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09-21 投稿


limosis 发音


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limosis 中文意思翻译



limosis 相似词语短语

1、virosis ─── n.病毒性疾病;患病毒性疾病

2、limous ─── 石灰

3、limos ─── n.豪华轿车(limo的复数)

4、mimosis ─── 含羞草

5、phimosis ─── n.[泌尿]包茎;包皮过长

6、miosis ─── n.(生殖细胞的)成熟分裂;减数分裂;[医]瞳孔缩小

7、gliosis ─── n.神经胶质过多症

8、osmosis ─── n.[物]渗透;[物]渗透性;渗透作用

9、mitosis ─── n.间接核分裂,[细胞]有丝分裂

limosis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Talk about dog's feeling as limosis ─── 小议犬的空腹感

2、After every period, they must keep limosis for twelve hours, then while blood fat index TC, TG, HDL-C were measured. ─── 每个疗程后空腹12h,取血测血脂指标TC、TG、HDL-C。

3、Drinking when limosis, or before meal. If you have gastropathy, please use Noni GLM within 2 hours after dinner. ─── 餐前空腹饮用是最好的。如有严重胃病者建议饭后2小时内饮用。

4、Keywords DaMing capsule;type 2 diabetes;plasma glucose of limosis; ─── 大明胶囊;2型糖尿病;空腹血糖;

5、Objective To study the effect of DaMing capsule on the plasma glucose of limosis on the type 2 diabetes rats. ─── 目的探讨大明胶囊对2型糖尿病大鼠空腹血糖的影响。

6、Don't eat tomato when limosis. ─── 空腹不要吃蕃茄;

7、Don't eat tomato when limosis. ─── 空腹不要吃蕃茄;

8、Talk about dog's feeling as limosis ─── 小议犬的空腹感

9、Glass-reinforced plastic pipe cabin limosis door ─── 玻璃钢舱室空腹门

10、Keywords TBA/blood;liver diseases/diaghosis;limosis vein blood; ─── 血清总胆汁酸/血液;肝脏疾病/诊断;空腹静脉血;

11、Effect of DaMing capsule declining the plasma glucose of limosis on the type 2 diabetes rats ─── 中药大明胶囊对2型糖尿病大鼠空腹血糖作用的研究

12、Never drink saybean milk during limosis. People like drinking saybean milk while eating Youtiao. ─── 饮豆浆不要空腹人们都喜欢把豆浆加油条,当成早餐的“绝配”。

13、Keywords Viral Hepatitis;SerumTBA Limosis;2 Hours after Meal; ─── 关键词病毒性肝炎;血清总胆汁酸;血糖;

14、Effect of DaMing capsule declining the plasma glucose of limosis on the type 2 diabetes rats ─── 中药大明胶囊对2型糖尿病大鼠空腹血糖作用的研究

15、It is not good to eat sweet potato in limosis, or it will be bad for the intestines and stomach. ─── 空腹不宜吃红薯,否则不利于肠胃健康。

16、Dont eat tomatos when limosis, eat it after meal. ─── 空腹时不要吃蕃茄,最好饭后吃;

17、Results Insulin stimulated B cell to secrete insulin in the early stage of the disease,but did not reverse the downtrend of limosis insulin. ─── 结果病程早期,胰岛素作用下增加了空腹胰岛素分泌水平,随病情发展,不能逆转空腹胰岛素水平的下降趋势。

18、Conclusion Non-operative treatment,is an effective way to treat patients with acute perforation of gastric-duodenal ulcer in limosis. ─── 结论对于空腹穿孔,腹膜炎症比较局限,中度症状较轻的上消化道穿孔病例,非手术治疗是一种有效稳妥的治疗方法。

19、Results The levels of 2-hour postprandial plasma glucose and insulin were significantly higher than those of limosis in the patients. ─── 结果OSAHS组空腹及餐后2h的血糖与胰岛素水平均显著高于对照组。

20、Proerty analysis on prestress limosis superposition board ─── 预应力空腹叠合板的性能分析

21、Methods Limosis vein blood sample were seperated and assied technigues. ─── 方法空腹静脉血,分离血清,酶法测定。

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