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09-20 投稿


ligulate 发音

英:[?l?ɡj?l?t; ?l?ɡj??le?t]  美:[?l?ɡj?l?t]

英:  美:

ligulate 中文意思翻译



ligulate 短语词组

1、ligulate flower ─── [医] 舌状花

ligulate 相似词语短语

1、ligate ─── v.结扎,绑扎(动脉或血管等);n.(Ligate)(加、美、拉)赖盖特(人名)

2、virgulate ─── adj.棒状的

3、ligula ─── n.(昆虫的)[昆]唇舌(复数ligulae)

4、lingulate ─── adj.舌状的;舌形的

5、lingulated ─── 语言化

6、angulate ─── adj.有角的;vt.使有角;使有棱角;vi.具棱角

7、cingulate ─── adj.有色带的;(昆虫腹部)有色带环绕的

8、ligulae ─── n.(昆虫的)唇舌(复数ligulae)(ligula的变形)

9、jugulate ─── vt.刎颈自尽;勒死;用严厉治疗法阻止

ligulate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Leaf blade narrowly elliptic-lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, margin spiniform dentate; bracts of cupule subulate, ligulate, or linear, often reflexed. ─── 叶片狭椭圆形披针形到卵状披针形,边缘具牙齿;钻形,舌状的壳斗的苞片,或线形,通常反折。(3

2、segments ligulate fasciated, abaxially densely tomentose and sericeous-villous, adaxially densely appressed villous. ─── 舌状的裂片扁化,背面密被绒毛和被绢毛具长柔毛,浓密贴伏具长柔毛。

3、A natural yellow pigment was extracted from sunflower ligulate flowers, and its stability at different environmental conditions was studied. ─── 对从向日葵舌状花中提取的天然黄色色素在不同环境条件下进行稳定性研究。

4、Sun spot, individual plant is 60 centimeters expensive, big flower is planted, beautiful diameter 25 centimeters, ligulate flower yellow, flower disc is green Brown. ─── 太阳斑,株高60厘米,大花种,花径25厘米,舌状花黄色,花盘绿褐色。

5、lobes lanceolate, ca. 3.5 mm, longer than gynostegium, with slender, ligulate, adaxial appendage incumbent on anther. ─── 约,裂片披针形毫米,长于合蕊冠,纤细,舌状的具,附属物在花药上现任。

6、Shape of staminal handle cup, very short, in it above 5 ligulate degrade staminal; ─── 雄蕊柄杯状,很短,在它的上面有5枚舌状的退化雄蕊;

7、Stigma elongated, ligulate, apiculate at apex, as long as ovary. ─── 子房无毛柱头拉长,舌状,具细尖的在先端,倍于子房。

8、stigma diverse, capitate, penicillate-capitate (brushlike), subulate, filiform, ligulate, or peltate. ─── 柱头形状多样,头状,具毛撮的头状(毛刷状),钻形,丝状,舌状,或者盾形。

9、Petals narrowly oblong, elliptic, ligulate, or spatulate, glabrous outside, orange punctate, apex rounded or emarginate. ─── 花瓣狭长圆形,椭圆形,,或匙形,在外面无毛,具点的橙,先端圆形或微缺。

10、spurious ligulate floret ─── 假舌状小花

11、The body is flat and ligulate, with suckers, a pair of eyepoints, and the tail is slender and without any thorn. ─── 成熟尾蚴体成扁平舌状,具有口吸盘、腹吸盘,1对眼点和1条细长无刺的尾巴。

12、ovulate scales ligulate; ─── 珠鳞舌状;

13、connectives extended beyond anthers, ligulate to awl-shaped. ─── 药隔在花药以外延伸,舌状的到锥形。

14、disk segments (4 or)5 or 6, shorter than sepals, ligulate or oblong, entire; ─── 花盘裂片(4或)5或6,短于萼片,舌状或长圆形,全缘;

15、lobes erect, incurved apically, ligulate, 2-2.5 mm, margin not ciliate, apex acute. ─── 裂片直立,顶部弯曲,舌状,2-2.5毫米,边缘不具缘毛,先端锐尖。

16、natural yellow pigment was extracted from sunflower ligulate flowers, and its stability at different environmental conditions was studied. ─── 从向日葵舌状花中提取的天然黄色色素在不同环境条件下进行稳定性研究。

17、disk segments 5 or 6, ligulate; ─── 花盘裂片5或6,舌状;

18、in the traverse direction, the ligulate tenon of one floor is matched with the ligulate slot of the other floor. ─── 在横向,将一地板的舌形榫与另一地板的舌形槽配合。

19、The flower is bisexual, ligulate flower neutral, have white, pink, red, violet wait for color; ─── 花两性,舌状花中性,有白.粉红.红.紫等色;

20、staminodes 5, linear to ligulate, alternating with corolla lobes. ─── 退化雄蕊5,对与花冠裂片舌状,交替线。

21、abaxial wing ligulate, ca. 5 mm; ─── 背翅舌状,长约5毫米;

22、Capitate odd unripe bine supports, ligulate flower yellow, female, tubular flower is violet Brown, bisexual. ─── 头状花序单生茎顶,舌状花黄色,雌性,管状花紫褐色.两性。

23、inner lobes ligulate and longer than gynostegium. ─── 内部裂片舌状和长于合蕊冠。

24、Verticillasters not secund; middle lobe of lower corolla lip emarginate or 2-lobulate at apex, not ligulate. ─── 轮状聚伞花序偏向;更低的花冠唇全缘或微缺在先端的中部裂片,舌状,狭椭圆形,到长圆形。(78

25、Appropriate is sunny, ligulate flower increase plays in long sunshine condition. ─── 宜阳光充足,在长日照条件下舌状花增多。

26、There are two kinds of flowers on flower disc, namely ligulate flower and tubular flower. ─── 花盘上有两种花,即舌状花和管状花。

27、Leaves basal, ligulate or ensiform, often large, with extensible fibers visible when torn. ─── 叶基生,舌状或剑形,大的通常,被撕破时可见的可伸长的纤维。

28、lobes reflexed, ligulate to obovate, 2-3 mm.Petals flabellate, smaller than calyx lobes. ─── 裂片反折,舌状到倒卵形,扇形的2-3毫米花瓣,小于萼裂片。

29、Ovary asymmetrically ovoid;stigma slightly reflexed, ligulate, ca. 0.3 mm. ─── 反柱头稍折,舌状的,约0.3毫米。

30、According to Essex-Lopresti Classification, there were 13 cases of ligulate fracture, 8 cases of articular compression fracture. ─── 按EssexLopresti分类法分舌状骨折13例,关节压缩骨折8例。

31、stigma filiform or ligulate, papillous on 1 side; ─── 柱头丝状或者舌状,在1边上具小乳状突;

32、Leaves appearing before or after anthesis, ligulate. ─── 叶在或在花后之前出现,舌状。

33、Capitulum is much also, ligulate flower has the quality such as yellow, orange, milky white, red brown, tubular flower has yellow, orange, brown, green and black wait for color. ─── 头状花序也多,舌状花有黄.橙.乳白.红褐等色,管状花有黄.橙.褐.绿和黑等色。

34、Male flowers: bracteoles ligulate, feathery; ─── 雄花:小苞片舌状,羽毛状;

35、Ligulate flower has long claw, the brim knits music. ─── 舌状花有长爪,边缘皱曲。

36、ligulate corolla ─── 舌状花冠

37、The strap-like portion of a ligulate flower (or the ligulate flower itself) in Compositae (Asteraceae). ─── 边花 Ray 菊科舌状花的舌形部分(或舌状花本身)。

38、Ligulate flower L 3 one, the move is strange the four week brims in flower disc, for asexuality flower. ─── 舌状花l一3层,着生在花盘的四面边缘,为无性花。

39、Tubular flower, be located in ligulate flower inside, for bisexual flower. ─── 管状花,位于舌状花内侧,为两性花。

40、lower lip longer, middle lobe ligulate, lateral lobes triangular. ─── 下唇长,舌状的中部裂片,三角形的侧面裂片。

41、Stigmas 2, unequal, subsemiorbicular to ligulate or ringlike, emarginate. ─── 柱头2,不同的事物,对环形的舌状或,。

42、abaxial wing lunate or nearly ligulate, 6-8 mm; ─── 背翅新月形或者近舌状,6-8毫米;

43、Leaves basal, ligulate or ensiform, often large, with extensible fibers visible when torn. ─── 叶基生,舌状或剑形,大的通常,被撕破时可见的可伸长的纤维。

44、lobes ovate or broadly ovate, apex obtuse, shorter than gynostegium, with a ligulate, adaxial appendage. ─── 裂片卵形或宽卵形,先端钝,短于合蕊冠,具一舌状,附属物。

45、Capsule ellipsoid, glabrous, with 3 unequal wings, abaxial wing obliquely broadly ligulate, lunate, or subrectangular. ─── 花柱3椭圆形的蒴果,无毛,具3不等长翅,背翅斜宽舌状,新月形,或近长方形。

46、Stems 4-angled or nearly 4-angled when young; internodes glabrous; interpetiolar stipules triangular, ligulate or ocreate. ─── 近四棱形的茎四棱形或幼时;节间无毛;叶柄间的托叶三角形,舌状或者具托叶鞘。(2

47、ligulate flower ─── 舌状花

48、filaments short, filiform or ligulate; ─── 花丝短,丝状或;

49、stigma reflexed, ligulate, ca. 2 mm.Achene obliquely triangular-obovoid, slightly compressed, ca. 0.8 mm in diam., with triangular ridge enclosing a warty depression; ─── 瘦果斜三角形倒卵球形,稍压扁,直径约0.8毫米,具三角形的脊包围一疣状凹陷;

50、connectives extended beyond anthers, ligulate. ─── 药隔在花药以外延长,舌状。

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