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09-21 投稿


machined 发音

英:[m???i?nd]  美:[m???i?nd]

英:  美:

machined 中文意思翻译



machined 短语词组

1、rough machined ─── 粗加工的

2、precision machined tool ─── 精密机床

3、precision machined plate ─── 精加工板

4、machined product ─── 机加工产品

5、weld machined flush ─── [化] 削平补强的焊缝

6、machined part envelope ─── 机加工零件包络

7、machined part ─── 加工件;机制件;已切削部分

8、precision machined surface ─── 精细表面

9、machined design ─── 机械设计

10、machined parts ─── 已加工部件

11、precision-machined ─── 精加工的

12、machined surface ─── [化] 机械加工面

13、precision machined ─── 精密加工的

machined 词性/词形变化,machined变形

动词过去式: machined |动词现在分词: machining |动词第三人称单数: machines |动词过去分词: machined |形容词: machinable |

machined 相似词语短语

1、machinated ─── vi.策划;图谋不轨;vt.策划;图谋

2、machinery ─── n.机械;机器;机构;机械装置

3、chined ─── v.(切肉时)横切脊骨,沿脊骨切(chine的过去式和过去分词)

4、machine ─── n.机械,机器;机构;机械般工作的人;vt.用机器制造;n.(Machine)(意)马基内(人名)

5、Lachine ─── n.拉钦(加拿大魁北克省南部城市)

6、-chined ─── v.(切肉时)横切脊骨,沿脊骨切(chine的过去式和过去分词)

7、machinates ─── vi.策划;图谋不轨;vt.策划;图谋

8、machines ─── n.[机]机器;机械(machine的复数);v.以机器制造(machine的第三人称单数形式)

9、machinegun ─── v.用机关枪射击(等于machine-gun);adj.连续发射的(等于machine-gun);n.机枪(等于machine-gun)

machined 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The articles are machined to a smooth finish. ─── 这些制品做得表面光滑。

2、In this paper, the structure design and the accuracy analysis of the deficient DOF parallel machin. ─── 本课题完成了少自由度并联机床的结构设计和精度分析等,为并联机床设计提供了理论依据。

3、The tube and dewcap are painted, the machined metal parts are hard anodized, and the tube rings are satin-finished aluminum castings. ─── 全镜金属制作并作氧化镀层,而且镜桶是整体一次完成的铝铸件,运行极其精密顺化。

4、Precision machined with highest tolerances using premium fully-automatic German CNC-machines. ─── 精密机械与最高溢价公差使用全自动德国的数控设备。

5、We are a business brokerage company in Vietnam. Our client wants to buy a machin... ─── 越南公司求购聚苯乙烯泡沫午餐盘生产机器2007-9-13其它国家和地区.越南有效期:30天

6、The series nozzles with different characteristics as angle of nozzle core,outlet length and outlet turbination are machined. ─── 国内外除雾器冲洗喷嘴一般采用实心锥喷嘴,考核喷嘴性能的重要指标是扩散角和均匀度。

7、This paper analyzes a process of designing a new type self-driven towing machin e, summarizes requests to the process modeling of complex product collaborative design. ─── 通过分析新型自驱动式牵引机的开发过程,提出对复杂产品协同设计过程模型的要求;

8、Abstract: Roller radius sizes of slave mechanism of cam machin e affect the touch-stress of touch region and the thickness of lube film directl y. ─── 文摘:凸轮机构从动件滚子半径的大小直接影响凸轮副接触处的接触应力和润滑油膜厚度并影响凸轮机构的寿命和运动精度。

9、Under the base of the dirlling machin, there are four adjrstable nstubs and casters, carrying hte unitto everywhere easily. ─── 底座下装有四个可调支承和四个滚轮,移动方便。

10、It's mainly used in the car industry which can be easily machined and has strong capacity. It has low cost and can be used for a long time. ─── 该等速万向节主要应用于汽车行业,具有承载能力大、易于加工,降低生产成本,使用寿命长的特点。

11、Manifolds can be either machined components only or complete assemblies including check valves, pressure switches, servovalves, solenoids or filters. ─── 歧管可以只是机械零部件或是完整的组件,包括止回阀,压力开关,伺服阀,电磁阀或过滤器。

12、Precision machined disk brake, due to its excellent cooling characteristics, this ventilated brake disk allows smooth and precise braking. ─── 刹车盘精密机械盘式制动器,由于其良好的冷却特性,这通风刹车盘允许的顺利和准确的制动。

13、Campbell, David Machin, Stephen J. ─── 放大图片 作者: Michael J.


15、Whitepaper: Microsoft System Center Virtual Machin... ─── 白皮书: Microsoft系统中心虚拟机...

16、INHALATION: Fibrous glass dust may be released from the fiber-glass cloth substrate when machined. ─── 吸入物:当使用玻璃布时玻璃纤维粉末可能会飞散出。

17、The edge of the disc had been machined flat/smooth. ─── 圆盘的边缘已用机器磨平[光]。

18、The scraper blades fit into machined recesses and are securely held by a dovetail keeper and spacer. ─── 刮管刀装入本体槽内,由嵌入槽中的压块和顶块以保证其安全工作。


20、Rolls machined from high-grade tool steel, which has been treated to a hardness of over 60 Rockwell C and hard chromed, precision ground as well as polished to a mirror surface. ─── 辊由高级工具钢制成,经过热处理,洛氏硬度超过60,并经镀铬和镜面抛光处理。

21、The grinding heat is the important factor to influence greatly on the ground surface quality when the forfex is machined with gringing wheels. ─── 砂轮磨削刀剪材料的过程中产生的磨削热是影响刀剪表面质量的重要因素。

22、A high linear interface circuit for micro machined capacitive accelerometer is introduced.A switch phase demodulator is used in the circuit. ─── 介绍了一种可用于微机械电容式加速度传感器的接口电路,该电路应用了开关型相敏解调电路,具有灵敏度高、线性好的特点,能测量微差分电容的变化。

23、When a surface is machined or ground to remove damage, the reworked area should be shot-peened with proper overlap onto the existing shot-peened surface. ─── 为去除损伤而对表面进行切削和打磨的时候,对翻修区域的喷丸应当和原有的喷丸面适当交叠。

24、Stone The machined metal surface, originally made of stone, on which letterpress formes are assembled and locked up prior to putting them on the press. ─── 最初是石块,现在则是一块打磨平滑的金属板。活版印版在这里组排,锁稳,然后放入印刷机上。

25、Lead in solders for the soldering to machined through hole discoidal and planar array ceramic multilayer capacitors. ─── 通孔盘状及平面阵列陶瓷多层电容器焊料所含的铅;

26、A keyway is machined on the outer race for the connection to the drive or drive member centered on its outside. ─── 外环有键槽用来与驱动件或被驱动件结合,并以外环为固定中心线。

27、Strong and fast: LSL cylindrical roller bearings with machined disk cage. ─── 强和快速: LSL圆柱滚子轴承与机械硬盘笼。

28、An example of their use is to seal the surface between a machined, cold headed or forged shell and a mating machined surface. ─── 其中的一个用途是密封经过机械加工和冷处理或锻造壳和机械加工的吻合面之间的表面。

29、The large machined main gear and standard15 tooth pinion gear comprise the rotor head drive system on the Synergy N9. ─── 大型机械齿轮、准主要包括1915年牙杯头插齿传动系统的协同N9号.

30、Sunshine on mountaineers climbing a ridge on Anye Machin mountain in the Anye Machin Range, China. ─── 阿尼玛卿的攀登,阿尼玛卿,亦称玛积雪山,坐落在青海省果洛藏族自治洲境内,主峰为海拔6282米的玛卿岗日。

31、Offer service in rapid prototyping,CNC machined part,low volume production and RTV mold,CAD design..... ─── 提供产品设计(外型设计、结构设计)、快速成型、CNC手板、小批量样件制作等技术服务。

32、M Zhang,S G Kapoor.Dynamic generation of machined surface. ─── 陈日曜.金属切削原理.北京:机械工业出版社,1993

33、QSP INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD is devoted to producing the special and accurate fasteners and other machined turned components used by other plastic industries. ─── 我们致力于生产特殊、高精密的扣件及其他塑胶工业使用的车修零件。

34、Tools for pressing and moulding. Machined plates. Part 1: machined plates for press tools, jigs and fixtures. ─── 铸造和压力工具.机械薄板.第一部分:机械压力薄板.选矿器和固定物

35、Machin said “ we can find some very simple to reduce energy consumption and reduce costs. ─── Machin说:“我们能找到一些很简单的减少能源消耗和降低成本的方法。

36、The grinding heat is the important factor when the forfex is machined with gringing wheels. ─── 砂轮磨削刀剪的过程中产生的磨削热是一个重要因素。

37、Parts could be machined to polygon prisms based on the property of roulettes that their central shapes are regular polygon prisms if tolerance was permitted. ─── 根据定轴轮系的传动性质,可推导出多齿轮固定轮系旋轮线的轨迹。

38、The edge of the disc had been machined smooth. ─── 圆盘的边缘已用机器磨光。

39、The interior dimensions of siler brazing ale sockets are machined to the closest tolerances and finished smooth to promote full capillary attraction. ─── 银钎焊的阀门套管的内部直径的机械公差和表面光滑度要求非常精确,以确保有足够的附着力。

40、The surface quality of the ultra-precision machined substrates greatly affects the performance of the thin films grown on it. ─── 基片是薄膜材料生长的载体,其超精密加工表面质量直接影响薄膜性能。

41、Generally speaking, bars of steel, forging, castings, etc. are machined to the required shape and size with only one roughing and one finishing cut. ─── 一般地说,钢质棒料、锻件、铸件等只经一次粗切削和一次精切削即可达到所要求的形状和尺寸。

42、A spindle or an axle used to secure or support material being machined or milled. ─── 紧轴一根用于固定或支撑待切削或粉碎原料的新心轴或轮轴

43、The material is machined in a factory. ─── 该材料在一家工厂用机器加工而成。

44、Cutter and line pressing roller transmissions are primary precise machined gear. ─── 刀和压线?之传动齿?均为一级精密研磨齿?.

45、One-piece machined cage of fabric reinforced phenolic resin (g). ─── 单片机削纤维增强酚醛树脂保持架(g)

46、I will work on getting PO to you for machined parts this week. ─── 这星期我会把机械零件订单给你。

47、A nonflammable, sheet material. Dust, when machined or punched may cause skin or eye irritation. Fumes, if decomposed may irritate eyes, nose, and throat. ─── 是一种难燃的层压板。当使用或打孔时可能产生粉末,可能使皮肤或眼睛感到刺激。当分解时产生的气体会刺激眼睛、鼻和咽喉。

48、The interior dimensions of silver brazing valve sockets are machined to the closest tolerances and finished smooth to promote full capillary attraction. ─── 银钎焊的阀门套管的内部直径的机械公差和表面光滑度要求非常精确,以确保有足够的附着力。

49、Simplifying the contact peaks on the machined surfaces into truncated cones, the author proposes a new formula for calculating the singlepoint thermal contact resistance. ─── 把接触突峰简化为圆锥接触模型,给出了计算单点接触热阻的新公式;

50、Roller radius sizes of slave mechanism of cam machin e affect the touch-stress of touch region and the thickness of lube film directl y. ─── 凸轮机构从动件滚子半径的大小直接影响凸轮副接触处的接触应力和润滑油膜厚度并影响凸轮机构的寿命和运动精度。

51、The block pattern has longer wedge guides and closely machined valve body channels for better control over the wedge throughout its travel. ─── 这种关闭型结构具有比较长的楔板阀导管,其机械性能更加适合阀体中的运动轨道,更加容易对运动中的楔板进行控制。

52、Aft sponson aluminum alloy construction with machined frames and composite construction. Houses main undercarriage and condenser for air conditioning system. ─── 浮筒后部为铝合金,内装主起落架和空调系统的冷凝器。

53、In this way, the merits of machined surfaces are transferred to the final ceramic parts. ─── 这样,以机器制造的表面功绩被转移到最后的陶瓷部份。

54、The edge must be machined to 0.02 millimeters. ─── 这边缘必须切割到0.02毫米的精密度。

55、Allograft cortical bone is now being commercially machined into screws for such a purpose. ─── (第43章)为此已有用同种异体皮质骨制成的商用螺钉。

56、When the doctor wants to see how the baby is getting on inside the mother, he uses an ultrasound machined. ─── 当医生想知道肚子里的孩子怎么样时,他就会用一种超声波仪器。

57、The edge must be machined down to 0.02 millimetres. ─── 这边缘必须切割到0.02毫米的精确度。

58、The quality of the parts is very good with nicely machined full carbon parts and red anodised aluminium alloy parts. ─── 这些零件的质量是很好的很好的机械部件和充分碳阳极铝合金红色部分。

59、With it pinions can be machined with hob or single-tooth indexing, also can with shaft cut-in and radial cut-in method. ─── 可采用逆铣和顺铣方法加工齿轮,可以轴向或径向进行加工。

60、The part has been machined on a NC center, and is found to fulfill well the design requirements. ─── 结果表明,叶片的尺寸精度和表面质量都有较大提高。

61、Barium sulfona te and barium soap of petroleum ester oxide were dissolved in kerosene or machin e oil to prepare oil-soluble corrosion inhibitor. ─── 将石油磺酸钡和氧化石油脂钡皂溶于煤油或机油中制得缓蚀剂。

62、Made of AISI4145H alloy steel, fully heat treated to 285-341HB and 54 Joules minimum impact value,machined and finished according to API standards. ─── 产品说明 : 由AISI4145H合金钢制造,经热处理,HB达到285-341,夏比冲击功为54J。

63、Includes specially machined gimmick, illustrated instructions and an instructional DVD featuring ADDED INFORMATION and NEW BONUS HANDLINGS! ─── 包括特别地用机器制造的秘密装置、被说明的指示和教育DVD 以增加的资讯和新奖金为特色HANDLINGS!

64、The sensor is not only able to transmit the exact feeding information of the grinding wheel to the monitor, but also monitor the stability of the machin... ─── 该传感器组件不仅能将砂轮进给值精确的传送到数显器上,同时可监视进给过程中机床的稳定性,重要的是提高了精磨产品的合格率。

65、The machin, as it is technically known, is omitted because the stamps are classed as a royal issue featuring the Queen herself. ─── 这五张邮票上的头像取自于女王正式或非正式场合下所拍的照片,其中三张出自世界著名摄影师之手。

66、Designer and manufacturer of watertight seals cut from all types of supple materials. Machined,... ─── 分类标题:橡胶纸和橡胶板|机床用风箱...

67、Tube and shaft cut and machined by CNC machines and Robots. ─── 钢管和轴承由CNC机器和机器人来切割和处理。

68、Rational voices dissented. Who was to say the machined, endowed with the very spirit of man, did not deserve a fair hearing? ─── 理性的人们提出了抗议,谁说拥有完整人格的机器人不应该享有一个接受公平听诉的机会?

69、This is a precision machined, high-quality 24 Karat gold-plated brass ring box with beautiful diamond tool etchings on the side. ─── 这是一个精确度用机器制造的,优质24个克拉镀金的中奖的机会箱子与美好的金刚石工具蚀刻在边。

70、Rational voices dissented. Who was to say the machined, endowed with the very spirit of man, did not deserve a fair hearing? ─── 理性的人们提出了抗议,谁说拥有完整人格的机器人不应该享有一个接受公平听诉的机会?

71、This material can be cut and machined easily. ─── 这种材料很容易用机器切割并加工成型。

72、Delivery: Should be defined.Packing: As per our Standard Protection, included Dim.Toll.: Machined in acc.Dimension required. ─── we remain at your full disposal 这是一个关于钢材锻件报价的部分内容. 请帮我看看是什么意思.谢谢!!

73、The large machined main gear and standard 15 tooth pinion gear comprise the rotor head drive system on the Synergy N9. ─── 大型机械齿轮、标准主要包括1915年牙杯头插齿传动系统的协同N9号.

74、Machined seat allows tight shutoff. ─── 机械阀座,可实现气密性关闭。

75、We will advance the cost of machined ,which you shall compensate it by installments ,plus freight and interest at 5% per annum. ─── 我们预付机器的费用,由你方以分期付款的方式偿还,另加运费和第年5%的利息。

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