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09-20 投稿


missay 发音

英:[[m?s'se?]]  美:[[m?s'se?]]

英:  美:

missay 中文意思翻译




missay 词性/词形变化,missay变形


missay 相似词语短语

1、misassay ─── 误判

2、emissary ─── n.使者;间谍;密使;adj.间谍的;密使的

3、missae ─── 失踪

4、missays ─── vt.说坏话;说…的坏话;vi.说错

5、missal ─── n.天主教的弥撒用书;祈祷书

6、missy ─── n.小姐;少女,小姑娘;n.(Missy)人名;(英)米西

7、missa ─── n.弥撒

8、missaw ─── 小姐。

9、missas ─── 群众

missay 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I do not need shy for thing of missay word err, and this avoids hard in real life. ─── 我不需要为说错话做错事而难为情,而这是现实生活中难以避免的。

2、He can puff someone face to face but missay him behind his back. ─── 他会当面吹捧一个人,背后又说他坏话。

3、Abstract:Ask: I am very irritated, often word of err thing missay blushs, ─── 正文:问:我好凡噢,时常作错事讲错话脸红

4、Marital immediately replies: "Dear wife, your missay, as it happens is contrary! ─── 丈夫随即回答道:“亲爱的老婆,你说错了,正好相反!

5、The teacher realizes him missay. ─── 老师意识到自己说错了。

6、At this moment other or junior should forgive adequatelySenileThe person's mood, as long as not be what principle problem, old person missay, dummy, also need not excessive plan. ─── 这时他人或小辈要充分谅解老年人的心情,只要不是什么原则问题,老人说错了,虚构了,也不必过分计较。

7、Yang Yongxin says, point to on the net say he is used " electric shock " the method treats the child, complete missay. ─── 杨永信称,网上指称他使用“电休克”手段对待孩子,完全说错了。

8、After a short while, teacher suddenly be enlightened: "I am sorry, missay, missay " . ─── 少顷,老师恍然大悟道:“对不起,说错了,说错了”。

9、Don't think frequently you suffered, and don't missay your ex-boss. ─── 不要老是觉得你受了冤枉,不要说你前雇主的坏话。

10、His answer says: "Teacher yesterday your missay, should be, you, you are my son, i, I am your father, he, point to the female classmate on the side, he is your mother. ─── 他回答说: “老师昨天你说错了,应是,你,你是我的儿子,我,我是你的爸爸,他,指旁边的女同学,他是你的母亲.

11、To this affirmation can have the expert of a person of foresight, also can have missay certainly " corvine mouth " , the end of the year sees reason! ─── 对此肯定能有先知先觉的行家,也一定会有说错的“乌鸦嘴”,年底见分晓吧!

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