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09-20 投稿


myope 发音


英:  美:

myope 中文意思翻译



myope 词性/词形变化,myope变形

形容词: myopathic |名词复数: myopathies |

myope 相似词语短语

1、metope ─── n.墙面;柱间壁

2、mope ─── vi.忧郁;百无聊赖;vt.使忧郁;没精打采地度过;n.忧郁的人;消沉

3、nyaope ─── 软的

4、myopes ─── n.近视的人

5、pyrope ─── n.[矿物]镁铝榴石

6、myogen ─── n.[生化]肌浆蛋白

7、myopic ─── adj.近视的;目光短浅的

8、myopia ─── n.[眼科]近视;目光短浅,缺乏远见

9、myoses ─── n.瞳孔缩小;缩瞳症(myosis的变形)

myope 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Myope should notice what item, what can you do to you can be not done again? ─── 近视的人应该注意哪些事项,可以做什么又不可以做什么?

2、Why when myope does not take glasses, does self-conscious Mi wear eye otherwise to just see the thing that get Qing Dynasty a little? ─── 为什么近视的人不带眼镜时,眼睛要不自觉的咪着才稍微看得清东西?

3、Does myope wear spectacles for nearsighted persons to get online conduce to the radiate that reduces computer cross-eye eyeball? ─── 近视的人戴近视眼镜上网有助于减少电脑对眼睛的辐射么?

4、Does myope wear spectacles for nearsighted persons to get online conduce to the radiate that reduces computer cross - eye eyeball ? ─── 近视的人戴近视眼镜上网有助于减少电脑对眼睛的辐射么?

5、How does know to make myope restores the method of eyesight? ─── 谁知道如何使近视的人恢复视力的方法?

6、After your apps are submitted to and approved by MYOP, they can be run on every UCH-based SNS. ─── 之后,您的应用程序,提交并获批准myop ,他们可以上运行的每一个联合医院为基础的sns 。

7、So users of UCH-based SNS will be able to choose apps on MYOP freely, it is not like an add-on system which only site owners can choose what to install and offer to users. ─── 因此,使用者的去世基于sns将能够选择应用程序就myop自由,这是不希望加载的系统,其中只有网站所有者可以选择什么安装,并提供给用户。

8、Is myope takes glasses at ordinary times still to be not taken good very? ─── 近视的人平时带眼镜好还是不带好?

9、When myope swims, lose sight of how to do? ─── 近视的人游泳的时候看不见怎么办?

10、How does myope choose sunglass? ─── 近视的人如何选太阳镜?

11、Why does the ancients see so much book do not have myope? ─── 为什么古人看那么多书都没有近视的人呢?

12、Myope people should wear glasses for what! ─── 近视的人们为啥要戴眼镜啊!

13、To develop apps on MYOP, you need to register a user in MYOP’s website and add a developer app to manage apps you create. ─── 发展应用服务上myop ,您需要注册一个用户在myop的网站,并添加一个开发应用程序来管理应用程序创建。

14、How does know to make myope restores the method of eyesight? ─── 谁知道如何使近视的人恢复视力的方法?

15、However, MYOP is a quite open platform. ─── 不过, myop是个相当开放的平台。

16、myope, I was part of a small club back then. ─── 那时我这样的近视眼属于一个小群体。

17、frDesigner1LoadReport(Report: TfrReport;var ReportName: String;var Opened: Boolean);beginwith MyOpe ... ─── t 和OnSaveReport. 这里有一小段代码例子:procedure TForm1.

18、Be if myope should take glasses,still concealed glasses very excuse me good? ─── 请问如果有近视的人该带眼镜好还是隐型眼镜好呢?

19、Excuse me: High myope can cause the ache that cerebral ministry reachs all round eye ministry after acuteness and rotational eyeball, is this why? ─── 请问:高度近视的人剧烈转动眼球后会引起眼部周围及脑部的疼痛,这是为什么?

20、Hearing of elementary school myope is pseudomyopia, right? Can be you treated? ─── 听说小学近视的人都是假性近视,对吗?能治吗?

21、She wore a pair of round black frame with flat lenses because she was not a real myope. ─── 她戴的是圆形黑框平光眼镜,因为眼睛并不近视。

22、Why does the ancients see so much book do not have myope? ─── 为什么古人看那么多书都没有近视的人呢?

23、Not myope wears high glasses possible myopia, so can the glasses that high myope wears high long sight restore vision? ? ─── 不近视的人戴上高度眼镜就有可能近视,那么高度近视的人戴上高度远视的眼镜会不会恢复视力??

24、600 degrees of myope besides how to do an operation to be returned to you can restore vision? ─── 600度近视的人除了做手术还可以怎样恢复视力?

25、When myope swims , lose sight of how to do? ─── 近视的人游泳的时候看不见怎么办?。

26、Objective to observe the variation of dioptric state in the process of medicinal optometry to myope. ─── 目的观察近视眼验光中屈光状态的变化。

27、Is our country the earliest who is myope? ─── 我国最早近视的人是谁?

28、Therefore, MYOP has big potential to become a very important open platform for developers, let’s see what will happen three month later. ─── 因此, myop已大的潜力,成为一个非常重要的开放平台,为开发商,让我们看看会发生什么事三个月后。

29、Suffer from myope to you can be become astronaut? ─── 患近视的人能当宇航员吗?

30、Il est trop myope pour t'avoir vu. ─── 他太近视,不会看见你。

31、Be still met presbyopicly after myope? ? ? Offsetted with myopia, does the eye often jump over good cough up more? ? ─── 近视的人以后还会得老花眼吗???是不是和近视就抵消了,眼睛越老越好咯??

32、The high myope eye had the higher accommodation lag. The myope may need higher accommodation stimulus to reach the demand. ─── 屈光参差者的高度数眼表现出更多的主觉调节滞后量,近视的发生与该眼有更大的调节调节滞后相关。

33、How does myope restore vision? ─── 近视的人怎样恢复视力?

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