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lacustrine 发音

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lacustrine 中文意思翻译



lacustrine 短语词组

1、lacustrine muck ─── 湖泊沉腐泥

2、lacustrine formation ─── 湖积建造

3、lacustrine deposits ─── 湖沉积

4、lacustrine clay ─── 湖成粘土

5、lacustrine environment ─── 湖泊环境

6、lacustrine terrace ─── 湖平原, ─── 湖成阶地

7、lacustrine strandlines ─── 湖泊海滩

8、lacustrine limestone ─── 湖相灰岩

9、lacustrine deposit ─── 湖沉积, ─── 湖相沉积

lacustrine 常用词组

lacustrine facies ─── 湖相;湖泊相

lacustrine environment ─── 湖环境

lacustrine 相似词语短语

1、lustring ─── n.上光整理;光亮绸(等于lustrine,lutestring);v.给…增光(lustre的ing形式)

2、Katrine ─── n.卡特琳(女子名,等于Katrina)

3、interlacustrine ─── adj.湖间的

4、latrine ─── n.公共厕所

5、Maurine ─── 毛琳

6、Palestrina ─── n.帕莱斯特里那(意大利作曲家)

7、alabastrine ─── adj.雪花石膏制的;光滑的

8、lacertine ─── adj.(饰品)有蜥蜴状花饰的;蜥蜴的(等于lacertilian)

9、palustrine ─── adj.(在)沼泽(中生长)的

lacustrine 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Result of analysis showed that the original organic matter was formed in lacustrine depositional environment with strong reduction and high salinity.There is also some carbonate source rocks as... ─── 分析结果表明油苗原始有机质形成于强还原超盐度的湖相沉积环境,部分生物标志化合物参数指示碳酸盐岩生油岩的存在。

2、During the tectonic stability, there occurred transgressive systems tract, represented as mainly extensive river and lacustrine facies. ─── 构造静止期以湖侵体系域为主,为广泛的河流-湖泊相沉积。

3、The lithofacies of volcanic overflow, volcanic eruption, alluvium, lacustrine and their transitional types recognized in Mesozic Dayangshu Basin. ─── 其岩相类型可归纳为火山溢流相、火山爆发相、冲积相和湖沼相,以及其间的过渡类型。

4、Abstract: Lacustrine dolomite reservoir in the hinterland of Biyang Sag is mainly distributed at No.2 and No.3 sections of Hetaoyuan with its development controlled mainly by the lithology diagenesis and nose?like structure. ─── 文摘:泌阳凹陷腹部湖相白云岩油层主要分布在核二3和核三2段,其发育程度主要受岩性、成岩作用和鼻状构造控制。

5、Dongying depression is one of the most prolific hydrocarbon areas in China.The Paleogene stratum consists of underwater fan, littoral-shallow lacustrine and delta facies sandstones. ─── 摘要东营凹陷是重要的油气富集区,在古近系地层发育湖相水下扇沉积、滨浅湖沉积和三角洲沉积等砂岩。

6、Quaternary Lacustrine Outwash: Significance to the Western Qaidam, China ─── 柴西第四纪湖泊冰水沉积的发现及意义

7、The lacustrine carbonate rocks occur on a wide range of scales in the Palaogene and Neogene strata in the Hoh Xil Basin, Qinghai, and constitute an important part of the Miocene Wudaoliang Group sediments. ─── 摘要湖相碳酸盐岩在可可西里盆地的古、新近纪地层中分布广泛,更是中新统五道梁群沉积的主要组成部分。

8、In the Jurassic and Cretaceous, generally it was also the shelf sea (shallow sea), but there were lacustrine and lagoonal environments in different parts of the basin. ─── 侏罗纪-白垩纪在总的浅海陆棚环境下,盆地不同地区也形成了湖泊和潟湖环境。

9、Meandering-delta facies can be divided into delta plain subfacies and delta front subfacies,and lacustrine facies can be divided into shore lacustrine subfacies and shallow lacustrine subfacies. ─── 头台地区泉四段属曲流河三角洲和湖泊沉积体系,曲流河三角洲相分为三角洲平原和三角洲前缘2种亚相,湖泊相分为滨湖和浅湖2种亚相。

10、Meanwhile, the Beipiao formation is composed of fluvial system and lacustrine system and the Jiufotang formation is made up of fluvial system, braided river deltaic system and lacustrine system. ─── 同时,北票组发育河流沉积体系和湖泊沉积体系;九佛堂组发育河流沉积体系、辫状河三角洲沉积体系和湖泊沉积体系。

11、Results suggested that there might be a near-shore and shallow water lacustrine environment in fossil locality. ─── 结果显示化石产地的地理特征为近岸、浅水的湖泊环境,气候温暖、潮湿。

12、In this paper, the petrologic characteristics of the lacustrine limestones are studied in detail on the basis of core observation and outcrop. ─── 本文在实测地表剖面和详细观察岩心的基础上,仔细研究了此套灰岩的岩石学特徵。

13、Holocene lacustrine deposits in mountain lakes in Ningwu, Shaxi, China and establishment of the Ganhai Formation ─── 山西宁武地区高山湖泊全新世湖相地层划分及干海组的建立

14、forced lacustrine regression system ─── 强制湖退沉积体

15、extensional lacustrine basin margin ─── 伸展型湖盆边缘


17、Moreover, the lacustrine gypsum and other saline deposits indicate that the climate had been changed into colder and drier. ─── 同时,湖相地层中出现晶形完整的石膏晶体,说明该区在这一时期内气候变冷且转为干旱。

18、Abstract: The lacustrine Early to Middle Miocene Shanwang Formation contains an exceptionally wellpreserved biota including insects, plants, and vertebrates that has been subject to intense study. ─── 文章摘要: 山东山旺中新世山旺组湖相沉积中富含保存精美的古生物化石。对于湖相沉积中的昆虫、植物和哺乳动物化石,前人已经做了大量的研究工作。

19、lacustrine sedimentation from ancient high level lake ─── 古高位湖相沉积

20、The cease of boundary fault movement , upwarping movement of fault block, uplift of whole lacustrine basin and fall of lake level are the mechanisms of sequence boundary formation. ─── 层序边界在地震特征上、测井曲线上、钻井剖面中的岩性、岩相特征、古生物组合、微量元素的变化上均有明显的特征。

21、large area of lacustrine soils ─── 大片湖积土

22、Keywords saline lacustrine basin;evaporite materials;organic matter;co-deposition;hydrocarbon generation; ─── 咸化湖盆;盐类物质;有机质;共生沉积;油气生成;

23、The Palaeogene system in the southern west sag of the Dongpu depression consists of rift-lacustrine deposits, and is developed with fluvial, delta, alluvial, fan-delta and lacustrine facies. ─── 摘要东濮凹陷西洼南段老第三系属地堑型湖盆沈积,主要发育河流相、三角洲相、冲积扇相、扇三角洲相以及湖泊相。

24、River, delta and lacustrine facies are developed in deposited area from west to east. ─── 沉积区由西向东依次发育河流相、三角洲相、湖泊相。

25、Two Cold Humid Climatic Events Recorded in the Early Pleistocene Lacustrine Deposits of the Linxia Basin ─── 临夏盆地东山古湖沉积记录到的早更新世两次寒冷时期

26、For the western depression belt, lacustrine mustone in Paleocene Yueguifeng Formation and littoral coal measures in Lingfeng and Mingyuefeng Formations constitute main source rocks. ─── 不同时代盆地构造类型和大地构造位置控制了盆地烃源岩发育层位及平面分布:西部坳陷带以古新统月桂峰组湖相泥岩和灵峰组、明月峰组滨海相煤系地层为主要烃源岩;

27、Eocene through lower Oligocene lacustrine shales and Oligocene through lower Miocene lacustrine and deltaic coaly shales are the mature source rocks. ─── 始新世到渐新世湖泊页岩、渐新世到中新世到湖泊和三角洲页岩都是成熟的矿源岩。

28、Abstract:Lacustrine basins of Neogene age in Serbia which were formed in intramountain valleys, graben-like structures (mostly half graben) are characterized by the occurrences of alluvial,swamp and lacustrine factes and subfacies. ─── 塞尔维亚新第三纪湖泊盆地是形成于山间河谷中的具地堑状(大部是半地堑状)构造的盆地,其特征是有冲积、沼泽和湖相与亚相。

29、The analytical results reveal that the sand grain of northeastern Sahara was formed under the river lacustrine deposition environment during warm humid climatic condition and had been reformed by wind action later. ─── 分析结果说明非洲撒哈拉沙漠东北部沙漠砂的形成与河流作用有关。

30、Paleowaters basically maintained the fresh terrestrial lacustrine environment, only in the middle Jurassic the southern sag displayed the salty water environment. ─── 古水介质盐度基本上保持了陆相淡水湖体系,仅中侏罗世时期在南部表现为咸水环境。

31、middle-deep lacustrine facies ─── 中-深湖相

32、The seismic amplitude percentages lower than valve values indicate the range of the deep lacustrine facies. ─── 低于阀值的地震振幅百分比指示了这些深-半深湖相的平面展布范围。

33、The secondary slumping turbidites are mainly developed in the deep sag below the bed form break and can form one of the most favorable subtle petroleum reservoirs in the rift lacustrine basin. ─── 其中二级滑塌浊积体发育在底形坡折以下的深洼陷内,可形成断陷盆地内最为有利的一类隐蔽油气藏。

34、The steep slope zone of a continental down-warped lacustrine basin tends to have the features of steep slope, intense tectonic movement, nearer provenance, multiple origins and sharp facies changes. ─── 摘要陆相拗陷湖盆陡坡带具有坡度陡、构造活动强烈、物近源、多物源、相变快等特点。

35、Relationship between hydrocarbon reservoir and genetic types of sequence boundary in rift lacustrine basin ─── 断陷湖盆层序界面的成因类型及其与油气藏的关系

36、Shanxi Formation is a set of paralic continental deposit,of which,fluvial,swamp and lacustrine facies alternatively presented regularly. ─── 山西组为一套近海型的陆相沉积,其中河流相、沼泽相及湖泊相有规律地交替出现。

37、The finer layers generally consist of carbonaceous clay, mild clay and silty sand, showing characteristics of lacustrine sedimentation. ─── 细粒层均为含炭的粘土、亚粘土和粉砂,具湖塘相沉积的特点。

38、The infilling patterns of lacustrine basins are the important means to evaluate the sedimentary characteristics of hydrocarbon source rocks. ─── 湖盆充填样式是评价烃源岩沉积学特征的重要手段。

39、The lacustrine basin was alternately filed with regressive and transgressive depositional intervals. ─── 最大洪泛期沉积的湖相泥岩为坳陷型盆地重要的生油岩和区域性封盖层。

40、The northeastern area was dominated by the continental and lacustrine facies. ─── 华北地区-北祁连地区主体为河湖相沉积;

41、Un-compensating lacustrine deposition, which is multi-resources, is dominated in the depression. ─── 凹陷以非补偿的湖相沉积为主,具有多源性。

42、It is determined by transmited light microscopy that the abundant amorphous organic matter (AOM) is contained in the lacustrine dark mudstones of the Palaeogene Wengchang and Enping Formations. ─── 普通透射光镜观察结果表明,珠三坳陷早第三纪文昌组和恩平组的湖相暗色泥岩中都含有丰富的无定形有机质。

43、The evaporation degree of the lacustrine basin was gradually increasing, and the water depth was gradually shallower from Member 4 to Member 2 of Qianjiang Formation. ─── 在潜江组淡化段中,沉积微相的纵向演变过程或组合类型复杂多变,总体上由潜国段至潜二段组成,湖盆的蒸发强度越来越大,水深越来越浅。

44、There are three deltaic types developed in lacustrine strata,i.e. ─── 在湖泊中存在三种三角洲类型,即正常三角洲,辫状三角洲和扇三角洲。

45、By the deep investigation of lacustrine facies sedimentary stratums in Ningwu Shanxi province we will make sure the fundamental laws of climate and environmeng changing since Holocene in Huabei area. ─── 对山西宁武地区湖相沉积地层的进一步深入调查与研究,将会确定华北地区的全新世以来环境与气候变化的基本规律。

46、Comparison of Geochemistry Character between Mudstones from Deep Lacustrine Facies and Coal Measures by Hydrous Pyrolysis ─── 加水热模拟中深湖与煤系泥岩地化特征比较

47、Age dating of lacustrine deposits in the Ningjinbo area, Shijiazhuang, North China Plain ─── 华北平原石家庄东南部宁晋泊地区湖相地层的年龄测定

48、A typical terrigenous lacustrine deltaic distributary channel sandbody is investigated in the outcrop of Pliocene series at Youshashan, west Chaidamu basin, Qinghai province. ─── 柴达木盆地西部油砂山上新统底部是一个典型的陆源湖成三角洲分流河道露头砂体。

49、Continuous existence of accommodation space led to well-developed lacustrine transgressive system tracts(LTST). ─── 可容空间持续存在,导致湖侵体系域十分发育。

50、depressed-type lacustrine basin ─── 坳陷湖盆

51、Abstract: Sampling undisturbed lacustrine sediment is a critical job for environmental research.The recovery and undisturbedness of samples have direct effect on the environmental research results. ─── 中文摘要: 在湖泊环境研究中,淤泥质沉积物取样是一项很重要的工作,样品的取心率和原状性直接影响了环境研究的结果。

52、A fault-depressed stagnant lacustrine basin as a unique basin has its own particular characteristics. ─── 断陷闭流湖盆作为一种独特的类型有其自身的特点。

53、The main hydrocarbon source rocks in the Muglad basin are developed in the Lower Cretaceous lacustrine rocks of the Abu Gabra (AG) formation. The AG formation can be roughly subdivided into the lower, middle and upper parts. ─── 主要烃源岩发育在下白垩统 AG组 ,该组上部以砂岩为主 ,生烃潜力差 ,下部主要是干旱气候期的沉积 ,生烃潜力亦差 ;

54、There are 25 sedimentary cycles made up of aeolian palaeo-dune sands, loess, palaeosol, lacustrine facies and alluvial-hillslope sandy soils and gravels in Chagelebu section, Badan Jaran Desert . ─── 巴丹吉林沙漠查格勒布地层剖面150ka B. P.以来存在25个由风成砂丘砂与黄土、古土壤、湖相和冲坡积砂土砾石层构成的沉积旋回。

55、The relationship of sequence stratigraphical units and oil-gas in fault-depressed lacustrine basin ─── 断陷湖盆层序地层单元与油气的关系

56、The fluxoturbidite in delta front is an important reservoir sandbody distributing in deep water environment, and it is an important lithologic hydrocarbon reservoir in lacustrine basins. ─── 三角洲前缘滑塌浊积岩是分布于深水环境中一种重要的储集砂体,也是陆相湖盆中一种重要的岩性油气藏。

57、Fish of 37 species belonging to 4 orders, 10 families was collected fr om Laohe Old Course.Fish fauna was basically consisted of lacustrine type. ─── 在老河故道采集鱼类37种,分属4目10科,鱼类区系组成已基本变为湖泊型。


59、Discussion on Play Types and Their Distribution Regularities in Steep Slope Zone of Fault-Depressed Lacustrine Basin ─── 断陷湖盆陡坡带油气成藏类型及其分布规律探讨

60、Lower-Middle fresh lacustrine shale and coal measures with huge thickness have been found in the petroleum system of the northern Qaidam basin. ─── 柴达木盆地北缘侏罗系含油气系统具有巨厚的下侏罗统湖相泥岩和中侏罗统煤系地层。

61、A holocene paleosol-loess sediment profile and lacustrine sediment profile were found in Mengjin, Henan province. ─── 在河南孟津地区发现全新世古土壤-黄土沉积剖面和湖沼相沉积剖面。

62、Sedimentation and Its Forming Mechanism of the Forced Lacustrine Regression in the Rift Lacustrine Basin ─── 断陷湖盆中强制湖退沉积作用及其成因机制

63、Paleo-Elevation of the Tibetan Plateau inferred from Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes of Lacustrine Deposits ─── 根据湖相沉积碳氧同位素估算青藏高原古海拔高度

64、Basin Evolution and Distribution of Lacustrine Systems in Middle and Upper Eocene,Dongying Basin ─── 东营盆地始新统沉积体系及盆地演化

65、Li, 2001: Age dating of lacustrine m diments in Lake Tianshuhai of the Tibetan Plateau by using U-series isochron method and its significance.Chinese Science Bulletir46 (10): 862-866. ─── 2007年台湾地球科学科研学术联合研讨会,2007年5月15-18日,台湾桃园中坜龙潭科技园区。

66、Lacustrine carbonate rocks in member 1 of Shahejie Formation consist of biolithitic and oolitic limestone and minor ancylus fluviatilis limestones. ─── 摘要山东东辛油田古近系沙河街组一段湖相破酸盐岩过去仅作为盖层而忽视其油气地质意义。

67、Overall, the frequently fluctuated lacustrine conditions and the surrounding tectogenesis are mainly responsible for the greatly varied form, different genesis of stromatolites. ─── 柴达木盆地频繁变化的湖相水体条件和周围的构造运动是叠层石形态多样,成因各异的主要外部和环境因素。

68、Relative higher concentration of gammacerane in Songliao fresh-brackish lacustrine environment is connected with water column stratification caused by event of linking between lacustrine and sea. ─── 松辽盆地淡水-微咸水环境较高含量的伽马蜡烷表明其形成与湖海沟通引起的水体分层事件有关。

69、Ore beds are located in two horizons of middle Carboniferous shallow and littoral facies strata and early Permian continental lacustrine and swamp facies strata. ─── 它在本区有两个层位,一个是中石炭世的浅海和滨海相地层,另一个是早二叠世的陆相湖沼沼沉积地层。

70、Continuous existence of accommodation space led to well-developed lacustrine transgressive system tracts(LTST). ─── 可容空间持续存在,导致湖侵体系域十分发育。

71、In the fourth member of Shahejie formation of Wang 73 well field in Dongying depression,typical lacustrine shoal-bar sand bodies are developed. ─── 在东营凹陷王73井区的沙四段地层中,发育有典型的湖相滩坝砂体沉积。

72、down-warped lacustrine basin ─── 拗陷湖盆

73、The paper pointed out the lacustrine mudstones of Jiufotang and Shahai Formations are petroleum source strata in the basin, and discussed main oil generating depressions and oil-bearing structures. ─── 指出九佛堂组、沙海组的湖相泥岩为盆地内的生油岩,并论述了盆地内主要生油洼陷及储油构造。

74、Sampling undisturbed lacustrine sediment is a critica l job for environmental research.The recovery and undisturbedness of samples ha ve direct effect on the environmental research results. ─── 在湖泊环境研究中,淤泥质沉积物取样是一项很重要的工作,样品的取心率和原状性直接影响了环境研究的结果。

75、Lacustrine delta is quite different from marine delta, gravitation can hardly create wild-scaled slipping of deposits, so syndepositional faults and associated anticlines are not well developed. ─── 摘要入湖三角洲不同于入海三角洲,重力作用很难造成沉积物大幅度滑动,故同生断层与伴生背斜并不发育。

76、Sporopollen was analyzed for samples from Neogene lacustrine sediments of the Tuotuohe, Tongtianhe, Nagqu, East Wenquan and Oiyug basins and Late Quaternary lacustrine sediments of Bas Co, Co Ngoin and Nam Co on the Tibetan Plateau. ─── 对取自沱沱河盆地、通天河盆地、那曲盆地、东温泉盆地、乌郁盆地的新近纪湖相沉积与取自巴斯错、错鄂、纳木错的晚第四纪湖相沉积,进行孢粉分析;

77、Closed depression lacustrine basin-is mainly characterized by climatic sequence.In idealistic conditions, three-grade climatic periodic changes basically conform to sine curve. ─── 摘要闭流坳陷湖盆以发育气候层序为特征,在理想条件下,气候三级周期的变化基本符合正弦曲线;

78、The lacustrine regression caused by the falling of the relative lake-level in rift basin is called Forced Lacustrine Regression ( FLR). ─── 断陷湖盆中相对湖平面下降引起的湖退作用称之为强制湖退作用。

79、Dongting Lake Area is the largest lacustrine wetland ecosystem in China, where natural resources are very plentiful and the available resources are in richness. ─── 摘要洞庭湖区湿地作为我国最大的淡水湖泊湿地,自然资源极其丰富,利用潜力巨大。

80、In Ganchaigou formation of the Neogene the active mantle source rock-magma resulted in widely depressed process, occurring the largest lacustrine overflow and deposit. ─── 新近纪上干柴沟组沉积时期由干幔源岩浆的活动使盆地以沉降作用为主,达到全盆最大湖泛面,发育湖相为主的沉积;

81、Keywords reservoir space pore structure reservoir characteristics lacustrine limestone Nadu Formation Bose basin; ─── 储集空间;孔隙结构;储层特征;湖相灰岩;那读组;百色盆地;

82、Keywords Toutai area;Fuyu oil layer;meandering-delta facies;lacustrine facies;distributary channel sand;litholgic trap; ─── 头台地区;扶余油层;曲流河三角洲相;湖泊相;分流河道砂;岩性圈闭;

83、ESR dating of the lacustrine deposits of Qingtang Formation from the Kunlun Mountains Pass areas ─── 昆仑山口羌塘组湖相层的ESR年龄测定

84、Fan delta system, lacustrine delta system, inshore subaqueous fan system, tubidite system in deep water and lacus trine system were identified in this formation based on modern sedimentology. ─── 根据现代沉积学研究结果,在黄骅坳陷中部沙河街组划分出5种沉积体系:扇三角洲体系、湖泊三角洲体系、近岸水下扇体系、深水浊积体系和湖泊体系。

85、The organic analysis of Jurassic lacustrine and deltaic source rocks in middle Tianshan basins shows that different sedimentary microfacies source rocks have different geochemistry characteristics. ─── 中天山盆地群侏罗系湖相与三角洲相烃源岩的有机地球化学分析表明,不同沉积微相烃源岩具有不同的地球化学特征;

86、The dark mudstones of the Wenchang Formation with AOM organic facies are potential lacustrine oil source rocks in the Pearl River Mouth Basin. ─── 具有无定形有机相的文昌组暗色泥岩是珠江口盆地良好的湖相油源岩.

87、There are three deltaic types developed in lacustrine strata, i. e., normal, braid and fan deltas, which consist of delta plain, delta front and front delta. ─── 摘要在湖泊中存在三种三角洲类型,即正常三角洲,辫状三角洲和扇三角洲。

88、Within this Formation, some superb retrograded lacustrine delta deposits have been developed due to lacustrine transgression. ─── 在东营期,该区发育了较好的湖侵三角洲相沈积。

89、Qujing basin in the Yunnan province as a Tertiary fault-subsidence lacustrine residual basin is formed under the regional strike-slip tectonic stress. ─── 曲靖盆地是区域性走滑构造应力作用下形成的第三纪箕状断陷湖盆残留盆地。

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