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09-19 投稿


leucocyte 发音

英:['lu?k?(?)sa?t]  美:['luk?sa?t]

英:  美:

leucocyte 中文意思翻译



leucocyte 网络释义

n. [解剖][细胞] 白细胞;[细胞] 白血球

leucocyte 短语词组

1、multi nuclear leucocyte ─── 多核白细胞

2、leucocyte count ─── [医] 白细胞计数

3、hyaline leucocyte ─── 透明白血细胞

leucocyte 词性/词形变化,leucocyte变形


leucocyte 相似词语短语

1、leucocytic ─── 白细胞的

2、leukocytes ─── n.白血球(leukocyte的复数形式)

3、auxocyte ─── n.[细胞]性母细胞;生长细胞;增大母细胞

4、leucocytes ─── n.[解剖][细胞]白细胞(leucocyte的复数);[细胞]白血球

5、leukocytic ─── adj.白细胞的;白血球的

6、leukocyte ─── n.白血球

7、leucocytoses ─── n.白细胞增多,白血球增多(leucocytosis的变形)

8、hemocyte ─── n.[组织]血细胞;血球

9、leucite ─── n.[矿物]白榴石

leucocyte 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A. paniculata enhanced phagocytic activitiy of leucocyte significantly, and increased the indexes of phagocytose. ─── 同时,穿心莲在整个给药周期内,对白细胞活性有显著影响(P<0.05),提高其吞噬率和吞噬指数。

2、human leucocyte antigen - DR ─── 人类白细胞抗原-DR

3、human leucocyte antigen DRB1 genes ─── HLA-DRB1基因

4、The lymphocyte used in the leucocyte antigen and check mainly is separated, washed , train separation of cell and refined, blood coagulation deal with, what blood group check check a kind of routine equipment of field. ─── 主要用于白血球抗原检查的淋巴细胞分离、洗涤,培养细胞的分离与精制,凝血处理,血型检查等的检查领域的一种常规设备。

5、Persistent leucocyte and net knit heighten of red blood cell, must eliminate the possibility that continues to bleed potentially. ─── 持续的白细胞和网织红细胞增高,必须排除继续潜在出血的可能性。

6、The freshly isolated and cultured hepatic oval cells were stained positive for cytokeratin 19, OV6, AFP and negative for leucocyte common antigen (LCA). ─── 免疫组化结果显示所分离的肝卵圆细胞呈OV6阳性,CK19阳性,AFP弱阳性,LCA阴性。

7、Objective: To investigate to the relationship between peripheral blood leucocyte count and degree of infarction. ─── 前言:目的:对急性脑梗死病人外周血白细胞计数和病人的疾病程度进行观察分析。

8、HLA(humen leucocyte antigen) ─── 人类白细胞抗原

9、Pyuria namely purulent cell make water, alleged pus cell is the leucocyte that point to denaturation or dies. ─── 脓尿即脓细胞尿,所谓脓细胞是指变性或死亡的白细胞。

10、Garlic oil can prevent the decrease of leucocyte induced by radiation in mice ─── 大蒜油对辐射致小鼠白细胞减少的预防作用

11、Also use at nerve disease to suffer from (atrophy of neuritis, nerve, neuralgic etc) , the auxiliary cure that hepatic disease, leucocyte reduces the disease such as disease, aplastic anemia. ─── 也用于神经疾患(神经炎、神经萎缩、神经痛等)、肝脏疾病、白细胞减少症、再生障碍性贫血等疾病的辅助治疗。

12、The product is mainly used in curing tumors and leucocyte decreases.The lentinan for tumor curing costs about 300yuan per piece.It is very much competitive in the market. ─── 产品主要用于肿瘤治疗和白细胞低下症的治疗领域.用于癌症治疗的香菇多糖,每支价格300元左右,具有较强的市场竞争力.

13、A few days does the life of major leucocyte have only who can tell me be assorted ah? ─── 大部分白细胞的寿命只有几天谁可以告诉我一下为什吗啊?

14、human leucocyte antigen typing(HLA typing) ─── 人(类)白细胞抗原分型

15、ALCAM belongs to immunoglobulin gene superfamily.It is mainly expressed on leucocyte and thymic epithelial cell and is the ligand of CD6 lymphocyte antigen. ─── ALCAM主要表达在白细胞和胸腺上皮细胞,属于免疫球蛋白基因超家族的成员,是淋巴细胞抗原CD6的配基。

16、Does the woman stay up late to give cutaneous leucocyte very easily kill? ─── 女人熬夜是不是很容易把皮肤的白细胞给杀死?

17、human leucocyte antigen typing ─── HLA typing

18、human leucocyte antigen haploidentical ─── 人类白细胞抗原半相合

19、Effects of long-standing low dose rate of neutron irradiation on peripheral blood leucocyte in rats ─── 低剂量率中子长期照射对大鼠外周血白细胞的影响

20、human leucocyte antigen-DRB1 ─── 人类白细胞抗原-DRBl

21、human leucocyte histocompatibility antigen ─── 人白细胞组织相容性抗原, 人白细胞组织适合性抗原, hla抗原

22、It contains toxin, flow to Jiang He to be able to cause water system nutrition to change, once edible, can destroy leucocyte and enteron mucous membrane, cause bromatoxism, cause cancer even. ─── 它含有毒素,流向江河会造成水体营养化,一旦食用,则会破坏白血球和消化道黏膜,引起食物中毒,甚至致癌。

23、human leucocyte antigen protein G ─── 人类白细胞抗原G

24、Lens issues cell of visible lymphocyte, oar and minority leucocyte, fibre mother cell increases. ─── 镜下可见淋巴细胞、浆细胞和少数白细胞,纤维组织母细胞增加。

25、double layer leucocyte agglutination ─── 双层白细胞凝集反应

26、Taking chloric nitrogen at ordinary times, examine white blood cell 1 times every week inside the 1st month, if discover leucocyte,decrease should stop drug instantly. ─── 在服用氯氮平时,在第1个月内每周查1次白细胞,如发现白细胞减少应立即停药。

27、One of the central pathological changes is the adherency and aggregation of blood leucocyte and retina micrangium endotheliocyte in its occurrence and development. ─── 在DR的发生发展过程中,一个中心病理变化是血液中白细胞与视网膜毛细血管内皮细胞的黏附与聚集,该过程主要依赖于内皮细胞表面黏附分子与单核细胞上相应配体的相互作用。

28、A large amount of research proves that ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is associated strongly to human leucocyte antigen (HLA). ─── 大量的研究证明,强直性脊柱炎(AS)是与人类白细胞抗原(HLA)相关性最强的疾病。

29、How does the fleetness increase a leucocyte? ─── 如何快速增加白细胞?

30、However, she has been admitted after feeling weak, myself being insipid, daily feel physically uncomfortable, to the hospital for an examination and found leucocyte low. ─── 可是,她入住后就一直感到乏力、浑身没劲,天天感到身体不舒服,到医院检查后发现白血球偏低。

31、human leucocyte antigen system ─── 人白细胞抗原系

32、homologous leucocyte antibody ─── 同种白细胞抗体

33、human leucocyte antigen, HLA ─── 人白细胞抗原

34、Additional, hidebound the immune function that causes airframe resistance and oneself is low, leucocyte gobbles up bacterial ability to reduce, erupt simultaneously easily all sorts of infection. ─── 另外,营养不良造成机体抵抗力和自身的免疫功能低下,白细胞吞噬细菌的能力降低,容易并发各种感染。

35、human leucocyte antigen complex ─── 人白细胞抗原复合体

36、sanguisorba leucocyte increasing tablets ─── 地榆升白片

37、human leucocyte antigen-mixed lymphocyte culture ─── 人白细胞抗原-混合淋巴细胞培养

38、leucocyte adherence inhibitory factor ─── LAI

39、A large number of watering make uric fluid attenuant, leucocyte number decreases relatively inside unit volume, try low ooze make water and make leucocyte disintegrate. ─── 大量饮水使尿液稀释,白细胞数在单位容积内相对减少,加以低渗尿而使白细胞解体。

40、Their outside individual nucleus cell is in week blood the leucocyte interferon that small amount produces only after virus is atttacked. ─── 他们的外周血单个核细胞在病毒攻击后仅产生低量的白细胞干扰素。

41、Hemoglobin (Hb), Hematocrit (Hct) , Red Blood Cell(RBC), reticulocyte counts (Ret), total leucocyte (WBC), Neutrophil counts(ANC), Platelet count (Plat) were measured before and every week after the treatment. ─── 两组早产儿均于治疗前、治疗后每周取静脉血测定Hb、红细胞压积(Hct)、Ret,白细胞总数(WBC)、中性粒细胞绝对值(ANC)、血小板计数(P lat);

42、In thecase of peripheral leucocyte the sedimentation velocities of total nucleated cells,CFU-S and the responsive cells to Simonsen's assay method were 4.49,4.96 and 5.12mm/hr respectively. ─── 在小鼠外周血白细胞的沉降试验中,CFU-S的沉降速度为4.96毫米/小时,脾指数阳性细胞的沉降速度为5.12毫米/小时。

43、human leucocyte antigen (HLA) ─── 人体白细胞抗原人白细胞抗原

44、human leucocyte locus A system ─── 人白细胞位点A系统

45、human leucocyte locus A histocompatibility system ─── 人白细胞A位点组织相容性系, 人白细胞A位点组织适合性系

46、Peripheral blood leucocyte cell ─── 外周血单个核细胞

47、Think commonly, make water of discriminative pus cell and leucocyte make water do not have real value, valuable is the amount of leucocyte. ─── 一般认为,区别脓细胞尿与白细胞尿并无实际价值,有价值的是白细胞的数量。

48、human leucocyte antigen system, HLA ─── 人类白细胞抗原系统

49、It is also the crux for the t echnology of leucocyte's auto classification. ─── 因为通过它可以区分白细胞的种类,所以白细胞胞核的边缘检测对临床标本的自动检测和分类具有重要意义。

50、Human leucocyte antigen- DRB1 gene polymorphism ─── 人类白细胞抗原DRB1基因多态性

51、Leucocyte and red blood cell are inside index, does need go again check what? ─── 白细胞和红细胞都在指标内,需要再去验什么呢?

52、human leucocyte antigen com-plex ─── 人(类)白细胞抗原复合体

53、The changes of leucocyte, erythrocyte and platelet were examined by using an auto hemocytomater. ─── 全自动血球计数分析仪检测白细胞、红细胞、血小板数目的变化。

54、leucocyte promoting factor, LPF ─── 促白细胞生成因子

55、Weanalyzed the relationship between leucocyte count, other hematologic findings and seniority. ─── 白细胞数与工龄之间不存在相关关系。

56、Keywords sanguisorba leucocyte increasing tablet;Leucopenia;Clinic Research; ─── 关键词地榆升白片;白细胞减少症;临床研究;


58、Human leucocyte antigen-DRB1 gene ─── 人类白细胞抗原DRB1基因

59、neutrophile polymorphonuclear leucocyte ─── (嗜)中性多形核白细胞

60、secretory leucocyte protease inhibitor ─── SLPI

61、Child 6 years old of leucocyte 17000 how to do, dangerous? ─── 小孩六岁白血球17000怎么办,危险吗?

62、lick up ability of neutrophil leucocyte ─── 中性粒细胞吞噬力

63、secretory leucocyte protease inhibitor(SLPI) ─── 分泌性白细胞蛋白酶抑制剂

64、Soluble human leucocyte antigen-G1 ─── 可溶性组织相容性抗原-G1

65、heterophil(e)granular leucocyte ─── 嗜异染性粒状白细胞

66、Expression of leucocyte cell-surface antigens on colon cancer cell line HR8348 ─── 大肠癌细胞系HR8348白细胞分化抗原的表达

67、polymorphonuclear leucocyte -elastase ─── 中性粒细胞弹性蛋白酶

68、heterophil granular leucocyte ─── 嗜异染性颗粒白细胞

69、What symptom does human body leucocyte cause many times too? ─── 人体白细胞过多回引发什么症状?

70、human leucocyte histocompatibility-DR ─── 人白细胞DR抗原

71、HLA(homologous leucocyte antigen) ─── 同种白细胞抗原

72、People calls leukaemia " hematic cancer " have stated reason, leukaemia is the leucocyte in blood malign hyperplasia, treat hard like general cancer. ─── 人们把白血病称为“血癌”是有一定道理的,白血病就是血液中的白细胞恶性增殖,像一般癌症一样难以治疗。

73、Lunar New Year's Day, she Chaoyang Hospital to the Western checks were identified leucocyte increased symptoms and liver damage. ─── 大年初一,她到朝阳医院西区检查,被查出有白血球增高和肝损伤症状。

74、Can cause leucocyte or bead cell to decrease, it is more serious side effect, its mechanism still is not clear about, likelihood and reaction of airframe particularity allergy are concerned. ─── 可引起白细胞或粒细胞减少,是较严重的副作用,其机理尚不清楚,可能与机体特异性过敏反应有关。

75、Keywords Type1A dialetes mellitus;Human leucocyte antigen;Asian;Caucasian; ─── 1型糖尿病;人类白细胞抗原;高加索;亚洲;

76、counting of eosinophilic leucocyte ─── 嗜酸性白细胞计数

77、Poly polymorphonuclear leucocyte ─── 多形核白细胞

78、human leucocyte antigens (HLA) ─── 人类白细胞抗原(HIA)

79、human leucocyte antigen G antigens ─── HLA-G抗原

80、human leucocyte antigen protein G(HLA-G) ─── 人类白细胞抗原G(HLA-G)

81、Recombination within the human leucocyte antigen ─── 人类白细胞抗原分子遗传中的基因重组

82、human leucocyte antigen(HLA) ─── 人(类)白细胞抗原

83、Clinic Observation to 90 Leucopenia Cases Treated by Sanguisorba Leucocyte Increasing Tablet. ─── 地榆升白片治疗白细胞减少症90例临床研究。

84、human leucocyte conditioned medium ─── 人白细胞条件培养基

85、The healthy check-up of the hospital: Uric convention is checked, LEU leucocyte examines result 1+ and referenced value is negative, occupied? ─── 医院的健康体检:尿常规检查,LEU白细胞检验结果1+而参考值为阴性啊,有事吗?

86、Soluble human leucocyte antigen- 1 ( sHLA-Ⅰ ) ─── 可溶性人白细胞抗原

87、The quality and efficiency of leucocyte test can be improved by using the digital image processing and pattern recognition. ─── 将计算机数字图像处理和模式识别理论用于白细胞的识别分类,可以提高白细胞检测的质量和效率。

88、Unusual increase can have leucocyte how many odds gets leukaemia. ─── 白细胞异常增多会有多少几率得白血病。

89、human leucocyte histocompatibility-DQ ─── 人白细胞DQ抗原

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