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09-21 投稿


unsuccessfully 发音

英:[??ns?k?sesf?li]  美:[??ns?k?sesf?li]

英:  美:

unsuccessfully 中文意思翻译



unsuccessfully 同义词

disastrously |ineffectively | vainly | in vain | abortively

unsuccessfully 反义词


unsuccessfully 词性/词形变化,unsuccessfully变形

名词: unsuccess-fulness |副词: unsuccessfully |

unsuccessfully 相似词语短语

1、successfully ─── adv.成功地;顺利地

2、stressfully ─── 紧张地;有压力地

3、unsuccessfulness ─── n.不成功

4、successful ─── adj.成功的;一帆风顺的

5、successantly ─── 成功

6、distressfully ─── 悲惨地

7、try unsuccessfully to ─── 尝试去做没有成功

8、unsuccessful ─── adj.不成功的;失败的

9、nonsuccessful ─── 不成功的

unsuccessfully 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I tried unsuccessfully to talk to him. ─── 我想同他谈谈,但失败了。

2、We are going through the first three acts, and not unsuccessfully upon the whole. ─── 我们先排练完前三幕,总的说来,还不算不成功。

3、She tries unsuccessfully to poison his mind against Elizabeth. ─── 她竭力破坏他对伊丽莎白的好感,却未能成功。

4、His previous affempts had been unsuccess. ─── 他以前的尝试没有成功。

5、She stood unsuccessfully in the local elections. ─── 她在地方选举中落选了。

6、But if smokers are wracked by temptation and are trying unsuccessfully to quit, then higher prices might make them happier by encouraging them to smoke less, or even to stop entirely. ─── 但是如果吸烟者被诱惑所折磨并且很难戒掉烟,那么更高的香烟价格可能会使他们更快乐,因为那样能促使他们少抽烟,甚至完全戒掉烟。

7、Human's life must pass like this: When he looks back on the past events he because of does not waste one's best years lamented, also not because of unsuccessfully and ashamed. ─── 人的一生应当这样度过:当他回首往事时他不因虚度年华而悔恨,也不因碌碌无为而羞愧。

8、His previous attempts had been unsuccess. ─── 希望在前方有一盏为我而亮的灯!

9、I tried, albeit unsuccessfully, to contact him. ─── 尽管未与他联系上,可是我已尽力而为了。

10、It also unsuccessfully leant on the National Press Club in Canberra to cancel an invitation to Ms Kadeer to speak there. ─── 中国还要求堪培拉的全国记者俱乐部取消邀请热比娅演讲,也被拒绝了。

11、If you don't specify a value for a required parameter, the command will end unsuccessfully. ─── 如果未指定必需的参数值,命令将以失败告终。

12、To discuss the reason result in unsuccess of bronchofibroscopy examination and the countermeasures. ─── 摘要目的探讨导致支气管镜检查失败的原因及对策。

13、James says he would hate to have my new job, but he applied for it himself unsuccessfully, so it's probably just sour grapes on him part. ─── 詹姆斯说他不喜欢我的新工作,但他自己却又申请过但没有申请到。因此对他来说那民许是聊以自慰的话。

14、Although, he did try in vain one night to unsuccessfully teach me the moonwalk. ─── 尽管有一晚他的确企图教我太空舞步,但不成功,白费劲。

15、He halted many times, wiped his forehead and tried unsuccessfully to conceal his anxiety from himself. ─── 他多次停下笔来,擦擦脑门上的汗极力想按压下内心的焦急。

16、We retrospectively analyzed clinical cases of unsuccess in bronchofibroscopy examination in our respiratory department. ─── 方法回顾分析该院呼吸科气管镜检查失败患者的临床资料。

17、Frightened at the turn matters had taken, Nora pleaded unsuccessfully with Torvald to reinstate Krogstad in the Bank. ─── 这突如其来的事把娜拉吓慌了;她恳求托伐恢复柯洛克斯泰的职位,但却无济于事。

18、Average number of examined entries in a bucket before the search ended unsuccessfully. ─── 在搜索未成功结束之前,存储桶中已检查条目的平均数。

19、Whether the different features of the climate and geography will cause any inadaptation and unsuccess? ─── 不一样的地理气候特征是否会造成不适应和不成功?

20、she tried unsuccessfully to persuade him to buy a new car. ─── 她努力劝说他去买一辆新车,但没有成功。

21、She appealed unsuccessfully against her conviction for murder. ─── 她不服被判谋杀罪提出上诉,但失败了。

22、Parker was trying, unsuccessfully, to persuade Mears not sell the Stamford Bridge site and to continue with his plan to build a football stadium. ─── 帕克正试图说服米尔斯不要出售斯坦福桥的地皮,并继续其计划修建一座足球场,而劝说并不成功。

23、As secretary of state (1945-1947) he tried unsuccessfully to ease postwar tensions between the United States and the U. S. S. R. ─── 1945年至1947任美国国务卿,他试图缓和战后美国和苏联之间的紧张关系,但未能见效。

24、As secretary of state (1945-1947) he tried unsuccessfully to ease postwar tensions between the United States and the U.S.S.R. ─── 1945年至1947任美国国务卿,他试图缓和战后美国和苏联之间的紧张关系,但未能见效。

25、Most stowaway attempts end unsuccessfully. ─── 大部分偷渡者企图最终不成功。

26、You can tell by its color whether the element is waiting to run, currently running, has completed successfully, or has ended unsuccessfully. ─── 可根据颜色判断元素是否正在等待运行、是否当前正在运行、是否已成功完成或者已经以失败结束。

27、Unsuccessfully induced labor ─── 引产失败

28、If a beneficiary deliberately causes the death or injury of the insured or deliberately and unsuccessfully murders the insured, the beneficiary shall lose the right to the benefit. ─── 受益人故意造成被保险人死亡或者伤残的,或者故意杀害被保险人未遂的,丧失受益权。

29、After unsuccessfully playing the game "his way," Kobe grudgingly accepted the wisdom and the necessity of making a full commitment to the triangle offense. ─── 在以"自己的方式"打球无法获得胜利后,科比有些勉强地接受了三角进攻的智慧,也认识到全力执行三角进攻的必要性。

30、Otherwise, does not treasure the time, unsuccessfully living, tomorrow duplicate tomorrow, not only has destroyed own future, returns to give back to the country to bring in the economical the loss. ─── 反之,不珍惜时间,碌碌无为的过日子,明日复明日,不但毁了自己的前程,还给国家带来经济上的损失。

31、The Afghan Islamic press news agencies says the American military helicopters intervened unsuccessfully to try to protect him after Taliban fighters surrounded his hiding place south of Kabul. ─── 据阿富汗伊斯兰通讯社说,在塔利班武装分子包围了他在喀布尔南部的隐居所后,美军的直升机曾试图干涉对其进行保护,但没有成功。

32、Students have begun collecting signatures on petitions and tried unsuccessfully to file a complaint with the American Bar Association. ─── 学生们已经开始收集起诉的签名,。她的学生们已经开始四处搜集提起诉讼所需的签名,他们曾经希望通过美国律师协会来完成这次诉讼,但最终未获成功。

33、I have tried, albeit unsuccessfully, to put them behind me, preferring to think of things that can be created, not destroyed, and that bring beauty and joy. ─── 我曾尝试把它们抛在脑后,尽量去思考一些创造性,而不是毁灭性的事物,一些可以带来美丽和欢乐的事物。

34、If Mr Huntsman runs creditably but unsuccessfully next year, he might then enter the 2016 cycle with a higher national profile. ─── 如果洪博培先生明年美满的运筹但仍旧失败,他可能会带着更高的国民知名度角逐2016年的总统。

35、He had proposed marriage unsuccessfully, twice already. ─── 他已两次求婚,均未成功。

36、Perhaps we’re standing up, trying, unsuccessfully, to balance food, drink and fork. ─── 或许我们站着、努力却失败地保持着食品、饮料和叉子的平衡。

37、I am afraid that it's unsuccess. ─── 我恐怕这事不会成的。

38、Unsuccessfully operated, the other party didn't offer any instant messaging account. ─── 对方尚未填写任何即时通讯帐号,无法操作。

39、Indeed, people close to Adia say the fund has been unsuccessfully trying to change the terms of its deal with Citi for months, to make it more akin to the deal the other two struck. ─── 实际上,熟悉阿布扎比投资局的人士表示,数月以来,该基金一直未能成功效仿上述两笔交易、更改与花旗交易的条款。

40、Bingley's sister Caroline is interested in Darcy herself. She tries unsuccessfully to poison his mind against Elizabeth. ─── 彬格莱的妹妹卡罗琳本身对达西颇感兴趣。她竭力破坏他对伊丽莎白的好感,却未能成功。

41、Shunning law-lessons, Bonnard attended the Academic Julian and in 1888 entered the Ecole des Beaux-Arts . However, he left a year later after competing unsuccessfully for the Prix de Rome. ─── 博纳尔不愿学习法律而上了朱利亚学院,并于1888年进入美术学院。但是由于在竞争罗马奖学金时失败,一年后他离开了美术学院。

42、Occurs when a. Wav file has been successfully or unsuccessfully loaded. ─── 当成功或未成功加载.wav文件时出现。

43、"Sit down, Daisy," Tom's voice groped unsuccessfully for the paternal note. "What's been going on? ─── “坐下,黛西,”汤姆竭力装出父辈的口吻,可是并不成功,“这是怎么一回事?

44、The company tried unsuccessfully to keep these embarrassing pollution statistics coveredup. ─── 公司试图掩盖这些污染记录,却没有成功。

45、The steeds of time, a gift from the great titan Cronus, his unsuccess for attempt to gain favor of the sisters of fate, and changed his destiny which the oracle refer to. ─── 时间的战马,大泰坦克诺洛斯虽然以其作为礼物企图获得命运三女神的宠爱,并由此改变他那神谕所述的命运,然而一切都徒劳无功。

46、I have tried unsuccessfully to improve and feel like giving up. ─── 以前用功过,成绩没有明显的提高,现在再不用功就更糟糕了。

47、Two customers used EPS add-value services unsuccessfully but money had been deducted from their bank accounts. ─── 两名客户用易办事增值,交易未完成,已从银行户口扣除现金。

48、Prior to the launch of the GT-R coupe, Infiniti dealers lobbied unsuccessfully to have the car badged as an Infiniti rather than a Nissan in the United States. ─── 在此之前的燃气轮机-R的轿跑车,英菲尼迪经销商游说没有成功的赛车车作为英菲尼迪,而不是一个日产在美国。

49、I could defend I have endeavoured, and I hope not unsuccessfully, to defend this scheme of the Palestine Mandate from the most material economic view, and from that point of view it is capable of defence. ─── 我可以从最实际的经济角度来为巴勒斯坦委任统治辩护,我已经出来说了话了,但愿我的话没有白说。 从经济角度来看,这个委任的办法是站得住脚的。

50、Because of the unsuccess of our works done before, the protection has been the most difficult problem we should settle now. ─── 在本论文里,尝试了一种基于密封原理的保护方法,即将芯片带有铝的一面密封起来,避免铝与腐蚀液的接触。

51、People frequently try, unsuccessfully, to cry out. ─── 人们在这阶段尝试哭喊求救,但无济于事。

52、The Japanese Army, which he had resisted so stubbornly, but so unsuccessfully had just surrendered to him without a fight. ─── 把他打得无法招架的日本军队,放下武器向他投降了。

53、Tip: The travel (and other) costs incurred in unsuccessfully trying to acquire a specific business are currently deductible. ─── 为了或者一个特别的业务发生的,但是失败了,从而发生的旅行和其他费用是可以扣除的。

54、She stood unsuccessfully as a candidate in the local elections. ─── 她参加了地方选举,但未能当选。

55、Bingley's sister Caroline is interested in Darcy herself. She tries unsuccessfully to poison his mind against Elizabeth. ─── 彬格莱的妹妹卡罗琳本身对达西颇感兴趣。她竭力破坏他对伊丽莎白的好感,却未能成功。

56、Gets or sets a value specifying whether an error will be thrown when the property is unsuccessfully serialized. ─── [本主题是预发布的文档,在将来发布的版本中可能会有更改。空白主题是为将来预留的。

57、Meanwhile clients lined up outside of Stanford Banks trying unsuccessfully to withdraw money. ─── 与此同时,客户在斯坦福银行门口排队,试图取出存款未果。

58、Their scornful rebuttle to Jeremiah and blatant words of trust in the queen of heaven is characteristic of the type of people to whom Jeremiah had unsuccessfully preached over so many years. ─── 他们对耶利米轻蔑的反驳和信奉天后所说厚颜的话,表明这类型百姓的本性,使耶利米在过去年间的传讲落空。

59、He then worked for a paint company that his family owned, and had run for Parliament himself, also unsuccessfully. ─── 他为自己拥有的一家公司工作,曾参与国会竞选,但是没有成功。

60、Wentworth fancies trying his hand at a Superman villain after unsuccessfully auditioning to play the Man of Steel himself in the past. ─── 尽管外界对于他性取向有着诸多猜测,米帅却从不避讳他想要老婆孩子的想法。

61、Brecht was driven into exile in 1933 and lived for some time in Scandinavia and Denmark before settling in the United States,where he wroked,rather unsuccessfully,in Hollywood. ─── 他在1933年被逼流亡,分别在斯堪的纳维亚半岛以及丹麦居住过一段时间,后定居美国。他的剧作在好莱坞并不受欢迎。

62、Unsuccess Cause Analysis of Pedunculated Flaps Reconstructed the Defect of Floor of the Mouth ─── 带蒂皮瓣修复口底缺损失败原因分析

63、I talked with one boy who tried unsuccessfully to swim and was in bad shape when he was pulled out of the lake. ─── 我和另一个孩子谈过话,他怎么也学不会游泳,而且被从水里拖出来时已不像个样子。

64、She stood unsuccessfully as a candidate in the local elections. ─── 她参加了地方选举,但未能当选。

65、This displays a list of IP-addresses of remote computers that are requesting VNC access successfully or unsuccessfully. ─── 在线用户列出了成功或失败请求访问VNC的远程计算机的IP地址。

66、The mayor tried, albeit unsuccessfully, to get the proposal passed by the council. ─── 尽管失败了,但是市长曾经尝试过要让议会通过这项提案。

67、Agent shuts down after unsuccessfully retrying an operation (agent encounters an error such as server not available, deadlock, connection failure, or time-out failure). ─── 代理在重试某项操作失败后关闭(代理遇到服务器不可用、死锁、连接失败或超时故障之类的错误)。

68、The alien invasive species that damage the health of wetland ecosystem include alien invasive weeds, alien marine species unsuccessfully introduced and harmful alien red tide alga that are brought with water ballast. ─── 对湿地生态系统的健康造成严重损害的外来入侵物种主要是外来杂草、引种失败的外来海洋生物、随船舶压舱水带来的外来有害赤潮生物.

69、She tried unsuccessfully to twist free. ─── 她试图挣脱身子,但无济于事。

70、I talked with one boy who tried unsuccessfully to swim and was in bad shape when he was pulled out of the lake. ─── 我和另一个孩子谈过话,他怎么也学不会游泳,而且被从水里拖出来时已不像个样子。

71、Torre said he unsuccessfully is trying to reach Williams, 38, who told reporters last week he was not planning on accepting a non-roster invitation to camp. ─── 托瑞说他尝试和38岁的威廉斯联络,但没有成功,威廉斯上周告诉记者他没有计画接受非正式名单的春训邀请。

72、The forest has been ransacked unsuccessfully for the missing child. ─── 人们搜遍了整个森林也未能找到那个失踪的小孩。

73、The three boys stood in the darkness, striving unsuccessfully to convey the majesty of adult life. ─── 三个男孩站在黑暗之中,起劲地、东拉西扯地谈论着了不起的成人生活。

74、He had proposed marriage, unsuccessfully, twice already. ─── 他已经两次求婚,均未成功。

75、“Master Opi-Wan, are you alright?” asked a younger initiate who promptly covered her mouth, trying unsuccessfully to mask a fit of laughter over her slip. ─── “奥比万大师,你没事吧?”一个更年轻的学徒问道,她飞快地用手掩住嘴,不太成功地试图掩盖即将冲口而出的大笑。

76、Chelsea had yet to be formed; Parker was trying, unsuccessfully, to persuade Mears not sell the Stamford Bridge site and to continue with his plan to build a football stadium. ─── 当时切尔西俱乐部还未成立;帕克正试图说服米尔斯不要出售斯坦福桥的地皮,并继续其计划修建一座足球场,而劝说并不成功。

77、He has been trying unsuccessfully to sell the business in one piece since early last year. ─── 自去年年初起,他一直没法成功地把整个企业一起卖掉。

78、Two, we heard later, were sent to college, at the government expense, while one, it was rumored, had attempted to blackmail the Agency. Unsuccessfully. ─── 我们后来听说,两人已由政府资助送进大学学习,并据传说,一个曾试图对中央情报局进行讹诈,结果并未得逞。

79、He ran unsuccessfully for Congress in Illinois in 2000, which was when he first crossed paths with Mr.Obama, who also was running for Congress. ─── 2000年他在伊利诺伊州议会获选胜出,那是他初次与奥巴马先生交往,奥巴马先生当时也在竞选州议会议员。

80、His previous attempts had been unsuccess . ─── 他以前的尝试都没有成功。。。

81、Imitate unsuccessfully or Beyond one's station ─── 婢学夫人

82、They tried unsuccessfully to liberate the country from the grasp of the leader's wicked ideology. ─── 他们试图把国家从那个领导人的邪恶意识形态下解放出来,但没有成功。

83、However, he left a year later after competing unsuccessfully for the Prix de Rome. ─── 但是由于在竞争罗马奖学金时失败,一年后他离开了美术学院。

84、He reminded her that the note supposedly signed by her father was dated three days after his death. Frightened at the turn matters had taken, Nora pleaded unsuccessfully with Torvald to reinstate Krogstad in the Bank. ─── 他还提醒她说,那张假定她父亲签字的借据上的日期却是她父亲死后的第三天。这突如其来的事把娜拉吓慌了;她恳求托伐恢复柯洛克斯泰的职位,但却无济于事。

85、The ancient had tried unsuccessfully to explain how the rainbow is formed. ─── 古人曾试图解释彩虹是怎么形成的,但没成功。

86、The girl addressed was trying, unsuccessfully, to slump against my shoulder. ─── 我同她说话的这个姑娘正在想慢慢倒在我的肩上,可是并没成功。

87、tried unsuccessfully to palliate the widespread discontent. ─── 不成功地尽力去减轻普遍的不满

88、Three years ago, the government unsuccessfully tried to improve Vietnam's coffee export standards with the introduction of a stricter national quality code, compatible with international regulations. ─── 三年前,政府试图通过执行更严厉的并且与国际规则相一致的国家质量标准来改进目前使用的出口标准,但计划没有成功。

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