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09-22 投稿


mordanted 发音


英:  美:

mordanted 中文意思翻译





mordanted 词性/词形变化,mordanted变形

动词第三人称单数: mordants |副词: mordantly |名词: mordancy |动词过去式: mordanted |动词现在分词: mordanting |动词过去分词: mordanted |

mordanted 短语词组

1、mordanted wall ─── 媒染墙

mordanted 相似词语短语

1、mordanting ─── v.腐蚀;媒染(mordant的ing形式)

2、dranted ─── 拖拉的

3、mordants ─── adj.有腐蚀性的;尖酸的;辛辣的;n.[助剂]媒染剂;金属腐蚀剂;金属箔粘着剂;vt.媒染;用媒染剂处理;n.(Mordant)人名;(英)莫登特;(法)莫尔当

4、mordantly ─── 腐蚀地;尖锐地;尖刻地;染色地(mordant的副词形式)

5、granted ─── conj.诚然;adv.的确;vt.grant的过去式

6、mordant ─── adj.有腐蚀性的;尖酸的;辛辣的;n.[助剂]媒染剂;金属腐蚀剂;金属箔粘着剂;vt.媒染;用媒染剂处理;n.(Mordant)人名;(英)莫登特;(法)莫尔当

7、-oriented ─── adj.以……为方向的;重视……的;v.使朝向,使面对;确定方位,辨认方向;熟悉,适应;引导(某人的)方向(orient的过去式和过去分词)

8、merchanted ─── n.商人,批发商;店主;adj.商业的,商人的;n.(Merchant)人名;(英)麦钱特

9、danted ─── 但丁

mordanted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、copper sulphate solution mordant ─── 硫酸铜溶液酸洗剂

2、Will the chemical compositions of mordant cause the environmental pollution? ─── 媒染剂的化学成份会不会造成环境污染?

3、His political opponents feared his mordant tougue, and even more his mordant pen. ─── 他的政治对手害怕他尖酸刻薄的口才,更怕他讽刺的文章。

4、To treat with a mordant. ─── 以其腐蚀性来处理

5、Study on biodegradation of Acid Mordant Dark Yellow GG ─── 酸性媒介黄GG生物降解性能的试验研究

6、A solution called a modent mordant is used in the dyeing process. ─── 在染色过程中会用到叫做媒染剂的方法。

7、discharges with mordant dyes ─── 媒染染料拔染

8、a poisonous colorless salt used as a mordant and in medicine. ─── 一种有毒无色的盐,用作媒染剂,亦用于制药。

9、The yarns need to be properly scouered and mordanted before they are dyed. ─── 纱线在被染色之前需要适当的冲刷和媒染剂的处理。

10、KCr(SO4)2.12H2O; a violet-colored salt used in hide tanning and as a mordant in dyeing. ─── KCr(SO).HO;一种紫罗兰色的盐,用于制革和作媒染剂。

11、mordant criticism/humour/wit ─── 尖刻的批评﹑ 幽默﹑ 妙语.

12、A mordent mordant helps fix the dye to the material. ─── 腐蚀剂帮助将染料固定在物体上。

13、A solution called a moderant in mordant is used in the dying dyeing process. ─── 有一种被称为媒染剂的方法被运用在染色流程中。

14、Most of natural dyes have poor color fastness, traditional heavy metal mordant such as alum and ferric sulfate were required in natural dyeing, which has also brought environmental problems. ─── 摘要天然染料普遍存在染色牢度差的问题,染色时需使用明矾、硫酸铁等传统的重金属媒染剂进行媒染,造成环境污染。

15、Role of mordant in dyeing of natural dyes for wool ─── 媒染剂在天然染料对毛织物染色中的作用

16、A solution called a mordant is used in the dying process.A mordant helps fix the dye to the material.Traditionally, mordants were found in natural. ─── 一种叫媒染剂处理法的方法也用于染色工艺过程中,媒染剂有助于将染料附着在布料上。

17、Additionally,mordant played an important role in dye-uptake and dye fastness.But the color-fastness to sunlight of natural dyestuffs did not meet the need of wea... ─── 另外媒染剂在提高天然染料的上染百分率、提高染色牢度方面也起到了一定的作用,但天然染料的日晒牢度还有待于进一步提高。

18、Results also showed that all fastness properties of the reactive dyes were better than those of mordant dyes, except for crabbing staining fastness. ─── 研究结果表明:除煮呢沾色牢度外,染色羊毛的各项牢度均优于媒介染料。

19、Cotton was dyed with mahogany leaves extract and different mordants,such as Alum,Stannous Chloride,Calcium Chloride,Copper Sulphate and Ferrous Sulphate,on different mordant concentrations. ─── 用生态染料红木叶对棉进行染色,采用不同的媒染剂,分别为明矾、氯化亚锡、氯化钙、硫酸铜和硫酸亚铁,不同的媒染剂浓度;

20、In this paper,applying low-temperature dyeing technology in cashmere stock dyeing process for acid mordant dyes,acid milling dyes,and Lanasol dyes was studies. ─── 在羊绒散纤维染色中,对酸性媒介染料、弱酸性染料、毛用活性染料等应用低温染色工艺进行了研究。

21、A mordent help mordant helps fix the dye to the material. ─── 传统上金属腐蚀剂在自然中就可以发现。

22、Mordant A reagent, such as tannic acid, that fixes dyes to cells, tissues, or textiles or other materials. ─── 媒染体:一种可以将染色固定到细胞、组织或纺织品及其它材料上的试剂,如鞣酸。

24、burning off mordant, burnt-out mordant ─── 烂花媒染

25、Red woollen were of mordant dye or repetitious dye. And green woollen were chromatically dyed by blue and yellow color. ─── 红色毛织品采用了媒染、复染工艺,绿色毛织品由蓝色与黄色套染而成。

26、The dyeing effects are better with metal salt mordant than with organic mordant,and the pre-mordant method is superior to the promordant method. ─── 结果表明,金属媒染剂和有机酸媒染剂对高粱红染料的染色性能均有所提高,其中金属媒染剂的效果较好,且预媒法好于后媒法。

27、The mordant dyeing properties of leather dyed with sorghum red natural dye using pre-mordant and post-mordant method are studied in the paper. ─── 本文分别以金属盐和有机酸为媒染剂,研究了天然染料高粱红对羊皮的预媒、后媒法染色性能。

28、The colour fastness to soaping of the silk direct dyeing with tea colour and mordanted dyeing with heamatoxylin coffee, and carthamin already reach to 4 grade or more. ─── 试验结果表明:茶叶色素直接上染丝绸,苏木黑、咖啡、红花素经铁盐或铝盐媒染丝绸,皂洗牢度均可达4级或4级以上;

29、The results indicated that F1 can remove above 90% of the color of Neutral Dark Yellow GL, Mordant Blue 1 and Congo Red. ─── 试验结果表明 ,F1对中性深黄GRL、酸性媒介漂蓝B和刚果红的脱色效率都超过 90% ;

30、A solution(溶液) called a mordant(媒染剂) is used in the dying process. ─── 一种称作媒染剂的溶液将会在这个染色过程中用到。

31、What about the mordants?Isn't chrome toxic?Although chrome has often been used as a mordant, there is no need to use it if you don't want to. ─── 那么媒染剂呢?不是铬有毒吗?虽然铬常被用作媒染剂,但是如果你不想用就没有必要非得用它不可。

32、a red-orange salt used as a mordant. ─── 一种桔红色的盐,用作媒染剂。

33、A modent mordant helps fix the dye to the material. ─── 媒染剂有助于将染料附着于材料。

34、Keywords Rabbit skin;Acidic mordant dye;Dyeing; ─── 家兔皮;酸性媒介染料;染色;

35、discharging of tannin mordant ─── 单宁媒染拔染

36、Finegan SM, Smith RA.Enhanced staining of bacterial flagella using aged mordant in the silver stain.Biotechnic &Histochemistry, 1994, 69: 199-202. ─── 总之,本文报告的鞭毛染色方法具有简单、快速,重复性好,染色后的鞭毛清晰等多种优点,从而可作为常规方法。

37、With metal salts and organic acids as mordant, the dyeing properties of madder fabric dyed with sorghum red, a natural dye, were studied using pre-mordant and post-mordant methods. ─── 摘要分别以金属盐和有机酸为媒染剂,研究了天然染料高粱红对亚麻织物的预媒、后媒法染色性能。

38、His mordant wit appealed to students. ─── 他那尖刻的妙语受到学生们的欢迎。

39、A solution called a modernt mordant is used in the dying dyeing process. ─── 染色的过程中要用到一种被称为媒染剂的溶液。

40、US Marine Corps junior officer told me recently of the latest mordant joke in Afghanistan: “The Americans have the watches, but we have the time. ─── 美国海军陆战队的一位下级军官最近告诉我一个阿富汗最新的尖酸笑话:“美国人有手表,但我们有时间。”

41、alumina mordant, aluminium mordant ─── 胶态氧化铝(针织物防起球剂)

42、A solution called a mordant is used in the dyeing process. ─── 染色过程中用到一种叫媒染剂处理的方法。

43、It discusses Symplocos caudata as a mordant was used in Yellow dyeing and You dyeing. ─── 探讨了山矾作为媒染剂参与的染黄和染黝工艺。

44、Cannot use wet mop or mordant liquid (like suds, benzine) wipe a floor. ─── 不能用湿拖把或有腐蚀性的液体(如肥皂水、汽油)擦拭地板。

45、A solution called a mordent mordant is used in the dying dyeing process. ─── 金属腐蚀剂帮助染料固定在材料上。

46、A mordant helps fix the dye to the material. ─── 腐蚀液帮助染料固定在原料上。

47、The results show that metal salt and organic acid mordant are both conducive to increasing the fabric's dyeing properties and fastness. ─── 结果表明,金属媒染剂和有机酸媒染剂对高粱红染料的染色性能均有所提高,其中金属媒染剂的效果较好,且预媒法好于后媒法。

48、Amodent A mordant helps fit fix the dye to the material. ─── 媒染剂可以使染料更容易附着到材料上去。

49、Used as making sulphur dyes or dyestuff intermediate reducer,mordant flotationagent,depilatory for leather,digestion auxiliary in paper-making.also widely in pigment and rubber industry,etc. ─── 用途: 用作制造硫化染料或染料中间体的还原剂、媒染剂。用作冶金工业矿石的浮选剂,皮革工业中的脱毛剂,造纸工业中的蒸煮剂。也广泛用于颜料、橡胶等工业中。

50、An inquisitor's mordant questioning. ─── 审讯者一针见血的提问

51、Keywords plant;dye;mordant;dyeing fastness; ─── 植物;染料;媒染;染色牢度;

52、The color fastness tests showed that REE mordant dyeing could improve the dyeing results of the above fabrics with RRR dye. ─── 通过对染色牢度的测试得出稀土媒染能增加大黄用于改性纤维素纤维织物的固色效果。

53、A solution called a mordant is used in the dying process. ─── 有一种被称为“腐蚀液”的方法被运用在染色工艺流程中。

54、His political opponents feared his mordant wit. ─── 他的政治对手害怕他尖酸机智的话。

55、A solution called a mordant is used in the dying process.A mordant helps fix the dye to the material. ─── 在染色过程中我们还用到一种称做媒染剂的液体,它可以辅助染料固定于衣料上。

56、A solution called a mordent mordant is use used in the dyeing process. ─── 一种叫做腐蚀的方法被用在染色过程中。

57、 双语使用场景

58、Keywords henna;silk fabrics;dyeing;mordant; ─── 指甲花;真丝织物;染色;媒染剂;

59、The method of orthogonal experiment was used to find the reason of rolled steel blister in panting pretreatment process if take sulfuric acid or hydrochloric acid as mordant. ─── 本文介绍了利用正交优化法进行试验,找出涂装前处理过程中,用硫酸或盐酸做酸洗剂时,经常出现的钢材起泡的原因,并制定出了相应的预防措施。

60、She mainly wrote male characters in her novels, which featured the mordant irony of her gaze on Australian society by the portrayal of social outsiders and misfits. ─── 她的作品多以男性为主人公,通过描写社会中的局外人或小人物,对她所目睹的澳大利亚社会进行尖锐的讽刺。

61、His political opponents feared his mordant tongue, and even more his mordant pen. ─── 他那张利嘴和他辛辣的写作风格让政治对手们颇为忌惮。

62、Application of acid mordant dyes in wool low temperature dyeing ─── 酸性媒介染料在羊毛低温染色中的应用

63、direct printing with mordant dyes ─── 媒染染料直接印花

64、Not every pigment can by dyeing on the fiber easily, fiber and combination of the pigment often need making use of and helping the help of media, this kind of intermediary is called mordant. ─── 并不是所有的色素都可以轻易地染着在纤维上,纤维与色素的结合往往需要藉助于媒介的帮助,这种媒介物称为媒染剂。

65、a poisonous colorless salt used as a mordant and in medicine ─── 一种有毒无色的盐,用作媒染剂,亦用于制药

66、A moden mordant helps mix fix the dye to the material. ─── 一个用煤处理剂能帮助染料附着上原料。

67、Recycled use of acid mordant dyes ─── 酸性媒介染料循环染色技术

68、It discussed the dyeing of the shrink resistant wool with reactire dyes and mordant dyes in deep black, tested the fastness to crocking, the soaping fastness and the dyeing depth. ─── 摘要主要探讨了活性染料及媒介染料在防缩羊毛上染深黑色的应用。

69、Additionally, mordant played an important role in dye-uptake and dye fastness.But the color-fastness to sunlight of natural dyestuffs did not meet the need of wearing. ─── 另外媒染剂在提高天然染料的上染百分率、提高染色牢度方面也起到了一定的作用,但天然染料的日晒牢度还有待于进一步提高。

70、Actors feared the critic's mordant pen. ─── 演员都惧怕这位批评家辛辣尖刻的笔调。

71、Application: Polyester catalyst, oil paint desiccating agent, printing and dying mordant dyeing, Chinaware paint, analysis reagent, apparent concealed ink, and so on. ─── 用途:用作聚酯、工业催化剂、油漆催干剂、陶瓷颜料、釉彩的配料、分析试剂、印染媒染剂、玻璃钢固化促进剂和显隐墨水等。

72、Results show that the dyeings using natural dyestuff with rare earth as mordant feature enhanced dye depth and color fastness.In addition, the optimum conditions for cotton pad dyeing using ra... ─── 结果表明,采用稀土媒染轧染工艺效果较好,文中给出了天然染料用稀土媒染棉织物的染色工艺条件。

73、With metal salts and organic acids as mordant,the dyeing properties of madder fabric dyed with sorghum red,a natural dye,were studied using pre-mordant and post-mordant methods. ─── 分别以金属盐和有机酸为媒染剂,研究了天然染料高粱红对亚麻织物的预媒、后媒法染色性能。

74、With mordant humour the archaeologist Amanda Goldberg tries to discover the secret of an ancient pyramid where all the persons in its surroundings rejuvenate mysteriously. ─── (金山直译)藉由尖酸的幽默考古学家阿曼达犹太人试着发现它的环境所有的人神秘地年轻的远古金字塔的秘密。

75、The results showed that the chroma and brightness of color were promoted by using one kind or two kinds of mordant. ─── 实验结果表明:媒染剂的应用、媒染剂的混合应用可以丰富天然染料的色相、提高颜色的明度、彩度;

76、Acid mordant grey BS;Acid chrome grey BS;Chrome blue-black B;9,10-Anthracenedione, hydroxybis(phenylamino), ... ─── 铱来铬兰黑B;磺化羟基双(苯基氨基)-9,10-蒽二酮钠盐香港

77、Solubility, levelness, uptake and fixation of reactive dyes were better than those of mordant dyes, and color differences between lots were smaller. ─── 染料的溶解度、匀染性、上色率、固色率均好于媒介染料,颜色的批差小。

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