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09-20 投稿


microtomy 发音

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microtomy 中文意思翻译



microtomy 词性/词形变化,microtomy变形

名词复数: microtomies |形容词: microtomic |

microtomy 相似词语短语

1、microanatomy ─── n.[基医]显微解剖学;组织学

2、micrology ─── n.显微学,显微科学;拘于细节的研讨

3、microsome ─── n.[细胞]微粒体

4、microcopy ─── n.缩微本;由缩影胶片复印的影本;vt.缩微复制;vi.制作缩微本

5、microtone ─── n.微分音

6、microtomes ─── n.显微镜用薄片切片机

7、microtome ─── n.显微镜用薄片切片机

8、necrotomy ─── n.尸体解剖

9、microtomic ─── 小原子

microtomy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、freezing-drying microtomy ─── 冷冻干燥切片法

2、freezing-drying microtomy ; ─── 英文: freeze-drying microtomy ;

3、Method: Bare-handed microtomy and photomicrography; ─── 方法:显微切片观察、显微摄影;

4、Abstract : The methods of wax microtomy and microscopic measurement were applied to study the histology of digestive tract and the face of tunica mucosa of the Trionyx sinensis. ─── 摘要 : 采用常规石蜡切片,观察了中华鳖消化道组织结构和粘膜表面。

5、Methods The serial sheet transverse sections of the superior orbital fissure region obtained using collodion microtomy in 5 adult cadaver heads were observed. ─── 方法采用火棉胶切片技术对5例(10侧)眶上裂认标本连续薄层横断层切片进行解剖学观察。

6、After microtomy the sulphur is sublimed away under vacuum. ─── 在完成切片后,可在真空下将硫升华除掉。

7、using paraffin microtomy. ─── 用石蜡切片法制做皮肤切片。

8、The anatomical structures of leaves and roots of Coptis chinensis were studied by the method of paraffin microtomy and optical microscopic observation. ─── 摘要通过石蜡切片法制片,光学显微镜观察,研究了黄连叶、根的形态解剖结构。

9、Keywords Tongue neoplasms;Microscopy;atomic force;Microtomy; ─── 舌肿瘤;显微镜检查;原子力;显微切片术;

10、The methods of wax microtomy and microscopic measurement were applied to study the histology of digestive tract and the face of tunica mucosa of the Trionyx sinensis. ─── 采用常规石蜡切片,观察了中华鳖消化道组织结构和粘膜表面。

11、cryotomy(freezing microtomy) ─── 冷冻切片术

12、Keywords Frontal sinus;Dissection;Microtomy;Frontal recess;Agger nasi cell;Uncinate process; ─── 额窦;解剖;显微切片术;额隐窝;鼻丘气房;钩突;

13、The freezing microtomy was used to find the influence of various alcohols on skin. ─── 冷冻切片考察各种溶剂对皮肤结构的影响。

14、freezing microtomy ─── 冰冻切片术

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