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09-21 投稿


tabulated 发音

英:[?t?bjule?t?d]  美:[?t?bjule?t?d]

英:  美:

tabulated 中文意思翻译




tabulated 词性/词形变化,tabulated变形

动词第三人称单数: tabulates |名词: tabulation |动词现在分词: tabulating |动词过去分词: tabulated |动词过去式: tabulated |

tabulated 短语词组

1、tabulated inquiry ─── 表格查询

2、tabulated solution ─── 表解

3、tabulated summary ─── 表列的摘要

4、tabulated altitude ─── 表列高度

5、tabulated data ─── [计] 列表数据

6、tabulated ledger ─── [财]表式分类账

7、tabulated azimuth ─── 表列方位

8、tabulated value ─── 表格值 ─── 表列值

9、tabulated time ─── 制表时间

10、tabulated function ─── [计] 列表函数

11、tabulated quotation ─── [经] 行情表

12、tabulated pedigree ─── 表列谱系

tabulated 相似词语短语

1、tabulates ─── adj.平板状的;有平面的;vt.使成平面;把…制成表格;vi.制成表格

2、tabulate ─── adj.平板状的;有平面的;vt.使成平面;把…制成表格;vi.制成表格

3、adulated ─── v.谄媚,奉承(adulate的过去式及过去分词)

4、tubulated ─── adj.管状的;管的;vt.制成管状;为…装管

5、tribulated ─── v.使经受苦难;给……磨难

6、fabulated ─── 虚构的

7、ambulated ─── vi.走动;步行;移动

8、ablated ─── v.烧蚀;切除;使脱落(ablate的过去式和过去分词)

9、untabulated ─── 表外的

tabulated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The integral of the tabulated function can be found by forming a summation series. ─── 表列函数的积分可用列出和的系列求出。

2、These stages have been tabulated for easy reference and the tables are a unique feature of the book. ─── 这些等级易于参考,同时配有本书特有的形式的表格易于学习。

3、The glucuronides were then first methylated, then acetylated and optical rotations were tabulated. ─── 葡萄糖醛酸甙然后首先甲基化,然后乙酰基化和旋光度做表。

4、Research on NC Wire Cutting APT of Parts with Tabulated Curve ─── 列表曲线零件数控线切割自动编程的研究

5、If greater torque is required, continue re-torque in increments of 50% of tabulated values. ─── 如果需要更大的扭矩,则可以50%表格扭矩值增量继续紧固。

6、The relative fluxes of the solar spectral radiation in various spectral bands are tabulated with air mass, the atmospheric turbidity coefficient and absolute humidity at the surface as three physical parameters. ─── 最后,用大气质量、浑浊度系数和地面绝对湿度三个物理量作参数,以表格的形式列出了各波段分光辐射的相对通量值。

7、At one time he himself would have tabulated them as separate areas of concern. ─── 要是在从前某一个时期,他自己也会把它们列为互不相关的事项。

8、This method is steady and reliable, and can be applied to NC machining of tabulated curve and tabulated surface. ─── 该算法稳定、可靠,便于在列表曲线、列表曲面的数控加工中推广应用。

9、Households with higher income levels have higher usage of PCs and the Internet. Details are tabulated in the chart below ─── 较高入息的家庭,电脑和互联网的使用率相对较高,有关详情表列于下图

10、The organic composition CRMs developed recently by National Research Center for Certified Reference Material (NRCCRMS) are tabulated in this paper. ─── 列出了国家标准物质研究中心最近研制的有机成分标准物质。

11、The results have been tabulated in Table 1 below. ─── 结果已经列在下面的表1中。

12、103 Note:Data of other three provinces in this table are obtained from preliminary tabulated data. ─── 102注:本表中其它三省数据为初步汇总数。

13、NC APT of tabulated curve Parts ─── 列表曲线零件的数控自动编程

14、This one does, but still there's at least a substantial number of these things tabulated. ─── 这一个则需要,但仍然有至少,是大量的数据列表。

15、tabulated value ─── 表格值

16、Are exit interviews conducted as a matter of course,and are the results tabulated to determine reasons and trends,bearing in mind that staff retention is much less costly than recuitment and training? ─── 离职面试是仅仅走过场,还是结果用来列表来发现趋势和原因?应该记住,保持员工队伍要比招聘和培训节省的多。

17、Spending on the gifted isn't even tabulated in some states, but by the most generous calculation, we spend no more than $800 million on gifted programs. ─── 在一些州甚至都没有在天赋儿童上的开销这一项。可根据最粗略的计算,我们在天赋儿童计划上面花的钱不超过八亿美元。

18、Keywords Tabulated Curve;NC Wire Cutting;APT;3B Code; ─── 列表曲线;数控线切割;自动编程;3B代码;

19、Data were extracted, tabulated and analysed with Reviewer Manager (RevMan) 4.3 software. ─── 用Reviewer Manager (RevMan) 4.3软件进行数据的提取、列表和分析。

20、Results for the test programme haven't been tabulated. ─── 试验项目的结果还没有制成表格。

21、Specified Wall Thickness. The tabulated material wall thickness corresponding to either the specified outside diameter and weight or the specified outside diameter and specified inside diameter. ─── 规定壁厚。与规定外径与重量或者与规定外径与规定内径相应的管材壁厚。

22、29. Knowing the conditions of load and environment under which the component must operate, engineers must then select an appropriate material, using tabulated test data as the primary guide. ─── 了解构件必须运行的载荷条件和工作环境,工程师必须以测试数据表为主要依据选用一种恰当的材料。

23、tabulated azimuth angle ─── 表列方位角

24、All voting for Academy Awards is conducted by secret ballot and tabulated by the international auditing firm of Pricewaterhouse Coopers. ─── 奥斯卡金像奖从一九二九年开始,每年评选、颁发一次,从未间断过。

25、The basic composition and the technical features of 12 main ACAs used in China and abroad and published in periodicals are tabulated. ─── 列表给出了文献报道的、目前国内外应用的12种主要酸化液助排剂的基本组成和技术性能。讨论了酸化液及水基处理液的发展趋势及存在问题。

26、Double-arc approaching of tabulated profile ─── 平面列表轮廓的双圆弧逼近

27、Moisture test result,see below tabulated report of Cargo Outturn. ─── 湿度测试的结果见于下面的“货物测验结果”表格。

28、tabulated form ─── 制表形式

29、From such data, time spent with children can be tabulated, given a dollar value and inserted into the gross domestic product. ─── 依据这些数据,与孩子度过的时间就可以被制作成表格,并被给予一美元的价值,最终插入GDP之中。

30、To simplify the process, seven different stress combinations covering virtually any end-use requirement are tabulated in the 2005 National Design Specification for Wood Construction. ─── 例如,结构性能高的胶合木梁不应该被应用在轻载荷和短跨度的项目上。

31、tabulated function ─── 列表函数

32、Non-round Curve Fitting and Tabulated Curve Fitting ─── 非圆曲线与列表曲线的拟合

33、tabulated ledger ─── 分栏分类帐

34、data tabulated overleaf. ─── 把资料制成表格附在背面。

35、tabulated pedigree ─── 附表系谱

36、"Lo", "Eo", "Mo", ... are the base cost indices or reference prices, expressed in the relevant currency of payment, each of which is applicable to the relevant tabulated cost element on the Base Date. ─── 是基本费用指数或参照价格,以相应的支付货币表示,按照在基准日期时相关表中的费用因素的费用指数或参照价格确定。

37、Highly accurate results are tabulated for the free vibration buckling and bending. ─── 文后用图表给出高精度的自由振动、屈曲和弯曲计算结果。

38、Six-hourly positions together with the corresponding estimated minimum central pressures and maximum sustained surface winds for individual tropical cyclones are tabulated in ─── 二零零五年每个热带气旋的每六小时位置,连同当时的最低中心气压及最高持续风速,则表列于本年报的

39、The graph - theoretical method is used to enumerate the numbers of substituted[14] annulene, [18] annulene and porphine. The numerical results are tabulated. ─── 用图论方法对取代[14]轮烯、[18]轮烯和卟吩的构造异构和构型导构体数进行计算。计算结果列表表示。

40、The chief differences are tabulated below:Adult1. ─── 头部:头顶中部有白色窄曲鳞形成的白鳞区;

41、Double fitting for tabulated curves ─── 列表曲线的双圆弧拟合法

42、First to 50% tabulated values, then re-torque to 100% of tabulated values. ─── 首先按照表格中的扭矩值的50%加以紧固,然后再按照表格扭矩值的100%进行紧固。

43、The most outstanding m icroscopic characters that may differentiate one species from the other were car efully examined, compared, and tabulated for reference. ─── 文中以表形式描述了这些植物叶的显微特征,并列出显微特征检索表。

44、the united states systems work by means of a series of closely tabulated favors and obligations carefully doled out where they will do the most good. ─── 美国的种种体制是在一系列安排周密的恩惠和义务的基础上来运行的,而且施予恩惠和承担义务都必须以获取最大的利益为前提。

45、Historic data and tabulated summaries are provided for the entire state as well as for individual stations. ─── 各州降水量图表;各州水文历史数据及图表。

46、These stages have been tabulated for easy reference and the tables are a unique feature of the book. ─── 这些等级易于参考,同时配有本书特有的形式的表格易于学习。

47、tabulated altitude ─── 表列高度计算高度

48、tabulated time ─── 表列时间

49、Nevertheless two important observations come out of the tabulated data. ─── 然而两个重要的意见出来的统计数据。

50、Newsprint and office papers are tabulated separately. ─── 新闻纸和办公文件,分别列。

51、Knowing the conditions of load and environment under which the component must operate, engineers must then select an appropriate material, using tabulated test data as the primary guide. ─── 了解构件必须运行的载荷条件和工作环境,工程师必须以测试数据表为主要依据选用一种恰当的材料。

52、The general synthesis of filters proceeds from tabulated low-pass prototypes. ─── 一般的合成过滤器从表列的收益,低通原型。

53、Methods: Tabulated data included age, sex, intent of exposure, route of exposure, substances ingested and clinical severity. ─── 方法:将个案年龄、性别、暴露的原因、途径、物质及临床严重性制表分析比较。


55、Schedule of fiscal subsidy, ideas on designing tabulated accounts and systematic framework ─── 财政补贴报表、台账设计思路和系统框架

56、Radiographic studies, histologic slides, and clinical records were reiewed, the features of those studies were tabulated, and prognostic features and the results of treatment were identified. ─── 本研究旨在描述其特定的临床表现、放射学及组织学特征,并从肿瘤学评估不同治疗方案的疗效。

57、A large number of substances were investigated and the relevant properties tabulated. ─── 已经研究了多种物质,并将有关性质列成了表。

58、Baseline details were tabulated with ariance-weighted means or proportions, where suitable. ─── 基线的详情通过适当的加权方差或比例的方式如表所示。

59、tabulated data ─── 列入总汇表的数据

60、The elements of the load vector, {P}, are the load components tabulated in numerical sequence. ─── 加载向量P的元素是按编号顺序列表的加载分量。

61、tabulated code ─── 列表编码

62、A list of endemic species distributed in limestone region on Hainan is tabulated. ─── 对海南石灰岩特有种比例较低的原因和保育进行了探讨。

63、tabulated azimuth ─── 表列方位

64、tabulated solution ─── 表解

65、Building Materials and Products - Hygrothermal Properties - Tabulated Design Values ─── 建筑材料和产品水热性能表列设计值

66、The tabulated values for the tail refer to the longest component.A narrow streamer within the tail was particularly well-defined at a distance of 2-3 degrees from the coma. ─── )这显示出最大的价值[这句话译得不好了]最有价值的是最长的[?]宽尾巴可在彗核后2-3度的地方明显分开。

67、The results of our calculation are tabulated. ─── 我们将求得之系数分别列表。

68、Tabulated Curve Fitting in Numerical Control Programming ─── 数控编程中列表曲线的拟合

69、tabulated quotation ─── 行情表

70、A list of species and genera for the vegetations with rare and endangered plants in the area in the study was tabulated. ─── 通过分析西鄂尔多斯第三纪孑遗植物富集带农牧区生物多样性现状以及目前存在的主要问题,提出保护该区域珍稀濒危植物和生物多样性的有效途径。

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