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09-20 投稿


karn 中文意思翻译



karn 相似词语短语

1、Tarn ─── n.[地理][水文]冰斗湖,山中小湖;n.(Tarn)人名;(英)塔恩

2、kain ─── n.实物地租;实物租税;n.(Kain)人名;(德、捷、瑞典)凯因;(英)卡因

3、carn ─── n.堆石标记;肉欲(等于flesh);肉(等于flesh);abbr.肌肽(carnosine)

4、harn ─── n.低质粗支亚麻纱;n.(Harn)人名;(英)哈恩;(泰)汉

5、barn ─── n.谷仓;畜棚;车库;靶(核反应截面单位);vt.把……贮存入仓

6、darn ─── v.织补;缝补;n.织补处;adv.非常(同damn);adj.(非正式,加强语气)该死的

7、karo ─── 卡罗(人名)

8、earn ─── vt.赚,赚得;获得,挣得;使得到;博得;n.(Earn)人名;(泰)炎

9、kaon ─── n.K中介子

karn 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、demonstrated that some nanoscale materials can migrate from the nose into the brain. He, Ms. Karn...... ─── 毒物学家给纳米技术研究者提供了一个新的研究方向:纳米材料也可能对人体有害(编译新闻)[2005-10-0711:39:27

2、As far as I know, Phil Karn was the first to design an Internet protocol that used cookies to protect against blind denial-of-service attacks. ─── 据我所知,菲尔Karn首先设计一个互联网协议,用于饼干,以防止盲目的拒绝服务攻击。

3、Advanced Example Here we will show the full capabilities of the PHP mail function. PHP Code: ?php echo htmlbody; $recipient = Kris Arndt karn@nucleus.com,npl@nucleus.com; $subject ... ─── 网上找到的两个PHP发送邮件的例子,很不错,贴出来给初学者参考吧(不知道是否有兄弟曾贴过),呵呵(2)

4、Cured and lucid once again, Karn spoke with Elspeth, who told him that he could not kill all the Phyrexians. ─── 治愈后,卡恩再次清醒过来,他和艾紫培交谈,艾紫培告诉卡恩他没办法杀死所有的非瑞克西亚人。

5、But with a little help from Karn and Jhoira, he was back to his usual tricks soon after. ─── 然而,他的恶作剧以及比恶作剧严重的多的玩笑让他们的关系一开始处得并不是那么融洽。

6、Send Mail in PHPIn this example, we will show how to send an email message to someone in PHP.PHP Code:

7、Germany KN&G is a well-known German washing brand, with the complete name of Germany Karn Limited. ─── 德国KN&G公司是德国知名洗衣品牌。全称为德国科恩公司。


9、At around 1030am, karn had shown up at the station. ─── 约十点半左右,karn终于出现在车站了。

10、It was only a prototype, but the resilient bodies of Karn and Urza could pass through and pull Teferi out. ─── 虽然这仅仅是个雏形,但卡恩和克撒能够利用这个通道将泰菲力解救出来。

11、karn had shown me to the bridge that links Siam Discovery Center and MBK Center together after we had met up. ─── karn抵达后便带我前往连接SiamDiscovery中心以及MBK中心之间的行人天桥。

12、last strength, Venser teleported his heart into Karn, curing the golem. ─── 最后一点力气,将自己的心脏转移给了卡恩,治愈了银魔像。

13、It was only a prototype, but the resilient bodies of Karn and Urza could pass through and pull Teferi out. ─── 虽然这仅仅是个雏形,但卡恩和克撒能够利用这个通道将泰菲力解救出来。

14、his last remaining mana he gave his life and spark to Karn. ─── 他用尽自己剩余的法术力,将自己的生命和旅法师火花赋予卡恩。

15、Whenever Karn, Silver Golem blocks or becomes blocked, it gets -4/+4 until end of turn. ─── 若银魔像卡恩进行阻挡或者被阻挡,它得-4/+4直到回合结束。

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