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09-20 投稿


menstruate 发音


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menstruate 中文意思翻译



menstruate 词性/词形变化,menstruate变形

动词现在分词: menstruating |动词第三人称单数: menstruates |动词过去分词: menstruated |动词过去式: menstruated |

menstruate 短语词组

1、menstruate with pride ─── 骄傲地月经

menstruate 相似词语短语

1、menstruated ─── vi.行经;月经来潮

2、menstrual ─── adj.月经的;每月的;一月一次的

3、menstruates ─── vi.行经;月经来潮

4、menstruating ─── v.月经来潮(menstruate的现在分词)

5、menstruation ─── n.[生理]月经;月经期间;有月经

6、menstrua ─── (尤指药用的)溶媒,溶剂(menstruum的名词复数)

7、to menstruate ─── 月经

8、menstruous ─── adj.行经的,月经来潮的

9、menstrually ─── 经期

menstruate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"The cycle when adolescence is irregular " , in Fu age (the fixed number of year of menstruate) when 1.1 years old, general not oviposit, but the follicular growth that can have fixed rate. ─── “青春期时周期不规则”,在妇龄(有月经的年限)1.1岁时,一般不排卵,但可有一定程度的卵泡发育。

2、If you're rich enough, do you menstruate gold? ─── 如果你足够有钱,你的月经是黄金的?

3、Is female factitious what met menstruate? ─── 女人为啥会有月经?

4、When a woman does not menstruate, she is pregnant. ─── 妇女不来经就怀孕了。

5、Is meeting menstruate returned to come during be pregnant? ─── 怀孕期间还会有月经来吗?

6、She began to menstruate regularly at 13 at intervals of 28~32 days with slight dysmenorrheal. ─── 她于13岁开始有正常的月经,周期为28~32天,有轻度的月经痛。

7、Otherwise, recipients might not menstruate normally or allow fertilized eggs to implant on the uterine walls. ─── 否则,接收者将不能正常行经或将受精卵植入子宫内膜。

8、Why is the woman met menstruate? ─── 女人为什么会有月经?

9、I have 4 months with the bed with my male friend, had not been pregnant to now? Every month does menstruate come how do this return a responsibility? ─── 我跟我的男友同床有四个月了,到现在都还没有怀孕?每个月都有月经来这怎么回事呀?

10、67、 Do you menstruate regularly? ─── 您的月经正常吗?

11、Lean, hard-training women athletes may menstruate less frequently or not at all. ─── 清瘦、训练艰苦的女运动员行经可能不那么频繁或根本没有月经。

12、Why is the woman always met menstruate? ─── 女人为什么总会有月经?

13、He reveals that women menstruate and men do not. ─── 他告诉我们,女人有月经,男人没有。

14、'The reason is because women menstruate. ─── 原因是女性有例假。

15、Some girls may first ovulate even before they menstruate. ─── 有些女孩初次排卵可能甚至早于她们的月经。

16、I am to menstruate for on June 18 , do 23 numbers still have a pick not to have been over have slept together with the husband right away being able to be pregnant? ─── 您的位置:我也知道>医疗健康>妇产科>我是6月18号来的月经,23号还有一点点没完就和老公同房了会不会怀孕呢?

17、The Estimate Calculate of First-order RC Circuit Transient State Menstruate ─── 一阶RC电路过渡过程的简便估算

18、The transsexual stopped his male hormonal treatment, was made to menstruate again and was fertilized with sperm from an anonymous donor. ─── 这位变性人停止了男性贺尔蒙疗法,月经开始重新来潮,并由一位匿名捐精者的精液受精成功。

19、Menstruate is the meeting not long? ─── 有月经了会不长个吗?

20、Is the woman what menstruate? ─── 女人为啥有月经?

21、Usually between the ages of 45 and 50 a woman will notice that her menstrual cycles become more and more irregular until, eventually, she ceases to menstruate altogether. ─── 通常在45-50岁之间,女性将会注意到她的月经周期变得越来越没有规律,最终,她完全停止了月经。

22、Be with a boy easy to menstruate for on 22th last month , several to sleep together this month? ─── 您的位置:凡人谷知道>医疗健康>妇产科>妇科>上月22日来月经,本月几号同房容易怀男孩?

23、In the period of radish to grow leaf the fresh weight unit area was menstruate; ─── 由此形成在萝卜长叶期进行苗期单位面积叶鲜重测定;

24、Whether does menstruate of the rice before menstruation adumbrate to come smoothly also classics? ─── 月经前米有月经预兆是否也顺利来经?

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