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09-20 投稿


semiliquid 发音

英:[?semi?l?kw?d; ?sema??l?kw?d]  美:[?sem??l?kw?d]

英:  美:

semiliquid 中文意思翻译




semiliquid 词性/词形变化,semiliquid变形

名词: semiliquidity |

semiliquid 短语词组

1、semiliquid extract ─── [医]半流浸膏:蒸发成糖浆稠度的浸膏

2、semiliquid diet ─── [医] 半流质饮食

3、semiliquid food ─── 半流质食品

4、semiliquid matrix ─── 半液体基质

semiliquid 相似词语短语

1、semirigid ─── adj.半硬式的;半刚性的

2、illiquid ─── adj.(资产)不可立即兑现的;(市场)参与者少的

3、liquid ─── adj.液体的;清澈的;明亮的;易变的;n.液体,流体;流音

4、nonliquid ─── 非液体

5、semicirques ─── 半圆状物

6、semifluid ─── adj.半流质的;n.半流质

7、semiliquidity ─── n.半流体(semiliquid的变形)

8、soliquid ─── 溶胶

9、seminal fluid ─── 精液

semiliquid 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Soft or semiliquid food, as for infants. ─── 半流质食物婴儿吃的软的或半流质的食物

2、Keywords gear box;semiliquid lubricant grease;observation and analyse;prevent leak; ─── 减速箱;半流体脂;监测分析;治漏;

3、of liquid and semiliquid relationship fitted. ─── 液体和半流体关系的各类装置。

4、A new kind of semiliquid medium for the drug susceptibility to mycobacterium tuberculosis ─── 一种新型半流体培养基用于结核分枝杆菌药敏试验的研究

5、semiliquid extracts ─── 半液体浸膏剂

6、Black semiliquid, mixed by CBF and soft pitch. ─── 常温下黑色半流体,主要由碳黑油和沥青混配而成。

7、Black semiliquid , mixed by CBF and soft pitch. ─── 常温下黑色半流体,主要由碳黑油和沥青混配而成。

8、Result: Chylous ascites of postoperative patients often occurs in the day or the next day as patient had some semiliquid diet. ─── 乳糜腹水多发生在进半流食后的当天或第2天。

9、semiliquid echopattern ─── 半液体型回声

10、Results These four patients could take fluid medium or semiliquid diet after operation. ─── 结果经气囊扩张及支架植入后的4例患者均能进流质或半流质饮食。

11、In this semiliquid state the wearer gains damage reduction 20/+1. ─── 穿戴者在该半流体形态下获得20/+1的伤害减免。

12、semi-fluid [semiliquid] diet ─── 半流质饮食

13、semiliquid extract ─── 半流浸膏

14、Determination on Filling Valve Caliber for Semiliquid ─── 半流体液料的灌装阀口径的确定

15、semiliquid diet ─── 半流质食物

16、3.RESULTS Of the 65 patients with NUD,13 patients showed DGE for solid meal,11 patients(84.6%)also showed DGE for semiliquid meal and only one patient showed DGE(7.7%)for liquid meal. ─── 结果:与正常人比,65例NUD患者中13例显示固体食物胃排空迟缓,其中11例(84.6%)同时有半流质食物排空迟缓,只有1例(7.7%)同时有液体食物排空迟缓。

17、Of the 65 patients with NUD,13 patients showed DGE for solid meal,11 patients(84.6%)also showed DGE for semiliquid meal and only one patient showed DGE(7.7%)for liquid meal. ─── 与正常人比,65例NUD患者中13例显示固体食物胃排空迟缓,其中11例(84.6%)同时有半流质食物排空迟缓,只有1例(7.7%)同时有液体食物排空迟缓。

18、A serving of soft, semiliquid food: ─── 软滑的、半流质的食物:

19、Batter A liquid or semiliquid mixture, as of flour, milk, and eggs, used in cooking. ─── 牛奶鸡蛋面糊:一种液体或半液体混合物,是牛奶、面粉、鸡蛋混合成的,用作烹调。

20、A new kind of semiliquid medium for the drug susceptibility to mycobacterium tuberculosis ─── 一种新型半流体培养基用于结核分枝杆菌药敏试验的研究

21、Determination on Filling Valve Caliber for Semiliquid ─── 半流体液料的灌装阀口径的确定

22、The application of semiliquid lubricant grease in gear box of pumping unit ─── 半流体润滑脂在抽油机减速箱保养中的应用

23、The application of semiliquid lubricant grease in gear box of pumping unit ─── 半流体润滑脂在抽油机减速箱保养中的应用

24、sliced meats are displayed on a large platter, accompanied by the semiliquid beans, rice, toasted farofa, sliced oranges, sliced onions, cooked cabbage, and a hot-pepper sauce. ─── 切薄的肉盛放在一个大浅盘上,拌上豆汁,米饭,木署粉,橙子片,洋葱片,熟的卷心菜和胡椒粉。

25、the compared group of 120 cases was treated with much brown sugar in syrup, nutritious liquid and semiliquid only. ─── 对照组120例,仅多饮红糖水,多食富含营养的流质及半流质饮食。

26、diet, semiliquid ─── 半流食

27、The machine according to special grease and request for filling craft to exploit、search of new AUTO filling equipment, especially for Cream、Ghee and era Cocoa butter and other semiliquid materiel of ration Automatically filling. ─── 本机根据特种油脂灌装工艺要求而开发、研制的新型自动灌装设备,特别适应奶油、起酥油及代可可脂等半流体物料的定量自动灌装。

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