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09-21 投稿


Kantism 发音

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Kantism 中文意思翻译



Kantism 相似词语短语

1、autism ─── n.孤独症,自闭症;臆想

2、saintism ─── 圣徒主义

3、kanjis ─── n.(日语中的)汉字体系,日本汉字;n.(Kanji)(美、加、英)坎吉(人名)

4、giantism ─── n.巨大;[医]巨大畸形

5、baptism ─── n.洗礼;严峻考验

6、fattism ─── 肥胖歧视

7、Fantis ─── 花哨

8、Saktism ─── n.性力派(印度教三大流派之一)

9、Kantism ─── n.康德哲学

Kantism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Status and Significance of the Theory of Cognition in Kantism ─── 认识论在康德哲学中的地位和意义

2、Neo- Kantism ─── 新康德主义

3、Both Marxism and Kantism are called "critical philosophies", but their critical meanings are different or even opposite. ─── 摘要马克思哲学和康德哲学都会被学界称之为“批判哲学”,但二者的“批判”却有着完全不同、甚至截然相反的用意。

4、Thing - in - itself-the Joint of Kantism Philosophy --From "Resplendent Night Sky" to "Morals Court" ─── 物自体--康德哲学的关节点--从“璀璨星空”到“道德法庭”

5、basic philosophical standpoints of the Neo-kantism and clarifies its influence no the methodology of humanist psychology. ─── 心理学界将现象学和存在主义作为现代人本心理学的主要哲学基础,很少注意到新康德主义在其中所起的作用。

6、This paper thinks that only returning to Kantism which didn't been influenced by such confusion, can we change this condition. ─── 本文认为,要改变这种状况,必须返回到没有受过这种负面影响的康德哲学中去。

7、Thing-in-itself——the Joint of Kantism Philosophy——From"Resplendent Night Sky"to"Morals Court" ─── 物自体——康德哲学的关节点——从“璀璨星空”到“道德法庭”

8、Thing - in - itself-the Joint of Kantism Philosophy --From"Resplendent Night Sky"to"Morals Court" ─── 物自体--康德哲学的关节点--从"璀璨星空"到"道德法庭"

9、In his late years, Zong criticized Kantism from the point of reflection. ─── 晚年则自觉地走向对康德思想的反思性批判。

10、The paper points out that "respect for nature" is often regarded analogous to Kant s "respect for man", but it cannot be interpreted and expounded by Kantism. ─── 本文指出,尽管“尊重自然”往往被类比于康德所言的“尊重人”之要求,但基于康德主义的阐释和论证难以成立。

11、Both Marxism and Kantism are called "critical philosophies" , but their critical meanings are different or even opposite. ─── 马克思哲学和康德哲学都会被学界称之为“批判哲学”,但二者的“批判”却有着完全不同、甚至截然相反的用意。

12、Since the appearance of new Kantism, the two can only achieve a false unity either by taking the form of definitive property or the form of naturalism. ─── 自新康德主义以来,这两者或是借形式规定性或是借自然主义仅仅达到了虚假的统一。

13、Zong's modem aesthetics is connected with his lifelong study on Kantism. ─── 摘要宗白华关于中国现代美学观的形成,与其对康德倾其一生的研究密切相关。

14、In his youth, he studied Kantism as concepts system and explained such categories as aesthetic intuition, transcendent knowledge, phenomena world, thing in itself, etc. ─── 早年他主要是在概念的世界里研究康德,对感性直观、先验认识、现象界、物自体等范畴做出个体阐释;

15、On the intermediary nature of time in Kantism ─── 论康德时间的中介性

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