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09-21 投稿


towline 发音

英:[?to?la?n]  美:[?t??la?n]

英:  美:

towline 中文意思翻译



towline 短语词组

1、aiglet towline glider ─── 慢步拖曳滑翔机,

towline 词性/词形变化,towline变形


towline 相似词语短语

1、topline ─── n.背线;鞋口;adj.头条新闻的

2、trotline ─── n.曳钓绳

3、stowlins ─── 斯托林

4、bowlines ─── n.单套结;帆脚索

5、towlines ─── n.拖链;拖绳

6、to aline ─── 到aline

7、bowline ─── n.单套结;帆脚索

8、snowline ─── n.雪线

9、to line ─── 到线条

towline 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The influences of towline on dynamic stability of vehicles were calculated and analyzed by using the simplified longitudinal small disturbance equation of towing system. ─── 摘要采用简化的拖曳系统纵向小扰动运动方程,计算分析了拖缆对拖曳系统中飞行器纵向扰动运动模态的影响。

2、Keep towline above water. ─── 保持拖缆在水面以上。

3、5.Two. Boat builders would suffer and towline, whip and harness makers would be left destitute. ─── 其二,造船工的生计会受影响,制作纤绳、鞭子及马具的工人将会陷入贫困。

4、The direction of choosing material for tractive sheave and towline as well as resolutions to reduce frictional wear are put forward. ─── 分析结果还提出了曳引轮、曳引绳的选材方向和减少摩擦磨损的方法。

5、After several years of hard development, Our main products are handles, handle, handle, door locks, hoses, engineering towline, the location of several major types of display. ─── 经过几年的辛勤开拓,公司主要产品有把手、手柄、拉手、门锁、软管、工程拖链、位置显示器等几大类型。

6、We present a design concept for a spacecraft that can controllably alter the trajectory of an Earth-threatening asteroid by using gravity as a towline. ─── 我们为一艘太空船提供了一项设计,能藉由使用万有引力如一个拖绳般约束改变威胁地球的小行星的轨道。

7、Two. Boat builders would suffer and towline, whip and harness makers would be left destitute. ─── 其二,造船工的生计会受影响,制作纤绳、鞭子及马具的工人将会陷入贫困。更详细。

8、Research on Application of Towline Model in Towed Air-Launch System ─── 拖缆的弹簧柔性体模型在拖曳式空中发射系统中的应用研究

9、Big Apple. This is icebreaker. Prepare to receive towline. ─── 我是破冰船,请接拖缆。

10、Lower towline 1 meters above water. ─── 缆距水面1米。

11、The complexity of a towed air-launch system model mostly depends on the complexity of the towline model in this system. ─── 拖曳式空中发射系统模型的复杂程度很大程度上取决于拖缆模型描述的复杂程度。

12、A towline used in warping a vessel. ─── 牵绳用于曳船的拖索

13、96.In the paper, the effects of mooring position, towing line length and towing speed on the course stability and towline tension are analyzed firstly for the ship towing system in calm water. ─── 由于在实际海况中,除了受到风、流的影响之外,波浪作用力所造成的影响更为巨大,在波力及波力矩的作用,船只航行的航向稳定性与静水中相去剩甚远。

14、Towline company specializing in the production of aluminum, plastic material trailers, steel shields to shield the organ type, metal hoses, rolling shutters. ─── 公司专业生产钢铝拖链,塑料拖料,钢板护罩,风琴式防护罩,金属软管,卷帘。

15、Captain Hiller quickly backed the ship, and the cable was paid out to reduce towline tension ─── 希勒船长急忙使船退行,放松缆绳以减少作用在它上面的张力。

16、Once soliton come, I will cast off towline immediately. ─── 一旦乱流过来,我将立刻解掉拖缆。

17、The direction of choosing material for tractive sheave and towline as well as resolutions to reduce frictional wear are put forward. ─── 分析结果还提出了曳引轮、曳引绳的选材方向和减少摩擦磨损的方法。

18、Do not have in your heart domestic not the sea, do not cross the towline of cliff without the back, appearance attest; ─── 在你的心里没有驯服不了的大海,没有背不过悬崖的纤绳,容颜作证;

19、Keep towline slack. ─── 保持缆绳松弛。

20、A random simulated method for strength checking of towline ─── 拖缆强度校核的随机模拟方法

21、Captain Hiller quickly backed the ship , and the cable was paid out to reduce towline tension . ─── 希勒船长急忙使船退行,放松缆绳以减少作用在它上面的张力。

22、all kinds of high-quality positioning of the handle, shake hands, handle, handles, hand wheels, working lights, plastic engineering towline, small universal coupling, etc. ─── 各类优质的各调位手柄,摇把手,把手,拉手,手轮,工作灯,塑料工程拖链,小型万向联轴节等。

23、Towline imported from Germany. ─── 德国进口拖链。

24、in-floor towline conveyer ─── 沟链输送小车

25、7.The complexity of the model of a towed air-launch system mostly depends on the complexity of the model of the towline in this system. ─── 摘要拖曳式空中发射系统模型的复杂程度很大程度上取决于拖缆模型描述的复杂程度。

26、towline cable; ─── 拖链电缆;

27、A towline used in warping a vessel. ─── 牵绳用于曳船的拖索










Take a sheet of paper and draw a line down the middle.



“Line”英音 [lain] ;美音 [lain] ;


1)n. (名词)


2、line作“行”解时是单位词,其后常可接“of+ n. ”, of后的名词如是不可数名词表示复数意义时, line用复数形式;of后的名词如是可数名词,用于复数意义时,line和该名词均用复数形式。

3、line还可作“赤道”解,其前须加定冠词the。“a line of+ n. ”作主语时,谓语动词的数由line决定,而不依其后的名词。

2)v. (动词)



a line与a few lines可以解释为“短信”的意思。Please drop me a line (或a few lines) as soon as possible.

在a line of加名词作主语的句子中,谓语动词要与a line保持一致性,而不是与of后的名词保持一致性;

在信的开头,通常会出现Just a line to tell you that ...或者A line to say that ...等,这些都是习惯用语。Just a line to tell you that I have failed to the examination.

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