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09-19 投稿


knottiness 发音

英:[nɑ?t?n?s]  美:[?n?t?n?s]

英:  美:

knottiness 中文意思翻译



knottiness 相似词语短语

1、plottiness ─── 阴谋

2、grottiness ─── 畸形

3、knobbiness ─── n.多瘤;多节

4、dottiness ─── n.疯狂;神志不清

5、nuttiness ─── n.潇洒;疯狂

6、clottiness ─── 血块

7、snottiness ─── 势利

8、knottiest ─── 有结的;多节的;多瘤的;复杂的;棘手的(knotty的最高级)

9、nattiness ─── n.整洁;帅

knottiness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Maybe the final goal of this knottiness is to realize the free exchange of RMB’s capital account.There are five chapters in this article. ─── 而对于希望从根本上遏制中国经济发展的美国来说,加速实现人民币资本项目的自由兑换,从根本上改变中国政府对人民币汇率的控制能力,才是其最终目标。

2、provided efference to legal knottiness arbitration and transferring research. ─── 为法律纠纷进行了仲裁,为迁移研究提供了参考。

3、Based on the method to design the 3-D knottiness gimbale transmission shaft,the torsion vibration is reducde,and the syntony is also avoided. ─── 按此法设计计算三维空间多节万向传动轴可减轻系统扭振及避免共振。

4、Knottiness and solutions in seed trade ─── 种子纠纷的发生及解决对策

5、With the rapid development of the internet game, the knottiness of virtual property in the internet game occurs continually. ─── 随着网络游戏产业的快速发展,关于网络虚拟财产的纠纷不断出现。

6、With the rapid development of the internet game, the knottiness of virtual property in the internet game occurs continually. ─── 随着网络游戏产业的快速发展,关于网络虚拟财产的纠纷不断出现。

7、Litchi knottiness must arrive, welcome you to taste the litchi chinensis to Lingshan, the feeling litchi township flavor. ─── 荔枝节就要到了,欢迎你们到灵山品尝荔枝,感受荔乡风味。

8、Knottiness and solutions in seed trade ─── 种子纠纷的发生及解决对策

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