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mediates 发音

英:[?mi?die?ts]  美:[?mi?die?ts]

英:  美:

mediates 中文意思翻译





mediates 同义词

interpose | resolve | secondary | harmonize | umpire |arbitrate | make | liaise | settle | peace | medial | reconcile | facilitate | intercede | judge | make peace | in-between | middle | intervene | interfere | negotiate | referee | intermediate

mediates 词性/词形变化,mediates变形

动词第三人称单数: mediates |副词: mediately |动词现在分词: mediating |动词过去式: mediated |动词过去分词: mediated |

mediates 反义词


mediates 相似词语短语

1、mediatress ─── 女中音

2、mediatises ─── vt.置于中间(等于mediatize)

3、mediate ─── vi.调解;斡旋;居中;vt.调停;传达;adj.间接的;居间的

4、mediatizes ─── v.纳为附属领地

5、meditates ─── vt.考虑;计划;企图;vi.冥想;沉思

6、mediated ─── v.调停;调解;减轻(mediate的过去式及过去分词)

7、medicates ─── vt.用药治疗;加药品于

8、mediately ─── 立即

9、mediatise ─── vt.置于中间(等于mediatize)

mediates 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Corticotropin Releasing Factor Mediates the Antinociceptive Action of Nitrous Oxide in Ratsv Sawamura S, et alv ─── 大鼠促肾上腺皮质激素释放因子介导笑气的抗伤害作用

2、So is it wish the human soul of Christ which mediates between the Godhead of the Son and the dulness of the flesh. ─── 你总不会认为:基督里面人的魂是在子的神格和血肉间具中,是“二元”架构吧?

3、Otherwise, mediates this Duan Qingyuan is the unwise choice. ─── 否则,了断这段情缘是明智的选择。

4、Ubiquitin-proteasome pathway mediates the degradation of cell protein and modulates cell cycle, gene translation and expression, antigen presentation and inflammation development. ─── 泛素-蛋白酶体通路介导细胞蛋白质的降解,在细胞周期、基因转录及表达、抗原提呈和炎症演进等方面发挥调控作用。

5、It also mediates heterotypic aggregation of activated platelets and-cancer cells, as well as adhesion of cancer cells to stimulated endothelial cells. ─── 另外P-选凝素可以介导肿瘤细胞和活化的血小板聚集,并帮助肿瘤细胞黏附到活化的内皮细胞表面。

6、CD21also expresses on the surface of follicular dendritic cells,which mediates the long-term maintenance of antigens and is indispensable for maintaining the memory of B cells. ─── CD21也表达于滤泡树突状细胞,介导抗原的长期保留,这对维持记忆B细胞是必不可少的。

7、Interior design mediates between architecture and human beings, between the walled-in immobility of a building and it inhabitants or visitors. ─── 室内设计是连接建筑与人、建筑物与居住者和参观者的媒介。

8、DWR automatically mediates simple data types between Java and JavaScript representations. ─── DWR自动地在Java和JavaScript表示之间调整简单数据类型。

9、A connector is an abstract mechanism that mediates communication, coordination, or cooperation among components. ─── 一个连接器是对于组件之间的通讯、协调或者合作。

10、The career development also mediates the effects between administrative participation, information feedback and job satisfaction. ─── 职涯发展亦扮演行政參与和工作回馈的中介角色。

11、Activation of BK_(Ca) Channels Mediates Hippocampal Neuronal Apoptosis in Culture Induced by Hypoxia/reoxygenation ─── BK_(Ca)通道活动增强介导了缺氧/复氧诱导的培养海马神经元凋亡

12、Myasthenia gravis(MG) is an autoimmune disease which choline receptor antibody mediates, cell immunity depends on and addiment participates. ─── 重症肌无力是乙酰胆碱受体抗体介导、细胞免疫依赖、补体参与的自身免疫性疾病。

13、(4)The school effectiveness positively mediates the relationship of internal/ externally-interacted marketing and school satisfaction. ─── 4. 内部行销、外部互动行销的实施透过学校效能对学校满意度有显著的正向影响。

14、eNOS is activated by viscous drag/shear stress in blood vessels to produce NO continuously,a process mediated by the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase(PI3-kinase)/ Akt physiologically mediates erection. ─── PI3-kinase/Akt(PKB)通路使eNOS磷酸化,NO的产量增加;

15、Atherosclerosis is a multifactorial disease and inflammation mediates its all stages,from initiation to progression. ─── 动脉粥样硬化为一多因素性疾病,慢性炎症介导其发生、发展的全程。

16、In contrast, 17 alpha androstenediol inhibits proliferation and mediates apoptosis in tumor cells of murine and human origin. ─── 相比之下,17-α雄甾二烯抑制人和鼠组织的肿瘤细胞增殖和介导肿瘤细胞的凋亡。

17、But must defrost the existence by the methodical method obviously tounderestimate or to overestimate the ratio, through internationalcooperates the mechanism which replaces voluntarily mediates. ─── 不过要以有条不紊的方法来解冻存在明显低估或高估的比值,通过国际间合作来代替过去自行调解的机制。

18、The core daemon mediates the flow of information whilst plugins provides rich functionality. ─── 核心后台程序监控信息流的同时通过插件体工丰富的功能。

19、Doyle S E,OConnell R,Vaidya S A,et al.Toll-like receptor 3 mediates a more potent antiviral response than Toll-like receptor 4[J].J Immunol,2003,170(7):3565. ─── 潘敏求,杨永华,徐华雄.参苏复方颗粒剂与参苏丸的临床对比观察和实验研究[J].湖南中医杂志,1994,10(5):7.

20、These results indicate that the vagal innervation of the gut mediates insulin release during the cephalic phase of feeding in sheep. ─── 这些结果提示在绵羊,消化道的迷走神经支配调节进食头期的胰岛素分泌。

21、Phosphatidic acid mediates inflammatory responses of macrophages derived from experimental glomerulonephritis ─── 实验性肾炎鼠肾小球巨噬细胞的炎症效应及磷脂酸的介导作用

22、2nd, the present person spoke and writes the article more and more notto take the grammar, defective sentence serial, blurted out, how wasfamiliar with, how facilitated how mediates How writes. ─── 现在的人说话和写文章越来越不重视语法了,病句连篇,脱口而出,怎么习惯,怎么方便就怎么说和怎么写。

23、Oxytocin mediates the inhibition of lithium on the conditioned place preference induced by morphine in rats ─── 催产素介导氯化锂抑制吗啡诱导的大鼠条件性位置偏爱

24、Local file system A file system which mediates access to any devices local to the machine, all of which use native machine formats. ─── 一种可以调用本地所有驱动的文件系统。所有这种系统都使用。

25、It is noteworthy that selenium is an integral part of GSH peroxidase, the enzyme that mediates antioxidation by glutathione. ─── 值得注意的是,硒是谷胱甘肽过氧化酶整体运作的一部份,此酶经由谷胱甘肽来调节抗氧化作用。

26、It mediates Depression. ─── 它介导萧条。

27、One that arbitrates or mediates. ─── 公断人或调解人

28、Integrin is an important adhesion molecule that mediates cell-cell and cell-extracellar matrix adhesion and participates in the adhesion and migration of lens epithelial cells. ─── 摘要整合素是介导细胞与细胞间及细胞与细胞外基质相互作用的重要黏附分子,其可参与晶状体上皮细胞的黏附和移行。

29、Endogenous nitric oxide mediates lipoteichoic acid induced preconditioning on reoxygenation injury of cultured human coronary artery endothelial cells ─── 内源性一氧化氮介导脂质胞壁酸预适应对人冠脉内皮细胞再复氧损伤的作用

30、Internally the twist mediates between the different functions of the plan. ─── 在建筑内部,不同方向的倾斜屋顶将建筑不同功能的区域自然地贯通起来。

31、A substance or structure that mediates a specific response in a bodily tissue. ─── 介体作为身体组织之反应的介体的物质或构造

32、someone who mediates between speakers of different languages. ─── 在两个说不同语言的人之间进行翻译的人。

33、a substance or structure that mediates a specific response in a bodily tissue ─── 介体,作为身体组织之反应的介体的物质或构造

34、Latter mediates after the court, Yang Hong abolishes to the Nanjing Cities and areas Tax bureau's lawsuit, only sues the Jiangning area tax bureau. ─── 后经法院调解,杨鸿撤销对南京市地税局的诉讼,仅诉江宁区地税局。

35、The Nuclear Receptor Coactivator AIB1 Mediates Insulin-like Growth Factor I-induced Phenotypic Changes in Human Breast Cancer Cells. ─── 主要学术内容和意义:核受体辅激活子AIB1(乳腺癌中扩增)在人类乳腺癌细胞中通过雌激素信号过表达。

36、A part of the brain's limbic system that attaches emotional significance to information and mediates both defensive and aggressive behavior. ─── 大脑的边缘皮层的一部分,给信息和介导赋予情感意义,包括保护性行为和侵略性行为。

37、He prods when the discussion does not go deep enough, intervenes when it veers off track, and mediates when it turns combative. ─── 当讨论太过肤浅时,他会适时加以刺激;当讨论偏离轨道时,他会介入纠正;而当讨论趋于火爆时,也会居中协调。

38、Interactions between Coastal and Marine Ecosystems and Human Population Systems: Perspectives on How Consumption Mediates This Interaction ─── 沿海和海洋生态系统与人类人口系统间的相互作用:关于消费如何调解这种相互作用的看法

39、The People's Mediation Committee is a mass organization that mediates civil disputes under the guidance of the ground-level people's government and ground-level people's court. ─── 人民调解委员会是在基层人民政府和基层人民法院指导下,调解民间纠纷的群众性组织。 人民调解委员会依照法律规定,根据自愿原则进行调解。

40、Endogenous peroxynitrite mediates lipopolysaccharide-induced injury in cultured pulmonary artery endothelial cells ─── 内源性过氧亚硝基阴离子介导脂多糖导致肺动脉内皮细胞损伤

41、SNF-6 mediates the uptake of acetylcholine at neuromuscular junctions during periods of increased synaptic activity. ─── 此外,它还为一个新的乙酰胆碱/胆碱运输子编码。

42、Before the holding court, Sun threatened: The local police station mediates lets take 80 Yuan, I am not dry. ─── 开庭前孙某扬言:派出所调解让拿80元,我都不干。

43、BAI Hai-bo,DU Ji-zeng.Corticotropin releasing factor mediates lymphocyte prol i feration suppression induced by hypoxia stress [J].Chinese J Appl Phy siol,1995,11:201-204. ─── [2]白海波,杜继曾.促肾上腺皮质激素释放因子介导低氧应激抑制淋巴细胞转化的实验研究[J].中国应用生理学杂志,1995,11:201-204.

44、We therefore investigated whether hypercoagulability mediates a beneficial effect during de novo atherogenesis. ─── 因此我们研究了高凝在原位动脉粥样硬化形成中是否介导了有益的作用。

45、Looking from the cognition angle that, listens and reads is the language understanding and the information input ability, mediates writes expresses the thought, is the information output skill. ─── 从认知角度看,听和读是语言理解和信息输入能力,说和写是表达思想,是信息输出技能。

46、Cytosolic Free Clcium Fluctuation Mediates Phagocytosis in Mouse Macrophages[J]. ─── 引用该论文 林珏龙,陈耀文,谢仰民,李玫,朴仲贤,杨海伟.

47、2.Motivate systems and work performance influence relationship. And goal commitment as partially mediates the relationship between motivate systems and work performance. ─── 激励制度对工作绩效有显著正向影响关系,亦会透过目标承诺的部份中介效果来影响工作绩效。

48、Integrin is an important receptor of cellular adhesion molecules,which mediates the adhesion between cell and cell or cell and extracellular matrix. ─── 整合素是一类介导细胞与细胞外基质及细胞与细胞间黏附的细胞黏附分子受体。

49、Apoptosis inducing factor(AIF), whose gene lies in X chromosome, is likely an apoptogenic effector protein to mediates nuclear apoptosis directly. ─── 凋亡诱导因子 (apoptosis inducingfactor ,AIF)基因定位于X染色体上 ,其编码产物是一种可直接介导细胞核凋亡的效应分子 .

50、Controlled live dendritic cell vaccine mediates potent antitumor immune responses ─── 可控性树突状细胞活疫苗产生抗卵巢上皮性癌免疫应答的实验研究

51、It also mediates in consumer disputes, disseminates consumer information and advice and organises consumer education activities. ─── 消委会也排解消费方面的纠纷,为消费者提供资讯、解答查询,以及推行消费者教育活动等。

52、It also mediates heterotypic aggregation of activated platelets and cancer cells, as well as adhesion of cancer cells to stimulated endothelial cells. ─── 本文从肿瘤生物学角度综述了P-选凝素的表达和肿瘤相互关系的实验及临床研究。

53、student creative self-efficacy mediates the relationship between teacher creativity-supportive behavior and student creative thinking. ─── 学生创新自我效能感在教师创新支持行为和学生创造性思维间起到了中介作用。

54、Integrin is an important cellular adhesion molecule,which mediates many biologic actions such as cell-cell adhesion or cell-extracellular matrix adhesion. ─── 整合素是细胞表面重要的粘附分子,它在机体内具有重要的生物学作用。

55、The human race cannot slip out the state of the spread of a primitive animal by making it known because it mediates neither the language nor the character; ─── 没有语言和文字的中介,人类传播就不能摆脱原始的动物传播状态;

56、Thrombin stimulates HMC to produce ET 1 and ET 1 mediates the HMC proliferation. ─── 凝血酶刺激HMC产生ET?1,ET?1介导了HMC增生。

57、Endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene delivery mediates reduction in blood pressure in fructose-induced hypertensive rats ─── 内皮型一氧化氮合酶基因对果糖诱导高血压大鼠的降压效应

58、S-layer mediates adhesion of Aeromonas hydrophila to HEp-2 cells ─── S层介导嗜水气单胞菌粘附HEp-2细胞

59、The JDBC type system mediates the conversion between SQL Server data types and Java language types and objects. ─── 对SQL Server数据类型和Java语言类型以及对象之间的转换而言,JDBC类型系统可起到中介作用。

60、The ESB mediates between event producers and event consumers. ─── ES b介于事件生产者和事件使用者之间。

61、No evidence shows that M.tuberculosis has the plasmid,which mediates RFP resistance to M.tuberculosis. ─── 未发现结核分支杆菌含有质粒及由质粒介导的耐药机制。

62、E-cadherin, as a cell adhesion molecule containing high mannose type N-linked glycan, mediates homotypic cell adhesion. ─── E-钙粘蛋白作为含有高甘露糖型N-糖链的细胞粘附分子,介导着细胞间的嗜同性粘附。

63、Actinomyces phage R4 integrase Sre mediates site-specific recombination in Es cherichia coli ─── 放线菌噬菌体重组酶Sre在大肠杆菌内高效介导位点特异性重组

64、Methods According to the true content of the mixture of Olibanum Myrrha and Alumen,predict the Aluminum salt content of the inter mediates, then determine the inter mediates true content. ─── 方法根据乳没矾混合粉铝盐含量实际测定值,预测干颗粒的铝盐含量,再实际测定干颗粒铝盐含量,积累20批数据,找出最佳指标。

65、The mirror image suggests self-reflection, but in the absence of narcissism, because sign language mediates the action of self-reflection. ─── 图中的镜像表示自我反省,但是没涉及到自恋,因为符号语言调和了自我反省的力度。

66、APO-l/Fas and its Ligand Mediates the Apoptosis of Lymphocytes Induced by Superantigen SEB ─── APO-1/Fas及其配体介导超抗原SEB诱导的淋巴细胞凋亡

67、Mediates the subsumption of appearances under the category. ─── 促成后者被归摄在前者之下。

68、Mediates, what depending on is a good heart; ─── 做好人,靠的是一颗善良的心;

69、Protective Effect of Ligustrazine on Intestinal Microcirculation and Inflammatory Mediates of Acute Necrotizing Pancreatitis in Rats ─── 川芎嗪对大鼠急性坏死性胰腺炎微循环与炎症介质的影响

70、FOITZIK T,FAULHABER J,HUBERT G,et al.Endothelin mediates local and systemic disease sequelae in severe experimental pancreatitis[J].Pancreas,2001,22(3):248254. ─── 刘建生,张晓红,付极,等.急性胰腺炎时内皮素和一氧化氮变化及丹参治疗作用研究[J].医师进修杂志,2003,26(1):2122.

71、Delivery of Human Tissue Kallikrein Gene Mediates Reductions in Blood Pressure and the Levels of Plasma Insulin and Blood Glucose in Fructose-Induced Hypertensive Rats with Diabetes ─── 人组织型激肽释放酶基因降低果糖诱导高血压大鼠的血压并改善高胰岛素血症

72、Signal transduction pathway that mediates motilin- and gastrin-induced contraction of antral smooth muscle cells was investigated in rats. ─── 应用大鼠游离胃窦平滑肌细胞, 观察胃动素和胃泌素对胃窦平滑肌细胞收缩作用的胞内信号转导通路。

73、Activation of Sphingosine kinase-1 Mediates Inhibition of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Apoptosis by Hyperglycemia ─── 激活鞘氨醇激酶-1可间接抑制高血糖症者的血管平滑肌细胞凋亡

74、It mediates many calcium-regulated processes in cells. ─── 它可以调节许多细胞中和钙有关的化学反应。

75、Painting his own hometown has a direct reflection on his emotions, many works are done at midnight when he silently sits down by ocean in Loudong and mediates with ocean. ─── 画自己的故乡更能让他的情感直接投射,许多作品就是在夜阑人静时静坐于罗东海边听涛与海对话冥思的成果。

76、“In adults the process of talking aloud may become silent inner speech,” says Dr.Berger, “but because self-talk mediates between parts of the brain, it continues to be important. ─── “对成人而言,大声地说话的过程,也许会转成无声的自言自语,”柏格教授说,“但是,由于自我对话会协调大脑两个部分,这种技巧仍然很重要。”

77、He mediates between the two nations. ─── 他斡旋于两国之间。

78、The will is in person's consciousness can move the essential factor, is mediates the behavior the spiritual strength. ─── 意志是人的意识中的能动要素,是调解行为的精神力量。

79、The scalar meson sigma mediates the intermediate range nuclear force, and the vector mesons are important to understand the repulsion core of nuclear force. ─── 我提到一般介子是标量粒子,这句话引起误会,并不是我以为只存在标...

80、Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, a ligand-gated ion c hannels,mediates many important physiological processes.Chronic nicotine admini stration could desensitize nicotinic receptors. ─── 烟碱样受体属于配体门控性离子通道受体,参与调节体内许多生理过程。

81、The building mediates between metaphor and reality. ─── 新“艺术馆”是一座介于隐喻与现实的建筑。

82、Latter mediates after the court management, the both parties reach the following agreement voluntarily: Disposable compensates Ms. Jiang by the hospital each loss total 5000 Yuan. ─── 后经法院主持调解,双方当事人自愿达成如下协议:由医院一次性赔偿姜女士各项损失共计5000元。

83、N-cadherin mediates interaction among cells,it is an important role playing in the differentiation of cells. ─── N cadherin介导了细胞与细胞之间的相互作用 ,在体外间质细胞转化中发挥重要作用。

84、A connector is an abstract mechanism that mediates communication , coordination, or cooperation among components . ─── 一个连接器是对于组件之间的通讯、协调或者合作。

85、GPR40 also mediates responses to antidiabetic drugs like thiazolidinediones. ─── 此外,GPR40还能被噻唑烷二酮类药物活化。

86、it also mediates the effect between work experience and employees’ organizational citizenship behavior. ─── 心理契约的知觉在工作经验与员工组织公民行为间具有中介效果。

87、The analysis indicates that intrafirm knowledge sharing mediates the relationship between external knowledge acquisition and indigenous firm innovation. ─── 并指出:内部知识共享是外部知识获取促进自主创新能力提高的重要途径;

88、But drugs do more than provide the dopamine jolt that induces euphoria and mediates the initial reward and reinforcement. ─── 但药物不只会造成多巴胺的变动,来引发快感以及起初的报偿和强化作用。

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