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09-20 投稿


lightwood 发音

英:[?la?t?w?d]  美:[?la?t?w?d]

英:  美:

lightwood 中文意思翻译



lightwood 短语词组

1、Lightwood-Albrigbt's disease ─── [医] 莱-奥二氏病(肾细管性酸毒症)

lightwood 相似词语短语

1、lightwoods ─── n.多油的松木;引燃用的木材;含脂材

2、light on ─── 偶然遇见(碰见,发现);停落于

3、lightboard ─── 灯板

4、light-footed ─── 莱特福特(人名)

5、light box ─── 灯箱;标准灯箱;照光盒;航行识别灯控制箱

6、lightproof ─── adj.不透光的

7、light out ─── 匆匆离去

8、light-foot ─── 莱特福特(人名)

9、giltwood ─── 木制涂金的

lightwood 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Dr Lightwood analysed 13 published reports on heart attacks in countries or states where smoking bans have been introduced. ─── 莱特·伍德博士分析了十三份已发表的有关已实施禁烟的国家或州的心脏病发作报告。

2、Dr Lightwood analysed 13 published reports on heart attacks in countries or states where smoking bans have been introduced. ─── Lightwood博士分析了施行禁烟法的一些国家或州区心脏病发作公布的13个报告。

3、Build the frame of the kite by making a small cross of two pieces of lightwood. ─── 用两根很轻的小木条做成一个小十字架,这样做成风筝的框架。

4、Lightwood's syndrome ─── 莱特伍德(氏)综合征:肾小管性酸中毒

5、Dr Lightwood analysed 13 published reports on heart attacks in countries or states where smoking bans have been introduced. ─── Lightwood博士分析了施行禁烟法的一些国家或州区心脏病发作公布的13个报告。

6、Repair Oil White is used for lightwood species and Repair Oil Naturalfor dark wood species. ─── 白色修复油适用于浅色木材,而自然色修复油适用于深色木材。

7、But we know full well that we would better fetch a flint than beg for lightwood and we would better dig a well for ourselves than beg for water from others. ─── “寄汲莫若凿井”,就是说你想从别人那里得到水不如自己去凿井。

8、We would like to keep the same feel, needs to be a lightwood. ─── 我们希望保持相同的手感,需要是轻质的木材。

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