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09-20 投稿


lacunose 发音

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lacunose 中文意思翻译



lacunose 相似词语短语

1、lacunate ─── adj.有孔的

2、lactose ─── n.[有化]乳糖

3、lacunae ─── n.脱漏;缺损;裂陷(lacuna的复数形式)

4、lacunule ─── 腔隙

5、laminose ─── adj.薄板的;压成薄板的;层积的

6、lacunas ─── n.空隙;空白;(生物)腔隙;n.(Lacuna)(西)拉库纳(人名)

7、lacunes ─── n.洼地;缝隙

8、lacune ─── n.洼地;缝隙

9、acinose ─── adj.腺泡状的

lacunose 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、the cells having short arm-like projections, form a spongy, lacunose tissue; ─── 这些带有短型臂状突出物的细胞,形成多孔的海绵组织。

2、The local envelope of liver was lacunose, There was concretion and dilatation of bile duct in or around the focus. ─── 病灶局部肝包膜可有回缩,病灶周围肝内胆管可有扩张和结石。

3、Study on the Geometric Characteristics of Lacunose Structure and Its Application ─── 多孔结构的几何特性研究及应用

4、endocarp bony, ca. 4 mm thick, lacunose. ─── 内果皮骨质,约4毫米厚,多洼。

5、lacunose structure ─── 多孔结构

6、endocarp hard, bony, surface usually lacunose. ─── 内果皮硬,多骨,通常表面多洼。

7、Study on the Geometric Characteristics of Lacunose Structure and Its Application ─── 多孔结构的几何特性研究及应用

8、endocarp hard, bony, surface usually lacunose. ─── 内果皮硬,多骨,通常表面多洼。

9、Drupe green when young, red or red-brown when mature, 1. 5-1. 8 cm, polygonous reticulate-lacunose when dry. ─── 核果绿色幼时,红色或红色棕色成熟时,1.5-1.8厘米,干燥时多角网状有间隙。

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