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09-20 投稿


labyrinthic 发音


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labyrinthic 中文意思翻译



labyrinthic 短语词组

1、labyrinthic ataxia ─── [医] 边路性共济失调, 前庭性共济失调

labyrinthic 相似词语短语

1、labyrinthal ─── 迷路的

2、labyrinth ─── n.迷宫;[解剖]迷路;难解的事物

3、labyrinthical ─── 迷路的

4、labyrinthically ─── 迷宫般地

5、labyrinthian ─── adj.迷宫的;错综复杂的(等于labyrinthine)

6、laboristic ─── 实验室的

7、labyrinths ─── n.迷宫(labyrinth的复数形式)

8、labyrinthine ─── adj.迷宫的;复杂的

9、labyrinthitis ─── n.内耳炎;[耳鼻喉]迷路炎

labyrinthic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He hates the labyrinth of rules and regulations. ─── 他讨厌错综复杂的规章制度。

2、"No one could soar into a more intricate labyrinth of refined phraseology" (Anthony Trollope). ─── “没有人能够攀进复杂的专业术语的优雅迷宫” (安东尼·初蒲)。

3、Reappearing with sin, can Yang Rong restore his former glory of “capital labyrinth”? People are waiting. ─── 仰融以戴罪之身重出江湖,能否再现辉煌,一如他当年编织令人目眩的“资本迷宫”,人们正翘首以待。

4、The worlds will agree about a specific set of coordinates - longitude and latitude - for the center of the labyrinth. ─── 世界上的迷宫的中心都是一些经度和纬度特定的座标组合。

5、Built in 1759, Yangquelong was actually a Western-style gateway to the east of the Labyrinth. ─── 位于黄花阵的东侧,实为一座西洋门,建成于1759年(乾隆二十四年)。

6、Finally, they and Little girl lost their way in the labyrinthic tunnel which was filled with danger, and were caught by butterfly people. ─── 他们和小女孩最终迷失在迷宫般的充满危险的隧道里,疲惫地停下来,被追来围捕他们的蝶人们抓到。

7、The human mind is a labyrinth. ─── 人的心灵是一座迷宫。

8、They are all designed by a human programmer, and so is the geography of the labyrinth. ─── 它们全都是由人类程序员设计的,迷宫的地形也是如此。

9、Here in the United States, matching a patient with a deceased donor means finding that donor through a labyrinth of state organizations. ─── 在美国,替某个患者寻找到一例匹配的已故捐献者意味着在整个国家宛如迷宫的各机构中去找到这个人。

10、Where bearings are mounted on a withdrawal sleeve, an abutment, e. G. A spacer ring, which is frequently designed as a labyrinth ring, must support the inner ring. ─── 在轴承安装在退卸套上时,内圈必须由挡肩来支撑,例如隔圈(经常设计成迷宫式)。

11、At the same time, we could depend on the labyrinth builders today to organise this world*... even without their knoweldge. ─── 与此同时,我们可以依赖于迷宫的建设者来组织这个世界*...即使没有他们知识丰富。

12、There are many artifacts within the Labyrinth that hold powers beyond the comprehension of mortals. ─── 在迷宫里的很多制品都有超出凡人想象之外的力量。

13、The Minotaur would search the Labyrinth for his victims. ─── 弥诺托会在迷宫内寻找这群牺牲者。

14、There is always hope that in its labyrinth of musty rooms a real rarity will be found . ─── 在发霉的、黑暗的、乱七八糟的象迷宫一样的房间里找到真正珍宝的希望总是存在的。

15、Everywhere I looked, a labyrinth meandered. ─── 举目所见,到处是七弯八拐的迷宫。

16、A membranous sac contained within the labyrinth of the inner ear and connected with the semicircular canals. ─── 小囊,椭圆囊位于内耳迷路内的细胞膜的囊,与半规管相连

17、While you are venturing deeper into the Labyrinth you may find tomes of great knowledge hidden there. ─── 当你在深层的地下迷宫探险时,你会找到隐藏在角落里的知识卷轴。

18、new in three aspects: emphasis on objects, labyrinthic plots, zero-degree writing and readers participation. ─── 新小说的“新”可以概括为三个方面:注重写物、迷宫式的情节、零度写作与读者参与。

19、The flow field in the labyrinth channel is measured using a 2-D LDV(Laser Doppler Velocimeter). ─── 利用二维激光多普勒测速仪(LDV)对模型的迷宫式流道进行了流场测量。

20、The Mythopoeia are responsible for creating independent coordinating reports about labyrinth training sessions and contests. ─── Mythopoeia负责制作关于迷宫训练进程和竞赛中独立的个体的协作报告。

21、But their onetime companion Alferd has been cast into the deadly Labyrinth. ─── 他们从前的夥伴艾福瑞被关进死亡迷宫。

22、Yet, however it is executed, we do need a sense of direction to carry us through the labyrinth of life. ─── 不过,不管如何实施,我们的确需要一种方向感,带领我们走出人生的迷宫。

23、Deep within the recesses of the labyrinth, a growing power was being harnessed. ─── 在迷宫深处,一个日益强大的力量正茁壮生长。

24、The fluid in the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear. ─── 内淋巴耳内部膜质内耳中的水样液

25、A legendary artist and inventor, builder of the Labyrinth. ─── 代达罗斯著名的艺术家和发明家,是迷宫的建造者

26、Trapped inside an inescapable labyrinth will they find a way out before the relentless cannibals hunt them down? ─── 兄妹俩能否在这个无处可逃的迷宫中,找到出路,免被这些冷酷无情的食人族虐杀?

27、The bottom bearing applies both labyrinth seal and frame seal, which have good performance of sealing. The main shaft is anticorrosive. ─── 下轴承端盖密封采用双重密封,可确保密封效果,主轴采用防腐新技术,能保护主轴免受腐蚀。

28、In addition, the design of labyrinth and the two protection doors in cyclotron rooms were conservative. ─── 回旋加速器室两道防护门和迷道长度的设计是保守的。

29、You need an expert to guide you through the labyrinth of rules and regulations on this subject. ─── 你需要专家就这个问题的规章指点迷津。

30、Cairo with its complex system of streets and lanes, its quarters and markets is like a labyrinth invented by ancient storytellers. ─── 开罗迷宫般的大街小巷、民区、市所构成的复杂体系,宛如古代说书人编造的迷津。

31、Seal air is injected into the labyrinth seals located at the main motor shaft (top and bottom) and at the pinion shaft driving the motor. ─── 密封空气被注入到主马达轴(顶部和下部)和驱动马达的齿轮轴的迷宫式密封里。

32、But Hester could not resolve the query, using herself in a dismal labyrinth of doubt. ─── 对这一逼问,海丝特可没法作答了,因为连她自己也尚在阴暗的迷宫中徘徊呢。

33、Like dream,like phantasm,it is a labyrinth what is occult one by one,make me to find the one way...... ─── 如同梦境,如同幻影,是玄机重重的迷宫,让我在寻找那唯一的出口.......

34、I believe my toy bear is hidden in this labyrinthic city. ─── 我相信迷宫一样的城市中藏着我童年的小熊。

35、The Demon Lord Grawl has stolen the key to the Gates from the labyrinth. ─── 他指使恶魔领主格劳尔偷走了迷宫大门的钥匙。

36、She expresses the consciousness of cornered animal by using labyrinth language. ─── 在她迷宫般的语言文字中传达出一种“困兽”意识。

37、Lubricate the O-ring inside the labyrinth ring bore to ease assembly. ─── 如必要,可对迷宫密封圈内的O形圈上一点润滑油,以方便组装。

38、Lost in the labyrinth and facing a monstrous foe himself, can Goku make it to his friends in time to save them? ─── 在迷宫中找不到出路而不得不迎战一个巨型怪物的小悟空,还能及时赶到救出他的伙伴们吗?

39、Knossos was the site of the legendary labyrinth of Daedalus. ─── 克诺索斯是传说中的代达罗斯迷宫的所在地。

40、The elimination of a puzzle casual games, helping the small labyrinth of Antarctic penguins return to the home. ─── 一款益智休闲的消除游戏,帮助迷路的小企鹅回到南极的家。

41、Today all that remains are the recesses where they stood, and the labyrinth of fragile caves surrounding them. ─── 之前佛像伫立著的地方已空荡荡的,只剩下迷宫般脆弱的石窟依旧环伺。

42、The corridor beyond the door led into a labyrinth of slime, chitinous columns and strange, smallish pods. ─── / 超过门的走廊进入一个烂泥的迷宫,壳质的专栏和奇怪又有点小的荚 之内引导。

43、The Labyrinth of Light & Darkness made by Czech new generation animation master Jiri Barta is a peculiar Stop-Motion animation short gathers. ─── 《黑暗与光明的迷宫》是由捷克新一代动画大师吉利.

44、Finally, they and Little girl lost their way in the labyrinthic tunnel which was filled with danger, and were caught by butterfly people. ─── 他们和小女孩最终迷失在迷宫般的充满危险的隧道里,疲惫的停下来,被追来围捕他们的蝶人们抓到。

45、A goblin serves as a guide into this labyrinth, piloting a small cart which rides on narrow tracks set in the stone floor. ─── 一个妖精作为向导,驾驶一辆小的手推车沿石头地板上铺设的狭窄铁道上行进,带领你进入这个迷宫。

46、And will push open one door after another, in the labyrinth of a new life. ─── 并开启层层通往新生的迷宫之门。

47、But F.D.R. was still not free from his labyrinth. ─── 但罗斯福还是没有从他的迷宫中解放。

48、While the runner moves through the labyrinth, the wall moves with the runner. ─── 当走迷宫者在迷宫中移动的时候,“墙”随着他移动。

49、The labyrinth register must be kept in the omphaloi. Typically, each main city has its own register. ─── 在奥林比匹克必须保留迷宫登记。一般,每个主要城市有它自己的登记。

50、Develope the LongDong. Build a complicate labyrinth of 48 gates in which the largest cave can hold one thousand people. ─── 开发江边龙洞,配套建设有48张门,大洞套小洞的龙洞迷宫,最大的洞可容纳近干人。

51、It introduced that combined labyrinth packing and dynamic seal instead primary simple labyrinth packing of mixing blower fan seal on carbonization. ─── 介绍了焦化掺混风机壳体密封由原来简单的迷宫密封改为迷宫密封与气动密封相结合。

52、Unless you assemble a very large team of 150 or more, you will not have enough athletes to make the entire labyrinth at the beginning of the competition. ─── 在竞赛刚开始的时候,除非你能够集合一个庞大的超过150人大队伍,否则你没有足够的运动员去帮你完成整个迷宫的建造。

53、In the register, you must write your name, your location, your chosen place for the labyrinth, and the date that you intend to finish the rite. ─── 在登记时,您必须为迷宫写上您的名字、您的位置、您选择的您想完成仪式的地点和时间。

54、A monster who was half man and half bull, to whom young Athenian men and women were sacrificed in the Cretan labyrinth until Theseus killed him. ─── 弥诺陶洛斯半人半牛的怪物。它住在克里特岛的迷宫中并吃掉雅典进贡的童男童女直至被忒修斯杀死

55、On the day you chose, you should go to the labyrinth and should walk it from the outside in, then towards the outside again. Carry your scroll. ─── 在您预定的那天,您应该携带您的卷轴去迷宫,并且应该从外面进去,然后再从里面出来。

56、On MR images,all 9 ears showed decrease or disappearance of the signal of T2WI in one or more structures of membranous labyrinth. ─── MRI图像上9耳均可见内耳迷路内腔1个或多个结构T2WI信号减低或消失。

57、A labyrinth of light beams spearing through the interlaying bamboo chips. ─── 层层叠叠的竹片,透出迷幻美妙的光芒。

58、On the side opposite to the seal, the impulse ring and sensor body form an effective labyrinth seal. ─── 在密封件对侧,脉冲和传感器主体组成了一个有效的迷宫式密封。

59、The majority of runners will never actually run an entire labyrinth to the end, even after years of training. ─── 大部分的走迷宫者都走不完整个迷宫,即使在训练了一年以后。

60、Anyway, the labyrinth has many exits. ─── 反正这迷宫有这麼多出口。

61、When she could not find her way out of the labyrinth of ill-logic which thought upon the subject created, she would turn away entirely. ─── 她在这个问题上左思右想,陷入了逻辑混乱的迷宫,实在找不到一条出路,于是她就干脆不去再想。

62、The diagram is a labyrinth of wires and nodes compacted together within a single loop. ─── 它的程序框图更像一个迷宫:连线和结点在一个循环内重叠在一起。

63、A seal kit consists of two labyrinth seals and is supplied together with an oil pick-up ring, an oil level gauge, a magnetic plug and mounting instructions. ─── 密封套件包含两个迷宫密封件,在提供给用户时还带有一个抛油环、一个油位表、一个磁铁油塞,以及安装说明。

64、Under the trees of England I meditated on this lost and perhaps mythical labyrinth. ─── 在英国的树下,我思索着那个消失的神秘迷宫。

65、A monster who was half man and half bull,to whom young Athenian men and women were sacrificed in the Cretan labyrinth until Theseus killed him. ─── 弥诺陶洛斯半人半牛的怪物。它住在克里特岛的迷宫中并吃掉雅典进贡的童男童女直至被忒修斯杀死。

66、Daedalus was a legendary artist and inventor, builder of the Labyrinth. ─── 代达罗斯是著名的艺术家和发明家,克里特迷宫的建造者。

67、An evil monster, Minotaur, trapped in a labyrinth on the island, it needs to continue to sacrifice. ─── 一个邪恶的怪兽,弥诺陶洛斯,被困在岛上迷宫,它需要持续的祭品。

68、Castorp has rejected “ they tyranny of time,” only to fall victim to the tyranny of timeless apathy, has rejected one labyrinth only to fall into another. ─── 卡斯扥普曾经拒绝人生有涯的时间暴虐,却陷入天地不仁的无涯暴虐。他以为逃离身处的迷宫,却发现掉入另一处迷宫。

69、To one could soar into a more intricate labyrinth of refined phraseology. ─── “没有人能够攀进复杂的专业术语的优雅迷宫”(安东尼;初蒲)。

70、The park also has the entertainment places as laser fountain, botanic labyrinth, tale world and so on. ─── 园内设有激光喷泉、植物迷宫、童话 世界等娱乐场所。

71、How can we help the small mice from the terrible labyrinth of laboratory escaped, the big move until you move, to help small rodents. ─── 怎么才能帮助小老鼠从可怕的迷宫般的实验室里逃出来呢,动动你的大及至,帮帮小老鼠。

72、At first, in De Palma's maze of visual styles, we feel as lost as the men in their moral labyrinth. ─── 刚开始,在德?帕尔玛错综复杂的视觉风格中,我们会觉得和那些在道德迷宫中迷路的人一样迷失。

73、Park Labyrinth drifts, the ancient Italian scene, another decorative garden pool Court which uplifts the human spirit. ─── 园区内曲径幽幽、古意盎然,又有园林池阁点缀其中,令人心旷神怡。

74、He wandered through the labyrinth of the alleyways. ─── 他在迷宫似的小巷中闲逛。

75、A 5-circuit training labyrinth needs at least 12 athletes, plus the runner. ─── 一个5圈的迷宫训练,需要包括走迷宫者在内12个运动员。

76、The "Two Xiangs" reflect the labyrinth of love between witches and the god of River Xiang, wizards and Xiang Furen, and Xinag Furen and Emperor Shun. ─── “二湘”反映了女巫与湘水男神、男巫与湘夫人,以及湘夫人与舜之间错综复杂的爱恋关系。

77、In order to divide the space between rotating parts and quiescent parts in micro gas turbine, the labyrinth seals are used to decrease the leakage loss. ─── 为了将旋转部件与静止部件之间不同压力的空间隔开,微燃机中采用了气封装置以减少泄流量。

78、In this little labyrinth of narrow alleys I don't want any entry hall or elevator but little city houses with their little gardens. ─── 在这一点迷宫小巷,我不想任何入口大厅或电梯的房屋,但小城市的小花园。

79、Scully: Mulder, not everything is a labyrinth of dark conspiracy and not everybody is plotting to deceive, inveigle, and obfuscate. ─── 史卡利:穆德,并非每件事都是黑暗阴谋的迷宫,也并非每个人都图谋欺骗、诱陷、使人迷乱。

80、Ink has been hailed as the new "it" movie and compared to cult classics Brazil, Donnie Darko, The Matrix, Dark City and Pan's Labyrinth. ─── 墨水被誉为新的“它”电影,可以与巴西的经典[/崇拜相媲美,比如死亡幻觉黑客帝国黑暗之城潘神的迷宫等...

81、Would you be able to share her luck and meet the Fairy Guide in the labyrinth of flowers and mirrors in the Little Penglai? ─── 唐小山在途中遇到一名樵夫,为她指点迷津。看看你是否有缘在小蓬莱的镜花迷宫中得到仙人指路?

82、A synchronizing labyrinth must be created at a special, predetermined place. ─── 同步迷宫必须建立在一个特殊的,预先确定的地方。

83、Memory, already divided into a castle of chambers, balkanizes into a terrifying labyrinth of tiny closets. ─── 已经被划分为套间的记忆堡垒,又分割为极小的秘室组成的巨大迷宫。

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