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09-20 投稿


sublimate 发音

英:['s?bl?me?t]  美:['s?bl?met]

英:  美:

sublimate 中文意思翻译




sublimate 短语词组

1、sublimate deposit ─── 升华矿床

2、corrosive sublimate ─── [化] 升汞; 氯化汞 ─── [医] 升汞, 二氯化汞

3、volcanic sublimate ─── 火山升华

4、Cajal's gold-sublimate solution ─── [医] 卡哈耳氏金氯化汞溶液

5、Cajal's gold-sublimate method ─── [医] 卡哈耳氏金升汞法(组织学染色)

sublimate 词性/词形变化,sublimate变形

动词过去式: sublimated |动词第三人称单数: sublimates |动词过去分词: sublimated |动词现在分词: sublimating |

sublimate 相似词语短语

1、sublimated ─── vt.升华(sublimate的过去式和过去分词)

2、sublime ─── adj.庄严的;令人崇敬的;极端的;超群的;n.崇高;顶点;vt.使…纯化;使…升华;使…变高尚;vi.升华;纯化;变高尚

3、sublate ─── vt.消除;否定

4、sublimates ─── n.升华物(sublimate的复数)

5、sublimits ─── n.次极限

6、sublimit ─── n.次极限

7、sublimable ─── 可升华的

8、subprimate ─── 次氯酸钠

9、sublimise ─── 升华

sublimate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Insist to establish new idea, roll out new originality, sublimate new state, achieve new result, it is propagandist work forever pursuit. ─── 坚持树立新观念、推出新创意、升华新境界、达到新效果,是宣传工作永远的追求。

2、Her sublimate future husband will is tall, dark, and handsome. ─── 她理想化的未来丈夫将是身材高大,皮肤浅黑,相貌英俊。

3、Finally, to guarantee the completeness in the structure, a conclusion was added in the end of the thesis to sublimate the subject. ─── 最后,为了确保本文结构的完整,本文还在文章的结尾加了个结论,以升华主题。

4、At last, the paper put Zhangjiajie Ecological Touring-agriculture Park as a study case to sublimate theories and methods further. ─── 最后,以张家界市生态观光农业园区规划为案例,作为实证研究使得理论和方法进一步升华。

5、Can develop the strategy continuously put forward, it is the experience lesson that summed up our country and world development practice, cogitative make through academic sublimate. ─── 可持续发展战略的提出,是总结了我国和世界发展实践的经验教训,深思熟虑并经过理论升华作出的。

6、an impure zinc oxide obtained as a sublimate from the flues of zinc-smelting furnaces and used as a polishing powder ─── 一种不纯的氧化锌,系炼锌炉烟道气中的升华物,可用作打磨粉

7、He made discoveries relating to a mercury chloride called corrosive sublimate. ─── 他的关于氯化汞的研究名为腐蚀性升华。

8、These teaching models will also influence,purify and sublimate their spirits by the... ─── 有利于提高教学的针对性和实效性。

9、Only great passion can sublimate the soul to the great accomplishment . ─── 只有伟大的热情才能使灵魂升华到伟大事业中去。

10、An impure zinc oxide obtained as a sublimate from the flues of zinc - smelting furnaces and used as a polishing powder. ─── 粗氧化锌一种不纯的氧化锌,系炼锌炉烟道气中的升华物,可用作打磨粉

11、Human society is about to enter 21 centuries, this is depicted to be is person and nature tend the century of a harmonious confluence and sublimate. ─── 人类社会即将进入二十一世纪,这被描绘为是人与自然趋于和谐的一个融合与升华的世纪。

12、We usually say the scholar invisible, this is not the invisible of the general appearance, but mean that the thought know up of sublimate continuously, the process that turn continuously and deeply. ─── 我们通常说文人无形,这不是一般形态上的无形,而是指思想认识上的不断升华,是不断深化的过程。

13、Her sublimate future husband will be tall, dark, and handsome ─── 她理想化的未来丈夫将是身材高大,皮肤浅黑,相貌英俊

14、We use big hole absorb colophony,sublimate notoginsenoside,take compare color method to determine the content of Notoginsenoside. ─── 我们采用大孔吸附树脂法醇化三七皂甙,用比色测测定三七皂甙含量。

15、Aesthetic education makes up for some defects of moral course in its special way to realize a pluralistic, integrated, and effective moral education system and sublimate the taste of moral education. ─── 审美教育以其独特的教育方式弥补了品德课的缺憾,使学校德育体系多元性、完整性、实效性得到体现,使德育品位实现升华。

16、We need sublimate water for our experiment. ─── 我们的实验需要纯净化的水。

17、Too much artificial trace, instead line gave concentrated natural experience, sublimate picture left the blank of big thought, this namely the feature of Oriental landscape. ─── 太多的人工的痕迹,反倒衬出了浓缩的自然体验,纯净化的景象留下了大片思想的空白,这也就是东方景观的特征。

18、Taste the solitude is not what high can't climb after sublimate of state, just a kind of do not betray life, don't betray a life, keep noodles life and keep the reality of the noodles life. ─── 品味孤独并不是什么高不可攀升华之后的境界,只是一种不背叛人生,不背叛生活,直面人生、直面生活的真实。

19、A: Upon impact, dry ice pellets sublimate to a gaseous state and therefore dry ice particles typically do not ricochet. ─── 回答:在冲击时,干冰颗粒升华到气态,因此一般情况下干冰颗粒不会飞溅。

20、When he have to leave, that too not for the sake of the paradise of the hope of the horizon, but from his religion the another world that imagination sublimate. ─── 当他不得不离开的时候,那也并非为了地平线上的希望的乐土,而是由他的宗教幻想升华出的另一个世界。

21、May be a flashing light, perhaps at a low ebb, but people have to sublimate their own, they must learn to move forward, there is spirit. ─── 也许是闪烁着光芒的,也许是处于低谷的,但是人要升华自己,就必须学会向前迈进,有拼搏的精神。

22、to sublimate one's spirit ─── 净化心灵

23、sublimate into ─── 升华

24、The ways to use musical symbols to create and sublimate the artistic charm of poster design were introduced to make poster full of rhythm beauty and cadence beauty. ─── 介绍了如何利用音乐符号,创新、升华招贴设计的艺术魅力,从而使招贴作品富有节奏美和韵律美。

25、I am right nevertheless the sensory sublimate of this company, after they take money, beautiful without chaos, this is a group that considers dry major issue really. ─── 不过我对这个公司的感觉升华了,他们拿到钱之后,没有乱花,这是一个真的想干大事的团队。

26、From the harmonious esthetics view, mind is decontamination, and people who lose the spirit home accept the treatment.Then we acquire the worth of life and the sublimate of thoughts and feelings. ─── 也就是通过和谐的美学观,净化心灵,为失去精神家园的人们收治疗伤,进而获得人生价值的实现与情操的升华。

27、Cox's modification of Golgi's corrosive sublimate staining method ─── 柯克斯(氏)改良高尔基(Golgi)(氏)升汞染色法:神经节细胞染色法

28、volcanic sublimate ─── 火山升华

29、He could try to sublimate the problem by writing, in detail, about it. ─── 他可以通过详细记述而尝试使人们正视该问题。

30、Competes in Beijing Olympic Games, and rewined the long separated eight year Olympic Games gold medal for the dream team to let kopeck - Bryant sublimate into another rank leader. ─── 出征北京奥运,并为梦之队赢回了阔别八年的奥运金牌让科比-布莱恩特升华为另一个级别的领袖。

31、We have to somehow sublimate those male hormones, or at least get them under control." ─── 我们需要以某种方式使这种荷尔蒙升华或者至少把它们控制起来。”

32、Keywords Pig blood;Extraction;Sublimate;Heme;Techniques;Study; ─── 猪血;提取;纯化;血红素;技术;研究;

33、At 65, he has no choice but to sublimate his personal political ambitions into those of his boss. . . ─── 65岁的乔拜登深知,实现自己的政治野心必须要仰仗他的总统上司。。。

34、sublimate your emotions ─── 把感情升华

35、Therefore we should study, analyse and sublimate it from the point of view of traditional culture, which is gteatly significant to finding out its cultural origin, inheriting and developing the cause. ─── 它既具备体育活动强身健体的共同特征,又具有自己独特的内涵和民族文化特征。

36、Hence, the scoundrel harassed my greengage again, the greengage was touched of cry.Greengage and bamboo hobby horse, now got formal sublimate! ─── 于是,歹徒没有再侵扰我的青梅,青梅感动的哭了。青梅和竹马,现在得到了正式升华!

37、sublimate the temperament ─── 升华性情

38、Only great passion can make one's soul sublimate for the great understaking. ─── 1只有伟大的热情才能使灵魂升华到伟大事业中去。

39、Finally, did not forget to leave space of a bit afforest to give a bedroom, loosen the mood in order to help you, make your life sublimate arrives taller state. ─── 最后,别忘了留一点绿化空间给卧室,以帮您放松心情,使您的生活升华到更高境界。

40、to sublimate water ─── 把水净化

41、Sublim e ─── 壮美

42、Aught, the difficulty within life is a God to your test, you have to master to accept hereafter more and more distresses, letting oneself become more and more strong, letting own soul be sublimate. ─── 不管怎样,生活中的困难是上天对你的考验,你要学会接受往后越来越多的苦难,让自己变得越来越坚强,让自己的灵魂得到升华。

43、During the fourth reaction, the solvet matter is hydrated in the sublimate water, cefadroxil- hydrate is gained. ─── 在第四步中,头孢羟氨苄的溶剂化物在定量的纯化水中水化得到头孢羟氨苄一水合物。

44、She must be good-educated ,sublimate,aspirant,nice figure. ─── 气质高雅,体形娇美,善解人意,有知识,有上进心。

45、I am always concerned with the essence. In art I try to sublimate my thoughts, emotions, and feelings and express complicated ideas in a very simple way. ─── 我一直非常关心本质的问题。在艺术中,我尝试升华我的思想、情绪和感觉,并且以一种非常简单的方式来表达复杂的理念。

46、The vacuum pump is used to provide a vacuum environment for the freezing-drying cabinet and the condensers so as to enable the moisture in the materials to sublimate in the vacuum. ─── 真空泵的作用是给冻干箱和冷凝器提供一个真空环境,使物料的水份可以在真空下进行升华。

47、Objective To sublimate the cognition of inherited metabolic diseases (IED) and enhance the rate of early diagnosis. ─── 摘要目的提高临床医生对重症监护病房新生儿期发生的遗传代谢病的认识,提高早期诊断率。

48、sublimate deposit ─── 升华矿床

49、to stabilize and develop market by c ultural charm in competition,and to sublimate people's esteem and purity people 's heart by abundant and noble culture connotation. ─── 以文化魅力在竞争中稳固并不断拓展市场,以丰富、高尚的文化内涵升华人们的人格、净化人们的心灵。

50、A special method was used to sublimate the material. ─── 一个特殊的方法被用来纯化这种物质。

51、The comet's ice, heated by the sun, rapidly and spectacular sublimate to gas ─── 彗星上的冰块在太阳热的作用下迅速而壮观地升华成气体

52、A thaw occurs each spring in the Northern Hemisphere of Mars, as the warming climate causes solid carbon dioxide ice to sublimate directly to vapor. ─── 火星北半球每到春天来临都会发生一次解冻,温暖的气候造成了固态的二氧化碳冰直接升华成气体。

53、Ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis membrane sepatation technique can sublimate and concentrate the hydrolyzed liquor. ─── 发现超滤分离技术和反渗透膜分离技术对水解液有纯化、浓缩作用;

54、Moved by pure and genuine of "Snow Leopard" the god of snowy mountain, admired by soft and firm together of"Snow Leopard", and sublimate to be pure and nobly of "Life Memory". ─── 感动于"雪豹"雪山之神至纯至真、叹服于"雪豹"的刚柔并济、升华于"生命回想"的纯洁高尚。

55、9.The academic knowledge on book is the summary of practice and sublimate, direct palpability, but need to examine with practice again conversely. ─── 书本上的理论知识是实践的总结和升华,直接明了,但反过来又需要用实践来检验。

56、sublimate bowl ─── (消毒剂)升华碗

57、One when we have reason to expect an outfit industry is coming changes, sublimate! ─── 我们有理由期待家装行业即将到来的一场变革、一次升华!

58、I think the art of[with] abstract doctrine am the judgment to the realistic world and again sublimate of the spirit. ─── 我以为抽象主义的艺术是对现实世界的批判和精神上的再次升华。

59、corrosive sublimate ─── 升汞

60、Whether the comparative advantage of Chinese labor force can be maintained and how to excavate and sublimate it is a strategic issue in the development of Chinese economy. ─── 摘要中国劳动力比较优势能否持续、如何挖掘与升华,是中国经济发展中的一个战略问题。

61、Will man be able to sublimate the experiences into an objectivity that allows him to comfort as well as take charge? ─── 人类将有能力把经历升华到客观(以至于在承担的同时感到安慰)吗?

62、It has talked about the three groups of paradox in costume aesthetic: obstruct and sublimate,identical and personality, decoration and nature. ─── 从服饰的创造、服饰的理想两个不同的角度,来探讨服饰的审美特征和审美理想,指出服饰审美文化中的三组悖论:障与彰,同一与个性,修饰与自然。

63、From self-angle, youth intellectuals should raise cognizance levels, strengthen abilities of restricting selfhood, confirm values in practice, and sublimate values in self-education. ─── 在实践中整合价值观; 在自我教育中升华价值观。

64、the acme of creation for landscape building is to sublimate from site and nature into organic harmony with its environment. ─── 景观建筑创作的最高境界,是使之升华于场所和自然,达到建筑与环境的有机和谐。

65、Amplitude Sublimate and Recreate --The Creative Planning and Designing of the Copper and Commerce Central Square in Huize County ─── 凝重·升华·再现--铜都会泽中心广场设计构思侧记

66、Volunteer with own sincerity with dependable activity for the Olympic game serve, Can get spirit to sublimate in the grand ceremony of the Olympic. ─── 志愿者以自己的真诚和踏实的行动为奥运会服务,能够在奥林匹克盛大的典礼中得到精神的升华;

67、Reading, the kids purifies the soul. Sublimate personality a very important way. ─── 读书,是孩子们净化灵魂。升华人格的一个非常重要的途径。

68、But the sublimate that latter is exceeding instinct however, not be the climax that everybody can reach. ─── 但后者却是极度的本能的升华,不是人人都能达到的高潮。

69、A: Upon impact, dry ice pellets sublimate to a gaseous state and therefore dry ice particles typically do not ricochet. ─── 回答:在冲击时,干冰颗粒升华到气态,因此一般情况下干冰颗粒不会飞溅。

70、Their affection to each other be sublimate Into a lasting friendship ─── 他俩之间的感情被升华成一种永久的友谊

71、This article thinks that the environmental view of sustainable development is substantiation and sublimate of the thought of "Heaven-and-man Integration". ─── 当代自然资源产权制度的建立,是对中国古代资源可持续利用思想的延伸与发展;

72、Cox's modification of Golgi's corrosive sublimate method staining ─── [医] 柯克斯改良高尔基氏升汞染色法(神经节细胞染色)

73、The best one can hope for is to sublimate loss into a ravishing work of art, like Mood, or to a lesser extent, Wong's denser, more ambitious, but less poignantly focused 2046. ─── 一个人所能冀望的最好方式,就是在夺人心魄的艺术作品中将所有人生遗憾升华,可以是《花样年华》,或者更近一点,是王家卫更浓烈、更具野心、却更温和从容的《2046》。

74、Transmit love with smiles; express love with appreciation; sublimate love with strictness. ─── 用微笑传递爱,用赏识表达爱,用严格升华爱。

75、2.David, in his secret heart, have vision of a sort of sublimate summer resort. ─── 大卫在他心里设想著一个类似理想的避暑地。

76、a white poisonous soluble crystalline sublimate of mercury; used as a pesticide or antiseptic or wood preservative. ─── 汞的一种白色有毒可溶的晶状升华物,用作杀虫剂、防腐剂或木材防腐剂。

77、With extremely the table side come from classicism is set in the design that brief creed gives priority to tone, household design sublimate is original artwork flavour. ─── 以极简主义为主调的设计中放置来自古典风格的边桌,将家居设计升华为独到的艺术品味。

78、Thus the aim of Tantra is to sublimate bhoga, or enjoyment, into yoga, or union with Consciousness. ─── 坦陀罗的主旨是把颇伽(物质享受)提升到瑜伽(灵性训练),或者与意识合一。

79、Scientists think such troughs form as Mars's carbon dioxide ice caps sublimate, or turn directly from ice into vapor, in the spring. ─── 科学家认为在春天火星上的干冰层升华或冰直接变成水汽形成了这些槽。

80、Desire can is sublimate into fine poetry. ─── 欲望可以升华成为美妙的诗。

81、Her sublimate future husband will be tall, dark, and handsome. ─── 她理想化的未来丈夫将是身材高大,皮肤浅黑,相貌英俊。

82、Often they do dominate other people when roles are not available to them which more creatively sublimate their energies and utilize their capabilities. ─── 当她们无法获得这一角色的时候她们就经常指使他人以促升其精力、能力。

83、's easy for me to sublimate my ambition even though I'm working hard not to. ─── 尽管我努力抑制,在爱情中我还是非常容易丧失我的进取心。

84、sulfur sublimate ─── 升华硫

85、1. The comet's ice, heated by the sun, rapidly and spectacular sublimate to gas. ─── 彗星上的冰块在太阳热的作用下迅速而壮观地升华成气体。

86、Sorrosive Sublimate ─── Mercuric Chloride

87、An initially smooth snow surface first develops depressions as some regions randomly sublimate faster than others. ─── 一片原本平滑的冰面上会逐渐出现一些凹陷下去的地方,因为总是会有些区域其升华速度比其它区域要快一点。

88、If say knowledge is the summary of the rule of information, so the sublimate that wisdom is knowledge. ─── 如果说知识是信息的规律的总结,那么智慧就是知识的升华。

89、Determination of sublimate in compound sublimate liniment ─── 复方升汞搽剂中升汞的含量测定

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