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loblolly 发音


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loblolly 中文意思翻译



loblolly 网络释义

n. 火炬松(松树的一种);水洼,泥泞

loblolly 短语词组

1、loblolly bay loblolly ─── 湾

2、loblolly pine ─── 厚皮刺果松, 火炬松

3、loblolly house loblolly ─── 住宅

4、loblolly pines ─── 火炬松,厚皮刺果松

5、loblolly pine lignin ─── 火炬松木质素

loblolly 词性/词形变化,loblolly变形

名词复数: loblollies |

loblolly 相似词语短语

1、lobularly ─── 小叶

2、Connolly ─── n.康诺利;康纳利(爱尔兰姓氏);n.(Connolly)人名;(英)康诺利

3、loblolly men ─── 大摇大摆的男人

4、brolly ─── n.伞;n.(Brolly)(美、英)布罗利(人名)

5、loblolly boy ─── 大摇大摆的男孩

6、loblolly bay ─── 龙虾湾

7、loblollies ─── n.火炬松;绵毛花大头茶;稠粥;泥潭

8、coolly ─── adv.冷静地;沉着地

9、loblolly man ─── 大摇大摆的人

loblolly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the nearby loblolly is frog's paradise, they are singing to their heart's content.Are they attracting the opposite sex's heart. ─── 不远处的水洼里,是青蛙们的乐园,它们忘情地歌唱,是不是在吸引异性的青睐?

2、Windbreaks Another is the loblolly pine.Windbreaks not only protect land and crops from the wind, sepase .Surplus trees can be cut down and used to provide wood. ─── 防风林不仅可以保护土地和庄稼免受狂风的侵害,多出来的树木可以砍伐用于提供木材。

3、Main associated tree species are listed for Loblolly pine plantation in hillock areas of Southern Anhui Province. ─── 为皖南丘岗地区火炬松人工林提出可供选择的主要伴生树种。

4、Compared with the commercial species of loblolly pine, genetic gain in volume is 19.2%. ─── 与火炬松商品种比,材积遗传增益为19.20%.

5、Building a Windbreak to Protect Crops (2/2) loblolly n. ─── 松之一种,泥泞,水洼 grazing n.放牧;牧草;

6、Another is the loblolly pine. Windbreaks not only protect land and crops from the wind. ─── 另一种是火炬松。防风林不仅能保护土壤和庄稼,

7、loblolly pine ─── 厚皮刺果松火炬松

8、Another is the l loblolly pine.Windbreaks not only protect land and crops from the wind.Surplus trees can be cut down and used to provide wood. ─── 防护林除了能保护土壤和庄稼,多余的树还砍下来可以做柴火。

9、There is conflicting evidence regarding the amount of north-south differentiation in loblolly pine ─── 关于火炬松南北分化的数量存在着相抵触的证据。

10、Progeny Test for the Open-pollinated Families of Loblolly Pine with Multiple Site ─── 火炬松自由授粉子代多地点试验

11、Another is the loblolly pine. Windbreaks not only protect land and crops the wind. ─── 另一种是火炬松。防风林不仅能保护土壤和庄稼。

12、Main associated tree species are listed for Loblolly pine plantation in hillock areas of Southern Anhui Province. ─── 为皖南丘岗地区火炬松人工林提出可供选择的主要伴生树种。

13、Studies have shown that the white palm pine and loblolly palm pine are two 2 kinds of trees that grow well on marginal land. ─── 研究表明白松和火炬松是两种在边际土地上生长的很好的树。

14、Another is the loblolly pine.Windbreaks not only protect land and crops from the wind. ─── 防风林不仅能保护土壤和农作物免受风的袭击。

15、Balocchi C E,Bridgwater F E.Selection efficiency in a non selected population of loblolly pine[J].For.Sci. ─── 周永学,苏晓华,樊军锋,等.引种欧洲黑杨无性系苗期生长测定与选择[J].西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版),2004,32(10):102-106.

16、There is conflicting evidence regarding the amount of north - south differentiation in loblolly pine. ─── 关于火炬松南北分化的数量存在着相抵触的证据。

17、Studies have shown that the white pine and loblolly pine are two kinds of trees that grow well on marginal land. ─── 已有研究表明,五针松和火炬松是两种能在边缘土地很好地生长的树木。

18、Another is the labulalypant loblolly pine. ─── 另一种是火炬松。

19、Growth Performance of the Loblolly Pine Genetic Resources ─── 火炬松遗传资源林的生长表现

20、Megraw R A. Wood quality factors in loblolly pine. Georgia: TAPPI Press Atlanta, 1985.89 ─── 李坚.生物木材学.哈尔滨:东北林业大学出版社,1993

21、Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda) ─── 火炬松

22、loblolly boy [man] ─── 打杂的帮工; 船上外科医生的助手

23、In a split second the beads in the meadow flipped and the water in the loblolly splashed. ─── 顷刻间草地上银珠乱蹦,水洼里水花四溅。

24、Using gene grouping means to evaluate the fast-growth and stability of loblolly pine families, No. 19, 25, 18, 21 and 10 families had superior gene type, which grew fast and varied little. ─── 运用基因型分组法对火炬松家系的速生性和稳定性进行综合评价,最终确定19、25、18、21、10号家系为增产且变异小,具有理想基因型的稳定型家系。

25、Another is the loblolly pine.Windbreaks not only protect land and crops from the wind.Surplus trees can be cut down and used to provide wood. ─── 防风林不只保护了土地和农作物避免风灾,多出来的树也能砍下来当作木材。

26、Like Ceres, ArborGen is working on four species: eucalyptus, poplar, and the loblolly and radiata pines. ─── 如同Ceres一样,ArborGen也选择了四种植物:桉树、杨树、火炬松和辐射松(新西兰松)。

27、Another is (loblolly pine).Windbreaks not only protect the land and crops from the wind. ─── 防风林不仅保护土地和庄稼免于风的侵害。

28、Variation of Wood Density Among Provenance of Exotic Loblolly Pine Grown in South of Henan Province ─── 河南引种火炬松种源中龄林木材基本密度的变异

29、Another is the lablaly pine.Windbreaks loblolly pine.Windbreaks not only protect land and crops from the wind, supplies .Surplus trees can be cut down and use used to provide woodswood. ─── 防风林不仅可以保护土地和庄稼不受风的侵害,里面多余的树木还可以砍掉作木材用。

30、One kind of tree is the white pine. Another is the loblolly pine. ─── 其中一种是白松,另一种是火炬松。



33、Genetic resource of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda ) represented by 50 fami lies were evaluated for to study the growth performance in seedling and young st age. ─── 研究了由津巴布韦引入的以家系为代表的火炬松遗传资源50个号的苗期与幼林生长表现。

34、Studies have shown that the white pine and loblolly pine are two 2 kinds of trees that grow well on marginal land. ─── 研究表明,白松和火炬松是适合于边际土地种植的两种林木。

35、and the other) another is the loblolly pine. ─── 还有一种就是火炬松.

36、any of several pines that prefer or endure moist situations such as loblolly pine or longleaf pine ─── 任何一种耐潮湿环境的松树,如火炬松,长叶松

37、A trial with different tending methods was conducted in a 7 year old loblolly pine plantation on a low hill at Wengyuan county of Guangdong province. ─── 在广东省翁源县江尾镇低丘赤红壤上,对7年生火炬松人工林的抚育强度、季节和次数进行了研究。

38、loblolly bay ─── 美国东南部产的一种长青树(Gordonia lasianthus)

39、Genetic test for Introduced Loblolly Pine Family ─── 火炬松引种家系遗传测定研究

40、When the fall rains come, there won't be anything here but a loblolly. ─── 秋雨一开始, 这里将成一片泥泞。

41、Enhanced Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration from Embryogenic Cultures Derived from Mature Loblolly Pine Zygotic Embryos by Suspension Culture and Medimn Selection ─── 利用悬浮培养和培养基选择改善火炬松的体细胞胚胎发生和植株再生

42、Growth and Differentiation of Transgenic Callus Regulated by Phytohormones and Antibiotics in Transformation of Loblolly Pine ─── 植物激素和抗生素调节的转基因火炬松愈伤组织的生长和分化

43、When the fall rains come,there won't be anything here but a loblolly. ─── 秋雨一开始,这里将成一片泥泞。

44、4. any of several pines that prefer or endure moist situations such as loblolly pine or longleaf pine. ─── 任何一种耐潮湿环境的松树,如火炬松,长叶松。

45、The loblolly pine. ─── 火炬松木

46、any of several pines that prefer or endure moist situations such as loblolly pine or longleaf pine. ─── 任何一种耐潮湿环境的松树,如火炬松,长叶松。


48、If the quality of the land is not very good, studies have shown that one kind of tree that can grow well is the white pine.Another is the (loblolly) pine. ─── 已有研究显示,即使土壤质地不是很好,也有能生长的很好的树,那就是白松,,还有火炬松。

49、Another is the loblolly pine. ─── 一层又高大的树木组成。

50、Selection and allocation of associated tree species for Loblolly pine plantation in hillock areas of Southern Anhui Province ─── 皖南丘岗地区火炬松人工林伴生树种的选择与配置

51、If the quality of the land is not very good, studies have shown that one kind of tree that can grow well is the white pine, another is the loblolly pine. ─── 研究表明,如果土地质量不是很好,有一种树可以生长的很好,那就是枞,另一个为火炬松。

52、Variation in Crushing Strength Parallel to the Grain of Wood for Provenances of Exotic Loblolly Pine and Its Relationships with Tree Age, Wood Density and Latewood Percentage ─── 火炬松种源顺纹抗压强度变异及与树龄、晚材率、木材密度相关分析

53、Another is the loblolly pie. ─── 别的是厚皮刺果松。

54、Variation in Wood Bending Properties of Exotic Loblolly Pine Provenances for Building Lumber and Their Relationships to Tree Age, Tree Growth and Wood Density ─── 火炬松种源建筑材抗弯性质的变异及与树龄、晚材率、木材密度的关系

55、In the nearby loblolly is frog's paradise, they are singing to their heart's content. Are they attracting the opposite sex's heart. ─── 不远处的水洼里,是青蛙们的乐园,它们忘情地歌唱,是不是在吸引异性的青睐?。

56、It is not good that some better provenance were selected out in early stage of test stands of loblolly pine without indexes of wood properties. ─── 早期优良种源评选没有考虑木材性状是不符合工业人工林培育种源选择的标准。

57、One kind of tree is the white pine. Another is the loblolly pine. ─── 一种就是白松,另外一种是火炬松。

58、The Natural Enemies and Biological Control of the Loblolly Pine Mealybug, Oracella acuta ─── 湿地松粉蚧的天敌及生物防治

59、The cold-tolerance provenances and the common provenances test stands of exotic loblolly pine were planted in south of Henan Province of China in 1984 and 1985. ─── 河南引种栽培的两批火炬松种源中龄林树高、胸径、材积、干形等特征存在着显著的差异。

60、Evaluation of the genetic variation and fast-growth stability of loblolly pine family ─── 火炬松引种家系的遗传变异及速生稳定性综合评价

61、Keywords Loblolly pine;Veneer peeling;Veneer quality;Wood property; ─── 火炬松;旋切;单板质量;木材性质;

62、Another is the (loblolly) pine.Windbreaks not only protect land and crops from the wind.Surplus trees can be cut down and used to provide wood. ─── 防护林不仅能来保护耕地和农作物免受风的侵蚀,另外,多余的树枝可以砍下来并能提供木材。

63、The Difference Analyses of Tree Growth Characteristics Among Provenance of Exotic Loblolly Pine Planted in South of Henan Province of China ─── 河南火炬松种源中龄林生长量、干形特征的差异分析

64、Studies have shown that the white pime pine and pime loblolly pine are two 2 kinds of trees that grow well on the marginal land. ─── 研究表明白松和火柜松是适宜在边际土地上生长的二种树。

65、Studies have shown thatthe white pine and loblolly pine are two kinds of trees that grow well on marginal land. ─── 研究表明,美国五针松和火炬松在边缘土地上长势很好。

66、Keywords Loblolly Pine;provenances;MOE and MOR;wood density;latewood percent;tree age;genetic variation;environment; ─── 火炬松;种源;抗弯强度与抗弯弹性模量;木材密度;晚材率;树龄;遗传变异;环境;

67、Studies have shown that the white pine and loblolly pine are two kinds of trees that grow well on marginal land. ─── 已有研究表明,白色松和火炬松是两种能在边缘土地生长良好的树种。

68、loblolly boy [ man ] ─── 打杂的帮工;船上外科医生的助手

69、The Distribution and the Seasonal Variation Characteristics of Heavy Metals on the Loblolly Pine Plantation in Suburb ─── 城市近郊火炬松林重金属元素的分布及其季节变化

70、The Time and Spatial Variation in Blossom of Clones in Yingde Loblolly Pine Advanced Seed Orchard ─── 英德火炬松改良种子园无性系开花的时空变化

71、Another is the loblolly pine . Windbreaks not only protect land and crops from the wind. ─── 另一种是火炬松。防风林不仅能保护土壤和庄稼。

72、Study on Biomass and Its Allocation of Different Density Loblolly Pine ─── 不同密度火炬松林生物量及其分配

73、loblolly boy ─── 船上外科医生的助手

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