

14、lade water out of a boat ─── 把水从船里舀出来

15、Who also honoured us with many honours; and when we departed, they laded us with such things as were necessary. ─── 他们又多方的尊敬我们.到了开船的时候、也把我们所需用的送到船上。

16、Analysis of Accidents of the Laded Steel Plate Breaking through in Transport by Train ─── 中板在铁路运输中窜出事故分析

17、This paper reports the investigation results of natural radioactivity level in river,lade,reservoir,well and tap water in Shanghai. ─── 本文报道了上海市江河、湖泊、水库、近海海域、井和自来水中天然放射性核素浓度的调查结果。

18、Fool lade out all of the water,and wise men take out the fish. ─── 愚人涸干水,智者取走鱼。

19、Alright. We could add it.How about "if saler could not lade cargo before shippment, buyer have the right to counterclaim"? ─── 可以。那就加上一句。“如卖方未能在规定的装船期限内装船,买方有权提出罚款”。你看好不好?

20、And now whereas my father did lade you with a heavy yoke, I will add to your yoke: my father hath chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions. ─── 11我父亲使你们负重轭,我必使你们负更重的轭。我父亲用鞭子责打你们,我要用蝎子鞭责打你们。

21、17Of them that built on the wall and that carried burdens, and that laded: with one of his hands he did the work, and with the other he held a sword. ─── 至于我和我的兄弟,以及我的仆人和跟随我、护卫我的人,没有一人脱过衣服,各人手中常拿著武器。

22、Ich lade dich ein. ─── 我宴客。

23、Its action is very well for driver controling lade weight, deicing overload and keeping watch on the cargoes,ect. ─── 对司机把握装载量,防止超载和监控货物等都有很好的作用。

24、The stone-made lade,lying on one side looks elegant and poised.The title "Meditation" itself sets out beauty and quietness. ─── 大理石的材质,使斜卧的妇女形象尤显雍容华贵,沉思的主题更衬托出作品自身沉静安逸之美。

25、And now whereas my father did lade you with a heavy yoke, I will add to your yoke: my father hath chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions. ─── 我父亲使你们负重轭、我必使你们负更重的轭.我父亲用鞭子责打你们、我要用蝎子鞭责打你们。

26、8. Alright. We could add it.How about "if saler could not lade cargo before shippment, buyer have the right to counterclaim"? ─── 可以。那就加上一句。“如卖方未能在规定的装船期限内装船,买方有权提出罚款”。你看好不好?收藏指正

27、The integral kitchen of a few modernization can be worn through join or inside the means of buy ring tab, horn allowing an edge also can lade article. ─── 一些现代化的整体厨房会通过连接架或内置拉环的方式,让边角位也可以装载物品。

28、Considering the unsteadiness of local velocity and viscosity as well as the torques of lade surface, shift surface, blade top and edge. A new response equation for spinner flowmeter in multiphase flow is presented. ─── 考虑叶片表面、叶片顶端与边沿阻力矩及粘度、流速的影响,提出了涡轮流量计在多相流动中的响应方程。

29、wave propagation of ftdtup laded by el aswany complete source code, has been tested. ─── (译):波传播的ftdtup laded由萨尔瓦多aswany完整的源代码,已经过测试。

30、See a few lade the yellow croaker car with overweight, slow drive a vehicle, be on duty personnel helps its go-cart instantly, accelerate car have enough to meet need. ─── 见到一些装载过重、行车缓慢的黄鱼车,值班人员立即帮其推车,加快车辆周转。

31、Because bureau of this railway ministry, railroad, substation is various freight management department from beginning to end lade consolidate job labels key job to catch. ─── 因此铁道部、铁路局、分局各级货运治理部门始终都把装载加固工作列为重点工作来抓。

32、This paper discusses the process of changes in brine composition of Yuncheng Saline Lade and possible cause.Advice is made on balanced exploitation of Yuncheng Saline Lake. ─── 介绍了运城盐湖卤水组成的变迁过程以及产生这些变迁的原因,并对运城盐湖的平衡开采提出了建议。

33、A simple procedure, the gross weight that such as delivers goods or total volume can trustily mirrors certain goods lade requirement, be like a large amount of liquid goods. ─── 一个简单的程序,诸如发货的总重量或总体积就能够忠实地反映某些货物的装载要求,如大宗液体货物。

34、Analysis of Accidents of the Laded Steel Plate Breaking through in Transport by Train ─── 中板在铁路运输中窜出事故分析

35、Radiodetector Device of Truck Lade Weight ─── 汽车装载重量检测装置

36、Lade symptom ─── [医] 拉德氏症状(水痘出疹前十四天有腹泻)

37、With Chengdu east a series of step that the station takes are exemple, put forward to be opposite railroad will do good goods to lade henceforth when to think what consolidate program works. ─── 以成都东站采取的一系列措施为例,提出对今后铁路做好货物装载加固方案工作的几点思考。

38、This split should be made by inserting the point of the knife under the hide with the lade turned up. ─── 将刀尖插入皮下,用刀锋划开牛皮。

39、This is a circuil plan of secondhand radiodetector truck lade weight with ultrasonic geodesic.Circuil structural is simple. ─── 给出一种利用超声波测距方式间接测量汽车装载量的电路方案。

40、The water of the lade is green and slear. ─── 湖水碧绿澄清。

41、Forecast of Water Quality Improvement of the Southwest Lade Area after the East Lake Sewage Intercepting Project ─── 东湖截污工程对改善西南湖区水质的预测研究

42、Set a few luxurious comfort, lighting Lade Chuang let you ll close to nature and enjoy the garden scenery. ─── 一几一桌尽显豪华舒适,全采光落地窗让您贴近自然,享受花园美景。

43、Can lade the boat of case of the 6th acting complete works of 8000 standards box " in far Shenzhen " annulus name and head boat ceremony is here to be held ceremoniously. ─── 一次可装载8000标准箱的第6代全集装箱船“中远深圳”轮的命名和首航仪式正在这里隆重举行。

44、An ass lade with gold overtake every thing. ─── 驮金的驴子无险阻。

45、Da nahm der Priester Jojada eine Lade und bohrte oben ein Loch darein und setzte sie zur rechten Hand neben den Altar, da man in das Haus des HERRN geht. ─── 耶何耶大祭司搬来了一个箱子,在它的顶上钻了一个孔,把它放在祭坛旁边,在圣殿入口的右边。

46、An ass lade with gold will go lightly uphill. ─── 驮金的驴子上山不费力。

47、My aunt was a lade of strong mind and great , she was a very manly woman. ─── 我的婶婶意志坚强,有坚决果断力,她是一个有男子气概的女人.

48、One lade the van of crab seedling box or south airports of next Lian Yun port, or airport of the Qingdao on north, preparation carries by plane and other places of past Hainan, Zhejiang. ─── 一辆辆装载蟹苗箱的货车或南下连云港机场,或北上青岛机场,预备乘飞机运往海南、浙江等地。

49、13Then they rent their clothes, and laded every man his ass, and returned to the city. ─── 13他们就撕裂衣服,各人把驮子抬在驴上,回城去了。

50、Analyse of Creep and its Application under the Construction of Dongting Lade Bridge ─── 徐变分析及其在洞庭湖大桥中的应用

51、pole theorem of LADE under non-degenerate model is obtained in this paper.The progress of algorithm and comparison of linear programming are derived.Further this algorithm makes LADE more effective. ─── 并给出算法的计算过程及与线性规划求解的比较, 较好地解决了最小一乘估计计算难的问题, 使其成为有效的参数估计方法.

52、Adobe is shaped into bricks that a lade are laid one on top of another and use used as a low cost low-cost way to build walls and houses. ─── 砖坯有砖块的形状,可以一个一个垒起来,这样建造起来的围墙和房屋的成本较低。

53、Both laded particular stress on individual subject matter, Which was different in the aspects. ─── 都偏重于个人的题材,但侧重点不一样。

54、The small bottle of that each modelling exquisite is to lade not just absolutely the little container of fragrance, today, it still becomes the artwork that is worth to collect for a kind. ─── 那一个个造型玲珑的小瓶子绝不仅仅是装载香味的小容器,在今天,它还成为了一种值得收藏的艺术品。”

55、Old days never die,they just lade away. ─── 旧时光永不灭,只是间凋零。

56、At the same time under the subsidiary company specializing in the production of heavier pieces of plastic, widely used Lade Shan, lamps and other electrical appliances reinforcement! ─── 同时公司下属子公司专业生产塑胶加重块,广泛运用于落地扇,台灯等电器的加固!

57、Then they rent their clothes, and laded ─── 他们就撕裂衣服、各人把驮子抬

58、Still have an investment group that is south Africa, call MIH(Mi Lade group) , the structure of capital is very good. ─── 还有一家是南非的投资集团,叫MIH(米拉德集团),资本的结构非常良好。

59、1 The farmers laded the truck with hay. ─── 农夫们将卡车装满了干草。

60、lade a ship with cargo ─── 把货物装在船上

61、Stiffening members serve two functions, depending on how they are laded. ─── 加强材料成员的两个作用,取决于他们如何被装载。

62、When autumn wind and dew of lade work together,except a nomance. ─── 金风玉露一相逢,便胜却人间无数。

63、they rent their clothes, and laded every man his ass, and returned to the city. ─── 他们就撕裂衣服,各人把驮子抬在驴上,回城去了。

64、Ich lade dich zu uns ein. ─── 我邀请你来我家。

65、lade vt. ─── 装载;汲取;

66、1.We shouldn't really make any plans until the fat lade sings. ─── 在这些事情没有做完之前,我们真的不能安排其他计划。

67、Recently, the Yuan Chuanqi in Nantong is received again go to lade the order of boat of container transport of 10000 mark box, achieved another " the whole nation the first " . ─── 最近,南通中远川崎又接到造装载10000标箱集装箱运输船的订单,创下了又一个“全国第一”。

68、We welcome your enquiry for our handbag, fashion handbag, lade’s handbag as well as OEM&ODM handbag. ─── 展望未来,我们充满信心,将不懈努力,逐渐壮大企业规模,使产品畅销全国,走向世界。

69、Finally, to one class of very important M estimators-LADE, numerical algorithms onhow to get the value of LADE are studied under some given conditions. ─── 最后,对于一类很重要的M估计----LADE,我们给出了在一定条件下求其估计值的数值算法。


71、Abstract :This paper discusses the process of changes in brine composition of Yuncheng Saline Lade and possible cause.Advice is made on balanced exploitation of Yuncheng Saline Lake. ─── 摘 要: 介绍了运城盐湖卤水组成的变迁过程以及产生这些变迁的原因,并对运城盐湖的平衡开采提 出了建议。

72、Then they rent their clothes, and laded every man his ass, and returned to the city. ─── 犹大挨近他说、我主阿、求你容仆人说一句话给我主听、不要向仆人发烈怒、因为你如同法老一样。

73、Fluttered all winter long into a lade; ─── 颤抖着入湖,于整个漫长的冬天;

74、10 Who also honoured us with many honours; and when we departed, they laded us with such things as were necessary. ─── 10他们又多方的尊敬我们。到了开船的时候,也把我们所需用的送到船上。

75、Who also honoured us with many honours, and when we were to set sail, they laded us with such things as were necessary. ─── 当我们开船的时候,还给我们放上急需品。

76、Lade model ─── 拉德模型

77、Decision-making Support system for flood Forcasting of the Dongting Lade ─── 洞庭湖洪水预报决策支持系统

78、for ye lade men with burdens grievous to be borne, and ye yourselves touch not the burdens with one of your fingers. ─── 因为你们把难担的担子,放在人身上,自己一个指头却不肯动。

79、Who also honoured us with many honours; and when we departed, they laded [us] with such things as were necessary. ─── 他们又多方地尊敬我们,到了开船的时候,也把我们所需用的送到船上。

80、The farmers laded the truck with hay. ─── 农夫们将卡车装满了干草。

81、"New foreign hill " date steamer wants sailing of Cong Lianyun harbor to sail again southward sanded, this, "New foreign hill " date laded in all 4512 container. ─── “新洋山”号货轮又要从连云港启航驶往南沙了,这一次,“新洋山”号共装载 了4512个集装箱。

82、And they laded their asses with the corn, and departed thence. ─── 他们就把粮食驮在驴上,离开那里去了。

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