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09-21 投稿


nonmetal 发音


英:  美:

nonmetal 中文意思翻译



nonmetal 反义词


nonmetal 同义词


nonmetal 短语词组

1、nonmetal pipe ─── 非金属管道

2、nonmetal transition ─── 非金属转变

3、nonconductor metal or nonmetal ─── 非导体金属或 ─── 非金属

4、nonmetal flat gasket ─── 非金属平垫圈

5、nonmetal element ─── 非金属元素

nonmetal 相似词语短语

1、nonmeat ─── 非金属

2、gunmetal ─── n.炮铜;青铜;炮铜色

3、nonmental ─── 非金属的

4、nonmetals ─── n.非金属(元素)

5、nonmodal ─── 非模态

6、nonmetro ─── 米

7、nonmortal ─── 非物质的

8、nonmutual ─── 非相互的

9、nonfatal ─── adj.非致命的

nonmetal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords construction nonmetal;geological prospecting;development &utilization; ─── 建材非金属;地质勘查;开发利用;

2、The plastic bag support rack is characterized in that the frames (1), (2) can be made of metal material or nonmetal material. ─── 塑料袋撑架特征是框架(1)、(2)可由金属或非金属材料制成。

3、Sodium is a metal, iodine is a nonmetal. ─── 钠是金属,碘是非金属。

4、mainly engaged in R&D and manufacturing of organic nonmetal material-precise engineering structure ceramics. ─── 主要对无机非金属材料-精密工程结构陶瓷进行开发研究与生产。

5、The unit can also be used to find foreign matters in human body to do nondestructive inspection of right metal and nonmetal materials. ─── 也可作寻找体内各种异物和工业上能对轻金属、非金属材料进行无损探伤等。

6、Calculating of Reducibility and Thermal Stability for Nonmetal Hydride with Thermodynamics Data ─── 应用热化学数据推算非金属氢化物的还原性和热稳定性

7、Keywords inorganic nonmetal material;bismuth oxide;hydrometallurgy;bismuth oxide chloride;nanometer; ─── 无机非金属材料;氧化铋;湿法冶金;氯氧化铋;纳米;

8、It introduces the applications of FIA in monitoring the pollutants which contain metal, nonmetal, organic, mineral and formaldehyde in environment. ─── 介绍了FIA测定环境中金属、非金属、有机物、无机盐以及甲醛等污染物的应用。

9、New Method of Distinguishing Nonmetal Grounded Phase in Small Current Grounding System ─── 小电流接地系统非金属性单相接地故障相判别新方法

10、the specialty of inorganic nonmetal material engineering ─── 无机非金属材料工程专业

11、Most nonmetal chlorides are decomposed by water . ─── 大多数非金属氯化物都可以被水分解。


13、It is used mainly for raising and lowering materials in sloping tunnels, coalmines, metal mines and nonmetal mines. In other situations, it may serve to assist transportation equipment. ─── 主要用于煤矿、金属矿、非金属矿的倾斜巷道和小型竖井作提升,下放物料之用,也可在其它场合作辅助运输设备用。

14、Element 32 is the most reactive nonmetal. ─── 元素32是活性最大的非金属元素。

15、Imaging diagnosis of nonmetal foreign body in trachea and bronchus ─── 儿童气管、支气管非金属异物的影像学诊断

16、We study the activation technics of electroless nickel plating on nonmetal, putting forward two kinds of direct activation technics:oxygenation,acid dipping and NaCl dipping. ─── 本文对非金属化学镀镍活化方法的研究进行了概述,提出了氧化+酸浸活化法及以盐为活化剂的直接活化新工艺。

17、Keywords doping;visible-light activity;nonmetal elements;photocatalysis;titanium dioxide; ─── 掺杂;可见光活性;非金属元素;光催化;二氧化钛;

18、Its rigid and strong wind-resistance constructure can be made of metal or nonmetal material with low cost.It can even be integrated into building designs. ─── 并且结构坚固、抗强风能力大,可选用金属或非金属材料制造,甚至可与建筑设计融为一体,制造成本低廉。

19、This machine use electromagnetic induction to make heat sealer and seal bottles.It can seal plastic bottle, glass bottle, glass bottle and other nonmetal bottle. ─── 本机对塑料、玻璃等非金属瓶状容器进行加热封口,通过感应加热封口。

20、Through analysis on the structure of valence electron shell, the atom radius, the bonding orbital and other important parameters, this paper discusses the irregularity in the second circle of nonmetal elements and the irregular courses. ─── 摘要本文通过对第二周期元素价电子层结构、原子半径、成键轨道及其重要参数的分析,讨论了第二周期非金属元素的不规则现象,并且分析了产生这些不规则性的原因。

21、This paper outlines the state-of-the-art of synthetic diamond research in regard to growth of diamond single crystal isotopicdiamond and nonmetal catalyst. ─── 从金刚石单晶的生长、同位素金刚石及非金属触媒三个方面对目前金刚石研究状况作了介绍。

22、It is widely used in the roughing,concentration,and reverse flotation of those non-ferrous metal like cuprum,plumbum,zinc,nickel,molybdenum,ferrous metal and nonmetal mine. ─── 广泛用于铜、铅、锌、镍、钼、金等有色金属,黑色金属和非金属矿物的粗选、粗选和反浮选作业。

23、Keywords inorganic nonmetal material;bismuth vanadate;review;pigment; ─── 无机非金属材料;钒酸铋;综述;颜料;

24、ZYC cone crushers can be widely used in metal and nonmetal mines, cement, construction, sand and metallurgical industries. ─── ZYC圆锥破碎机可广泛用于金属和非金属矿山,水泥,建筑,砂,冶金等行业。

25、An Analysis of the Capacity of Scientific-and - technolo-gical Input in Chinese Nonmetal Mineral Products Industry--Taking Large and Medium-sized Enterprises as Examples ─── 我国非金属矿物制造业科技投入能力研究

26、Application of Nonmetal Conductive Fluidized Electrode in Treatment of Waste Water Containing Copper ─── 应用非金属导体流化态电极处理含铜废水

27、Keywords Nanyang City;nonmetal;mining development;thinking;conception ─── 南阳市;非金属;矿业发展;思路;构想;

28、Keywords polishing;cavity;nonmetal inclusion;plastic mould steel; ─── 抛光;孔洞;非金属夹杂物;塑料模具钢;

29、Keywords nonmetal composite materials;nondestructed test;ultrasonic test;C scan image; ─── 复合材料;无损检测;超声检测;C扫描成像;

30、In view of the drawbacks of the experimental teaching in colleges of engineering, the experimental teaching of an inorganic nonmetal material specialty was reformed. ─── 摘要针对工科院校实验教学的不足,对无机非金属材料专业实验教学进行改革。

31、It fits optic crystal, glass, quartz crystal slice, porcelain slice, LiNb03, sapphire and metal, nonmetal brittleness material both and single side polishing andrubbing of pressurizing components. ─── 本机主要适用与石英晶片、学水晶、宝石、酸锂、璃、瓷片等薄脆金属或非金属材料的双面研磨或抛光。

32、A golf club head comprises a ball head main body that is formed by moulding and a pole combining pipe fittings made of nonmetal. ─── 一种高尔夫球杆头,包含浇铸成型的球头主体,以及非金属制的杆结合管件。

33、All parts of the separator are basically nonmetal and can withstand a high differential pressure between an outer side and an inner side. ─── 分离器所有的零件基本上都是非金属的,同时能够承受外侧面和内侧面之间的高压力差。

34、Causing of the nonmetal inclusion during ingot smelt casting ─── 炼钢、铸锭过程中产生非金属夹杂物的原因

35、Minerals resource mainly is nonmetal minerals, which include kaoline, argil, 叶腊石granite, quartzite, erie rock, and thermal spring, mineral water with abundant reserves, good quality and easy mining. ─── 以非金属矿产为主,拥有高岭土、陶土、叶腊石、花岗岩、石英石、伊利石及温泉和矿泉水等非金属矿近10种,储量多,品质好,易开采。

36、Elements 3 is a nonmetal with one valence electron. ─── 元素3是带-1价的非金属元素。

37、It fits optic crystal,glass,quartz crystal slice,porcelain slice,LiNb03,sapphire and metal,nonmetal brittleness material both and single side polishing andrubbing of pressurizing components. ─── 本机主要适用与石英晶片、光学水晶、蓝宝石、铌酸锂、玻璃、陶瓷片等薄脆金属或非金属材料的双面研磨或抛光。

38、This paper discusses the present situation and exploration potentiality of ferrous metal,nonferrous metal,noble metal,nonmetal,solid fuel and petroleum resources in Circum-Bohai-Sea Region(CBHG). ─── 本文简要论述了环渤海地区黑色、有色、贵金属、非金属、固体燃料和油气矿产资源现状和勘查潜力。

39、This machine is applicable for the separation of nonferrous metal and ferrous metal and nonmetal, such as fluorite and talc. ─── 浮选机适用于有色黑色金属的选别,还可用于非金属如:煤莹石、滑石的选别。

40、The Twice Approaching Design for the Transmission Ratio of the nonmetal with Small Elastic Modulus-Steel Friction Wheel Mechanisms ─── 小弹性模量非金属-钢摩擦轮机构传动比的两次逼近设计

41、Inorganic Nonmetal Material Testing Techniques ─── 无机非金属材料测试方法

42、The nonmetal products have the advantages of healthiness, environmental protection. Chemical stability and being acidproof and acidoxidation. ─── 健康环保,自然美观。产品属于非金属类产品,耐酸耐氧化,化学稳定性好。

43、The application of integrative lightning protection technology in practical nonmetal oil tanks at oil deports has the advantages such as practicality, reliability, convenience and easiness. ─── 油库综合防雷系统工程技术应用于油库非金属油罐防雷实践中,具有实用、可靠、简便、易行的特点。

44、This machine is suitable to professional user for cutting performance in template,package,printing, advertisement model,building upholster,acrylic etc. nonmetal sheet precision cutting and other industries. ─── 本类机器适用于模板切割、包装印刷、广告模型、建筑装潢、亚克力板等非金属薄板的切割行业。

45、The distinction between a metal and a nonmetal is not always clear cut. ─── 金属与非金属之间的界限其实并不那么清晰。

46、inorganic nonmetal material ─── 无机非金属材料

47、"a chemical compound in the form of a heterocyclic ring, containing a metal ion attached by coordinate bonds to at least two nonmetal ions." ─── 杂环化学复合物,由一个金属离子与两个或两个以上非金属离子构成配位键.

48、The nonmetal products have the advantages of healthiness, environmental protection . chemical stability and being acidproof and acidoxidation. ─── 健康环保,自然美观。产品属于非金属类产品,耐酸耐氧化,化学稳定性好。

49、Application of Two Fibered Nonmetal Minerals in Automotive Brake Friction Lining ─── 两种纤维状非金属矿物在汽车制动摩擦片中的应用

50、Attapulgite is a distinctive nonmetal clay source of China.It is a layered clay with fibriform structure. ─── 摘要凹凸棒石粘土是我国特色非金属资源,具有纤维结构特点并具有明显的层状外观,改性后具有优良的吸附性能。

51、Acidity change law of halogen acid neither abides by the successive change law of the highest price oxyacid acidity for cognation nonmetal nor conformes to the vivacity successive change law of cognation nonmetal. ─── 氢卤酸的酸性强弱规律既不满足同族非金属最高价含氧酸酸性递变规律,又不满足同族非金属活泼性变化规律。

52、The Research and Development of Automotive Nonmetal Brake Lining With Sepiolite Matrix ─── 以海泡石为基材的汽车制动摩擦片的研制

53、A Superficial View on the Special Requirement for Nonmetal Parts of Mine Breathing Protectors ─── 浅议矿用呼吸保护器中非金属部件的特殊要求

54、Nonmetal supports for lever balance ─── 天平非金属支承件

55、This product uses for primarily every kind of metals, nonmetal material proceeds to pull to stretch, compress, flection and shear to slice etc. experiment. ─── 本产品主要用于各种金属、非金属材料进行拉伸、压缩、弯曲及剪切等试验。

56、That degree of hardness accounts to be applicable to the black metals and have the color metals with the degree of hardness measurement of the nonmetal material. ─── 液晶屏数显洛氏硬度计适用于黑色金属、有色金属和非金属材料的硬度测定。

57、"The components of alloys are ordinarily themselves metals, though carbon is an essential nonmetal component of steel." ─── 主要元素组分一般是金属,但非金属碳是钢的重要组分。

58、inorganic nonmetal material engineering specialty ─── 无机非金属材料工程

59、The direction of painting technology is to develop new techniques of quick solidification and composition,and expand to metal,nonmetal,wood and plastic material fields. ─── 涂装技术正在向新工艺、新技术、快速固化、复合化方向发展,并已向金属、非金属材料、木材、塑料等应用领域扩展。

60、New Revised Introduction of the Implementing Regulations of Nonmetal Sealing Products Production License. ─── 新修订的非金属密封制品生产许可证实施细则简介。

61、Comparison of the shear bond strength of three nonmetal brackets ─── 三种非金属托槽抗剪切强度比较

62、Then, it points out relevant problems, difficulties and prospect for the development and utilization of nonmetal resource. ─── 指出了浙江省非金属矿产资源开发、应用、研究中存在的问题和困难,展望了非金属矿产资源开发应用前景。

63、Often used in the form of combination of metal and nonmetal. ─── 常采用金属与非金属组合的形式。

64、Nonmetal Materials in Satellite Structure ─── 卫星结构中的非金属材料

65、The development of nonmetal doped DLC Films is summaried and analyzed, and its wide application prospect is revealed. ─── 对非金属掺杂DLC膜的进展做了概括及分析,展现出其广泛的应用前景。


67、All kinds of metal and alloy; rubber porcelain plating film, stone, silicon; epoxies resin and ABS etc nonmetal。 ─── 各种金属及其合金;橡胶、陶瓷、镀膜、石材、硅片;环氧树脂、ABS等非金属。

68、Practice of the Establishment of Inorganic Nonmetal Material Engineering Specialty ─── 无机非金属材料工程专业建设的实践

69、Nonmetal materials for satellite ─── 星用非金属材料

70、21. a heterocyclic compound having a metal ion attached by coordinate bonds to at least two nonmetal ions. ─── 杂环化合物,由一个金属离子通过配位键与至少两个非金属离子相连。

71、The advances in catalytic oxidation of alcohols by metal catalysts are reviewed in detail, and the superiority of the metal catalysts to that of the nonmetal's are introduced. ─── 摘要从醇在金属催化剂作用下的催化氧化方面,较为详细的介绍了近年来在该研究领域内的研究进展,并指出了金属催化相对于非金属催化的优点。

72、Keywords Brilliant Green;photometric analysis;metal and nonmetal;application; ─── 亮绿;金属;非金属;光度分析;实际应用;

73、The kaolin coal tonstein are a kind of important nonmetal mineral raw materials. ─── 煤系高岭岩是一种重要的非金属矿物原料。

74、The company produces the metal of all kinds of combs brushes, nonmetal fittings. ─── 公司并生产各类梳子、刷子的金属、非金属配套件。

75、This product useds for primarily every kind of metals, nonmetal material proceeds to pull to stretch, compress, flection and shear to slice etc. experiment. ─── 本机主要用于金属非金属及防水材料制品进行拉伸、压缩、剪切、弯曲、剥离、撕裂、低周环、蠕变等力学性能试验。

76、Abstract: Arsenic is a very important nonmetal element in the environment and is vitally related to human lives. ─── 文章摘要: 砷与人类的生活息息相关,是环境中存在的一种极为重要的非金属元素。

77、The machine is applicable for cutting on wallet assembly, mobile case, small toy assembly, decoration and portfolio accessory etc. nonmetal materials with small die cutter. ─── 本机适用于使用小型刀模对票夹组件、手机套、小型玩具组件、装饰件、皮包附件等非金属材料的冲裁下料。

78、In this paper, the FDTD method is employed to simulate the microwave pulse coupling into the nonmetal cavity with a slot. ─── 应用时域有限差分法(FDTD)模拟计算了微波脉冲与带缝非金属腔体的线性耦合过程。

79、nonmetal and provide services including geological prospect,production line design (mining,dressing and sme-lting),installation,test-run,technical training and etc. ─── 导、人员培训等全方位的服务。

80、Widely used in the industries of petroleum and chemicals etc.,with all flow components made of nonmetal materials to make it an optimal choice to handle strong acidic,alaline,oxidable,inflammable,explosive,virulent and precious liquids. ─── 广泛应用于石油、化工等行业,所有过流部件都是由非金属材料制造是输送强酸、强碱、强氧化性、易燃、易爆、剧毒、贵重液体的最理想泵。

81、Keywords inorganic nonmetal material;ceramic;zirconia;sintering property; ─── 无机非金属材料;陶瓷;氧化锆;掺杂;性能;


83、Special Ceramic Practice Should be added to the Graduation Design of Inorganic Nonmetal Material Engineering Speciality ─── 无机非金属材料工程专业毕业设计增设特种陶瓷实践

84、There will be a research about project material (metal and nonmetal) shaping technology and controlling, new shaping method and new material shaping ─── 主要研究工程材料(金属和非金属)的成型技术及控制,新的成型方法,新材料的成型

85、Keywords Thermodynamics data;nonmetal hydride;reducibility;thermal properties of matter; ─── 热化学数据;非金属氢化物;还原性;热稳定性;热物性;

86、At the same time, it's an ideal equipment for decorating and carvening the nonmetal (glass, plastic,etc.)surfaces. ─── 同时又是对非金属(玻璃、塑料等)表面,装饰、雕刻的理想设备。

87、special function inorganic nonmetal material ─── 特种功能无机非金属材料

88、How does the mechanism of oxidation and reduction reaction proceed between nitric with metal and nonmetal? ─── 硝酸跟金属、非金属发生氧化还原反应的历程是怎样进行的?

89、Keywords inorganic nonmetal material;tetrapod zinc oxide whisker;crystal growth mechanism;structure;crystalline; ─── 无机非金属材料;四针状氧化锌晶须;生长机理;结构;晶体;








若把金属分类为铁(ferrous)及非铁金属(non-ferrous metal)二类。则锰、铬也属于重金属。若只计比重及密度,铁也是重金属一员。 而按冶金工业的分类,有些密度大于4.5g/cm3的有色金属,也不归入重金属,如金、银归入贵金属,钨、钼归入稀有金属 。所以说工业界的金属分类法并不严谨。






◇轻金属密度在4.5 g·cm-3以下的金属叫轻金属。例如钠、钾、镁、钙、铝等。周期系中第ⅠA、ⅡA族均为轻金属。

◇重金属一般是指密度在4.5 g·cm-3以上的金属叫重金属。例如铜、锌、钴、镍、钨、钼、锑、铋、铅、锡、镉、汞等,过渡元素大都属于重金属。


◇稀有金属稀有金属通常指在自然界中含量较少或分布稀散的金属。它们难于从原料中提取,在工业上制备及应用较晚。 稀有金属跟普通金属没有严格的界限,如有的稀有金属在地壳中的含量比铜、汞、镉等金属还要多。


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