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10-02 投稿


Maltese 发音

英:[?m??l?ti?z]  美:[?m??l?ti?z]

英:  美:

Maltese 中文意思翻译




Maltese 相似词语短语

1、malaise ─── n.不舒服;心神不安;n.(Malaise)人名;(德、瑞典)马莱塞

2、maltase ─── n.[生化]麦芽糖酶

3、malates ─── n.苹果酸盐;苹果酸酯

4、maltose ─── n.[有化]麦芽糖

5、mallee ─── n.(澳大利亚南部产)小桉树

6、Maltese ─── n.马耳他人;马耳他语;adj.马耳他的

7、maltiest ─── adj.喝醉了的;麦芽的;含麦芽的(malty的变形)

8、males ─── n.雄性(male的复数);壮丁;n.(Males)人名;(罗)马莱斯

9、malthene ─── n.软沥青质,马青烯

Maltese 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、American motion - picture producer whose works include Little Caesar(1930,The Maltese Falcon(1941,and Gunfight at the O.K.Corral(1957. ─── 沃利斯,约翰1616-1703英国数学家,对数学极限的概念作了符号表达,奠定了二项式定理和微积分的理论基础

2、The arrangement was that staff had a special canceller in the form of a cross (the “Maltese Cross”) and had to use a red ink to a specified formula. ─── 邮局职员使用特别的十字形销盖戳(马耳他十字戳),并且按规定使用红色油墨。

3、His Maltese father and English mother were keen to get out of the smog of London and start life afresh in a young country where there was plenty of work. ─── 他的父亲是马耳他人,母亲是英国人。他们迫切希望逃离伦敦的烟雾,来到了年轻且充满就业机会的国家澳大利亚,开始全新的生活。

4、"The Maltese are always respectful of people who are good at what they do and I think if we're respectful to them they always treat us very well. ─── “马耳他人总是令人尊敬,他们善于其事而他们也很尊重我们,他们招呼地我们很好。

5、Many Maltese avidly follow English football matches. ─── 许多马耳他人热衷于英式足球比赛。

6、Application of Maltese Mechanism for Concrete Block Conveyors ─── 槽轮机构在混凝土砌块输送机中的应用

7、A Maltese cat. ─── 马耳他猫

8、Through their selected poetry one may get a feeling of the social life of the Maltese people at that time. ─── 三、凡是具有生命力的诗歌,其作者一定是一个热爱生活、关爱人生的诗人。 马耳他的著名诗人如此,杜甫诗歌千年后仍然有如此的魅力,充分证明了这一点。

9、Maltese cross ─── n. 马尔他十字(形), [植]皱叶剪秋罗

10、By his own words Octuri was inspired by the existing superyacht "The Maltese Falcon. " ─── 用他的话说:Octuri的设计灵感来自于现存的“马耳他猎鹰”。

11、Maltese NA (descendants of ancient Carthaginians and Phoenicians, with strong elements of Italian and other Mediterranean stock) ─── 马尔他(古老迦太基人和腓尼基人后裔与意大利语和其它地中海血统)

12、The rest of the floor was hired by a very rich gentleman who was supposed to be a Sicilian or Maltese; ─── 这层楼上其它的房间都被一位非常有钱的绅士租去了,他大概是一个西西里人或马耳他人;

13、Maltese ware ─── 马尔他岛粗陶

14、A MAN had an Ass, and a Maltese Lapdog, a very great beauty. ─── 主人有一头驴子,整日关在栏里吃草。

15、The people of Malta are famous for being as warm and pleasant as the balmy Maltese weather, making Malta an ideal place to learn English. ─── 马耳他人以友善和快乐而闻名,加上马耳他温和的气候,是这里成了学习英语的理想地方。

16、P201 “Farther away, the University of Astrograde's Leedev looked like a Maltese cross: the sails that formed the four arms could apparently be tilted for steering purposes.” ─── 看下译文:“远一点的是宇宙城大学的列别捷夫号,看上去像十字形的马耳他岛国,形成四支长臂的太阳帆显然可以倾斜翘起,以便......

17、American motion-picture producer whose works include Little Caesar(1930),The Maltese Falcon(1941),and Gunfight at the O.K. Corral(1957). ─── 美国动画制片人,作品包含小凯撒(1930),马耳他猎鹰(1941),ok栏的决斗。

18、White dog shaker syndrome causes full body tremors in small, white dog breeds. It is most common in West Highland White Terriers, Maltese, Bichons, and Poodles. ─── 白犬摇床综合征导致整个身体振颤,见于小型白色犬种。最常见于西部高地白梗、马尔济斯犬、比雄犬和贵宾犬。

19、A man owned a Maltese dog and a donkey. ─── 有个人,养了一只玛耳太狗和一头驴子。

20、Rap and heavy metal music is freely available though more fiendish musical terroriser might even choose experimental jazz or Maltese folk music. ─── 敲击或者重金属音乐可以随意获得,虽然更利害的音乐恐吓者可能甚至选择试验爵士乐或者马耳他民乐。

21、The Maltese are fond of using the language of food to describe themselves.They will say their culture is, like their food, a mixture of all that's around them. ─── 马耳他人喜欢用食物来形容自己,他们觉得自己的文化与其食物一样,是一种大杂烩。

22、The Maltese Falcon - 1941 ─── 枭巢喋血战

23、English is the official language in Malta along with Maltese. ─── 英语和马耳他语是马耳他的官方语言。

24、"I must tell you that I have not come to any decided opinion respecting him, but I think him a Maltese." ─── “我只能告诉您,我对他还没有什么明确的看法。但我认为他可能是个马耳他人。”

25、The restaurant serves a delicious mix of Maltese and Mediteranean cuisine. ─── 按照客人的要求,酒店也提供半食宿和全食宿。

26、To them, the little Maltese girl was going off on her great journey into the next life, alone and a little frightened. ─── 对于马尔他岛上的人们来说,这个小女孩即将启程进入她的来生,在这漫长的旅程中她孤单一人,有些恐惧。

27、Stewed and stuffed dishes are a central feature of Maltese cuisine. ─── 炖菜和填充类菜肴是马耳他食物的主要特点。

28、Use the successful experience of Maltese for reference and develop island tourism in China ─── 借鉴马耳他的成功经验,发展我国海岛旅游业

29、The company is one of the oldest Maltese winemakers. ─── 该公司是马耳他最古老的葡萄酒制造商之一。

30、For all his diminutive size, the Maltese seems to be without fear. ─── 尽管马尔济斯犬体型极小,但却似乎不知道害怕。

31、Rounding out the top 10 of best-selling breeds are Maltese, Dachshunds, Chihuahuas, Yorkshire Terriers, Pomeranians, Shiba Inus, Shi Tzus, Beagles, and Siberian Huskies, in that order. ─── 排行榜前十名的品种接下来依次为:马尔他犬、腊肠犬、约克夏、博美犬、柴犬、米格鲁猎兔犬以及西伯利亚哈士奇。

32、This includes the following brindle factors: yellow, buckskin, tan, brown, chocolate, liver, orange, red, light or dark gray, blue or Maltese, dilute black, and black. ─── 包括以下的斑纹颜色:鹿色,棕色,褐色,巧克力色,肝色,橙色。红色,浅或深灰色蓝或马尔他色,淡黑色,黑色。

33、hes just as nice as can be . but hes . . well now hes a year old and hes a big maltese. ─── 别误会,它很可爱,也十分乖巧只不过,现在它一岁了,是一头成熟的摩天使。

34、Maltese language ─── 马耳他语

35、Language: Maltese and English are both official languages. ─── 语言:官方语言为英语和马耳他语。

36、The Hotel Phoenicia Malta has been at the heart of Maltese life for decades, the meeting place for all leading figures on the stage of European and Mediterranean affairs. ─── 马耳他腓尼基酒店在马耳他岛中心存在了几十年了,许多地中海或者欧洲的首脑都曾在此开会商谈事务。

37、The Maltese islands are situated in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea about 100 km South of Italy. ─── 马耳他群岛位于地中海中部,距意大利南部100 公里。

38、The Maltese Falcon ─── 马耳他之鹰(美国影片)

39、The Maltese Angel ─── 马尔他天使

40、Maltese lira is the currency of Malta. ─── 马耳他里拉(货币代码mtl)是马耳他的货币。

41、- - Home of a handsome maltese. ─── 靓仔摩天使o既屋企。

42、The vision of this company is to use its unique premium quality Maltese wines to place Malta firmly on the World Wine Map and be classified as one of the finest wine producers in the Mediterranean. ─── 该公司以其成功的葡萄酒酿造使马耳他在世界葡萄酒版图上占有重要一席,并被列为地中海地区酿酒的佼佼者。

43、I'm from Malta and I've read somewhere you have Maltese relatives. Is this so? ─── 我是马尔他人,我听说你也有亲戚在那边?

44、For all his diminutive size, the Maltese seems to be without fear. ─── 尽管马尔济斯犬体型极小,但却似乎不知道害怕。

45、Many lavish new buildings were erected and the Grandmaster Jean Parisot de la Vallette laid the foundation for a new fortress city, Valletta, which bore his name and became the Maltese capital. ─── 许多奢华的新建筑拔地而起,骑兵团团长Jean Parisot de la Vallette为将其建设成为一个新的要塞城市奠定了基础。新城市以他的名字命名,并成为马耳他的首都。)

46、It is far easier to envision a world without wolves than it is to imagine a world without Boston Terriers, Maltese, Yorkshire Terriers, Pomeranians, Shih Tzu’s or Pugs. ─── 这是容易得多,设想一种世界没有狼,这是比想象的世界,没有波士顿猎犬,马耳他,约克夏小猎犬, pomeranians ,石姿的或哈巴狗。

47、Maltese lace ─── 马尔他几何形梭结花边

48、"What are we to do, Maltese?" ─── “我们该怎么办呢,马耳他人?”

49、The rest of the floor was hired by a very rich gentleman who was supposed to be a Sicilian or maltese ─── 这层楼上其它的房间都被一位非常有钱的绅士租去了,他大概是一个西西里人或马耳他人

50、Maltese mechanism ─── 槽轮机构

51、Enrique Miguel Iglesias Preysler (born on May 8, 1975), better known as Enrique Iglesias , is a Spanish singer, songwriter, model, and actor. Iglesias also has Maltese citizenship. ─── 原来这个帅哥是西班牙人,有马耳他国籍。情歌王胡里奥和混血美女伊莎贝尔的小儿子。歌手,词作者,模特和演员四合一。

52、maltese cross mechanism ─── 马尔特机构

53、This is a unique resort designed to harmonise with the surrounding unspoilt Maltese countryside. ─── 这是一个独特的度假村,与周围未受破坏的马耳他农村十分协调。

54、Starch is not sweet, but many sugar products ofdesired sweetness and other functional properties are now industrially manufactured, such as dextrose,fructose, maltese, syrups of m... ─── 仍在进行中的科研工作多,其成果将更会改进工艺,促进新发展,具有光辉的前景。

55、Description: Maltese MiRu scratched for her Mom(my elder sister) to get her rewards. ─── 咪路为了奖赏而帮她妈妈(我姐姐)抓痒.

56、A bird flu emergency helpline set up by Malta's Rural Affairs Ministry is attracting 200 phone calls an hour as people report every dead bird they see, Maltese newspapers reported on Tuesday. ─── 马耳他农村事务部最近开通的一条禽流感热线显得异常繁忙,每小时竟然可以接到200个电话,人们将自己见到的每一起鸟类死亡情况都汇报给了该部门。

57、The Maltese are used to strange visitors invading their homeland. ─── 马耳他人已经习惯了陌生游客的蜂拥而至。

58、"I am," replied Dants, in bad italian, "a Maltese sailor ─── “我是,”唐太斯用蹩脚的意大利语回答说:“一个马耳他水手。

59、Actress Elizabeth Taylor with her pet Maltese dog, Daisy. ─── 伊丽莎白·泰勒的爱犬戴西从主人身上“遗传”了雍容华贵的气质。

60、Twilight falls on Gozo island off the Maltese coast. Malta enjoys a pleasant Mediterranean climate characterized by damp and cool winters and warm, dry summers. ─── 意译:气候的图片集。黄昏的来临在戈佐岛离开马耳他海岸。马耳他享有一个愉快的地中海气候的特点是潮湿的冬季凉爽和温暖,夏季干燥。

61、On the other hand I was probably protected as a child, my father has quite a different recollection of his early experiences, he found Australians to be quite racist, even to him as a Maltese. ─── 房间内没有任何标志物是因为,事实上那些可供你挑选的面谈发生在不同年代,可能是二十世纪二十年代、五十年代或是现在。而且,人们进行面谈的地点也不同。

62、I come home one day and here this tiny little white fluff ball, not a real dog but a Maltese. ─── 一天回到家里,我发现这头小小的白色毛球,不算是狗嘛摩天使,那种。

63、Next in popularity were the Yorkshire terrier, golden retriever, bulldog, French bulldog, Shih Tzu and Havanese. The 10th spot was shared by the Maltese and the pug. ─── 接下依序是约克夏犬、黄金猎犬、斗牛犬、法国斗牛犬、西施犬及哈瓦那犬,玛尔济斯及哈巴狗并列第10。

64、Maltese cross slide ─── 马尔他十字形视力测试幻灯片

65、Gelatinization temperature of Lotus Root Starch was determined with Maltese Cross Disappearance, Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Dynamic Rheometer with the following results: 65. ─── 对莲藕糊化温度的三种测定方法展开比较,得出偏光十字消失法测得莲藕淀粉的糊化温度为63。

66、Ms McKnight's sister, who breeds Maltese dogs, eventually gave her one and Scooter arrived a few months later. ─── 到后来,麦克奈特繁育马耳他狗类的姐姐送给她一只,又过了几个月,小摩托出生了。

67、maltese wheel ─── 马尔特十字花槽盘

68、Less Maltese crosses were observed under polarized-light microscopy,indicating the changes of crystalline structure. ─── 在偏光显微镜下观察到较少的偏光十字,表明淀粉的结晶结构发生了变化。

69、Maltese cat ─── 马耳他猫(一种蓝灰色家猫), n. 马耳他猫

70、Hope was taken in by Southern Comfort Maltese Rescue in Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA when she was six weeks old. ─── 这只名为“希望”的马耳他母狗在6周大时被美国田纳西州查塔努加南部马耳他救护中心所收养。

71、They will left her Maltese dog. ─── 他们会留下她的马耳他狗。

72、The British also left behind a strong educational system that offers native Maltese and foreign exchange students ample learning opportunities. ─── 英国还为这个国家留下了一个稳定的教育系统,为马耳他本地人和外国交流学生提供了充分的学习机会。

73、Maltese fever ─── 马尔他热

74、Photo Gallery: Climate Twilight falls on Gozo island off the Maltese coast. ─── 意译:气候的图片集。黄昏的来临在戈佐岛离开马耳他海岸。

75、I must tell you that I have not come to any decided opinion respecting him, but I think him a Maltese . ─── 我只能告诉您,我对他还没有什么明确的看法。但我认为他可能是个马耳他人。

76、I would like to buy Maltese puppy about 10 weeks old in Mid - July. ─── 我希望买一只8到12个星期大的纯种的马尔济斯幼犬做伴,小狗的父母不要有血缘关系。

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