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09-20 投稿


malthusian 发音

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malthusian 中文意思翻译




malthusian 网络释义

adj. 马尔萨斯的;马尔萨斯人口论的n. 马尔萨斯主义者

malthusian 短语词组

1、malthusian model ─── 马尔萨斯模型

2、Malthusian theory of population ─── [经] 马尔萨斯人口论

3、Malthusian theory ─── [网络] 马尔萨斯理论;马尔萨斯学说;马尔萨斯理论商务英语词汇

4、malthusian logic ─── 马尔萨斯逻辑

5、neo-malthusian ─── 新马尔萨斯学说

6、malthusian repletion ─── 马尔萨斯充盈

7、Malthusian Doctrine ─── 马尔萨斯学说

8、malthusian trap ─── 马尔萨斯陷阱

malthusian 词性/词形变化,malthusian变形

名词: Malthusianism |形容词: Malthusian |

malthusian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Optimists bet on human ingenuity to spring the Malthusian trap, as it has done so often before. ─── 乐观主义者押注人类智慧能突破马尔萨斯陷阱,就像过去已经多次发生的一样。

2、Malthusian Theory of Population ─── 马尔萨斯人口论

3、this malthusian and ricardian model of growth and its limits led carlyle to characterize economics as the " dismal science . " ─── 这个马尔萨斯和李嘉图增长模型及其局限性使得卡莱尔把经济学标为“悲观的科学”。

4、Malthusian fittness ─── 马尔萨斯适合度

5、be Malthusian about this. ─── 有关这一点不妨做做马尔萨斯主义者。

6、None of this made much difference while Britain, like all other societies, found itself caught in the Malthusian trap. ─── 当英国发现自己和其他国家一样落入马尔萨斯陷阱之时,上述因素并没有对其有所助益。

7、This Malthusian and Ricardian model of growth and its limits led Carlyle to characterize economics as the "dismal science." ─── 这个马尔萨斯和李嘉图增长模型及其局限性使得卡莱尔把经济学标为“悲观的科学”。

8、Under this theory, the atlatl or spear-throwing stick was invented 18,000 years ago as a response to a Malthusian crisis, not just because it seemed like a good idea. ─── 按这种理论推断,18000年前发明的一种叫“atlatl”的梭标投掷棍,并非仅仅因为好使,它其实是应付马尔萨斯危机的产物。

9、This passage introduces the concept of population pressure-the greatest feature of modern malthusian theory, of economics of population. ─── 本文介绍了现代马尔萨斯主义人口经济理论的最大特点—人口压力。

10、James Lee and Wang Feng: One Quarter of Humanity: Malthusian Mythology and Chinese Realities, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, USA, 1999 ─── 比如在马来西亚的马来人口的生育率为4.8,印度人口的生育率为3.6,而华人人口的生育率为3.4.

11、3. This optimism replaces the Malthusian pessimism that resurfaced in the wake of the unusual incrsases in food prices in the early 1970s. ─── 这种乐观态度取代了紧随着七十年代初粮食价格反常性上涨而重新出现的马尔萨斯式的悲观主义。

12、malthusian adj. ─── malthus [主义]的

13、Malthusian theory of population growth ─── 马尔萨斯人口增长理论

14、As the world economy boomed and population growth began to ebb in the 1990s, Malthusian pessimism retreated. ─── 二十世纪九十年代,随着世界经济繁荣发展,人口增长开始变慢,马尔萨斯式的悲观情绪有所回落。

15、At a time when Malthusian alarms are ringing because of environmental pressures, falling fertility may even provide a measure of reassurance about global population trends. ─── 在当前因环境压力因素,马尔萨斯人口论向人们敲响警钟时,生育率的降低也不失为人们对全球人口走向担忧的一剂安抚剂。

16、a believer in Malthusian theory. ─── 一个信奉马尔萨斯理论的人。

17、Gates, Buffett and Turner have been quietly worrying about Malthusian population problems for years. ─── 盖茨、巴菲特和特纳多年来一直都在暗自担忧马尔萨斯(Malthus)所提出的人口问题。

18、Teeming, environmentally degraded, ravaged by poverty, hunger, HIV/AIDS and civil war, Africa appears the most plausible candidate ever to suffer a Malthusian disaster. ─── 物产丰富,环境退化,被贫困、饥饿,艾滋和内战蹂躏,非洲似乎是最有可能遭受马尔萨斯灾难的对象。

19、Also known as absolute fitness, and as the Malthusian parameter when applied to species as a whole. ─── 业已适应也被称为绝对适合度;当它应用于作为一个整体考虑的物种时,称为马尔萨斯参数。

20、Malthusian Doctrine ─── n. 马尔萨斯学说

21、Malthusian Models ─── 马尔萨斯人口模型

22、"New Limits to Growth Revive Malthusian Fears, " warned the Wall Street Journal back in March. ─── “新的人口极限激起了马尔萨斯恐慌”(NewLimitstoGrowthReviveMalthusianFears)华尔街日报在三月份再次警告道。

23、Malthusian paramete ─── 马尔萨斯参数

24、Malthusian population ─── 马尔萨斯式人口

25、Malthusian law ─── 马尔萨斯人口论:人口的增长趋向于超过赖以生存的物质增长速度

26、doesn't seem to be much danger of a Malthusian catastrophe. ─── 看起来“马尔萨斯灾难”发生的危险并不大。

27、“New Limits to Growth Revive Malthusian Fears,” warned the Wall Street Journal back in March.“Philippines Population Climbs;Food Problems Loom,” Reuters offered the following month. ─── 在印度的强制切精管政策和中国严苛的独生子女政策之后,这样的节育观点在进步圈里传得飞快。

28、The New World removed Malthusian constraints, which, until then, had meant that higher population growth could be achieved only at the expense of lower living standards. ─── 新大陆摆脱了马尔萨斯主义的羁绊。在当时,马尔萨斯理论即意味着只能通过降低生活水平实现人口的更快增长。

29、When I trained in economics, Malthusian reasoning was a target of mockery, held up by my professors as an example of a naive forecast gone wildly wrong. ─── 在我的经济学训练过程中,马尔萨斯的理论是我们嘲笑的对象,教授以他为例来说明一个天真的预测可能错得多麽离谱。

30、There doesn't seem to be much danger of a Malthusian catastrophe. ─── 看起来“马尔萨斯灾难”发生的危险并不大。

31、The “Malthusian catastrophe” is a simplified version of the tipping point we are now approaching. ─── 我们正在靠近“马尔萨斯灾难”。

32、History is littered with Malthusian predictions of shortages. ─── 在人类历史上不乏马尔萨斯主义者对物资匮乏的预言。


34、None of this made much difference while Britain, like all other societies, found itself caught in the Malthusian trap. ─── 当英国发现自己和其他国家一样落入马尔萨斯陷阱之时,上述因素并没有对其有所助益。

35、Malthusian theory ─── 马尔萨斯学说, 马尔萨斯人口论

36、A simple (though approximate) model of population growth is the Malthusian growth model. ─── 一个简单的(虽然近似)模型的人口增长率是马尔萨斯的增长模式。

37、But when they do, it is for good reason: lemmings are known for boom-and-bust, Malthusian swings in population. ─── 然后,他们这样做,是有原因的:我们都知道,旅鼠的种群是繁荣与萧条交替循还的,也就是数目呈马尔萨斯式的曲线。

38、There doesn't seem to be much danger of a Malthusian catastrophe. ─── 看起来“马尔萨斯灾难”发生的危险并不大。

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