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ligating 发音

英:[l??ɡe?t??]  美:[la??ɡe?t??]

英:  美:

ligating 中文意思翻译



ligating 短语词组

1、ligating atoms ─── 连接原子

2、ligating clip cartfidge ─── 结扎夹套管

3、ligating atom ─── [化] 配位原子

4、ligating suture ─── 结扎缝合线

5、ligating clip ─── 结扎夹

ligating 词性/词形变化,ligating变形

动词过去式: ligated |动词第三人称单数: ligates |动词过去分词: ligated |动词现在分词: ligating |

ligating 相似词语短语

1、alligating ─── vt.带蛹(alligate的变形)

2、lighting ─── n.照明设备,舞台灯光;v.照明;点燃(light的ing形式)

3、lightning ─── n.闪电;突然;(非正式)突如其来的好运;adj.闪电般快的,飞快的;突然的;v.闪电

4、levigating ─── n.磨细;澄出;v.捻成细粉;挑选(levigate的现在分词)

5、litigating ─── v.提出诉讼,打官司(litigate的现在分词形式)

6、obligating ─── v.(使)负有法律(或道义)责任;以(资产)为担保;(使)感激;adj.专性的;必需的;n.专性有机体

7、ligaturing ─── n.绷带;绳索;连字;连接物;vt.结扎;捆

8、librating ─── vt.摆动;平均

9、libating ─── vi.喝酒;vt.向…祭酒

ligating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Objective To observe the clinic effect of ligating and hanging operating skill on circular mixed hemorrhoid. ─── 目的观察结扎悬吊法治疗环状混合痔临床疗效。

2、METHODS:AMI model were made by ligating the different branches of coronary arteries.The 12 lead ECG were continuonsly recorded. ─── 方法:开胸结扎冠状动脉的不同分支,制造AMI模型,连续观察12导联心电图。

3、Results:Cerebrolysin,NDT and NZZ markedly delayed the death time of mice that had beheadness,and ligating both bilateral carotid arteries and pneumogast ric nerves. ─── 结果:国产和进口脑组织注射液均能显著延长小鼠断头张口喘息时间和结扎双侧带迷走神经颈总动脉小鼠的存活时间;

4、Most of these models rely on a partial denervation of the limb of the animal by ligating a selected nerve. ─── 绝大多数的这些模型依赖于结扎所选择的神经使动物肢体部分去神经。

5、Objective: To discuss the effects of internal opening of incising and ligating in two sides in treatment of complex anal fistula. ─── 目的:探讨内口切开双侧结扎法治疗复杂性肛瘘的疗效。

6、DC Na delayed latent period of arrhythmia, shortened duration of arrhythmia and reduced the rate of ventricular fibrillation induced by ligating the left anterior descending coronary artery in rats. ─── 延长冠脉结扎致大鼠心律失常发生的潜伏期,缩短心律失常的持续时间,降低室颤发生的百分率。

7、The Treatment to Chronic Ulcer in Lower Limbs by Ligating Rami Communicantes Vein under Deep Fascia with Endoscope ─── 内镜深筋膜下交通支静脉结扎治疗下肢慢性溃疡

8、Keywords Improved ligating method;Lax teeth;Fixup; ─── 关键词改良结扎法;松动牙;固定;

9、Objective To investigate the clinical value of laparoscopic salpingectomy after ligating using lasso in treating interstitial tubal pregnancy. ─── 目的探讨腹腔镜下输卵管套扎法切除间质部妊娠的临床应用价值。

10、To position the arch, ligating the arch and contouring anterior band. Design of end sawtooth. ─── 用于夹持弓丝插入颊面管中、结扎丝、前牙带环成形。末端锯齿设计。

11、Methods:The causes of recurrent inguinal hernia were analysed.It was treated by ligating hernial sac in high site,shrinking abdominal inguinal ring and repairing transversalis fascia. ─── 方法:分析小儿复发性腹股沟疝之原因,并采用疝囊高位结扎,内环缩小及腹横筋膜修补等手术治疗。

12、Keywords Buyanghuanwu prescription;Alcohol extract;Water extract;Coronary artery ligating;Myocardial infarction; ─── 关键词补阳还五方;醇提物;水提物;冠状动脉结扎;心肌梗死;

13、Applied anatomy of minimal traumatic incisions surgical approach for ligating ductus arteriosus through oxter ─── 腋下微创切口手术入路应用解剖与动脉导管结扎术

14、24 Healthy adult rabbits were divided into two groups: the normal control group, sham operation;and the experimental group, ligating the right lateral branch of portal vein. ─── 24只健康成年家兔分为假手术对照组和门静脉右外支结扎术实验组,取结扎叶肝组织行组织化学观察。

15、After ligating coronary arery, we measured MAPD100 of three layers of myocardium and TDR at the same time sites as ischemic group in ischemic zone. ─── 通道阻断剂预处理实验组,制作缺血模型,相同时间点记录3层心肌MAPD100并计算TDR。

16、It reduces the chairside time and makes the ligating easier. ─── 自锁托槽与传统托槽一样,能三维方向控制牙的移动。

17、Acupoint Ligat Thread Embed ─── 穴位埋线结扎

18、METHODS The rat model of MI was made through ligating the anterior-descending coronary artery in 160 rats.The sham group was the same as MI group but without ligating the coronary artery. ─── 方法 分批对160只大鼠行冠状动脉左前降支结扎手术,同时设48只假手术组,计算死亡率。

19、MethodsThe model of myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury was established by ligating the left anterior descending artery of New Zealand rabbits. ─── 方法结扎兔左冠状动脉前降支制作心肌缺血再灌注损伤模型。

20、Method: Rat model of acute local cerebral ischemia was made by ligating middle cerebral artery.The cerebral damage was evaluated by staining with hematoxylin and eosin((HE). ─── 方法:采用闭夹大脑中动脉造成局部脑缺血模型,对实验标本作HE染色后观察其脑组织的病理学改变。

21、In this article it has compared statistically the time length of ligating tourniquet and the successful rate of venipuncture by 100 cases of diarrhea with venous transfusion. ─── 本文通过对100例腹泻患者在实施静脉输液中,对结扎止血带时间长短与静脉穿刺成功率进行统计比较。

22、MethodsThe model of pressure-loading ventricular remodeling was established through ligating abdominal aorta in rats. ─── 方法结扎大鼠腹主动脉建立压力超负荷性心室重构模型。

23、Keywords Qiguiyimailing;Tachy-arrhythmia;Coronary artery ligating;Oxygen free radical;apoptosis;myocardial care; ─── 芪桂益脉灵;快速心律失常;冠脉结扎;氧自由基;细胞调亡;心肌保护;

24、Clinical effect of antidromic fasciocutaneous flap of posterior crus ligating small saphenous vein at the edicle repair soft tissue defect ─── 小腿后侧逆行筋膜皮瓣于蒂部结扎小隐静脉的疗效观察

25、In the sham surgery group, rats’ chests were opened without ligating left anterior descending coronary artery. ─── 假手术组大鼠仅开胸,不结扎冠状动脉左前降支。

26、Methods Acute myocardial ischemia (AMI) model was set up by ligating the left ventricular branch of coronary artery of rabbit.ST segment in ECG and scope of AMI were applied as indices to the study. ─── 方法结扎家兔冠脉左室支造成急性心肌缺血模型,以心电图ST段和心肌缺血范围为指标,随机分对照组、电针内关组和纳洛酮加电针组。

27、Protective effects of phenolic alkaloids of Menispermum dauricum on myocardial infarction induced by ligating coronary artery in anesthetized dog ─── 蝙蝠葛酚性碱对犬冠状动脉结扎形成心肌梗死的保护作用

28、Methods (1) Myocardial infarction model was created in rabbits by ligating coronary artery. ─── 方法(1)利用家兔通过结扎冠状动脉建立心梗模型。

29、The invention provides an oviduct ligating appliance which is characterized by a simple structure, a convenient use and capability of preventing wounds. ─── 提供一种结构简单、使用方便避免创伤的结扎输卵管器械。

30、Norlen-Still instrument for ligating of aneurysm ─── 诺-斯二氏动脉瘤结扎器

31、By Ligating Womb the Replication of Hypoxic Ichemic Brain Damaged Animal Model in Baby Rats ─── 结扎大鼠子宫建立新生乳鼠脑缺氧缺血模型

32、4 Wear ligating modules,headgear and other accessories as instructed by your orthodontist. ─── 4严格按正畸医生的要求戴用橡皮圈和牵引头帽等辅助装置。

33、In recent years,we used the operation way combining stripping external hemorrhoid,ligating internal hemorrhoid and cutting part of sphincter ani internus to treat 32 such patients. ─── 嵌顿性混合痔病人相当痛苦,近年来,我科采用外剥内扎并切断部分内括约肌手术治疗32例。

34、Method Sixteen patients with AGML and bleeding were treeted with ligating the left and right gastric arteries and the left and right gastroepiploic arteries. ─── 方法对16例经内科治疗无效的急性胃粘膜病变大出血者结扎胃左右动脉和胃网膜左右动脉。

35、Methods: Radionuclide imaging was used to survey the change of the femoral or tibial blood supply after ligating nutrient artery in rabbits. ─── 方法:采用放射性核素显像法,观察滋养动脉结扎后兔股骨或胫骨血供的变化。

36、It suggested that applying the method of protracting relatively the time of ligating tourniquet could distinctively enhance the successful rate of venipunctu... ─── 05),说明用相对延长结扎止血带时间的方法,对腹泻患者及一些因其它原因造成的末梢静脉充盈度差的患者,可明显提高穿刺成功率。

37、Methods: Heart perfusion in vitro and myocardial ischemia induced by ligating the coronary artery were employed to investigate the effects of Danshu injection on myocardial ischemia. ─── 方法:采用离体心脏灌流法和结扎冠状动脉所致心肌缺血的方法研究丹舒注射液对大鼠急性心肌缺血的影响。

38、Conclusion Combing and partially ligating the facial nerve root is a effective treatment for hemifacial spasm. ─── 结论面神经根梳理并部分结扎是治疗面肌痉挛的有效治疗途径之一。

39、Ligat's test ─── [医] 粒李加特氏试验(检腹部病的皮肤触觉过敏)

40、Observation on Clinical Application of Early Cut-off of Skin Flap through Ligating Pedicle by Stages ─── 分期分段结扎缩窄蒂部法行皮瓣早期断蒂的临床应用观察

41、Create a Standard Mini-swine Model of Myocardial Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury by Silk Suture Ligating ─── 用结扎法建立小型猪心肌缺血再灌注损伤模型

42、Pathophysiologic changes of local ischemic coronary artery and cardiac muscle after ligating canine LAD ─── 结扎犬冠脉左前降支后局部血管及心肌的病理生理变化

43、Method:By ligating the different branch of coronary artery of rabbits, we made the AMI model. ─── 方法:结扎家兔冠状动脉的不同分支制造急性心肌梗死模型。

44、Clinical analysis of Hem-O-lock ligating clip used in laparoscopic cholecystectomy ─── Hem-O-lock结扎夹用于腹腔镜胆囊切除术的临床体会

45、Acute myocardial infarction animal models were formed by ligating the coronary artery. ─── 用冠脉结扎法,建立急性心肌梗死动物模型。

46、The other three survived after ligating the artery.Conclusi... ─── 一旦术后并发颈动脉破裂,则应结扎之,而不宜行修补术。

47、MethodsThe HIBD animal models were made by ligating the uterine arteries of pregnant rat,EGb was injected into the HIB D models. The expression of Bcl-2,Bax protein in brain after HI were observed. ─── 方法 夹闭妊娠大鼠子宫血管 ,制成 HIBD新生鼠模型 ,治疗组给予腹腔注射 EGb,在生后不同时间比较两组仔鼠脑组织凋亡基因 Bcl-2、Bax的变化及神经细胞的凋亡情况。

48、Laparoscopic cholecystectomy using the Hem-o-lok ligating clip ─── 用Hem-o-Lok结扎夹行腹腔镜胆囊切除

49、Methods:27 adult New Zealand rabbits were involved as high intraosseous pressure experiment model by ligating the vena femoralis and gluteae inferiores. ─── 方法:采用结扎股静脉,臀下静脉方法造成兔骨内高压膝关节骨关节炎模型,术后第二天进行手法治疗,每日3次。

50、AIM To describe the experiences and clinical effect of steel wire circular ligating and square tension band steel wire in front of knee for thetreatment of patellar. ─── 目的探讨采用钢丝环扎+膝前方框形张力带钢丝内固定法治疗髌骨骨折的经验和临床效果。

51、Methods: The animal model of aucte myocardial ischemia was reproduced in anesthetized rabbit by ligating the left coronary artery at the middle of anterior descending branch. ─── 方法:通过结扎麻醉兔冠状动脉左前降支中段,造成急性心肌缺血模型,采用放射免疫法测定血浆ET含量,用比色法测定NOS的含量。

52、The Analysis of Ligating the Upper Artery of Uterus to Preventing 38 Cases of Bleeding After Caesarean Operation ─── 结扎子宫动脉上行支防治剖宫产术出血38例分析

53、It was treated by ligating hernia sac in high site, shrinking abdominal inguinal ring and repairing transversalis fascia. ─── 分析小儿复发性腹股沟疝之原因,并采用疝囊高位结扎,内环缩小及腹横筋膜修补等手术治疗。

54、Methods To study the effects of electrocardiograph (ECG), myocardial enzymes and myocardial infarct scope in experimental rats by ligating the coronary arteries. ─── 方法通过大鼠冠脉结扎致心肌缺血模型,观察通心活脉灵对大鼠心电图、心肌酶及梗死面积的影响。

55、Ligating Different Branches of the Left Renal Artery to Establish a Rat Model of Renal Hypertension Associated with Renal Failure ─── 结扎不同肾动脉构建肾性高血压大鼠模型

56、ligating atom ─── 配位原子

57、Keywords diarrhea;venour transfusion;time of ligating arresting bleeding belt; ─── 腹泻;静脉输液;结扎止血带时间;

58、Conclusions Ligation of the cystic duct with silk threads and ligating loop in laparoscopic cholecystectomy was safe and avoided metallic foreign bodies in abdominal cavity. ─── 结论 在腹腔镜胆囊切除术中应用丝线加套扎线处理胆囊管,手术安全并能避免金属异物在体内留置。

59、Methods: The method of ligating both common carotid arteries and vagus nerves was used to make acute cerebral ischemia reperfusion injury in mice. ─── 方法:采用小鼠双侧颈总动脉和迷走神经结扎法制作脑缺血模型并观察NMS对其的影响。

60、Ligating the fragment to vector pET28(b), select single clone for cleave and Ploymerase Chain Reaction, PCR) identification. ─── 将扩增出的片段连接到原核表达载体pET28(b),挑取单克隆进行酶切和PCR鉴定。

61、Objective To explore the clinical application of silk thread adds ligating loop in laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) . ─── 目的探讨丝线加套扎线在腹腔镜胆囊切除术中的临床应用价值。

62、Objective To explore the use and advantages of the Hem-o-lok ligating clip in laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC). ─── 目的探讨使用Hem-o-Lok结扎夹行腹腔镜胆囊切除术(laparoscopiccholecystectomy,LC)的方法及优势。

63、Methods Ligation of the cystic duct with silk threads and ligating loop in 256 patients of LC from 2001 to 2006. ─── 方法2001年至2006年,采用丝线及套扎线结扎处理胆囊管的256例腹腔镜胆囊切除术,观察胆漏、术后胆囊动脉出血、右上腹不适、胆总管损伤和术后住院时间。

64、Improved ligating method ─── 改良结扎法

65、Keywords frictional resistance;preadjusted brackets;archwires;ligating methods; ─── 摩擦力;直丝托槽;弓丝;结扎方式;

66、AMI model was established by ligating left coronary artery anterior descending branch. ─── 结扎左冠状动脉前降支复制急性心肌梗死模型。

67、Coronary artery ligating ─── 冠状动脉结扎

68、Ligat's tests ─── [医] 李加特氏试验(检腹部病的皮肤触觉过敏)

69、Knee osteoarthritis models were made by ligating the femoral and inferior gluteal veins. ─── 通过结扎股静脉及臀下静脉造成膝骨关节炎模型。

70、It could inhibit occurrence of myocardial ischemia induced by Pit (P

71、Most of these models rely on a partial denervation of the limb of the animal by ligating a selected nerve. ─── 绝大多数的这些模型依赖于结扎所选择的神经使动物肢体部分去神经。

72、Effects of ligating common iliac artery of one side on conduction velocity of sciatic nerve in rats ─── 结扎大鼠髂总动脉对坐骨神经传导速度的影响

73、The invention relates to an appliance for contraception, in particular to an appliance for ligating an oviduct. ─── 本发明涉及一种节育用的器械,尤其是一种结扎输卵管器械。

74、Hem-o-lok polymer ligating clip ─── Hem-o-lok结扎夹

75、After using the structure, since the oviduct ligating appliance comprises the dilated tube, the appliance can reach a cervical mouth due to the rigidity of appliance. ─── 采用上述结构以后,由于结扎输卵管器械包括扩张管,可以利用其硬度达到宫颈口。

76、Clinical study on the method by double cross ligating tourniquet for superficial vein retention needle puncturing ligation method ─── 浅静脉留置针穿刺中双止血带双交叉结扎法的临床研究

77、.It also decreased the excursion of ST segment induced by ligating coronary artery, T wave amplitude increased, the myocardial infarction area and the activity of serum creatine phosphokinase(CK). ─── 减少犬冠脉结扎所致的心电图ST段偏移、T波增高、心肌梗死范围和激酸激酶(CK)活性。

78、instrument for ligating of aneurism ─── 动脉瘤结扎器

79、METHOD The method of ligating both common carotids and vagus was used to make acute cerebral ischemia reperfusion injury in mice. ─── 方法采用小鼠双侧颈总动脉和迷走神经结扎法制作脑缺血模型并观察脑舒宁对其的影响。

80、Hem-O-lock ligating clip can shorten operating time and lower conversive rate with very simple operation,and thus can be wildly used in LC. ─── Hem-O-lock结扎夹运用于LC,能缩短手术时间,降低中转率,操作简单易行,具有临床运用推广价值。

81、Method To study liquid secretion of intestinal tract and amplitude and frequency of intestinal muscle contraction with rats in vivo, via Established ligating ileum model of rats. ─── 方法通过结扎大鼠回肠模型,观察动物肠道水分的分泌及家兔在体肠肌收缩幅度及频率。

82、METHOD The method of ligating both common carotids and vagus was used to make acute cerebral ischemia reperfusion injury in mice. ─── 方法采用小鼠双侧颈总动脉和迷走神经结扎法制作脑缺血模型并观察脑舒宁对其的影响。

83、Objective:To discuss the effects of internal opening of incising and ligating in two sides in treatment of complex anal fistula. ─── 目的:探讨内口切开双侧结扎法治疗复杂性肛瘘的疗效。

84、Protective effects of Gross Saponins of Tribulus Terrestris on acute myocardial ischemia induced by ligating left coronary artery in rats in vivo ─── 蒺藜皂苷对大鼠在体结扎冠脉造成的急性心肌缺血损伤的保护作用

85、Suprapubic prostatectomy with ligating inferior vesica artery in the treatment of the high risks of BPH patients: Report of 35 cases ─── 结扎膀胱下动脉耻骨上前列腺切除术治疗高危前列腺增生症35例

86、Objective To explore the clinical application of silk thread adds ligating loop in laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) . ─── 摘要 目的 探讨丝线加套扎线在腹腔镜胆囊切除术中的临床应用价值。

87、Epigastric abdominal flaps of rats were used to investigate whether the flap survival rate can be affected by ligating too many side branches of feeding arteries or by neurogenic control of the flaps. ─── 我们利用老鼠的腹上皮瓣进行组织重接,来探讨神经支配是否会影响皮瓣组织之存活率,切断太多的侧枝循环造成周围组织之缺氧是否会使皮瓣因血液灌流太多而影响皮瓣之存活率。

88、Keywords complex crystals;covalence;ligating atom; ─── 复杂晶体;共价性;配位原子;

89、Thirty healthy adult mongrel canines were made into models of acute myocardial ischemia by ligating the left anterior descending of c... ─── 吉林大学基础医学院机能科学实验中心吉林省长春市;

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