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09-22 投稿


monosymmetric 中文意思翻译



monosymmetric 相似词语短语

1、monosymmetrical ─── 单对称

2、centrosymmetric ─── adj.中心对称的

3、monosymmetry ─── n.单轴对称

4、monometric ─── adj.等轴的

5、antisymmetric ─── adj.反对称的

6、monosymmetrically ─── 单对称的

7、nonsymmetric ─── adj.不对称的

8、asymmetric ─── adj.不对称的;非对称的

9、nonsymmetrical ─── [电]不对称的

monosymmetric 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、overall stability tests of monosymmetric I-shaped overhanging beams and two-span continuous beams are simulated by finite element program ANSYS. ─── 利用ANSYS有限元程序对单轴对称工字形单伸臂梁和双跨连续梁整体稳定试验进行了有限元模拟。

2、monosymmetric dispersion of interference colours ─── 干涉色单对称分散

3、flexural buckling and flexural-torsional buckling modes of a monosymmetric section column are presented and the equivalent slenderness ratio for flexural-torsional buckling is derived. ─── 截面轴心受压构件弯曲屈曲和弯扭屈曲两种失稳形式,以及绕截面对称轴弯扭屈曲换算长细比的计算方法和应用实例。

4、Correlativity of monosymmetric thin-walled beams of open section under combined bending, shear and torsion ─── 单轴对称的开口薄壁梁弯、剪、扭相关性

5、The overall stability tests of monosymmetric I-shaped overhanging beams and two-span continuous beams are simulated by finite element program ANSYS. ─── 利用ANSYS有限元程序对单轴对称工字形单伸臂梁和双跨连续梁整体稳定试验进行了有限元模拟。

6、Monosymmetric dispersion of interference colours ─── 干涉色单对称分散

7、Correlativity of monosymmetric thin-walled beams of open section under combined bending, shear and torsion ─── 单轴对称的开口薄壁梁弯、剪、扭相关性

8、monosymmetric I- beam ─── 单轴对称工字形梁

9、Struts of monosymmetric section built with angles and cut-Ts need to be checked on flexural-torsional buckling. ─── 单轴对称的角钢、T型钢压杆有必要做弯扭屈曲验算。

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