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09-22 投稿


rhomb 发音

英:[rɑ?mb; rɑ?m]  美:[r?m(b)]

英:  美:

rhomb 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 菱形


rhomb 网络释义

n. [数] 菱形;斜方形;结晶斜方六面体

rhomb 短语词组

1、rhomb- ─── [医]菱形

rhomb 相似词语短语

1、rhombi ─── n.菱面体;菱形(rhombus的复数)

2、recomb ─── 重组

3、rhombos ─── 菱形的

4、rhombic ─── adj.菱形的;斜方形的;正交的

5、rhomboid ─── n.长斜方形,长菱形;adj.[数]长斜方形的;长菱形的

6、rhombus ─── n.[数]菱形;[数]斜方形

7、rhomboi ─── 菱形

8、rhumb ─── n.罗盘方位;[航][水运]恒向线,罗盘方位线

9、rhombs ─── n.[数]菱形;斜方形;结晶斜方六面体

rhomb 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The basic form of this crystal is a rhomb. ─── 此类晶体的基本形状为一菱面体。

2、Hübner rhomb ─── 许布纳菱形体

3、Recent development of theory and application of the RUSM (rhomb unit structural model) for amorphous alloys are reviewed.The RUSM is compared with some other models. ─── 综述了非晶态合金菱面体单元结构模型在理论及应用方面的最新进展。

4、“Bule Rhomb”is the registered brand of our enterprise. ─── 企业产品注册商标为“兰菱牌”。

5、Keywords Electroless Ni-P deposits;Corrosion resistance;Amorphous structure;Deposits composition;The rhomb unit structure model; ─── 化学镀层;耐蚀性;非晶态结构;沉积层组成;菱面体单元结构模型;

6、rhomb brick ─── 平行四边形砖

7、This would be a bit more obvious if we cut the rhomb to have edge of equal axis. ─── 若把斜方体的棱都切成等长,就可以看得更清楚。

8、According to thin film polarization effect and eigenmatrix,the Fresnel retarder s achromatic width is expanded by evaporating dielectric membrane in two total-reflection surfaces of the rhomb. ─── 根据薄膜的偏振效应,从薄膜的特征矩阵出发,通过在菱体的两个全反射面蒸镀光学介质膜的方法拓宽了菲涅耳菱体型相位延迟的消色差宽度。

9、Theory and Application of the Rhomb Unit Structural Model for Amorphous Alloys ─── 非晶态合金菱面体单元结构模型理论及应用

10、Keywords amorphous alloy;rhomb unit structure model; ─── 非晶合金;菱面体模型;单元结构;

11、Two opposite corners of this rhomb contain three obtuse angles of 10155' ─── 菱面体的两个对顶包含着三个101°55'的钝角。

12、Its back is greenish grey while its body is silvery white with a black rhomb shortly behind the pectoral base. ─── 牠的背部灰绿色,躯干大致银白,胸鳍基部后方有一黑色菱形斑纹。

13、if we cut the rhomb to have edge of equal axis. ─── 若把斜方体的棱都切成等长,就可以看得更清楚。

14、Theory and Application of the Rhomb Unit Structural Model for Amorphous Alloys ─── 非晶态合金菱面体单元结构模型理论及应用

15、basic form of this crystal is a rhomb. ─── 晶体的基本形状为一菱面体。

16、Fresnel rhomb ─── 菲涅耳斜方系菲涅尔菱形菲涅耳菱形镜

17、pore rhomb ─── 孔菱

18、Mooney rhomb ─── 蒙内菱形镜

19、(C)local mucosa thickened in rhomb or flat figure. ─── C、粘膜局灶性增厚呈棱形或扁平状;

20、Rhomb Porphyry ─── n. 斜方斑岩(岩浆岩)

21、then we have a summary to structure and principle of the Fresnel rhombs Mooney rhombs achromatic device 1 (AD-1) and achromatic device2(AD-2)srectangle prisms compound rhomb and all kinds of oblique-incidence rhomb phase retarders. ─── 然后分别对菲涅耳菱体、穆尼菱体、消色差器1(AD-1)和消色差器2(AD-2)、直角棱镜复合菱体以及各类斜入射菱体型相位延迟器的结构、原理进行了综述。

22、Sensor deployment algorithm based on virtual rhomb grid ─── 一种基于虚拟菱形网格的传感器节点布置算法

23、Sensor deployment algorithm based on virtual rhomb grid ─── 一种基于虚拟菱形网格的传感器节点布置算法

24、On a section, the perovkite crystals that are the forms of rhomb, cross and strip, are not independent grains, but only the section of the arms of p... ─── 截面上钙钛矿晶体呈菱形、十字形、杆状,这些晶体不是独立的晶粒,是钙钛矿棱面枝晶分枝晶粒的截面.

25、Currently the improved Fresnel rhomb and retangle prism compound rhomb phase retarders are the ideal and utility-type achromatic phase retarders. ─── 结果表明改进型菲涅耳菱体以及直角棱镜组合型消色差相位延迟器,是目前较理想的实用型消色差相位延迟器。

26、Optimal design of rhomb-type achromatism retarder ─── 菱体型消色差延迟器的优化设计

27、basic form of this crystal is a rhomb . ─── 与它的太阳,菱形红牛标志,公牛和字体给设计的启示。

28、virtual rhomb grid (VRG) ─── 虚拟菱形网格

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