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09-20 投稿


slipperiness 中文意思翻译



slipperiness 词性/词形变化,slipperiness变形

形容词最高级: slipperiest |形容词比较级: slipperier |名词: slipperiness |

slipperiness 短语词组

1、slipperiness of language ─── 语言的滑脱

2、slipperiness and whiteness ─── 滑白度

slipperiness 相似词语短语

1、snippiness ─── 脾气急躁;漂亮;时髦

2、pepperiness ─── 辣味

3、slipperier ─── adj.滑的;狡猾的;不稳定的(slippery的变形)

4、snippetiness ─── 尖刻

5、slippering ─── n.拖鞋;vt.用拖鞋打

6、slippiness ─── 滑脱

7、lippiness ─── 脂类

8、slipperiest ─── 狡猾的;不可靠的(slippery的最高级)

9、silveriness ─── n.银白

slipperiness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the current climate, the slipperiness stems from rising concerns about the consumer. ─── 在当前的大气候下,这种湿滑来自于市场对消费者的忧虑日益加重。

2、He has also displayed a worrying, somewhat Clintonian slipperiness on difficult issues, both trivial (whether he would wear a flagpin) and significant (whether he would talk to rogue states). ─── 他在一些有争议议题上的表现也让人担心,有点类似克林顿似的油滑,有小事(比如是否配带国徽),也有大事(是否与流氓国家对话)。

3、IceCube takes advantage of neutrinos' slipperiness, using Earth as a filter of more interactive particles. ─── 冰立方利用了中微子的滑溜,将地球作为一个对更容易发生相互作用的粒子的过滤器。

4、Shakespeare seemed to understand the slipperiness of “original content”. ─── 莎士比亚似乎理解“原创内容”的不可捉摸之处。

5、Teeth and groove designed in inner layer,good positioning on machine,not easy to run sideway,high efficient transmission,low slipperiness,advantage to improvement of tape condensing. ─── 内层设计院相映的齿槽,上机定位好,不易跑,滑动条数小,传动效率高,成条质量优。

6、Shakespeare seemed to understand the slipperiness of "original content" . ─── 莎士比亚似乎理解“原创内容”的不可捉摸之处。

7、Not suitable for use in synchro mesh gearboxes due to the extreme slipperiness. ─── 在不适合使用同步器变速箱,由于极端滑溜。

8、He has also displayed a worrying, somewhat Clintonian slipperiness on difficult issues, both trivial (whether he would wear a flag-pin) and significant (whether he would talk to rogue states). ─── 在一些困难的议题上,他表现出了令人担忧的,一定程度上克林顿式的油滑。这样的议题既有细小的(他是否会佩戴国旗勋章),也有极其重要的(他是否会同流氓国家谈判)。

9、Mr Booker says the extra slipperiness cuts fuel consumption by around 1%, so that the coating treatment pays for itself within a few months. ─── 布克说,增加飞机的光滑度可以降低1%左右的油耗,因此飞机涂装后几个月之内就能获得回报。

10、The slipperiness of silicate talc is superior to that of carbonate talc and former is close to the quality of the synthetic talc made in janpan. ─── 硅酸盐滑石的滑度优于碳酸盐滑石,且前者的滑度已接近于日本产人造滑石的水平。

11、Th is product contains no slipperiness additives, producing faster shifts and quicker lock-up. ─── 本产品不含任何添加剂的滑溜,生产速度的变化和更快锁定。

12、Let their way be darkness and slipperiness itself, With the angel of Jehovah pursuing them. ─── 6愿他们的道路,又暗又滑,有耶和华的使者追赶他们。

13、YS ONE has been studied to solve slipperiness problems on glazed ceramic, porcelain stoneware, granite floors etc. ─── YS ONE是一种高科技产品,是专门针对花岗岩抛光表面、抛光砖、磁砖等滑溜的表面。

14、The slipperiness between real life and virtual life is one of MUD's chief attractions, particularly for teenage kids who are wrestling with their identity. ─── 事实上,真实生活和MUD生活之间的含混界限,正是MUD吸引人的地方之一。而这一点,对于那些正在为自己的自身同一性或者身份挣扎的十几岁的小孩来说,更是特别适用。

15、Not suitable for synchro mesh gearbox use, as the extreme slipperiness can cause gear clash. ─── 同步器变速箱不适合用作极端滑溜,可能会导致齿轮冲突。

16、soil slipperiness ─── 土壤滑溜状态

17、Method of test for floor slipperiness (Pendulum type) ─── 地板滑度的试验方法(摆动式)

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