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09-22 投稿


caryophyllaceae 中文意思翻译



caryophyllaceae 短语词组

1、family Caryophyllaceae ─── [网络] 石竹科

caryophyllaceae 相似词语短语

1、caryophyllaceous ─── adj.石竹科的

2、carpellate ─── adj.[植]具有心皮的

3、ampullaceal ─── 壶腹

4、cartophiles ─── 文件夹

5、cartophilic ─── 喜卡通的

6、apophyllite ─── n.[矿物]鱼眼石

7、cartophile ─── 爱卡通的

8、bryophylla ─── 藓状雪灵芝

9、bryophyllum ─── 落地生根

caryophyllaceae 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Indexical lists of Caryophyllaceae genus and species in Gansu. ─── 甘肃石竹科植物属和种名录.

2、Keywords Silene rubicunda;Caryophyllaceae;Triterpenoid saponin;Rubicunoside A;Glyrrhizinic acid hydrolase; ─── 九子参;石竹科;三萜皂甙;九子参甙A;甘草酸酶;

3、Keyword: caryophyllaceae; ─── 关 键 词: 石竹科;

4、About 100 million mu of bamboo forest area, the largest national Chuk Yuen, Asia's largest, most varieties of Caryophyllaceae class botanical garden - Bamboo Park. ─── 誉称中国十大竹乡之一的安吉,果真名不虚传,境内沿路不论是山地丘陵、还是河谷平原,放眼望去,漫山遍野都是青青翠竹,碧绿如洗,连空气中都弥漫着竹子的清香。

5、of or pertaining to plants of the family Caryophyllaceae. ─── 属于或关于石竹科型植物。

6、Orobanche caryophyllacea ─── n. 丝毛列当

7、Flora of China Illustrations VOLUME 6 Caryophyllaceae through Lardizabalaceae ......(306 ─── 中国真菌志第五卷曲霉属及其相关有性型......(307

8、A new species of Pseudostellaria Pax (Caryophyllaceae) from Helanshan Mountains. ─── 贺兰山孩儿参属(石竹科)一新种.

9、Good progress has been made in recent years through plant tissue culture and cell engineering in Caryophyllaceae. ─── 近年来,植物组织培养与细胞工程研究在石竹科植物上取得了一定进展。

10、of or pertaining to plants of the family Caryophyllaceae ─── 属于或关于石竹科型植物

11、Two new species of Melandrium (Caryophyllaceae) from Inner Mongolia. ─── Title内蒙古女娄菜属(石竹科)二新种。

12、Productive Techniques of Caryophyllaceae Juss for Cutting Flowers in the Greenhouse ─── 切花香石竹工厂化生产技术

13、Polycarpaea corymbosa (L.) Lam. (Caryophyllaceae): a newly found plant in Taiwan. ─── 白鼓钉(石竹科) -- 台湾新发现的植物.

14、A new species of Stellaria (Caryophyllaceae) from Nei Mongol. ─── 内蒙古繁缕属(石竹科)一新种.

15、On the other hand, in Caryophyllaceae, poppy Branch, the Solanaceae plant some grass and try in vitro fertilization and pollination of technology to overcome hybrid incompatibility. ─── 另一方面,曾在石竹科、罂粟科、茄科及禾本科的一些植物试用离体传粉和受精的技术克服杂交不亲和性。

16、The Constituents of Volatile Oil from Three Caryophyllaceae Species in Arctic Region and Their Chemotaxonomy Significance ─── 三种北极石竹科植物的挥发油成分及其化学分类学意义

17、The results showed that,in different typical fields,all kinds of weeds belong to 22 families,55 species mainly including Gramineae,Compositae,Cruciferae,Chenopodiacea,Caryophyllacea,Cyperaceae and so on. ─── 研究结果表明,调查样地出现的各种杂草种类共22科,55种,主要为禾本科(Gramineae)、菊科(Compositae)、十字花科(Cruciferae)、藜科(Chenopodiaceae)、石竹科(Caryophyllaceae)和莎草科(Cyperaceae)等;

18、1.Carnation, is a transliteration of the name of carnation for Caryophyllaceae perennial herbaceous perennial flowers. ─── 1.康乃馨,是香石竹的音译名称,为石竹科多年生宿根草本花卉。

19、This paper is systematic cytotaxonomy studies to plants of five genera of Caryophyllaceae. ─── 本文对石竹科部分属的植物进行了细胞分类学研究。

20、The Constituents of Volatile Oil from Three Caryophyllaceae Species in Arctic Region and Their Chemotaxonomy Significance ─── 三种北极石竹科植物的挥发油成分及其化学分类学意义

21、Two new species of Melandrium (Caryophyllaceae) from Inner Mongolia. ─── 内蒙古女娄菜属(石竹科)二新种.

22、A new species of Pseudostellaria (Caryophyllaceae) from Helan Mountains. ─── 贺兰山孩儿参属(石竹科)一新种.

23、New taxa of Caryophyllaceae from Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. ─── 青藏高原石竹科新分类群.

24、A new species of Stellaria (Caryophyllaceae) from north-western part of China. ─── 中国西北部繁缕属一新种.

25、False binary branch more common in angiosperms Oleaceae, Caryophyllaceae, such as lilac, jasmine, carnation, and so on. ─── 假二叉分枝多见于被子植物木犀科、石竹科,如丁香、茉莉、石竹等。

26、Objective:To reconfirm the medicinal plants of Aristolochiaceae,Caryophyllaceae,Menispermaceae,Illiciaceae and Magnoliaceae found in Guizhou Province. ─── 目的 :通过修订 ,确认贵州马兜铃科、石竹科、防己科、八角科和木兰科药用植物的种类。

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