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09-22 投稿


lathered 发音

英:[?lɑ???d]  美:[?l???rd]

英:  美:

lathered 中文意思翻译





lathered 词性/词形变化,lathered变形

名词: latherer |动词过去式: lathered |形容词: lathery |动词现在分词: lathering |动词第三人称单数: lathers |动词过去分词: lathered |

lathered 相似词语短语

1、latherer ─── n.肥皂泡;激动(lather的变形)

2、fathered ─── n.父亲,爸爸;神父;祖先;前辈;vt.发明,创立;当…的父亲

3、slathered ─── n.大量;vt.厚厚地涂;大量使用

4、gathered ─── v.v.聚集(gather的过去分词);集中

5、blathered ─── v.喋喋不休;絮絮叨叨;啰嗦地说;n.废话;胡说

6、leathered ─── n.皮革;皮革制品;vt.用皮革包盖;抽打;adj.皮的;皮革制的;n.(Leather)人名;(英)莱瑟

7、blithered ─── 布利特雷德

8、blethered ─── 流血

9、blatherer ─── n.胡说;废话(blather的变形)

lathered 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Get clean all over with new Neutrogena Men Invigorating Hair &Body Wash.This fresh, rich lather cleans your hair thoroughly without over-drying. ─── 作为洗发水,清新高泡,充分洗净头发却不会造成干燥。

2、water that is not hard (does not contain salts that interfere with the formation of lather with soap). ─── 不硬的水(不含阻止肥皂泡形成的盐)。

3、Calm down there's no need to get into a lather about it!. ─── 冷静些--没有必要为这件事动肝火!.

4、After the shampoo is sufficiently lathered, it is time to rinse your cat off. ─── 如果您在木盆决定沐浴您的猫,您可以有困难时期举行对他,如果他变得吓唬。

5、a brush used to apply lather prior to shaving ─── 修面前用来涂抹肥皂的刷子

6、footwear with outer soles of leather and uppers which consist of lather straps across the instep and around the big toe ─── 外底由皮革制、鞋帮由过脚背绕到大脚趾的皮条构成的鞋

7、A good lather is half a shave. ─── [谚]良好的开端是成功的一半。

8、creamy lather ─── 似乳油泡沫

9、He put some lather on his chin, and then began to shave. ─── 他在下巴上涂了些肥皂泡沫,然后开始刮脸。

10、Its rich creamy lather foams dirt and impurities away allowing your skin to retain its natural moisture balance. ─── 其丰富的奶油泡沫泡沫污垢及杂质远离让你的皮肤保持其天然水分平衡。

11、What's going on? Chris has just come rushing into my office all in a lather, saying something about a lost report. ─── 发生什么事了?刚才克里斯神情紧张地冲进我的办公室,说什么报告不见了。

12、Tool Contraposition for NC Lather ─── 介绍一种数控车床的对刀法

13、They will lather your hide. ─── 他们要狠揍你一顿。

14、there's no need to get into a lather about it! ─── 冷静些--没有必要为这件事动肝火!

15、STATELY, PLUMP BUCK MULLIGAN CAME FROM THE STAIRHEAD, bearing a bowl of lather on which a mirror and a razor lay crossed ─── 体态丰满而有风度的勃克·穆利根从楼梯口出现。他手里托着一钵肥皂沫,上面交叉放了一面镜子和一把剃胡刀。

16、The rich foaming lather rinses clean without any pore-clogging residue. ─── 丰富的泡沫将皮肤清洁干净不留下残留物。

17、She appears on a turquoise background, her skin a glowing pink, her unmistakable eyes painted violet and her lips lathered in red. ─── 她出现在蓝绿色的背景之上,皮肤闪耀着粉色,与众不同的眼睛绘成紫罗兰色,双唇微闭成鲜红色。

18、Take a moderate amount of the foam on a wet hand and lather it sufficiently. ─── 取适量于弄湿的掌心轻轻搓揉至起泡,轻轻按摩面部,再以清水洗净。

19、The floor is slathered with lather, and on the rack there are the two dirty towels which are never changed. ─── 地板上溅满了肥皂泡沫,架子上挂着那两条从来不曾换过的脏毛巾。

20、2. To Use: Squeeze appropriate amount into palms and lather with water. Massage gently on your face and rinse with water. ─── 使用方法:挤出适量于手掌心,加水揉出泡沫后,于脸部轻轻按摩,再以清水洗净。收藏指正

21、water that contains salts that prevent the formation of lather with soap. ─── 含有阻止肥皂泡形成的盐的水。

22、a preparation of soap and fatty acids that forms a rich lather for softening the beard before shaving. ─── 一种用肥皂和脂肪酸形成的富含肥皂沫的在剔须之前软化胡须的准备物。

23、Brush the shaving cream until a lather forms. ─── 刷上刮胡膏直到形成泡沫为止。

24、To spread with or as if with lather. ─── 以泡沫覆盖通过或好象是通过肥皂泡来扩散

25、How to use:Squeeze a small amount of cleanser into palm and work into a rich lather using cool or lukewarm water Massage over face withgentle circular motions.Rinse off thoroughly. ─── 使用方法:挤少量洁面泡沫于掌心,加清水或暖水揉起丰富泡沫,轻柔地以打圈动作按摩全面,最后撤底洗净.

26、To Use: Squeeze appropriate amount into palms and lather with water. Massage gently on your face and rinse with water. ─── 使用方法:挤出适量于手掌心,加水揉出泡沫后,于脸部轻轻按摩,再以清水洗净。

27、English: A good lather is half a shave. ─── 中文:我还剩一间房是空着的。

28、He lathered his chin before shaving. ─── 他剃须前在下巴上涂上皂沫。

29、She reached for the soap, lathered up and began to shave her legs. ─── 她在浴池中又泡了一会儿,然后出来擦干了身体。

30、A vegetable based soap with all the benefits of vitamin E, which produces a thick and creamy lather which gently cleanses and moisturises the skin. ─── 以蔬果草本为主的肥皂搭配了所有维生素E的好处,浓郁的泡沫在清洁的同时在皮肤上形成了一个保湿膜。

31、Its rich, fine lather helps cleansing skin thoroughly and gently removes the aging epidermis, giving your skin a fresh, soft feel to the touch. ─── 使用方法:取适量加少量水揉搓起泡沫,在脸上以螺旋式按摩,再用清水洗净即可。

32、in a lather ─── adj. 非常激动

33、Usage Suggestion: Apply proper amounts on shower sponge or palms, work into a lather and smooth over skin then rinse well. ─── 使用建议:倒适量于手掌或沐浴球上,轻轻搓揉起泡再均匀擦拭全身,再以清水冲洗乾净即可。

34、Direction: dispense appropriate amount of body shower in your plam or puff, smear on your whole body till lather up rich foam , and rinse thoroughly. ─── 使用方法:取适量的沐浴乳置于手心或沐浴海棉上,涂抹全身至产生丰富泡沫,再用清水洗净。

35、With water, work a small amount into a lather in the palm of your hand.Apply to wet face and gently massage into your skin. ─── 使用指导:少量敷于手中,加水打出泡沫,轻柔的按摩于面部。

36、Lord camp:The nicety hardware is blunt to press,Car Chong hardware product,Spread a hot slice,Nicety contact slice,The auto lather piece,Molding tool creation,Spring coil manufacturing! ─── 主营:精密五金冲压、车充五金产品、散热片、精密接触片、自动车床件、模具制作、弹簧制造!

37、If you put some lather on your chin, you'll find it much easier to shave. ─── 如果你在下巴上涂些肥皂泡沫,你就会觉得刮脸容易多了。

38、lather booster ─── 增泡器

39、He went over to it, held it in his hands awhile, feeling its coolness, smelling the clammy slaver of the lather in which the brush was stuck ─── 他走过去,将它托在手里一会儿,触摸着那股凉劲儿,闻着里面戳着刷子的肥皂沫那粘液的气味。

40、A beard well lathered is half shaved. ─── 沫涂得好,胡须半剃掉。

41、Calm down there's no need to get into a lather about it! ─── 冷静些--没有必要为这件事动肝火!

42、To produce lather; foam. ─── 产生肥皂沫;冒泡

43、What's going on? Chris has just come rushing into my office all in a lather saying something about a lost report. ─── 发生什么事了?刚才克里斯神情紧张地冲进我的办公室,说什么报告不见了。

44、Why is he in such a lather to get money? ─── 他为什么这样急躁,非弄到钱不可?

45、She's in a lather about having to speak to such a large crowd. ─── 她须在这麽多人面前讲话,心情十分紧张。

46、Some students then lathered up with liquid soap, supposedly to evaluate this product. ─── 然后让一些学生用液体肥皂洗手,说是为了要评估这种产品。

47、Buck Mulligan frowned at the lather on his razorblade ─── 勃克·穆利根朝着剃胡刀上的肥皂沫皱了皱眉。

48、To use:Pour a small amount onto a wet bath pouf,a wash cloth or directly into hands and indulge your skin with the rich creamy lather. ─── 使用方法:倒出适量在湿的沐浴球或是毛巾上,可以直接倒在手上,按摩身体,纵容肌肤尽情享受丰富的泡沫和柔润的感觉,最后冲洗干净。

49、This paper introduces the technolgy feature of economic NC lather,speciality of CNC refitment and skills of pro-gram ming.An example of its application is provided. ─── 介绍了经济型数控车床的技术性能、改造特点及编程技巧,并列出了一应用实例。

50、"If you put some lather on your chin, you'll find it much easier to shave." ─── "如果你在下巴上涂些肥皂泡沫,你就会觉得刮脸容易多了。"

51、Luxurious, non-drying lather thoroughly rids skin of dirt and excess oil.Provides mild exfoliation with each use to reveal clearer, brighter skin.Rinses easily. ─── 丰富泡沫,不会使肌肤乾燥,彻底清除污垢及过量油脂,并轻柔地清理皮层,使清澈晶莹的肌肤即时浮现。

52、To become coated with lather. ─── 变得涂满肥皂沫

53、to lather one's face before shaving ─── 在刮脸之前涂上皂沫

54、From analyzed theoretically the adoption C650 reforms the craft possibility of the lather the cylinder of hydraulic legs. ─── 从理论上分析了采用C650改造车床镗削立柱缸的工艺可行性。

55、Pump cleanser into hands and work into a foamy lather. ─── 压出卸装乳到手心上并用双手搓出泡沫。

56、In the mean time the lather was drying on my face, and apparently eating into my vitals. ─── 与此同时,肥皂沫在我脸上收干,好像深深地沁入我的心脾。

57、She reached for the soap, lathered up and began to shave her legs. ─── 她拿来肥皂,起了泡沫后开始刮腿毛。

58、She's in a lather about having to speak to such a large crowd ─── 她须在这麽多人面前讲话,心情十分紧张

59、work oneself (up) into a lather ─── vt. 极其努力的工作,挥汗如雨(就象马那样,干活出汗)

60、His mouth lathered with her sap, he turned around and embraced her face with all the passion of his own lips and face, ready at last to grind into her with the Hound, drive it into her piety. ─── 他的嘴上沾满她的淫水,把身子倒转过来,用自己的脸和嘴唇上散发的激情将她团团围住,他终于准备好了自己那只大鸟,就要把她折腾得她死心塌地。

61、Designed CAD Software in Transform Center Lather of Feed System to CNC ─── 卧式车床进给系统的数控化改造CAD软件设计

62、Lather your face up thoroughly before you try to remove those hairs from your chin. ─── 先往你脸上涂够肥皂再刮胡子。

63、A beard well lathered is half shaved. ─── 好好的涂上剃胡子膏等于帮胡子剃了一半。

64、People can easily understand toys lathered over with lead paint. ─── 人们可以轻易理解油漆含铅超标的玩具。

65、Lather one's chin before shaving ─── 刮胡子前先在下巴上涂皂沫.

66、a brush used to apply lather prior to shaving. ─── 修面前用来涂抹肥皂的刷子。

67、The students were in a lather over the proposed restrictions. ─── 学生们因计划实行的限制而感到不安。

68、I lathered my face and started to shave. ─── 我往脸上涂了皂沫,然后开始刮胡子。

69、" He commences to lather his face again, and then to hone his razor. ─── ”他又开始抹肥皂,接着磨起剃刀来。

70、And the barber from the corner left a customer with his face lathered and ran up saying," Hey now,if the cook's going,why should't I!" ─── 一个角落里的理发员丢下一个满脸被涂上肥皂沫的顾客,跑过来说,“那么,如果这位厨师可以去,我为什么不可以去!”

71、MAIN PRODUCTS: Different kinds of craft loafer, fashionable shoe and imitated shoe lather. ─── 各式男、女、童工艺凉、拖鞋、时装鞋、仿皮鞋。

72、He's all lathered up about something. ─── 他为某事而兴奋得不得了。

73、Look, don't worry! There's no point getting yourself into a lather over this! ─── 嘿,别担心,为这事生气不值得。

74、Use in the bath or shower to create a foamy lather all over your body. Rinse off thoroughly. ─── 于浸浴或淋浴时使用,产生丰盈泡沫,用后冲洗干净。

75、After that first crowded day I retired to one of those green-tiled sanctuaries and lathered myself with a new bar of a famous toilet soap which Helen had put in my bag. ─── 在繁杂的一天后,我躲在那些军绿色的庇护所里用一条新的名牌香皂把自己浑身打满泡沫。

76、The shaving cream lathered. ─── 剃须膏能起很多泡沫。

77、He was not confident and so he lathered himself into a frenzy. ─── 他没有信心,因此他极为紧张。

78、lather one's face ─── 以肥皂泡沫涂脸

79、,LTD.) It is a profession to produce a lather piece and cut series products,such as fruit machine knife,etc.The factory locates at in the scenery beautiful Guangdong province Dongguan. ─── 公司主要生产有:(大型管道附件)法兰、伸缩器、传力接头、伸缩接头、橡胶接头、防水套管、不锈钢金属波纹补偿器、非金属风道补偿器、管道补偿器、蝶阀等十大系列产品。

80、Application of Polyamine Lather Chelating Loaded HQS in Separation and Enrichment of Trace Metal Ions ─── HQS螯合负载聚氨酯泡沫塑料在分离富集痕量金属中的应用

81、Don't work yourself up into a lather over that; it's not worth it. ─── 不要为那件事烦恼;不值得。

82、Awakens your skin and senses as the foaming lather deep cleans down to your pores and leaves you feeling amazingly refreshed and exhilarated. ─── 丰富的泡沫深层洗净你的毛孔,感觉令人惊异的清新爽快!唤醒你的皮肤和感官!

83、He inspects his face in the mirror, then leisurely applies a heavy coating of lather, while amusing himself By making faces at his reflection. ─── 他仔细端详镜子里自己的脸,一边对着镜子里的脸做鬼脸玩,一边在脸上涂上一层厚厚的肥皂沫。

84、Turn spout anti-clockwise to release.With water, work a small amount into a lather in the palm of you hand.Apply to wet face and gently massage into your skin.After cleansing, rinse away with water. ─── 使用指导:逆时针旋开喷口,挤少量于手中,用水打出泡沫,轻柔按摩于面部肌肤,洗净后,用清水冲洗,如果不慎入眼,请立即用水冲洗。

85、He worked himself into a lather. ─── 他干得大汗淋漓。

86、Info:Lather jackets. The best quality and prices. ─── 主要材质:真皮次要材质:其它尺码:全码适用季节:秋

87、He quickly ran upstairs, fetched his razor, lathered the goat's head, and shaved her as clean as the palm of his hand. ─── 他匆匆上楼,拿来一把剃须刀,在羊头上抹上肥皂,将羊头剃得像手掌心一样光。

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