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09-21 投稿


lumpy 发音

英:[?l?mpi]  美:[?l?mpi]

英:  美:

lumpy 中文意思翻译



lumpy 网络释义

adj. 粗笨的;波浪起伏的;多块状物的

lumpy 词性/词形变化,lumpy变形


lumpy 短语词组

1、lumpy structure ─── [计] 大块结构

2、lumpy mush ─── 块状糊状物

3、lumpy jaw ─── [医] 大颌病, 牛放线菌病

4、lumpy-jaw ─── [医] 粗颌病, 牛放线菌病

lumpy 相似词语短语

1、plumpy ─── adj.丰满的

2、dumpy ─── adj.矮胖的,粗短的;忧郁的;n.矮沙发;短雨伞

3、Yumpy ─── 尤比。

4、humpy ─── adj.多隆肉的;隆起的

5、bumpy ─── adj.颠簸的;崎岖不平的

6、glumpy ─── adj.闷闷不乐的;脾气坏的;忧郁的

7、slumpy ─── 随机的

8、clumpy ─── adj.多块的;成块的;树木丛生的

9、jumpy ─── adj.(人)焦虑不安的,神经质的;跳跃的,跳动的

lumpy 常见例句(双语使用场景)


2、An inflammatory disease of cattle, hogs, and sometimes human beings, caused by microorganisms of the genus Actinomyces and characterized by lumpy tumors of the mouth, neck, chest, and abdomen. ─── 放线菌病一种牛、猪,有时为人类的炎症,由放线菌属的微生物造成,以口、颈、胸以及腹部的多块肿瘤为特征

3、These cells accumulate, manifesting as thick, lumpy, and reddish flaky patches on the surface of the skin. ─── 这些细胞的积聚,表现为厚,结节性,并带红色片状贴剂在表面上的皮肤。

4、lumpy solid samples ─── 块形固体试样

5、a lumpy abscess under the hide of domestic mammals caused by larvae of a botfly or warble fly. ─── 块状脓肿哺乳动物身下长的。

6、The fingers were gnarled, lumpy, with long, curving nails suggestive of animal claws. ─── 那些手指粗糙、不平,有着又长又弯的使人想起动物爪子的指甲。

7、Keywords Optimization of technological flowsheet;Screening;Dry separation;Lumpy concentrate; ─── 工艺流程优化;筛分;干选;块状精矿;

8、lumpy sea ─── 波涛汹涌海面

9、I have always been interested in the texture of scientific knowledge because it appears to be lumpy and uneven. ─── 我总是醉心于科学知识的构造,因为看上去它们是那样的块垒分明、厚薄不匀。

10、When Harry runs into the tower after Snape, Ginny is fighting the lumpy Death Eater and dodging his hexes (HBP28). ─── 当哈利跟在斯内普后面跑进塔楼(译者注:根据原著,似应为跑出),金妮正和粗壮的食死徒战斗,躲避着他的咒语。

11、There have never been Scrapie, Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, African horse sickness, African swine fever, Vesicular stomatitis, Lumpy skin disease and Rift Valley fever in China. ─── 中国境内从未发生过痒病、牛海绵状脑病、非洲马瘟、非洲猪瘟、水泡性口炎、结节性皮炎、裂谷热。

12、Its spines grew longer and its leaves tougher, and it swelled here and there until it was lumpy and lopsided all over.It truly was strange-looking. ─── 否则的话,万吨巨轮,像半个鸭蛋壳一样浮而飘之,上半截重,下半截轻,大风一吹,巨浪一涌,马上就会表演倒栽葱。

13、lumpy jaw ─── 家畜放线菌病牛颚放线菌病

14、For the next few weeks, she slept on their lumpy pull-out couch in a cramped garden apartment in Queens, and tried to adjust to life in America. ─── 娜迪蔓的丈夫,卡瑞米,是个高高的,不太言语的家伙。接下来的几个星期,苏嘉住在这个位于皇后区,狭小的花园式公寓里,睡在一张很不平整的折叠式沙发床上。

15、"It (the Troll) was a horrible sight.Twelve feet tall, its skin was a dull, granite gray, its great lumpy body like a boulder with its small bald head perched on top like a coconut. ─── “它(巨怪)有十二英尺高,皮肤暗淡无光,像花岗岩一般灰乎乎的,庞大而蠢笨的身体像一堆巨大的泥砾,上面顶着一个可可豆般的小脑袋。”

16、Demand, particularly for resources, can be lumpy as buyers amass huge inventories and then spend the next several months de-stocking. ─── 由于买家囤积大量库存,然后利用此后几个月的时间清仓,因此会导致需求(特别是对资源的需求)不断波动。

17、Among these patients, 23 had a lumpy throat, and the remaining 5 had a oice alternation. ─── 在这些患者之中,有二十三名患者的喉部表面凹凸不平(多发性囊肿),剩下的五名患者有嗓音改变。

18、Lumpy skin disease virus ─── 利瑟林病毒, 结节性皮肤病病毒

19、He crushed a hardtack biscuit, then mixed the crumbs with water and a bit of pemmican for flavoring.But each lumpy mouthful stuck in his throat. ─── 他把饼干敲碎,用水搅和,然后用干肉饼就着吃起来,但食物粗糙,无法下咽。

20、Grits look like white,lumpy oatmeal and have less taste than wall-paper paste unless and until they are liberally doused with butter,salt,and gravy (especially red-eye gravy,which is made with pan drippings and coffee). ─── 玉米糁看上去就像是团块状的白色燕麦粥,如果不拌上大量的黄油、盐和肉汁(尤 其是火腿汁,由加蒌叶的烤肉油汁和咖啡制成),那味 道比贴墙纸用的浆糊还要差。

21、lumpy clay ─── 块状粘土

22、The young adult coat, or intermediate coat, consists of very short cords next to the skin which may be obscured by the sometimes lumpy looking fluff on the outer ends of the cords. ─── 尽管它体型巨大,但并不笨重,令人惊讶的快速、敏捷和轻巧。

23、A businessman was having a tough time lugging his lumpy, oversized travel bag onto the plane. ─── 一个商人拖着他那鼓鼓囊囊的特大号旅行袋登上飞机,真够费劲的。

24、"Good-bye, father," said Tess, with a lumpy throat. ─── “爸爸,再见啦

25、Mathematical Model for Permeability of Lumpy Zone with Mixed Ore/Coke Charge and Its Application ─── 混装矿焦块状带透气性数学模型及应用

26、Where transactions are “lumpy”, as in the commercial aircraft industry, the short-term profits from undercutting rivals are too big to resist. ─── 但类似民用航空这种价格“奢侈”的行业,情形就不同了,其针对竞争对手降价带来的短期利益之丰厚,实在令人难以抗拒。

27、Chinese river-deer gastric lumpy content ─── 河麂乳

28、"Good-bye, father," said Tess, with a lumpy throat ─── “爸爸,再见啦!”苔丝喉头哽咽地说。

29、He could feel the thin, lumpy mattress. ─── 他感到床垫薄而凹凸不平。

30、lumpy capacity expansion ─── 一次性容量扩展

31、The pictures show that it was already lumpy; the denser areas went on to become galaxies, stars and planets. ─── 照片显示它已经处于不均匀的状态;更为致密的区域开始形成银河、星和行星。

32、There have never been Scrapie, Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, African horse sickness, African swine fever, Vesicular stomatitis, Lumpy skin disease, Rift Valley fever and Peste-des-petits ruminants in China. ─── 中国境内从未发生过痒病、牛海绵状脑病、非洲马瘟、非洲猪瘟、水泡性口炎、结节性皮炎、裂谷热和小反刍兽疫。

33、Xilinhot Bank branch in accordance with the relevant provisions of the mortgage loans, loan guarantees units to the city of Xilinhot red lumpy real estate company issued a "call loan notices. ─── 中行锡林浩特分行按照有关按揭贷款规定,向贷款担保单位锡林浩特市红磊房地产公司发出了“催收贷款通知书”。

34、Sometimes, fibrocystic changes produce a more diffusely lumpy breast. ─── 有时纤维囊性变导致乳腺更多的肿块出现。

35、lumpy structure ─── 大块结构碎块结构块状结构

36、LuggageA businessman was having a tough time lugging his lumpy, oversized travel bag onto the plane. ─── '行李一个商人拖着他那鼓鼓囊囊的特大号旅行袋登上飞机,真够费劲的。

37、When I say sewerage I do not mean cloudy water, I am talking stinking lumpy brown gravy. ─── 我说的污水不是指脏水,而是指棕色的臭烂的块状物。

38、She would let Bess have her room, but the mattress was so lumpy, the carpet so worn, the curtains so threadbare that Lottie's conscience pricked her. ─── 把她自己的卧室给碧丝住好了。但是床垫垮得太厉害,地毯太破旧,窗帘太褴褛,珞蒂有些于心不安。

39、Sometimes, fibrocystic changes produce a more diffusely lumpy breast. ─── 有时纤维囊性变导致乳腺更多的肿块出现。

40、Bet she wears those curse of God stays suspenders and yellow stockings, darned with lumpy wool ─── 但是她准穿着那讨厌的缀有吊袜带的紧身褡和用粗糙的羊毛线织成的浅黄长袜。

41、He let Coach lead him by the arm into the back room of the candy store and put ice on his face, which, though it was not cut or bleeding, was lumpy with swelling bruises. ─── 他听任寇奇领着他走进糖果店的后屋,给他脸上放了些冰。 他的脸虽然没有伤,也没有流血,但满是青一块紫一块的疙瘩。

42、3 Try to avoid lumpy and rigid food,or cut into smaller biter for consumption. ─── 3不要用前牙啃食过硬的食物,可先将它们切成小块放入口内。

43、lumpy sludge ─── 块形沉淀物

44、Cook and keep stirGetWord("stir");ring so it doesn't stick or get lumpyGetWord("lumpy");.Continue cooking until the sago is transparentGetWord("transparent"); ─── 煮的过程中要不断的用勺子搅拌,不然西米会粘锅底。

45、It is lumpy: you can offload parts of your share portfolio, but you cannot sell off the kitchen. ─── 这是两难局面:你可以出售股票组合的部分份额,但是你不能抛售厨房。

46、Lumpy!Help me! ─── |老赖,救救我!

47、The narrow F ring, a tangle of several lumpy strands, sits isolated just beyond Saturn's A ring and also is straddled by two moons, Pandora and Prometheus. ─── 比较窄的F环,像几股粗细不规则的缆绳缠绞在一起,孤单地坐落于土星的A环之外,并有两颗卫星土卫十七和土卫十六跨于两旁。

48、“What we have to say though about batches of vaccinations are that the revenue flow from them turns to be fairly lumpy. ─── 关于这一批疫苗,我们要说的是从中得到的收入非常可观。

49、The balls disappeared, and the couple found a lumpy-looking carpet python nearby. ─── 球不见了,夫妇却发现在附近有一条身形凹凸不平的地毯蟒。

50、Irreversibility, Fixed-Costs; Infrequent and Lumpy Investment; (s,S) Rules; Aggregation; GE ─── 15不可逆性,固定成本;不寻常及集中投资;(s,S)规则;聚集;GE

51、The bark off a bit lumpy, sprig seems to be four prism. ─── 树皮有点块状脱落,小枝似乎是四棱形。

52、Most moons are either round and smooth, or lumpy pieces of space rock. ─── 大多数卫星要么是圆形的,要么是光滑的,要么是块状的太空岩石。

53、Lumpy breasts ─── 乳房肿块

54、Hamburger Hill is steep, narrow, twisty, lumpy, icy, and rocky, with a few trees right in your way! ─── 12汉堡包山是陡峭,狭窄,弯曲,粗糙,冰冷的,还有岩石,另外有一些树木在你的旅途中!

55、So you'll see that they've got a very large, lumpy jawbone, and most of that is muscle. It comes right up over the top of their forehead, ─── 因此你将看到它们有一块大而凹凸不平的下颌骨并且上面多是肌肉。它们覆盖过头顶,

56、A lumpy gay who sitted in front of me shouted: "割包皮!!!"I was shot. ─── 很有意义的一样东西,见证了我最辉煌的时期。

57、It's the presence of cold dark matter that explains how the young universe went from being smooth to being lumpy, as ordinary matter coalesced first into stars and then into galaxies. ─── 正是因为存在着冷暗物质,普通物质才会首先聚集形成星体,再形成星系,也就解释了早期平滑的宇宙中如何渐渐布满星体。

58、Is Lumpy enjoying Wookiee cookies in your sketch? ─── 你的草稿里笨笨在享用伍基饼干吗?

59、English: Hamburger Hill is steep, narrow, twisty, lumpy, icy, and rocky, with a few trees right in your way! ─── 汉堡包山是陡峭,狭窄,弯曲,粗糙,冰冷的,还有岩石,另外有一些树木在你的旅途中!

60、lumpy mass ─── 总质量

61、For coffee in Chile means a sachet of Nescafe and tepid water producing a lumpy gloop of extraordinary vileness. ─── 因为在智利,咖啡就是雀巢速溶粉末加温水冲出来的液体,令人生厌。

62、WE are producing serial of products such as Calcium Metal,Silicon Calcium,Ferro Silicon Magnesium lumpy and powders and Metal forging and Casting.Ductile Iron pipes, fittings, valves. ─── 其中钙系列产品、硅系列产品、镁系列产品、金属粉末、金属铸件有自己的生产基地,进口产品主要是代理、机电、仪器仪表、天然气发电设备、煤矿设备等相关的机器、零配件。

63、The information revolution will proceed in a lumpy fashioned way ─── 信息革命将以曲折的方式前进

64、The relationship between the carbon loss rate of coke and temperature in the upper part of blast furnace was reserched using a continual model of the lumpy zone in blast furnace. ─── 使用一台连续性高炉块状带热模型对焦炭在高炉中上部的失碳率与温度的对应关系进行了模拟研究。

65、Dongyuan metres Blue City Phase "Islands" were two natural rivers Wang Jing River Hong Kong, six lumpy around the pond, a natural ecological environment on the peninsula. ─── 东苑米蓝城一期“琴岛”被两条天然河流横泾港、六磊塘所环绕,形成天然的半岛生态环境。

66、bovine lumpy skin disease ─── 牛放线菌皮肤病

67、A businessman was having a tough time lugging his lumpy,oversized travel bag onto the plane. ─── 一个商人拖著他那鼓鼓囊囊的特大号旅行袋登上飞机,真够费劲的。

68、hairy bee-like fly whose larvae produce lumpy abscesses (warbles) under the skin of cattle. ─── 形似蜜蜂的多毛的苍蝇,其幼虫在牛的皮下形成脓肿(硬瘤)。

69、Grits look like white, lumpy oatmeal and have less taste than wall-paper paste unless and until they are liberally doused with butter, salt, and gravy (especially red-eye gravy, which is made with pan drippings and coffee). ─── 玉米糁看上去就像是团块状的 白色燕麦粥,如果不拌上大量的黄油、盐和肉汁(尤 其是火腿汁,由加蒌叶的烤肉油汁和咖啡制成),那味 道比贴墙纸用的浆糊还要差。

70、Mini-tenders cater mainly to pension funds, the biggest buyers of inflation-linked and longer-dated gilts, whose demand is unpredictable and lumpy. ─── 小型竞拍者主要青睐养老基金,通胀连动债券和长期债券的需求较难预测。

71、Lumpy Always the odd-man-out, this dim-witted blue moose is all heart and all thumbs. ─── 永远的幸存者,这头蓝色的笨笨驼鹿总是全心全意地笨手笨脚。

72、Shanghai Oriental justice law firms can be lumpy counsel for the Director Huang reminded : The next home for the last six home aroused great risk. ─── 上海东方正义律师事务所主任黄可磊律师为此提醒:下家为上家垫资有6大风险。

73、VP7 fashions its lumpy surface, and the VP4 protein forms the spikes on the outside of the “wheel. ─── VP7造成病毒凸起的表面;VP4则形成轮子外围的尖形凸起;

74、lumpy wool disease ─── 块毛病

75、An inflammatory disease of cattle,hogs,and sometimes human beings,caused by microorganisms of the genus Actinomyces and characterized by lumpy tumors of the mouth,neck,chest,and abdomen. ─── 放线菌病一种牛、猪,有时为人类的炎症,由放线菌属的微生物造成,以口、颈、胸以及腹部的多块肿瘤为特征。

76、To become lumpy. ─── 使成块状

77、If it starts to become too lumpy, you can use the flatten brush to smooth along the folds. ─── 如果它出现大的起伏,你可以用flatten笔刷沿着褶皱去光滑下。

78、lumpy pudding ─── 多团块的布丁

79、This curtain in the graph is done not have flatly pensile, and make its lumpy, and respect of colour and lustre uses warm color, give a person with decorous and flow, warm feeling. ─── 图中这款窗帘并没有平平悬挂,而令其波浪起伏,而色泽方面采用暖色,给人以高雅而流动、暖和之感。

80、Redeemable residual claims are also inefficient in activities that involve large amounts of lumpy or organization-specific assets that can be varied only with large costs. ─── 在涉及大量粗笨物或大量组织的专门资产的活动中,由于变换需要很大的成本,因此可赎回的剩余索取权也是无效率的。

81、The listric normal faults in the south of Nanyang Sag glide on lumpy surface and result in the gentle wrenches of cap formation in the north,serving as the boundary between depositional regions. ─── 南襄盆地南阳凹陷南部控凹铲状正断层在非平面上滑动造成凹陷北部盖层缓坡弯折,构成盆内沉积区域的分界线,是同生断层集中发育和沉积相发生突变的地带。

82、When the rice isn't cooked properly it goes lumpy and gooey. ─── 米饭煮得不好会结块儿发粘。

83、"Xilinhot city red lumpy real estate company chairman Li Han said : " The remaining 15 were not delivered to my house, the company. ─── 锡林浩特市红磊房地产公司董事长李国汉说:“其余15户未向我公司交付购房款。”

84、lumpy skin disease ─── 牛的结节性疹

85、When the friends get to the burying-ground they hack an oblong hole a foot or two deep, dump the body in it and fling over it a little of the dried-up, lumpy earth, which is like broken brick. ─── 当伙计们到达墓地的时候,他们就在地上掘一个椭圆形的一两英尺深的坑,把尸体扔进去,再用一些大块干燥、像被弄断的砖块一样的土疙瘩埋在上面。

86、lumpy sauce ─── 有颗粒的调味汁

87、lumpy curd ─── 混有团块的凝乳

88、Lumpy capacity expansion investment decision under bistochastic uncertainties ─── 双重随机不确定条件下的一次性容量扩展投资

89、a lumpy mattress ─── 凹凸不平的床垫

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