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09-21 投稿


laughingly 发音

英:[?l?f??li]  美:[?lɑ?f??li]

英:  美:

laughingly 中文意思翻译



laughingly 词性/词形变化,laughingly变形

名词: laughableness |副词: laughably |

laughingly 相似词语短语

1、flauntingly ─── 炫耀地

2、crushingly ─── adv.让人受不了地;过分地

3、slouchingly ─── 没精打采地;懒洋洋地

4、clashingly ─── 哗啦哗啦地

5、laggingly ─── 落后地

6、laughing ─── adj.可笑的;高兴的;带笑的;n.笑;笑声;v.笑;幸运(非正式);处于有利地位(laugh的现在分词)

7、blushingly ─── adv.羞愧地;红着脸地

8、achingly ─── adv.极其;痛惜地;非常痛地

9、lashingly ─── 猛烈地。

laughingly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The multitude may laugh at his music, but we know better. ─── 一般人也许会嘲笑他的音乐,但我们更了解它。

2、Don't laugh at unfortunate people. ─── 不要嘲笑不幸的人。

3、It took effort on Claire's part not to laugh. ─── 克莱尔尽力忍住不笑出声来。

4、And he didn't realize it was you? What a laugh! ─── 他竟没认出那是你?真可笑。

5、He laughingly agreed. ─── 他笑着同意了。

6、You should not laugh at the handicapped. ─── 你们不应该嘲笑残疾人。

7、He is very formal with everyone; he never joins in a laugh. ─── 他对任何人都很拘谨,从不跟人说笑。

8、His dramatics made all of us laugh. ─── 他那戏剧性的动作使我们大家都笑了。

9、He had to laugh despite himself. ─── 他不想笑,但还是忍不住笑了出来。

10、A good laugh is sunshine in a house. ─── 令人愉快的欢笑是房间里的阳光。

11、His first joke got the biggest laugh of the night. ─── 他讲的第一个笑话博得了当晚最开怀的笑声。

12、Their jests made everyone laugh. ─── 他们说的俏皮话逗得大家哈哈大笑。

13、He tried hard to fight back a desire to laugh. ─── 他真想大笑一声,可他竭力控制住了。

14、He' s a real laugh such fun to be with. ─── 他真是个活宝--跟他在一起真开心.

15、He suppressed an inclination to laugh. ─── 他忍住不笑。

16、I spent much of what I laughingly call "the vacations" working through 621 pages of typescript. ─── 我把我戏称为“假期”的大部分时间都花在那621页的打字稿上了。

17、He's a real laugh -- such fun to be with. ─── 他真是个活宝--跟他在一起真开心。

18、He can not bear that his friend shall laugh at him. ─── 他受不了朋友们竟也嘲笑他。

19、They laugh, suddenly and magically intimate. ─── 两个人都笑了,象有魔法似的,两颗心一下子就变得亲近了。

20、He did nothing else than laugh. ─── 他只是在笑。

21、They're fond of holding what are laughingly known as literary soirees. ─── 他们爱举行戏称之为文学晚会的活动。

22、His jokes made us all laugh. ─── 他的笑话把我们都逗笑了。

23、This time even Wu Sun-fu had to laugh. ─── 吴荪甫忍不住也笑出来了。

24、Don' t laugh at him ; he' s very sensitive. ─── 千万别笑他, 他很敏感.

25、I finally reached what we laughingly call civilization. ─── 我终于到了我们戏称为文明之地的地方。

26、He told a runny story to raise a laugh. ─── 为引人发笑,他讲了一个滑稽的故事。

27、Their reaction to the joke is to laugh. ─── 他们对这个笑话的反应是笑。

28、A pat humorous tale may sometimes arouse a big laugh. ─── 一个贴切适时的幽默故事有时会引起一场大笑。

29、He gave a contemptuous laugh. ─── 他轻蔑地笑了笑。

30、He tickled the baby rs feet and made her laugh. ─── 他搔婴儿的脚,把她逗笑了。

31、They had a good laugh (ie were very amused) at Sam's expense. ─── 他们嘲弄萨姆而乐不可支。

32、The comedian in the play made the audience laugh. ─── 剧中的喜剧演员令观众们大笑。

33、Gaston took his wife's pretty face between his hands and looked tenderly and laughingly into her troubled eyes. ─── 加斯顿双手捧起妻子美丽的脸,温和且满带笑意地凝视她焦虑的双眼。

34、As a first time cat owner, I had no idea what the purr meant, and only half-laughingly stared at her taking the best spot on the bed. ─── 从来没养过猫的我,完全不知道声音的含意,只是好气又好笑地瞪著她又佔走了最好的位置。

35、He gave a good loud laugh when he saw me. ─── 他一见到我便大笑起来。

36、Any lawyer joke is sure to draw a laugh. ─── 任何有关律师的笑话肯定是引人发笑的。

37、He makes such a cornball marriage proposal that the girl laugh out loud. ─── 他那多愁善感的求婚方式,让那女孩忍不住大声地笑了出来。

38、If you are too busy to laugh, you are too busy. ─── 假使你太忙以致没工夫笑,那你就真是太忙了。

39、He tickled the baby's feet and made her laugh . ─── 他搔痒婴儿的双脚,使她笑了起来。

40、He subdued a desire to laugh. ─── 他强忍住笑。

41、"Mark Twain do not mind at all and said laughingly : " Lady, If, like me telling lies there. ─── 马克·吐温毫不介意地笑笑说:“夫人,只要像我一样说假话就行了。”

42、Don't laugh at him. ─── 不要嘲笑他。

43、His humorous remark made everyone laugh. ─── 他幽默的话把每个人都逗乐了。

44、They speak up freely, they laugh and joke. ─── 他们畅所欲言,说笑逗闹。

45、The originality of his humor made everyone laugh. ─── 他别具一格的幽默逗得大家开怀大笑。

46、He was so happy that he gave a loud laugh . ─── 他如此高兴,以致于他大笑起来。

47、Laurie burst out with a hearty boy's laugh. ─── 劳笠爆发出一阵男孩子式的痛快淋漓的大笑。

48、Man differs from beasts in that the former is able to laugh, while the latter aren't. ─── 人不同于野兽,因前者能笑,而后者却不能。

49、Occasionally people would laugh at them. ─── 偶尔也有人笑话他们。

50、The solution they recommended was a laugh. ─── 他们提出的解决办法简直是个笑话

51、To rub salt into her wounds, he began to laugh at her. ─── 为了加深她的创痛,他开始嘲笑她。

52、"You have ample proof to the contrary, if you look opposite, " said the baroness, as she laughingly pointed to the beautiful Greek. ─── “假如您向对面望一望,”男爵夫人带笑指了指那个美丽的希腊女人说道,“您就可以充分得到相反的证据啦。”

53、His joke made us laugh till we cried. ─── 他的笑话逗得我们笑出了眼泪。

54、He remembered to smile, not laugh aloud. ─── 他牢牢记住不放声大笑,只露出微笑。

55、Others may laugh at her but I like her. ─── 别人或许会笑她,但是我喜欢她。

56、He made all the other boys laugh by mocking the way the teacher spoke and walked. ─── 他模仿老师说话和走路的样子,使其他同学都笑起来。

57、He told me the news with a laugh. ─── 他笑着告诉我这个消息。

58、He told the story laughingly. ─── 他笑着说出了那个故事。

59、He gave a scornful laugh at my proposal. ─── 他对我的建议轻蔑地一笑。

60、He tried without success to laugh her fears away. ─── 他想以笑声来驱除她的恐惧,但无济於事。

61、He turns nasty if you laugh at him. ─── 你如果笑他,他就要发怒。

62、He made faces at the baby to make it laugh. ─── 他向婴儿做鬼脸来逗他发笑。

63、They had a good laugh over that silly thing. ─── 他们对那件蠢事大加嘲笑。

64、He looks at the burn shoes and laugh heartily. ─── 他看到那烧糊的鞋并且愉快地笑了。

65、A bad fairy began to laugh loudly. ─── 一个坏仙女开始大声狂笑。

66、He thinks he can laugh at me, but I'll settle with him soon. ─── 他以为他嘲笑我之後就算完事了,我马上就要找他算这笔帐。

67、But Elizabeth, who had not the least inclination to remain with them , laughingly answered. ─── 伊丽莎白本不想跟他们待在一起,一听这话,便笑嘻嘻地说。

68、People used to laugh at her behind her back. ─── 人们常在背后嘲笑她。

69、The Earth Plane is just a place you visit from time to time the Angels laughingly tell you. ─── 地球层面只不过是你累次去旅行到访的一个地方,天使们笑着这样告诉你。

70、Laugh, and the world laughs with you; Weep, and you weep alone. ─── [谚]欢笑,整个世界伴你欢笑。哭泣,只有你独自向隅而泣。

71、Don't laugh, it's a serious suggestion. ─── 别笑,这是一条严肃的建议。

72、"David(letterman) is a fair and decent guy and makes me laugh as much as anyone, " said(Jay) Leno, who was raked over the coals by another competitor, Arsenio Hall, when Leno took over Johnny Carson's seat last May. ─── 勒诺说,"戴维对人公平正直,打趣的功夫不下于任何人。"去年五月勒诺接替卡森的职位时遭到另一竞争者阿森尼奥·霍尔的严厉批评。

73、He could tell she was in a bad mood, and tried to laugh her out of it. ─── 他看出她心情不好,想逗她笑好让她不再想烦恼的事。

74、"Come here,you fool," he said with a laugh. ─── “来吧,你这个傻瓜,”他笑着说。

75、Does he laugh too much and talk too loudly? ─── 他是否笑得太多?说话的声音太高?

76、He tried to laugh away her doubts. ─── 他试图用笑来打消她的疑虑。

77、His sudden laugh jinxed the host's joke. ─── 他的突然一笑破坏了主人的笑话。

78、He said queer things at which one often could not help but laugh, but he said them without intentionally offering them as witticisms. ─── 他讲些奇妙的事情让人禁不住笑,可他并没刻意地将它们当俏皮话来说。

79、He tried hard to laugh away his embarrassment. ─── 他极力试着用笑来掩盖窘迫。

80、A warm overcoat would make him laugh at the worst winter winds. ─── 一件暖和大衣可使他不必畏惧冬季最凛冽的寒风。

81、"Oh,my God," I howled,so aghast I had to laugh. ─── ""哦,上帝!"我惊呆了,不由得大笑。

82、He has found a mare's nest and laugh at the egg. ─── 他发现了母马窝,对着一窝蛋发笑。

83、The daring explorers laugh at danger. ─── 勇敢的探险家们对危险付之一笑。

84、Don't laugh!I mean it(= I am serious). ─── 别笑!我是认真的。

85、He forced a laugh to his shaking lips. ─── 他颤抖的两唇发出了一声干笑。

86、Do not laugh at him ; he is very sensitive . ─── 千万别笑他,他很敏感。

87、He'll only laugh in your face. ─── 他只会当面嘲笑你。

88、Wu Sun-fu broke into a contemptuous laugh. ─── 吴荪甫忍不住笑了。

89、They have a good laugh at his expense. ─── 他们嘲笑他。

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