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kingcraft 发音

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kingcraft 中文意思翻译



kingcraft 短语词组

1、kingcraft com co kingcraft com ─── 公司

kingcraft 相似词语短语

1、ingraft ─── v.接枝,嫁接;灌输(等于engraft)

2、aircraft ─── n.飞机,航空器

3、indraft ─── n.吸入;向内的气流

4、king crabs ─── 皇帝蟹;鳕场蟹;勘察加拟石蟹;鲎

5、songcraft ─── 诗歌创作方法,作诗技巧

6、skin graft ─── 植皮手术,皮肤移植术;移植的皮肤

7、engraft ─── vt.嫁接(树木等);灌输(思想等);使牢记

8、handcraft ─── n.手工艺,手艺;vt.以手工做

9、siegecraft ─── 围攻

kingcraft 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Website, it is content is kingcraft forever. ─── 网站,永远是内容为王道。

2、Listen to the feedback that comes from them, undertake the product of new version plans, just be kingcraft! ─── 听取来自他们的反馈,进行新版本的产品规划,才是王道!

3、There are monarchs in the human world and kings of the Law in heaven.The human world has become a world of kingcraft and the universe has become a universe of kingcraft. ─── 人间有帝王,天上有法王,人类已经成为王道人类,宇宙已经成为王道宇宙。

4、The sage in Mencius' theory must try his best to realize the kingcraft ideality of Confucianism. ─── 孟子理想中的圣人是要能够把儒家的王道理想推行于天下的人。

5、Guoyu" is about ideas and events kingcraft records. ─── 国语》是关于王道观念和事件的记录。

6、Sum up, large flow just is your kingcraft, had flow, weight is tall, just can be searched quickly engine is collected! ─── 总结一下,大流量才是您的王道,有了流量,权重就高,才会快速被搜索引擎收录!

7、The doctrine of Beneficent treatment, kingcraft and management theory of enterprise, ─── 学说与企业管理理念、

8、We’d like to help you just as your feet to beat the forward thorns on your way to the kingcraft! ─── 希望在你成就王道的路上我们能像你的一双脚一样为你踏平前面的那些荆棘。

9、The interactivity between the state kingcraft and capitalist kingcraft forms the capitalist kingcraft system. ─── 国家王道与资本王道互动,形成资本主义的王道体制。

10、Christ is the gospel truth!Nano is the kingcraft! ─── 基督就是真理!纳诺就是王道!

11、The friend that so the proposal stands, no matter be navigation station or website, content just is kingcraft , believe every user likes. ─── 所以建议站的朋友,不管是导航站还是网站,内容才是王道,相信每个用户都喜欢。

12、"Doomsday " make the Holy land of contemporary youth praise highly on London flower kingcraft very quickly. ─── “世界末日”很快成为伦敦英王道上现代青年推崇的圣地。

13、Content is kingcraft, a lot of people had said. ─── 内容是王道,很多人都说过。

14、The premier process from "internal saints" to "external kingcraft" is the First Memorial to the Empire of Qing Density. ─── 由“内圣”走向“外王”,第一步就是《第一次上清皇帝书》。

15、The friend that so the proposal stands, no matter be navigation station or website, content just is kingcraft, believe every user likes. ─── 所以建议站的朋友,不管是导航站还是网站,内容才是王道,相信每个用户都喜欢。

16、"Kingcraft politics" ─── 王道政治

17、The interactivity between the state kingcraft and capitalist kingcraft forms the capitalist kingcraft system. ─── 国家王道与资本王道互动,形成资本主义的王道体制。

18、There are kings of the Law in heaven and there are monarchs in the human world.There is kingcraft both in heaven and on earth, and the universe is also a universe of kingcraft. ─── 天上有法王,人间有帝王,天上和人间都是王道机制,宇宙是王道宇宙。

19、For a long time the academia has always comprehended Mencius' doctrine of kingcraft from a viewpoint of Western democracy. ─── 摘要长期以来,学界常常以西方的民主思想来理解孟子的王道主义。

20、Mencius'Doctrine of Kingcraft in the Context of Western Academia--A Criticism at a Popular Understanding of Mencius' Doctrine of Kingcraft ─── 西方学术背景下的孟子王道主义--对有关孟子王道主义一种通行理解的批评

21、the Doctrine of Kingcraft ─── 王道思想

22、In the human world, the state power is the social kingcraft and enterprise possession is the economic kingcraft.Both are kingcraft systems that dominate the lifestyles of the public. ─── 在人类社会,国家政权是社会王道,企业占有是经济王道,都是统治大众生存方式的帝王体系。

23、alleged, seek hegemony without formulary, wisdom just is kingcraft! ─── 正所谓,称霸无定式,智慧才是王道!

24、His great Asia-ism opposed the hegemonic culture with kingcraft culture, in order to restore the national position of Asia and to seek a culture of equality and liberation. ─── 当然,欧洲的文化发展也正是建立在这样一个超民族国家的整体政治架构之上的。

25、The kingcraft advocated by Sun Yat-sen tried to combine it with Lenin's ideas of cosmopolitism culture. ─── 孙中山提倡的王道试图将其融入到列宁主张的世界主义文化中去。

26、For a long time the academia has always comprehended Mencius' doctrine of kingcraft from a viewpoint of Western democracy. ─── 长期以来,学界常常以西方的民主思想来理解孟子的王道主义。

27、For the King!! His name is "kingcraft". ─── 不用怀疑,他就是王道!!!

28、From the point of "kingcraft" ," humanity politics" and the "kindness by nature", we can infer that Mencius believes there should be a close link between the economy and education. ─── 站在“王道”、“仁政”和“性善论”的角度,可以看出孟子的经济思想与教育思想有着密切的联系。

29、The kingcraft advocated by Sun Yat-sen tried to combine it with Lenin's ideas of cosmopolitism culture. ─── 孙中山提倡的王道试图将其融入到列宁主张的世界主义文化中去。

30、"Do a representative to do not have a future, acting game is equivalent to a trading company, own research and development just is kingcraft. ─── “做代理没有前途,代理游戏相当于一个贸易公司,自主研发才是王道。”

31、Listen to the feedback that comes from them, undertake the product of new version plans, just be kingcraft ! ─── 听取来自他们的反馈,进行新版本的产品规划,才是王道!

32、alleged, seek hegemony without formulary, wisdom just is kingcraft ! ─── 正所谓,称霸无定式,智慧才是王道!

33、The Dimensions of Mind and Nature in Mencius'doctrine of Kingcraft ─── 孟子王道理想的心性向度

34、What the front is facing a lot of 6 publisher to cut cost is finite dig go, content increases gain capacity for king 、 , be kingcraft anthology. ─── 6 许多出版商正面临着削减成本的有限挖潜,内容为王、提高盈利能力,是王道之选。

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